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the same from Maine to California, and it is not going to do this organization any good. We can live down our own family affairs here, but we can't travel all over the country and live down the things that any comrade might do, and so for the benefit of the State of New York the Commander-in-Chief will wait until we send a chaperone with him. (Laughter.) So with the permission of the Encampment, before the Ladies Auxiliary retire we will have a few words from Sister Lenhardt of Pennsylvania.


Department Commander and Comrades of the Department of New York: I had hoped when the Commander asked us to retire we could go right away. After the able addresses we have heard it seems out of place to call on me. I am very glad your Commander spoke about forming auxiliaries. We, of the national body, are always trying to strengthen the organization, and we can only do it by beginning at the bottom of the ladder; and that is by forming auxiliaries in Camps that have not got them. Strong auxiliaries make strong departments, and good departments make a good national body. Of the two preceding officers who spoke one would not pick any of the comrades, and the other picked one, but I am going to take advantage of the Department Commander's offer by taking all of you. I am glad to meet you to-day, and hope to meet you and greet you next year. (Applause.)


Comrades, we have one more national officer of the Ladies Auxiliary, who is well known to every comrade in the Department of New York for her loyal and active work, both in the city and State of New York. I don't know of any member of the Ladies Auxiliary who has been in harness as long and as steadfastly, working for the interest of the Spanish War Veterans as the next speaker. I take pleasure in introducing to you the National Junior Vice Department Commander, Mrs. L. W. Williams. (Applause.)


Department Commander, Rev. Father Chidwick, Sisters, Officers and Comrades: I was in hopes that I might be overlooked

this morning, as you have heard me on so many different occasions, and I just came here this morning as an escort to our President General. I want to say that while I represent the national body, I feel that I represent our State just as well. And also that whatever little good we have accomplished this year was done. with a whole heart, and we have been very glad indeed to do it. And I feel that it is not really all our own doing. Whatever has been accomplished has been done through the splendid cooperation that we have received this year from your Department Commander, your staff of officers and the comrades in general. I feel that this year a closer bond of fraternity has been drawn about us all, and I sincerely hope that it will continue for the future, and that our organization will grow in leaps and bounds during the coming year. Our Department President told you the other night that we had added four new auxiliaries. I firmly believe that we will add a great many more during the next year. There are still many camps without auxiliaries, and I want to say to the representatives of those camps assembled her, who may have said from time to time, What is the good of an auxiliary? What can they do? And will you tell me what any auxiliary has done? I want to say to them that there are a great many good things we can do, little problems that come up that we can take care of, if you will allow us to do so. We ask only that we be allowed to help you in a larger way, that you allow us to help organize an auxiliary to your camp, and you will then see what good the women can do. Women have now come into their own, and we have proven it to you by our work in the last year, and we hope to prove it more fully to you in the future. So if at any time the comrades in the lower section feel that they want an auxiliary, I shall be pleased to come when you call and explair the nature of our organization and its duty to the Spanish War Veterans. Comrade Commander, at this time I extend my greetings to you, and good wishes for a very successful and harmonious convention, and I want to say that as you have decided that the Commander-in-Chief cannot accompany us without a chaperone, I have been detailed as the official chaperone, and I shall see that he is brought back to you safely. We would also invite the Rev. Father Chidwick to accompany us, and request him to address our ladies in session this morning. (Applause.)


The ladies have invited you, Father Chidwick, to attend their session.


To perform a ceremony or


I want all the sisters on the platform to remember that I am also a law-abiding citizen and very near to home.


Ladies, we have enjoyed your visit very much, and I wish you to convey to your auxiliary the best wishes of our organization and the promise of our most loyal support in any undertaking you may attempt. (Applause.)


The comrades will now kindly be seated, as the most important part of our work will now be taken up.

Has any comrade here an automobile that could be used to go down to New York City to bring the colors from Hamilton Fish Camp? Comrade Snyder, will you kindly get in touch with someone who has a machine.

We will now have the report of the Committee on Resolutions.


Comrade Commander and Comrades: I might say on behalf of the Resolutions Committee that we were agreeably surprised last night to find that the number of resolutions presented was not so large. Now I know that we are somewhat behind in the conduct of the business here, and it is my earnest hope that we may be able to get this very important part of the work finished up to-day, as to-morrow all our time will be taken up in the election of officers, and we won't have much time to devote to the matter of resolutions. So it is my earnest hope, and I suppose the hope of the Department Commander that these resolutions be passed on and gotten out of the way right now.


To the delegates of the 16th Annual Department Encampment: In accordance with a resolution unanimously adopted at a regular meeting of David Wilson Camp No. 59, the following resolution. is respectfully submitted for your consideration. Yours in F., P. and H. John J. Kain, Commander.

WHEREAS, Comrade William Jones, a Past Department Commander of the Department of New York, U. S. W. V., through the death of our dear beloved comrade, Carl C. Van Dyke, succeeded to the very important office of Commander-in-Chief of our beloved organization; and

WHEREAS, Comrade Jones, by reason of the short length of the unexpired term through which he will serve will not have the opportunity to discharge the important duties of the office in the same energetic and distinguished manner in which he has filled every office he has held in our organization, both Department and National; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we the Delegates of the 16th Annual Encampment of the Department of New York, in session assembled in the City of New Rochelle, N. Y., on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of July, 1919, do urge Commander William Jones to become a candidate for the office of Commander-inChi efto succeed himself at the next Annual National Encampment of the U. S. W. V. which will be held in the City of San Francisco, Cal., on September 2, 3 and 4, 1919, and in the event of his consenting to become a candidate, be it further

Resolved, That this Encampment does hereby endorse the candidacy of Comrade William Jones for the office of Commander-in-Chief, and be it further

Resolved, That the incoming Department Commander be directed to appoint a Committee, of which the Department Commander shall be the Chairman and shall consist of all Department Officers and Delegates-at-Large and such other Comrades as he may desire to appoint, and be it further

Resolved, That the said Committee shall be empowered to take such action as they may deem necessary to further the candidacy of Comrade William Jones for the exalted office of Commander-in-Chief of our beloved organization.

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