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to symbolize a breaking up of the Roman empire..... Several men of great genius since the breaking up of the Roman empire have tried to overcome the force of this text, as Charlemagne, Charles V., Napoleon, and, last of all, William Hohenzollern, and all of these signally failed in their ambitious schemes to re-establish a world empire, and none more spectacularly than the last.

The world has never seen such elaborate preparation and determined persevering effort to reunite the broken fragments of the empire of the Caesars as was made by the German autocracy. What a striking confirmation of the accuracy of divine prophecy we have in the ignominious fall of the pan-German idea of world dominion! How truthfully have the celestial prophets under divine inspiration outlined the great movements in history!

EVANGELIST MILTON H. ST. JOHN, Advertisement in the Chicago Daily News,
March 10, 1919.

Concerning the kaiser's ambition to establish a great European empire, Newell Dwight Hillis, in the Detroit Journal of October 18, 1917, writes as follows: "This war began in 1892, in a meeting in the palace at Potsdam. The kaiser at that time placed in the hands of his advisers a document marked 'Secret and confidential.' The first line held these words: "The Pan-German Empire.' The second line read, 'From Hamburg and the North Sea to the Persian Gulf.' The third line was, 'Our immediate goal is the Germanization of all nations.' On the second page there was an extract from the kaiser's speech. 'From my childhood, I have been under the influence of five men-Alexander, Julius Caesar, Theodoric the Second, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon. These five men dreamed their dreams of a world empire-they failed. I too have a dream of a world empire-I shall succeed.'"'

The foregoing becomes very interesting when considered with a statement the kaiser made to our ambassador, James W. Gerard, which the latter gives in his recent book, "My Four Years in Germany": "America had better look out after this war," and, "I shall stand no nonsense from America after the war.

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Of course, the kaiser will fail in his ambitions, just the same as any other ruler would fail, because God, through the prophet, declared of those nations, that they "shall be partly strong, and partly broken,' and "they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

ARCHER V. COTTON, "Can Man Overturn the Prophecies?"-in Signs of the
Times, Feb. 5, 1918.

Prof. Theuden, imbued with an astounding vanity,.... declared, as the great war began: "Germany, as the preponderant power in a Pan-German League, will with this war attain world supremacy. "And Poehlmann, in considering the good to Germany which would result from the conflict, wrote to his fellow-countrymen, "We shall be an unconquerable people capable of ruling the world."

ROBERT LANSING, Secretary of State, Prussianism, Address to Union College, June 10, 1918. Published in the June, 1918, National Geographic Magazine, p. 549.



With Rome fell the last of the universal empires belonging to the world in its present state..... Its scepter was broken; its throne pulled down; its power taken away. Ten kingdoms were formed out of it; and 'broken' as then it was, it still continues; i.e., 'partly broken'; for its dimensions still continue as when the kingdom of iron stood upright upon its feet. And then it is 'partly strong'; i.e., it retains, even in its broken state, enough of its iron strength to resist all attempts to mold its parts together. 'This shall not be,' says the word of God. "This has not been,' replies the book of history.

URIAH SMITH, Daniel and the Revelation, pp. 70, 72.

95. Did the "intricate relationships".... "existing between the reigning houses of Europe" when the late European war began fulfill Bible prophecy?


Daniel 2:43 (B. C. 603)-And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.


But notice the fulfilment of this remarkable prediction, given nearly twenty-five hundred years ago. Permit me to direct attention to the intricate relationships now existing between the reigning houses of Europe....

The late Christian IX of Denmark had six children, three sons and three daughters. His eldest son succeeded his father on the throne of Denmark as Frederick VIII. His eldest daughter married Edward, Prince of Wales, and is now Queen Mother Alexandra of England. The second son, Prince William, was elected King of Greece, known as George V of Greece, and was assassinated during the late war between the Balkan states and Turkey. The second daughter married Czar Alexander of Russia, and became the Empress Dowager Dagmar of Russia. Thus the late Empress Dowager Dagmar of Russia and Queen Mother Alexandra of England are sisters. Frederick VIII of Denmark was succeeded on the throne by his eldest son, who is now Christian X of Denmark. His second son, Prince Charles, was elected as king of Norway, where he now reigns as Haakon VII. Thus the kings of Norway and Denmark are brothers. The son of the Empress Dowager Dagmar is the late Czar Nicholas II of Russia; a son of Queen Mother Alexandra is now George V of England; and a son of George V of Greece is now Constantine X of Greece. Thus the rulers of Russia, England, and Greece are first cousins of the kings of Norway and Denmark, and also first cousins of each other, all five being grandsons of Christian IX of Denmark.

