HOBART PASHA. Systems of Offense and Homer. By W. E. Gladstone, Notice of, Hueffer, F., his Troubadours, 520. Outlook, The, 97. Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, his Memoir of PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Failure of Universal Hunter, W. W., his Statistical Account of PARTON, JAMES. Antipathy to the Negro, Bengal, 339. India, The Native Army of, 132. International Obligations of the United Is the Reformer any longer needed? 237. Klein, J. L., his Geschichte des Drama's, LAWRENCE, WILLIAM BEACH. The Interna- 21. Lectures on the Assyrian Language nd Le Nabab. Par Alphonse Daudet, Notice Lindsey, Charles, his Rome in Canada, Literature, Contemporary, 157, 335, 509. Western Powers, 406. Mélusine. Par MM. Gaidoz et E. Rol- 164. Memorial and Biographical Sketches. By Musset, Alfred de, 288. Native Army of India, 132. 456. Perry, A. L., his Elements of Political PERRY, THOMAS SERGEANT. Alfred de Mus- Pessimism in the Nineteenth Century, 456. Poems and Ballads. By Algernon Charles POOR, HENRY V. Debtor and Creditor, 117. W. C. Bryant and S. H. Gay, Notice PORTER, D. D. Torpedo Warfare, 213. Publications Received, 177, 355, 529. Reumont, Alfred von, his Geschichte Tos- Rollin, H. J., his Studio, Field, and Gal- Rome in Canada. By Charles Lindsey, Royce, S., his Deterioration and Race Edu Sayce, A. H., his Assyrian Language and Senator's, A, Fidelity vindicated, 61. the United States, 359. Statistical Account of Bengal. By W. W. Naval Warfare, Systems of Offense and Stebbins, Emma, her Charlotte Cushman, Defense in, 375. Negro, Antipathy to the, 456. Origini del Teatro in Italia. Di Alessan 163. Studio, Field, and Gallery. By H. J. Rol- Suffrage, Universal, Failure of, 1. Systems of Offense and Defense in Naval Thornton, William Thomas, his Word for Boston, Mass., Gannett Institute FOR YOUNG LADIES. The 25th year will begin Wednesday, September 25, 1878. For Catalogues and Circular, apply to Rev. GEO. GANNETT, Principal, 69 Chester Square, Boston, Mass. to fit YOUNG MEN for HARVARD COLLEGE. Day and Family School, Number limited to twenty. None admitted under fourteen years of age. Satisfactory references given. JOSHUA Kendall, 123 Inman Street, Cambridgeport, Mass. Milnor Hall, GRAMMAR-SCHOOL OF KENYON COLLEGE, GAMBIER, OHIO. The scholars live under the immediate care of the Principal and his assistants. For Catalogue, apply to J. P. NELSON, C. E. and M. E., Principal. Pittsburgh Female College.-Elegant buildings, eight departments, twenty three teachers. Location central, healthful, and easily accessible. Thirteen teachers in the CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC connected with the College. Pupils can enter at any time. Charges less than at any school in the United States affording equal advantages and accommodations. Address Rev. I. C. PERSHING, D. D., Pittsburgh, Pa. -E. H. CAPEN, President. Entrance exami Tufts College (near Boston). nations June 20th and September 17th. Address, for Catalogues, CHAS. E. FAY, Secretary, College Hill, Mass. The Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College. -Best advantages in Literature, Science, Languages, Painting, Wood-Carving, and Music. Rev. DAVID H. MOORE, D. D., President. Waltham New-Church School. -A HOME SCHOOL for Boys and Girls, with parental care and thorough instruc tion, from Kindergarten to College. Special attention given to fitting for Harvard, by the "New Method." BENJ. WORCESTER, Principal, Waltham, Mass. RAIL ROAD BONDS. Whether you wish to Buy or Sell, write to HASSLER & CO., 7 WALL ST., NEW YORK. J. W. BOUTON'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. Shortly to be published: I. Origin, Progress, and Destiny, of the English Language and Literature. By JOHN A. WEISSE, M. D. 1 vol., 8vo. 700 pages. Cloth. Stanfield's Coast Scenery. II. Illustrated with 39 A Series of Views in the British Channel, from Original Drawings taken ex- A few copies, proofs on India paper, folio size, in portfolio. III. The Philosophy of Existence. The Reality and Romance of Histories. In Four Books. I. History of IV. The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries. With Chapters on the Ancient Fire and Serpent Worshipers, and Explanations of the Mystic Symbols represented in the Monuments and Talismans of the Primeval Philosophers. By HARGRAVE JENNINGS. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with about 300 Illustrations. V. FOURTH EDITION, WITH PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR. Isis Unveiled; A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology. J. W. BOUTON, 706 Broadway, New York,.. |