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Loam, redooced, ii. 151
Lobster, i. 111, 255
Locarno, ii. 247




Logic and consistency, ii. 404
Logomachy, King, i. 351
Logsdail, William, ii. 303, 342
Lombardo, ii. 300

London Bridge, i. 142, ii. 376

London School Board, and Miss Helen
Taylor, i. 401

and Miss Savage, i. 443

and an old Italian Member of Parlia-

ment, ii. 299

London University, ii. 293
Long Reach Tavern, ii. 13

Longmans, Green & Co., Butler and, i. 294
and Dr. Butler's Geography, ii. 50, 276
and The Authoress, ii. 276, 304
and the Sonnets book, ii. 305
and Erewhon Revisited, ii. 339

and a new edition of Ex Voto, ii. 377
Lonsdale, John (Bp. of Lichfiela), ii. 255
"Lord, The, is King
"i. 433

Lord's Prayer, Butler and the, ii. 5

Jullien and the, ii. 92-3

Lorne, Marquis of, in Queen Victoria's
Journal, i. 429

Lotto, Lorenzo, i. 128, ii. 67

Louvre, The, and the Bellini heads, ii. 27,
30 foll.

Love, Butler not in, i. 96
Lovere, ii. 58

Loving and Hating, Butler on, in a letter
to E. J. Jones, i. 431

Lowe, Mrs., and Miss Savage, i. 271, 315
and whist, i. 328

and Patience, i. 338

her action at law, i. 424-5

Lowood, ii. 253

Lucas, E. V., Life of Charles Lamb, i. 11

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"Lucubratio Ebria," i. xxii, xxvii, 233
Lucy, Wordsworth's, i. 330-31, ii. 65, 66,

Ludgate Hill, ii. 355
Lugano, ii. 247

Luino, ii. 60, 247

Lumachi, ii. 189

Lunacy and Crime, ii. 424

Lyell, Sir Charles, i. 316

Lying. See Savage, Miss E. M. A.
Lynn, i. 83

Lyons, ii. 128

Lyttelton, i. 75, 105

Lytton, Lord, and Erewhon, i. 155, 190
and H. F. Jones, ii. 360-61

Mabillon, L'Abbé, quoted, ii. 62
MacCarthy, Desmond, i. xii

article on Butler in the Quarterly Review,
i. xxviii

on the exploring quality of Butler's
humour, ii. 74-5

and Butler at Saas Fée, ii. 99
at the Erewhon dinners, ii. 417, 424,
428, 430

on Butler's religion, ii. 430
MacCarthy, Mrs., and The Way of All
Flesh, ii. 99

MacColl, Norman, and The Athenaeum, ii.

and Butler's theory about "La Danse,"
ii. 48-9

Butler and, at the British Museum, ii.

M'Cormick, Canon Joseph, on Butler, i.

his bazaar, i. 191

and Miss Savage, i. 400-401

and The Way of All Flesh, ii. 8, 286,

at the second Erewhon dinner, ii. 419
M'Culloch, G., i. 141, 200, 249
"M'Dermott, Mr.," i. 400-401
Macfarren, Sir George, and Handel, i.

and Palestrina, ii. 164
Machiavellian Discourses upon the First
Decade of Livy, i. 78

McMillan and Mesopotamia, ii. 104
Macmillan & Co., Butler's letter to, as
publishers of Nature, i. 350, ii. 459
and this Memoir, ii. 435

Macmillan's Magazine, i. 126
"Madame," Butler and, ii. 128 foll.
Madame Angot, i. 232

Madeira described by James Butler, i. 5

Madingley, i. 83

Madras, i. 6

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Magdalen College, Oxford, i. 121
Mahdi, ii. 300

Maida Vale, ii. 403, 412, 413
Maidstone, i. 333

Maitland, F. W., Life of Leslie Stephen,
quoted, i. 209

Maitland, Miss (The Way of All Flesh), i.
60-61, 398, ii. 363

Malabar opera, i. 6

Malden, Mr. Arthur, ii. 244

Malins, Vice-Chancellor, and mice, i.

