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Advocate of Peace





Titles appearing in italics refer to editorials.

The accumulating tragedies of Ireland, 285
Achievements on the way, 3

The agreement on Yap, 29-30
Aircraft carriers, Limit upon, 25

Allen, Stephen Haley, Can its fundamental
immorality be eliminated from interna-
tional law? 65-68

Allied war debts, 330

Alsace and Lorraine, Past, present, and
future of, 273-275

America, The path of-Vice-President Cal-
vin Coolidge, 90-93

American Congressmen attend the Twen-

tieth Conference of the Interparliamen-
tary Union, Vienna, Arthur Deerin Call,

American foreign policy looking up, 4
American Group, Interparliamentary Union,
Nineteenth Annual Meeting, 104-110
Americanism, The menace of, 410-411
American Peace Society, 2

Ninety-fourth Annual Report of the
Directors, 209

Report of the President, 210-211
Report of the Secretary, 212-215
Report of the Treasurer,, 215-216
Constitution and By-laws, 216-218
Addresses at banquet in honor of
Ninety-fourth Annual Meeting, 219-

[blocks in formation]

Bergson, Professor, 208

A bill of duties, 46

The blush of patriotism, 129

The bonus still on deck, 395-398
Book Reviews:

Behind the Morrors, 280
Bradford, Gamaliel, American Por-
traits, 240

British Year Book of International
Law, 1920-21, 1921-22, 160
Bullard, Arthur, The A, B, C's of Dis-
armament and the Pacific Prob-
lem, 120

Coyle, Albert,

Crowell, Benedict. How America Went
to War. 80

Davis, Malcolm W., In collaboration
with a burglar, In the Clutch of
Circumstance, 240

Ingalls, Walter Renton, Wealth and
Income of the American People,

Korff, Baron S. A., Russia's Foreign
Relations During the Last Half
Century, 160

Andrew Cunningham,
Steps in the Development of Ameri-
can Democracy, 120

Lauck, W. Jett, and Claude S. Watts,
The Industrial Code, 280

The churches grapple the home racial prob-
lem, 157-158
Church Peace Union, 441
Civil war in China, 191-192
Colored troops, 244-245
Comparison of conference projects and re-
sults, 49

The conduct of Our foreign relations,
Charles E. Hughes, 252-256
The Conference at Genoa, 163-165;
189; 204

Marvin, F. S., edited by, The Evo- The Conference closes, 49
lution of World Peace, 160
Miliukov, Paul N., Russia Today and
Tomorrow, 444

Nicolai, Dr. G. F., The Biology of
War, 80

Nock, Albert Jay, The Myth of a
Guilty Nation, 200

Ralston. Jackson H.. Democracy's
International Law, 403


The Conference nears its end, 8
Conference on the Limitation of Armament,
3, 8, 49-59; 84-86; 151-152; 408, 439
The work of the Washington Confer-
ence, Theodore E. Burton, 348-349
Conferences or Leagues, 5

The Congress of the Institute of Interna-
tional Law, Dr. Hans Wehberg, 379-380
Closed, 328

Reinsch, Paul S., An American Dip- Constitution and By-laws, 216-218
lomat in China, 200

Rowell, Newton W., The British Em.
pire and World Peace, 320
Schaick, John van, The Little Corner
Never Conquered, 443

The Constitutional Régime in Greece,
Joannes Gennadius, 258-260

Coolidge, Calvin, The path of America, 90-

Costs of our army on the Rhine, 128
Smith, Fred B., On the Train of the Cressen, Dr. W. P., "The Holy Alliance,"
Peacemakers, 364

Stowell, Ellery C.,

Intervention in

[blocks in formation]

Brazil. 413

The bright spot in the Hague Conference,

The British election, 399, 401



The debt and reparation labyrinth, 310-312
Debts, reparations and the average man,
Debts: 330, 363

