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Never comes to its highest. ills its mission. Never reaches Loom and beauty and fragrance ne possibilities. When life blosright recognition of the Father d expresses itself in gratitude, obedience, service, will He deis children and be glad that His ove is not lost.

Father and Child


HEN the baby girl was a little over two years old, the mother was going out in town on a shopping trip one day, and left the father in charge of the three children. He was particularly cautioned not to leave them or let them out of his sight. Of course he promised, for that is a way fathers have of doing. But no sooner was the mother gone than he thought of some very important matters that called him to the study. He thought the children could play about the house and in the yard in all safety without his presence or attention. So he left them and went upstairs to his room. He had not been there long when he heard a commotion below. Something had happened among the children. Evidently some one was hurt, for there was crying. Presently he heard the noise of little feet upon the stairs, accompanied by the sobbing of a baby voice. When he entered his study a while before, he locked the door as a pre

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caution against any possible emergency. So when he heard the door-knob rattling he remained quiet, for he was busy and did not care to be disturbed.

He could hear that voice in sobs. He knew the tears were falling. But the door refused to open, and he heard next this plaintive plea, "Papa, I want in." Still he made no response. Then the baby cried out of its hurt heart, "Papa, I want up on your lap." Whereupon that father surrendered. For a lifetime leapt before him in a single moment. He saw the baby grow to womanhood and go away from him and his home. By the magic of time he was swept on into the years when he would gladly give all the world to have the baby with him again, crying to climb into his lap, but knowing it could never be. His heart was melted. His senses were stirred. Quickly he opened the door. He lifted the child to his breast, her arms went round his neck, and her head fell in contentment upon his shoulder. He sat down and looked with all the longing of love upon that tear-stained face until the eyes closed and the child slept-all her troubles gone.


Then that father mused, and said: "Does our Heavenly Father ever shut us out? Is He ever too busy to hear our complaints? Does our oft-coming bother Him? Will He ever refuse admission when we come?" No, He never will! He is always ready to receive us when we come, and sorry we did not come sooner. It does not annoy Him. Whatever troubles have touched us, we can go to Him and be sure of a welcome to open arms. The door stands wide. The Father's kiss awaits us. He will smooth out our cares and give us rest. The Father will never shut us out. He hears the voice of our cry, and will deliver us.

I know what mother's face is like,
Although I can not see;

It's like the music of a bell,
It's like the way the roses smell-
It's like the secrets fairies tell-
All these it's like to me.

I know what father's face is like,
I'm sure I know it all;
It's like his step upon the stair,

It's like his whistle on the air,

It's like his arms that take such care,
And never let me fall.


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