Mallock, Mr. W. H., ii. 370

Malone, Edmond, ii. 316 and note, 318-19
Malta, ii. 327

Mammon of Righteousness, Miss Savage
and the, i. 345, 369, ii. 34, 206
Man and Wife, ii. 391
Man-Milliner, ii. 86
"Manchester's the place for me," i. 306
Manning, Thomas, Lamb to, on the
Adventures of Ulysses, ii. 231

Maori, Butler taken for a, i. 77, 152
story of soldiers at a shilling apiece, i.

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Meien, ii. 236, 250

Meiklejohn, Mr., i. 247

Melanthius, ii. 149

Melchisedec, Butler on, i. 367

Memory, and mistakes, i. 432-3
Butler's, ii. 26
Memphis, ii. 388, 390
Mendel, and Bateson, i. 318
and Butler, ii. 97

Mendelejeff's Law, ii. 44

Mendelssohn, and the Taylors, i. 27-8
his Songs Without Words, i. 50
and Ernest, i. 51

and the Devil's Bridge, i. 281
Butler on his Elijah, i. 295

John Worsley on, ii. 35

in "Ramblings in Cheapside," ii. 101
Rockstro under, ii. 126
Mendrisio, i. 239, 250, 306
Mentone, i. 185, 189, ii. 4, 5

Meo, Gaetano, Butler and, i. 135-6, 147
and Mrs. X, ii. 367

at Butler's funeral, ii. 400

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Meo, Luigi, i. 135-6
Meole Brace, near Shrewsbury, i. 10, 13
Butler's visits to, while at school, i. 35
and Rev. Henry Bather, i. 355
Mercure de France, i. xxvii
Mercury, ii. 304

Meredith, George, and Butler in The
Cambridge History of English Litera-
ture, i. xxix

as reader to Chapman & Hall condemns
Erewhon, i. 148

Butler's note on this, i. 148
and Butler at Palermo, ii. 391
Merian, Baron, and the Life of Dr. Butler,
ii. 85-6

quoted on the title-page of Butler's
Iliad, ii. 297

Merman and Grampus (The Impressions of
Theophrastus Such), i. 409

Merode, Card. di, ii. 113
Merry, W. W., Odyssey, ii. 377
Mesocco, i. 306

"Mesopotamia," H. F. Jones's drawing of,
i. xix, 86

Butler at, i. 86-8

J. D. Enys on, i. 104, ii. 103-4
and Erewhon, i. 151

W. Pember Reeves on, ii. 169-70
Messiah (Handel), Quadrilles, i. 226
conducted by Handel at Cambridge, i.

and Butler's "Advertisement" picture,

i. 249
quoted, i. 414

cuddling the, ii. 10

additional accompaniments for, ii. 65
and Gopsall, ii. 77

and Paestum, ii. 243

Messina, the 1908 disaster, ii. 182
Messina, Capitano, ii. 140-41
Metz, ii. 291

Michaud, Biographie universelle quoted as

to Card. Joseph Fesch, ii. 165
Michelangelo, and Rossura Porch, i. 285
in "Ramblings in Cheapside," ii. 101
Butler and, ii. 381
Midas, King (Cima), i. 394
Middle Temple, i. 142

Middlemarch, i. 160, 184, 185, 190, 268,

ii. 209

[blocks in formation]

Mill, John Stuart, and his wife, i. 401
Milton, and music, ii. 84

as a cancelling medium, ii. 363-4, 372,

Mind, article on Butler in, i. xxviii
Minina, Don, ii. 113, 137
Minnesingers, ii. 280

Miracles, and The Fair Haven, i. 120 fell.
and amber, ii. 185

results of supposed, ii. 338

and a letter to H. F. Jones, ii. 376
Mivart, Prof. St. George, Butler's corre
spondence with, i. 183, 406-8

