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An Alphabetical List of the Miracles performed by our Lord.

A Miracle is a supernatural operation performed alone by the power of God.

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Adam, state before the fall, 1.
After the fall, 2. Consequences
of the fall to him, 2. To his
posterity, 3. In what his sin
consisted, 2.

Adoption into the family of Christ,
11, 170.

Amen, meaning of, 98, 191.
Angels, communion with, 37, 85.
How they perform God's will,



Baptism, what it is, 6. Answers
to circumcision, 6. Arguments
for infant, 7. A sacrament, 8.
Ordained by Christ, 8.
the outward sign, 8. What the
inward grace, 9. Benefits of,
10. Promises made for us at,
19, 22. Why bound to keep
them, 23.

Baptized persons not all parta-
kers of inward grace, 9. Why
infants are, 10.

Birth, new, unto righteousness, 9.
Bishop, office of, 74.

Bread, what meant by, 180. Why
ask for it daily, 181. Spiritual
desired, 195.


Catechism, meaning of the word,
1. Compiled by the Refor.
mers, 1.

Children, of God, 11, 170. Sin
of parents visited on, instanced,
124. Duty of to parents, 137.
Duty of Parents to, 141.
Christ, what to be a member of,
10. Meaning of the title, 42.

Why applied to the Saviour, 42.
The only Son of God, 44.
Proofs of his divinity, 45, 46.
Spoken of as God, 46. Divine
attributes ascribed to, 47. Wor-
shipped as God, 48.
His resur-
rection foretold, 49. Typified,
49. Proofs of, 50. Uses of, 51.
His ascension foretold, 52. His
office in heaven, 53. Benefits
purchased by, 195.
Christian life, a life of faith, 18.
Church, meaning of the word,

70. Visible, and invisible, 71.
Why called Holy, 71. Why
called Catholic, 72. Order of
the Jewish, 72. Apostolic
model of, to be followed, 73,
78. Order of primitive, 77,
Of England, why a member of,
80. Duty respecting church of
England, 80.

Circumcision, answerable to bap-
tism, 6, 7.
Commandment, what 1st forbids,
113. How Christians break it,
115. What it requires, 116,
What 2d forbids, 120. What it
requires, 121. How enforced,
123. What 3d forbids, 126.
What it requires, 129. How
enforced, 130. What 4th re-
quires, 133. What 5th requires,
137. Promise annexed to it,
141. What 6th forbids, 143.
What it requires, 146. What
7th forbids, 148. What it re-
quires, 150.
What 8th forbids,
151. What it requires, 153,
What 9th forbids, 155. What
10th forbids, 158.

Communion, of saints, 83. With
- God through the Bible, 84.

When enjoyed, 85. Uses of
this article, 86.

Contentment, enforced, 158, 159,

Covetousness, instances of, 159.
Creation, account of, 33.


Deacon, office of, 75.
Dead raised, instances of, 95.
Death, the wages of sin, 88.
What it is, 91. Compared to
sleep, 91. Change on the body
by, 91. Everlasting, what it is,
Devil, bis names, 20. His works,
20. Prayer to be delivered
from his power, 188.
Doxology, 190.


Elect people, who they are, 102.
How known, 102.


Faith, nature of, 15. Illustrations
of, 16. Examples of, 16. Why
necessary for all, 17. How to
be obtained, 18. Signs of true,
18. How evidenced, 197.
Fall of man, proved from Scrip-
ture, 3, 35.
Forgiveness of sin, through
Christ, 88, 183. Assurance of
it, 89. Cannot be merited, 185.
Why to be daily asked, 183.
Forgiving temper required, 184.


Glory, degrees of, 96.

God, children of, 11. His will
where summed up, 23. What
it is, 176. How made known,
177. How to be done, 178.
Obedience to it required, 23.
Who he is, 26. Knowledge of

him necessary, 26, 116. His
attributes, 26--32, 114. Created
all things, 33. Only one, 99.
Illustration of his mercy, 14.
Displays of his power against
his enemies, 29. In behalf of
his people, 29. What meant
by his name, 125, 172. Rever.
ence of his word required, 129.
In what sense Our Futher, 169.
Love to him proved by obedi-
ence, 112. His help how to be
obtained, 189.

Grace, meaning of special, 163.
Given in answer to prayer, 24.
Kingdom of, 174.

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Idolatry, origin of, 114. For-

bidden, 120. God's abhorrence
of, shewn, 123. Covetousness,
why called, 158.


Jesus, meaning of the name, 34.
How he redeemed us, 36, 99.
Took our nature, 36, 84. His
life, sufferings, and death, 37-39.
Proofs of his death, 39. Why
he suffered, 40, 89. His burial,
40. His descent into hell, 41.
Will be our judge, 57. His
second coming described, 56.
Types of, 88.

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