The problem of allied debts, 234-236
Debts, reparations and the average
man, 283-285: Foreign obligations
to the U. S., 368
A defense of soviet Russia's budget, 112-114
Diplomatic language, 116, 208
Disarmament impossible, 45-46
Disarmament, Select list of references on,
The Soviet Disarmament Conference, 427-
Discouragements at The Hague, 266-268
Donk, Dr. De Jonk Van Beek En-The new
Swiss-German treaty of arbitration and
conciliation, 101-102


The duty of heart-searching by those who
warred, Very Rev. W. R. Inge, 295-297

Egypt, 117, 239

The British election, Before and after, 430- The enfeebled Genoa Conference, 110-111


Budgets for land armament, 440
Burton, Theodore E., The work of the Wash-
ington Conference, 348-349

A by-product of war in Hellas, 411-412


Europe, 408

Call, Arthur Deerin, American Congress-
men attend the Twentieth Conference of
the Interparliamentary Union, Vienna, The

Can its fundamental immorality be elimi-
nated from international law? Stephen
Haley Allen, 65-68

Can the United States help Europe? 323-324
A Cause of the world unrest, 243-244
Evidence on Condi- Causey, Col. W. B., Austria, 377-379
tions in Ireland, SO
Cavert, Samuel McCrea, An appeal to Chris-
Cresson, W. P., The Holy Alliance, tians for starving Russia. 37
The Central American Conference, 372
Address of Charles E. Hughes, 413-
Address of Senor Don Francisco
Sanchez Latour, Minister of Guate-
mala, 414
Address of Senor Dr. Don Francisco
Martinez Suarez, El Salvador, 415
Address of Senor Dr. Don Alberto
Coles, Honduras, 415-417
Address of Senor Don Emiliano Cha-
morro, Minister of Nicaragua, 417
Address of Senor Don Jose Andras
Coronado, Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs of Costa Rica, 418

[blocks in formation]

Europe's hesitant steps, 39-40
The European illness, 367-368
Europe's poisonous remedies, 369-370
Europeans fail to understand, 370-

Can the United States help Europe?

As to the European hatred of Ameri-
cans, 325
excitement of Irish peace, 37-39


Far East, 25-29, 59-65

Signs and portents in the Far East,
Japan and the Russian Far East,
Fargniers, France, 196
Fascisti, 402, 403
Federal Convention, 1787, 83-84
Federal Council of Churches, 277
Fifth International Conference of American
States, Program of, 434-435
The Fifth Pan American Conference, 159
The Finale at Genon, 233-234
Finch, George A.. The revision of the repa.
ration clauses of the Treaty of Versailles
and the cancellation of inter-allied in-
debtedness, 418-426

Foreign policies in the Western Hemisphere,

Foreign policy, Our administration and, 436-

Foundations of our faith, The, 123-124
Four Power Pacific Treaty, 127
France, Our criticism of. 6
Free to all members, 83-84
French debt, 7

French insistance, 328
The fruition of good will, 127

[blocks in formation]



The new Swiss-German treaty of arbi-
tration and conciliation, Dr. De
Jonk Van Beek En Donk, 101
Inside Germany, 271-272
German property and the Underwood
bill, 308-309

What Germany has paid, 327
Goethe, In behalf of, 372

The German moratorium, 428-430

Gordon-Smith, Gordon, 221-222

Balkan problems and their solution,

The "Little Entente," its genesis and
its aims, .170-175

The question of the Adriatic, 226-233
M. P. M. Mattheef and Mr. Gordon
Gordon-Smith clash, 360-362

A government ruling of importance to our
donors, 326
Governed world, A, 42. 82, 122, 162, 202,
242, 282, 322, 366, 406
Moving toward


governed world,
Leo Pasvolsky, 380-385
Grants of land by the United States to our
soldiers of past wars, Lura E. Headle, 176-

[blocks in formation]