Genesis of Species, i. 257 foll., 407, ii.

calls Darwin's theory "puerile,” i.


and Buffon, i. 310

and Butler's books, i. 406
Modena, i. 394

Modern Thought, and the Bp. of Carlisle,
i. 345

Moir, Dr. Byres, ii. 398, 403, 405
"Molecular Action of Thought,” i. 117
Molière, and Erewhon, i. 158, ii. 439
his housemaid, i. 206

his Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme and
Narcissus, i. 414-15

reception of an English translation of
by the French, ii. 316

Mollica family, ii. 277

Monaco, Don Lorenzo, Nativity by, at
Modena, i. 394

Moncalvo and Crea, ii. 249
Moncrieff, Hope, i. 280

Money, the sin against, ii. 470
Monks, i. 251

Monreale, and Ravenna, ii. 303
Monro, D. B., Odyssey, ii. 377
Mons, ii. 431-2

Mont St. Michel, Butler at (1883), i. 391
Montaigne, i. 202

Monte Bisbino, i. 250
Monte Elimo, ii. 193

Monte Oliveto, Butler at, ii. 86-7
Monte Rosa, ii. 410, 419

Monte Rosa, Il, i. xxv

Monte San Giuliano. See Eryx (Mount)
Montgolfier (balloonist), i. 28

Monthly Review, R. A. Streatfeild on
Butler in the, i. xxv, 363

Miss Sichel on Erewhon Revisited in
the, ii. 370

Montreal, Butler at, i. 212 foll., ii. 124
and the "Psalm," i. 218-20
Montreal Mountain, i. 213, 218
Montreal Museum, i. 218

Montrealler, i. 218

Montrigone, ii. 69

Moody and Sankey, i. 221

Moon, Butler and the, i. 282, ii. 234
Alfred and the, ii. 125

[blocks in formation]

Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield, and Browning at
St. Moritz, i. 419-20, ii. 372
her poems, i. 420

Moore, Thomas. See Gazelle
Moorhouse, Ben, i. 105

Moorhouse, W. S., i. 105, 106, 128
Butler's mortgagee, i. 169-70

Sir J. S. Williams's note on him, i. 170
Butler's strange attitude towards, i.
170-71, 443, ii. 362

Morbelli, Angelo, i. 288, 306, ii. 195,

More, Henry (d. 1687), The Mystery of
Godliness, i. 64

Morell, Dr., and Handel, i. 414
imitated in Narcissus, i. 416
his style, i. 416

Morley, John, i. 153-4

Moroni, pictures by, at Bergamo, i. 328

Morris, Sir Lewis, Butler on, i. 417, ii.


Morse, Mr. Sydney, ii. 21

Morse, Mrs. Sydney, i. xii

Morses, Butler and the, i. 410, 417, ii.

368, 374, 383

Moses, and the Positivists, i. 198
and the Prophets, i. 232

Moss, Rev. H. W. (headmaster of Shrews-
bury School), Butler gets a half
holiday out of, i. 34, 393

and the Life of Dr. Butler, i. 356

and Butler at the Shrewsbury Dinner,

ii. 39

and Narcissus, ii. 53-4

and Kennedy, ii. 266

Motya, ii. 144, 147

Moulton, near Spalding, ii. 265, 268
Mount Arrowsmith, ii. 171

Mount Cook, i. 81

Mountains, Butler on the naming of, i.

[blocks in formation]

Munro, H. A. J., and Dr. Butler, ii. 266
Mure, Col., Language and Literature of
Ancient Greece, ii. 121 and note
Murillo, portrait by, at Modena, i. 394
Murray, John, and the Life of Dr. Butler,
ii. 227, 265, 436


Murray, John (contd.)—


and Butler's translations of the Iliad
and Odyssey, ii. 259-60

and The Authoress, ii. 267, 273-4, 275
and Paget's Book, ii. 267

Musa Polinnia, La, ii. 167-8, 241
Mushroom ketchup, ii. 13

Mussels, i. 378

Mutton, i. 87


My Duty towards My Neighbour," ii.


