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Twenty years ago the total of fatal accidents among passengers, employes and other persons was 1,091 and the total of non-fatal accidents was 4,627. These figures indicate a wonderful change not only as to the number of fatal and non-fatal accidents, but as to the percentage of increase.


While there are 166 steam railroad corporations in Pennsylvania that make operating reports to this office, and 157 steam railroad corporations whose lines are operated by other corporations which also make report to this office, there are comparatively few which may be denominated trunk lines. The consolidation of the data showing the capitalization, operations, tonnage, etc., during the year, in order that the conditions of these leading corporations may be readily compared with each other, will be found to be fraught with much interest. From these greater corporations, we have selected the following: The Baltimore and Ohio, the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, the Erie, the Lake Shore and Michigau Southern, the Lehigh Valley, the New York Central and Hudson River, the Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Company, the Philadelphia and Reading and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis.

Baltimore and Ohio.

This company now has an outstanding stock capitalization of $194,781,354; a funded indebtedness of $256,566,430; current liabilities of $22,899,279, or a total capitalization of $474,247,063. Five years ago the total capitalization was $335,634,099, showing an increase in five years of $138,612,964.

Its assets are reported as follows: Cost of road $328,459,256; cost of equipment $49,897,262; stocks and bonds owned $50,721,920; cash and current assets $47,204,941; other assets $13,787,328, or a total of assets amounting to $490,070,707.

This company owns and operates lines of railways whose total mileage is 4,029.93, of which 655.68 miles are in Pennsylvania.

It has in its passenger and freight service 1,901 locomotives; 1,125 passenger cars; 80,804 cars in freight service, and 3,555 cars in the company's service, making the total number of cars owned 85,484.

The number of its employes is 55,554, and the total yearly compensation paid them is $33,045,157. Five years ago the total number of employes was 37,788 and the total compensation paid then was $19,180,939, showing an increase in the number of employes of 17,766, about 47 per cent., and an increase in the amount of compensation of $13,864,216, about 72 per cent.

This road has carried in the last year 16,145,306 passengers, an equivalent of carrying 682,972,139 persons one mile, and the average distance of the haul of its passengers was 42 miles.

The total passenger revenue for the year was $13,701,698; the average amount received from each passenger 84.8 cents; the average receipts per passenger per mile 2.006 cents, and the passenger earnings per mile of road $3,400.

This great corporation has carried during the year 55,335,102 tons of freight, classified as follows; Products of agriculture 3,106,114 tons; products of animals 784,522 tons; products of mines 35,338,063 tons; products of forests 3,084,782 tons; products of manufactories 9,368,605 tons; merchandise 584,483 tons and miscellaneous shipments 3,068,533 tons.

The total freight revenue for the year was $60,002,204; the aver age amount received for each ton of freight $1.08; the average re ceipts per ton per mile .56 of a cent, while the freight earnings per mile of road amount to $14,889.

The total passenger earnings and revenue for the fiscal year covered by this report were $17,029,389; the total freight earnings $60,362,667; other earnings from operation $45,812, or a total of gross earnings from operation of $77,437,868. The income from other sources, including interest on bonds, dividends on stock, etc., was $3,466,372, making the total earnings and income for the year $80, 904,240. Five years ago the total earnings and income of this corporation were $47,971,224.

The expenses during the year amounted to $49,803,916, divided as follows: For maintenance of way and structures $9,271,536; for maintenance of equipment $12,352,287; for conducting transportation $26,444,562; general expenses $1,735,531.

Other expenses during the year which were properly deductions from income were $16,036,024, making the grand total of expenditures $65,839,940. Five years ago the total amount of expenditures was $43,282,239.

This year this company paid in dividends $6,137,402, leaving a surplus for the year of $8,926,898. Five years ago dividends were paid amounting to $3,300,000, leaving a surplus for the year ending June 30, 1901, of $1,388,985.

In the operation of the road this year there have been 7 passengers killed and 241 injured; 204 employes killed and 2,801 injured; 188 other persons killed and 326 injured, or a total of 399 killed and


3,368 injured. Five years ago as a result of operations on this road there were 370 killed and 2,509 injured.

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.

Twenty-six million two hundred thousand dollars represents the capital stock outstanding of this corporation; $3,067,000 the funded indebtedness; $7,905,938 the current liabilities, making the total capitalization $37,122,938.

The assets for the year amounted to $61,950,343, made up as follows: Cost of road $18,407,911; cost of equipment $8,019,201; stocks and bonds owned $15,884,852; cash and current assets $13,404,065; other assets $6,234,314.

The mileage owned and operated by this company is 816.39, of which 214.90 miles are in Pennsylvania.

Its equipment consists of 666 locomotives; 790 passenger cars; 24,560 freight cars; 941 cars in the company's service, or a total number of cars in service of 26,291.

The number of employes for the year was 20,167 and the total compensation paid them $11,503,806.

The number of passengers carried was 20,518,948, an equivalent of carrying 408,604,410 passengers one mile, and the average dis tance carried was 20 miles.

The total passenger revenue was $5,861,529; the average amount received from each passenger 28 cents; the average receipts per passenger per mile 1.435 cents, and the passenger earnings per mile of road $9,261.

