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Lith. Anst E Reichhold, München


Micrococcus roseus. (Bumm.) Lehm. and Neum. (Diplococcus roseus Bumm.)

I. Gelatin stab culture, twenty days at room temperature.

II. Agar streak culture, thirty days at room temperature. The white reflex on the right side is not always so marked.

III. Agar stab culture, ten days at 22°. Stab canal. IV. Agar stab culture, ten days at 22°. Surface growth. V. Agar plate, twelve days at 22°. X 50. Above, a superficial; below, a deep colony.

VI. Agar plate, fourteen days at 22°. X 50. More delicate structure. Above, a superficial; below, deep colonies.

VII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. X 50. Superficial and deep colonies.

IX. Potato culture. A culture of the Diploc. roseus, grown upon a culture of anthrax; ten days at room temperature.

X. Potato culture, twenty days at room temperature. XIII. Microscopic preparation, from three-days'-old agar culture. 1000. The cocci are undergoing division.


Bacterium septicæmiæ hæmorrhagicæ. Hüppe. (Chicken Cholera, Rabbit Septicemia, etc.)

I. Gelatin stab culture, seven days at 22°.
II. Agar streak culture, seven days at 22°.
III. Agar plate, five days at 22°.

Natural size.

IV. Agar plate, five days at 22°. X 60. Superficial colony. Compare also Plate 14, vi; Plate 17, vi; Plate 18,


V. Agar plate, five days at 22°. X 60. Deep


VI. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. Natural size.
VII. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. × 90. Deep


VIII. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. X 90. Superficial colony. Compare also Plate 14, vi; Plate 17, 1; Plate 16, vIII; Plate 19, III, IV, VII.

IX. Microscopic preparation. X 1000. Pure culture from agar plate.

X. Single bacteria. Highly magnified. Schematic.

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