Mycenae, ii. 213 foll., 327

Myers, F. W. H., i. 232

Mystery of Owen Parfitt, ii. 252, 390

"Nabob Pickles," i. 249
Nairn, Dr., ii. 420

Namur, and Tabachetti, ii. 66, 98, 384
Napier, N.Z., i. 153

Naples, Bertolini's Palace Hotel, ii. 393
Napoleon Bonaparte, his possible connec-
tion with "The Ballad of Wednes-
bury Cocking," i. 348

and Laetitia Ramolino, ii. 165
Narcissus. By Samuel Butler and Henry
Festing Jones (1888), bibliography, i.


last chorus in, i. 33, 295

begun, i. 414-15

imitates Handel and Dr. Morell, i. 414,
416, 424

Miss Savage and, i. 415, 428-9
announced, i. 424, 425

"O Speculation!" chorus, i. 427
growing, i. 439

Butler's sisters and, ii. 7

rehearsal of, ii. 37

some of the music performed, ii. 52
published, ii. 64

plan of, ii. 64

directions to possible performers, ii. 65
words mostly by Butler, ii. 105

performed at Mrs. Beavington Atkin-
son's, ii. 121, 125

and the crooning driver, ii. 153-4
at the Bp. of Peterborough's, ii. 179
and Ulysses, ii. 197

not the work of a lawyer, ii. 234
and Fuller Maitland, ii. 238
and the Devil, ii. 238

performed at Palermo, ii. 250
chances of its performance, ii. 356
and Sir C. V. Stanford, ii. 385
Naseby, i. 2, 4, 11, ii. 6

National Gallery, and Marco Marziale, ii.

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and Romanes's review of Unconscious

Memory, i. 349-50, 408

and Krause's letter on Unconscious
Memory, i. 349-50

and Butler's reply to both, i. 349-50,
371, ii. 459 foll.

and Romanes's reference to a non-
existent article by Kingsley in, i. 404
and Ray Lankester's medusa, i. 411,

and Stonehenge, ii. 368
Naucrates, ii. 390

Nauplia, ii. 213 foll.
Nausicaa, Butler and, ii. 3

and the Odyssey, ii. 122, 133 foll., 147,

149, 208, 261, 304

Nausithous, ii. 133

Negri, Dionigi, Butler meets, i. 145

and Jones and the Pagets, i. 307
anxious that Butler should write about
Varallo, ii. 54

and the Crucifixion Chapel at Varallo,
ii. 164

sends honey for the Erewhon dinners,

ii. 419, 420

death of, ii. 425

Negri, Cavaliere Francesco, his Il Santuario

[blocks in formation]


New Testament, Miss Savage's, i. 221
New Zealand, Butler's letters home from,
i. vi

Butler decides to emigrate to, i. 69
rivers, i. 80-81, 376

rate of interest there, i. 169

See also Canterbury Association and
Settlement; Christchurch; "Meso-

Newlands' Law, ii. 44

Newsome, Miss, at Miss Savage's funeral,
i. 440

Newtonian System, a screw loose in the,
i. 333-4
Niagara, i. 212

Nice, the Jones family and, i. 231, ii. 198,
246, 282, 303, 326, 327, 335
Nicharchus, ii. 39°

Nicholls, Harry, and Ristori, i. 420-21
in Sindbad the Sailor, i. 420, ii. 86
Nicholls, Rev. Henry J., i. v
Nicolosi, ii. 145

Nineteenth Century, and Tennyson, i. 330
and the Bp. of Carlisle, i. 345

Nisbet, J. F., The Insanity of Genius, ii. 315

and note

Nisus, ii. 171

Nithsdale, i. 228

Noble Vagabond, The, ii. 115

Nobleness, Butler's definition of, i. 329

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Non nevica," ii. 194

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