Germany and England

The oldest son of the late Queen Victoria of England became Edward VII of England. The oldest daughter of Queen Victoria, Princess Victoria, married Emperor Frederick of Germany, and became the mother of the present Emperor William of Germany. Thus the king of England and emperor of Germany are first cousins, both



being grandchildren of Queen Victoria. A sister of Emperor William of Germany, Princess Sophia, married Constantine X of Greece. Therefore the queen of Greece and the emperor of Germany are first cousins of the king of England. And, be it remembered, the king of Greece, as well as the queen of Greece, is also a first cousin of the king of England. The late Czar Nicholas II married Princess Alix of England, a first cousin of both King George of England and Emperor William of Germany, being also a grandchild of Queen Victoria. Haakon VII of Norway married Princess Maude of England, a sister of King George of England. Hence the late czarina of Russia, the queen of Norway, and the queen of Greece are all first cousins, being grandchildren of Queen Victoria, while the queen of Norway and the king of England are brother and sister. The emperor of Germany and the queen of Greece are also brother and sister. Nor is this all. The queen mother of Spain is an archduchess of Austria. And King Alfonso XIII married Princess Ena, another granddaughter of Queen Victoria, and therefore the king of England, the emperor of Germany, the queen of Greece, the czarina of Russia, the queen of Spain, and the queen of Norway are all grandchildren of the late Queen Victoria, being either first cousins of each other, or, as in two instances, brother and sister.

God's Word Still Stands

Thus they are all related, but this intermarrying has not fulfilled its purpose of bringing these nations into closer and more friendly relationships to each other..... Germany hates England none the less because its king is the first cousin to Emperor William. And they are all just as ready to go to war with each other as they would be if their rulers were not all blood relatives. God's word still stands, "They shall not cleave one to another."

CARLYLE B. HAYNES, The Return of Jesus.—1917.





96. Is there a message from the Prophets to the nations of to-day?


Hosea 14:1-0 Israel, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.

Isaiah 55:7-Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Psalm 33:12-Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord;.... Proverbs 14:34-Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.


To the poor, to the oppressed, to the neglected, the Prophet of old was and is still the faithful friend. To the selfish, the luxurious, the insolent, the idle, the frivolous, the Prophet was and is still an implacable enemy.... The often-quoted lines of Milton

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But herein to our Prophets far beneath,

As men divinely taught, and better teaching
The solid rules of civil government,

In their majestic, unaffected style,

Than all the oratory of Greece and Rome.
In them is plainest taught, and easiest learnt,
What makes a nation happy, and keeps it so,
What ruins kingdoms, and lays cities flat;

DEAN STANLEY, History of the Jewish Church, Vol. I, pp. 398, 399.

Isaiah's theology is the divinest and therefore the profoundest in the Old Testament. His statement that he " 'saw the Lord” (6:1) is none too strong to account for the heights to which his imagination


No wonder that, when Augustine shortly after his conversion asked Ambrose which of the sacred books he should begin first to study, the answer he received was, "The prophecies of Isaiah.

And concerning the statesmanship of the prophet it is likewise little wonder that the celebrated British orator, Edmund Burke, habitually read from the prophecies of Isaiah before going to Parliament. The book of Isaiah is a marvelously profound, unique and exhaustive



monograph on the doctrine of temporal and spiritual salvation. And the most marvelous thing about it is the fact that such truths were actually apprehended and committed to writing by any one before the time of Christ; for the book of Isaiah is "the gospel before the Gospel."..... Beauty and strength are characteristic of his entire book. He is a perfect artist in words.... Isaiah was also an orator. Jerome likened him to Demosthenes. He was likewise a poet.

PROFESSOR GEORGE L.ROBINSON. The Book of Isaiah; Introduction and p. 23. Copyright, 1910, by the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations.

We think of the prophets as professional preachers, more or less like the men in our pulpits to-day, but their contemporaries must have thought of them first of all as public men of affairs: as statesmen, reformers, politicians, iconoclasts, or traitors, according to the point of view. As a rule the prophet kept close to his king: "And Nathan said to David, 'Thou art the man.

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We moderns are sadly in need of such a hero as Elijah or Hosea....

No man in the Old Testament looms larger in the eyes of the modern world than Isaiah. "By the strength of his personality, the wisdom of his statesmanship, the length and unbroken assurance of his ministry, the almost unaided service which he rendered to Judah at the greatest crisis of her history, the purity and grandeur of his style, and the influence which he exerted on subsequent prophecy,' by all of this and more, he impresses us as the greatest of all the prophets whose writings are extant. Whenever we use the word prophet, we think at once of Isaiah.

This man has well been styled the king of the prophets.... He was "distinguished less by any special excellence than by the symmetry and the perfection of all his powers." He was a theologian, a statesman, a reformer, an orator, a historian, a poet, and more important still, he was a man filled with the Spirit, as saintly as he was strong. As an orator and poet he was master of a style which for beauty and force has been the model as well as the despair of writers and speakers in all ages, and which for vividness of sustained imaginative flights has rarely been approached.

ANDREW W. BLACKWOOD, The Prophets—Elijah to Christ, pp. 23, 46, 108, 109. And so with the nation. It is of age and it can do what it pleases; it can spurn the traditions of the past; it can repudiate the principles upon which the nation rests; it can employ force instead of reason; it can substitute might for right; it can conquer weaker people; it can exploit their lands, appropriate their property and kill their people; but it cannot repeal the moral law or escape the punishment decreed for the violation of human rights.

"Would we tread in the paths of tyranny,

Nor reckon the tyrant's cost?

Who taketh another's liberty

His freedom is also lost.

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