Is the United States to blame? 287-


Can its fundamental immorality be Munitions:
eliminated from international law?
Stephen Haley Allen, 65-68
The Congress of the Institute of In- The mystery war in China, 166
ternational Law, 379-380
International Peace eventually, why not
now? Theodore Stanfield, 261-262
Interparliamentary Union, Nineteenth An-
nual Meeting of the American Group, 104-
110; 130-131
The Twentieth Conference of the In-
terparliamentary Union, 205


Irish Free State, 7;

Excitement of Irish Peace, 37-39;
Ireland- and other troubles, 155-156;

The accumulating tragedies of Ire-
land, 285:

Ireland's bloody path, 269

Is the United States to blame? 287-288
William II punishable? Dr. Heinrici:
Kanner, 298-301


[blocks in formation]

National Education Association, 316
Naval question, 9, 50
Naval vessels as hulks for salvage, 47-48
Navies, Relative strength of, 276
Near East :


Some fallacies in respect to Near
Eastern affairs, 137-143
Seeking daylight in the Near East,

The Near East's threatened disaster,

The Near East Conference at Lau-
sanne, 401-402

new Swiss-German treaty of arbitra-
tion and conciliation, Dr. De Jonk Van
Beek En Donk, 101-102

Ninety-fourth Anniversary, the annual din

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O'Brien, Frank M., 268-269

O'Dare, David D., The open door, 262-266
of importance to our donors, a Government
ruling, 326

Oil: Legal developments in the Mexican oil
situation, 73-76

One more Franco-German crisis passed, 237
The open door, David D. O'Dare. 262-266
Other realities at our Christmastide, 407-

Kanner, Dr. Heinrich, Is William II pun- Our criticism of France, 6

ishable? 298-301

Kawakami, Lamu Beneficent results in
Japan of the Washington Conference, 302-
Kiao-Chow, 412


La Follette, 206
Land armament budgets, 440
Lausanne: 407

Near East Conference at Lausanne,

The surprises at Lausanne, 426-427
League of Nations, 86-87: 288-289
League of Nations Association in Japan, 118
Lecturers Conference on public opinion and
world peace. 402

Legal developments in the Mexican oil situ-
ation, 73-76

Light and more light from Mr. Lloyd-George
and all others, 286

A legitimate secrice to the wounded sol-
diers, 165-166

Leon, Maurice. Misstatements of Lord Lee
regarding article by Commander Castex
and French submarine policy, 93-95
Letter box, 79, 198-199, 239, 278-279, 318-

319, 441-442

Limitation of Courts, Jackson H. Ralston,


The "Little Entente," its genesis and its
aims, Gordon Gordon-Smith, 170-175
Lloyd-George :

The Genoa Conference and Britain's
part. 131-137

Lloyd-George and Poincare on
as Genoa nears, 152-154


Our administration and foreign policy, 436-

Our Treaty navy, Capt. E. W. Scott, 180-



Palestine for the Palestinians? 245-246
Pan-American Conference. The Fifth, 159
The Pan-Pacific Conference, 276
Past, present, and future of Alsace and Lor-
raine, 273-275

Pasvolsky, Leo, Moving toward a governed
world, 380-385

The path of America, 90-93, Vice President
Calvin Coolidge
Peace Congress :

The Twenty-second International
Peace workers in war times, 114-116
Peace Congress, 206-207, 391-394
Permanent Court of International Justice,
44-45, 194, 288-289

The United States and the Permanent
Court of International Justice, 246-

The Permanent Court of Interna-
tional Justice at work, 386-390
Persisting wickedness, The, 86-87
Permanent Court of Arbitration, 329
The plot thickens, 125-126
President proclaims embargo on arms to
China, 111-112

A prize editorial, 268-269

A problem of Allied debts, 234-236
Processional for the peace year, 1921, Edna
Logan Hummel, 266

Light and more light from Mr. Lloyd. Program of the fifth international confer-

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