Of the tonnage carried during the year, 1,996,286 tons were pro ducts of agriculture; 338,011 tons were products of animals; 11,518, 037 tons products of mines; 823,272 tons products of forests; 1,969,454 tons products of manufactories; 944,884 tons of merchandise, and 745,243 tons of miscellaneous shipments. The total amount of freight carried was 18,335,187 tons. This is an equivalent of carrying 3,048,363,617 tons one mile, an average distance haul of 166 miles for each ton.

The total freight revenue for the year was $22,393,075; the average receipts per ton per mile .735 of a cent; freight earnings per mile of road $27,441.

The passenger earnings and revenue for the year were $7,560,502; the freight earnings $22,402,371; other earnings $317,860, making the total gross earnings from operation $30,280,734.

The income from other sources was $3,508,791, making the total earnings and income for the year covered by this report $33,789,525. The expenses for the year were as follows: Maintenance of way and structures $5,043,695; maintenance of equipment $2,987,291; conducting transportation $8,855,722; general expenses $474,793, making the total operating expenses $17,361,502, from which it appears that the operating expenses were 57.34 per cent. of the receipts from operation.

Other expenses not properly chargeable to operation, amount to $11,814,523, making the total expenditures for the year $29,176,025.

A 20 per cent. dividends, amounting to $5, 240,000 was paid leaving a deficit from the year's operation of $626,500.

As a result of the operations of the road for the year ending June 30, 1906, there were 3 passengers killed and 84 injured; 42 employes killed and 366 injured; 83 other persons killed and 74 injured, or a total of 128 persons killed and 524 injured. Last year there were 111 killed and 417 injured.


This company reports a capitalization of $176,271,300; a funded indebtedness of $210,035,413; other liabilities $14,117,566, or a total capitalization amounting to $400,424,279. Five years ago the total capitalization of this corporation was $353,705,441.

Under the head of assets this year's report shows cost of road and equipment $358,813,318; stocks and bonds owned $24,073,015; cash and current assets $11,642,179; other assets $17,875,229, or a total amount of assets of $412,403,741. Five years ago the total amount reported in the way of assets was $359,983,471.

The mileage reported this year is 1,881.37, of which 505.30 miles are within the limits of Pennsylvania.

The equipment of this road consists of 1,364 locomotives; 996 passenger cars, 52,017 freight cars, and 1,497 cars in the company's service, or a total number of cars in service of 54,510. Five years ago this company reported 1,040 locomotives and 50,532 cars in the service.

Thirty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-four persons were em ployed during the year, to whom a compensation was paid amounting to $18,918,220. Five years ago the company reported 27,182 employes and a total compensation paid of $14,623,841.

This road carried during the year 22,277,405 passengers, an equivalent of having carried 554,024,603 passengers one mile. The average haul per passenger was 25 miles and the total passenger rev enue was $8,220,342; the average receipts per passenger per mile 1.484 cents, and the passenger earnings per mile of road $5,193.10.

Of the freight carried 2,023,812 tons were products of agriculture; 539,419 tons were products of animals; 19,886,122 tons were products of mines; 1,345,974 tons were products of forests; 4,436,451 tons products of manufactories; 2,701,955 tons of merchandise, and 4,500,801 tons of miscellaneous shipments. The total number of tons carried was 35,434,584. Five years ago this company carried 24,817,112 tons of freight, an increase in five years of 10,617,472.

The total freight revenue received this year was $32,277,690; the average amount received for each ton of freight 91 cents; the average receipts per ton per mile .621 of a cent, and the freight earnings per mile of road $17,283.

The passenger earnings and revenue of this road amounted to $9,770,177; the freight earnings and revenue $32,514,974; other earnings from operation $3,388,595, or a total earnings from operation of $45,673,746.

The income from other sources including interest on bonds, dividends on stock, etc., was $2,087,225, or a total earnings and income of $47,760,971. Five years ago the total earnings and income amounted to $36,848,323.

In the way of expenses, the Erie Railroad during the year has paid out for maintenance of way and structures $4,182,505; for maintenance of equipment $8,284,265; for conducting transportation $17, 711,688; for general expenses $1,009,573, or total operating expenses of $31,188,031, from which it appears that the per centage of oper ating expenses to earnings is 68.28.

Other expenses have been incurred amounting to $13,483,269, making the total expenses of the Erie Railroad Company for the year ending June 30, 1906, $44,671,300. Five years ago the total expenditures were $34,025,167, and no dividends were paid. This year the company was enabled to pay a four per cent. dividend on its preferred stock, amounting to $2,555,696, leaving a surplus from the operations for the year of $533,975.

The accidents reported for the year are as follows: Three passen gers killed, 59 injured; 91 employes killed, 1,367 injured; 144 other persons killed, 164 injured, or a total of 238 persons killed and 1,590 injured. Last year there were 214 killed and 2,520 injured.

Lake Shore and Michigan Southern.

The capital stock of this road has remained at $50,000,000 for years. The funded indebtedness this year is $119,756,000; the current liabilities $11,025,169, or a total capitalization of $180,781,169.

The report shows that there has been no change in the cost of road and equipment for several years, this amount remaining at $84,000,000. Stocks and bonds owned are reported as $80,172,188; cash and current assets $27,671,455; other assets $6,032,087, or grand total of assets of $197,875,730.

Its mileage owned and operated is 1,520.35, of which 102.49 miles are within the limits of Pennsylvania.

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