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thing which is not possible to come to one who establishes himself in the eternal God. Read the 6th chapter of Matthew, from the 19th verse to the end of the chapter. Do this daily and give yourself to prayer and meditation upon it. If you can take up any kind of insurance work in the face of this chapter, it is of course your privilege to do so, for free-will is your right. We do not advise in personal matters, any further than to teach the Truth. We leave each one free to apply it according to his own faith and desire.

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In all your seeking for Truth you have to discern between the spiritual man and the mortal thought. The cry of the mortal, personal self must be silenced that the spiritual self may manifest. We do have a right to expect results, but should see (and the spiritual does see) that we already have them. The mortal overlooks entirely the fact that we have already received, and demands the manifestation. This is what we had reference to when we called your attention to the way in which you were centering your attention on manifestation rather than the faith fulfillment of your desires. We knew that you already had the things you desired if you would believe it and claim it and give thanks for it, instead of allowing the mortal thought to clamor for the sign. This will become plain to you if it is not already.

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Let no appearance stagger you. When the wind whips your clothing into shapes that the shadows present as strange and unreal, you are not frightened, you are not deceived. You should not be afraid when to appearances the sense consciousness presents unpleasing shapes. Simply remember they are not true of yourself, that they do not picture the beauty and harmony that is in you. Do not consider them; do not do homage to them by so much as looking at them. Turn your eyes to the sun of righteousness shining

within and gladly acknowledge that your good and you cannot be separated. Circumstances will quickly

conform. Another fact to be remembered is that circumstances have just the meaning for us that we put into them. Any circumstance is an opportunity on which to exercise the mastery of the Christ Mind.

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There is a faith that lifts the soul over all the demands of the law; this faith is really knowledge, the knowledge that God's perfection lives at the center of each, and, beyond the knowing, the exercise of that staunch loyalty that admits of nothing less than God's perfection in every detail of life. Until this stage is reached it is necessary for us to work at the atonement, bringing faith to the elimination of one after another of the adverse thoughts that root down in the subconscious. Line upon line, we erase the old impressions. Here a little and there a little, we institute the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

Every victory is a witness of the new consciousness working out in the visible. A delay is no cause for discouragement, and no reason for abandoning the work. God is patient, giving us all the time we require for the full overcoming. A quickening of the Christ consciousness along any line dispels the condition that was years in establishing itself. A complete identification with God produces the instant, abiding wholeness. The victory comes as we have made the way for it.

With many persons the first understanding of the Christ nature is merely preparatory to the real work of identification. It is John the Baptist crying in the wilderness of illusion, "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." After this enters the Christ, bringing to remembrance all things whatsoever the Father hath implanted in the mind-life, righteousness, self-knowledge as the image and likeness of the One Holiness.





The Christian Science Lecture Bureau has some fine metaphysicians, among them Frank H. Leonard, of Brooklyn, N. Y. In a recent lecture he said: "Our Bible tells us that death is the wages of sin. Do you believe it? The Bible does not say that in one case death is the wages of sin and that in another case death is the wages of goodness. It makes the unqualified statement that the wages of sin is death. Then if God created death, he must have created sin. You cannot escape this conclusion by saying that he only permits sin; for to permit it he must know it, and how can he know it when the Scriptures tell us that God is of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look upon iniquity.

"If God is of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look upon iniquity, if he created death, and death is the wages of sin, then it logically follows that God created sin and as everything he created is good, it further follows, logically, that sin is not evil, but is good, an argument that cannot for an instant be sustained; and our hearts are filled with joy when we know, as Christian Science teaches us, that God neither sees nor knows sin.

"Life is creative and death destructive, so that God, the only and primal Creator, must be life and not death, and therefore death, measured by the standard of perfection which God is, is not real but is the suppositional absence of, or belief in the negation of life. Then where shall we look for the origin of the belief in sin and death except in the mortal consciousness? The mortal consciousness is to be put off with the old man and his deeds; as it is put off and is superseded by immortal consciousness, man shall cease to know sin and death and manifest eter

nal life, being perfect even as his Father which is in heaven is perfect.'

"The question naturally presents itself at this point, Where did mortal consciousness come from?' My answer is that I don't know where it came from, but I do know it didn't come from God, because it manifests discord. Is there anyone in the audience who knows where the belief that the world is a flat surface originated? Is anyone still sticking to the belief that it is a flat surface, just because they don't know the name and address of the man who started that foolish belief? Of course not! It has been proven to be a sphere, and Jesus, the Christ proved to the world, by his words and works, that sin, disease and death are no part of God's creation, and that his children do not live, nor move, nor have their being therein.

"The universal belief about death is that it is either the gateway to heaven or the entrance down below. This belief should lead us logically to destroy the innocent infant in order to insure its gaining the kingdom, and the action of the natives in India in casting their babes into the river Ganges, was based on sound logic and good reason; but the belief that death is ever a friend is fallacious.

"Death is an enemy. Christ proved its unreality, and overcame it in accordance with the law of God, thus indicating ultimate freedom from death for all mankind. Do you think this a statement impossible of acceptance? It is not an original one by any means, and is simply a reiteration of what Paul said. Paul didn't say you can go on overcoming all things until it comes to death, and that you are a helpless victim when that presents itself. He said the last enemy to be destroyed is death, and in his letter to Timothy he wrote, Christ Jesus hath abolished death and brought life and immortality to light.' Do you believe Paul knew what he was writing? Do you

believe the statements to be true? We, as Christian Scientists, accept them without modification or qualification, because they are so absolutely in accord with what our Master did and said. No! Christian Scientists have not yet reached the point where they have overcome the universal belief in death, nor have they yet reached the point where they heal every case brought to them, but like the prodigal son of Bible story, we have started on our journey back to our Father's home; we are tired of living in a country far away from him; we are tired of feeding on the husks of words that, no matter how beautiful they may be, fail to bring us any proof of their truth; and we shall reach that haven of rest and find peace, comfort and joy in his sheltering love."


Wu Ting Fang, our Minister from China, is one of the most progressive men in the world. He investigates fearlessly, all lines of advanced thought and adopts the good intuitively. He reads New Thought literature widely and is a subscriber to UNITY, among the many other good magazines. In a recent address on 'How to Live Long," he said:

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"We pay too little attention today to the subject of health and the care of our bodies."

"Health is far more important than wealth, for what matters how many millions a man has if he does not possess the health to enjoy it. We devote too much time to acquiring wealth and too little to the cultivation of health."

Remarking that four years ago he was impressed with the fact that he was living improperly, he continued:

"I was a great sufferer from sciatica and other complaints. I had always been very fond of tea and meats. I drank tea, coffee and wines, and led a sedentary life. I became convinced that I was doing

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