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on. When neurasthenic symptoms are prominent the amount of milk is augmented, with extra rest in the middle of the day, tepid baths with subsequent friction, gentle exercise, etc. In the milder forms of neuras

thenia, in both men and women, sodium phosphate before meals and elixir of iron, quinine and strychnine, a teaspoonful after meals, with the usual hygienic regulations, usually operate admirably. -Philad. Clin.

Miscellaneous Items.

When will North Carolina pass a law looking to the prevention of blindress from ophthalmia neonatorum?

We would be glad to have our readers mention the JOURNAL when they correspond with advertisers.

When is North Carolina to have a

law regulating the sale of poison? When is she going to require midwives to be registered and to show that they have, at least, a little knowledge of obstetrics?

The time of meeting of the State Board of Medical Examiners of South Carolina has been changed by the General Assembly from the fourth Tuesday in April to the third Tuesday in May, each year.

The Equitable Life Insurance Co., of New York, has, according to the Medical Examiner, announced that hereafter the fee for medical examination shall be uniformly $5.00 for each case of a completed examination report and opinion of the risk. So much for the profession taking a decided stand upon the matter.

The scientific branch of the next meeting of the British Medical Association will be held in Montreal. The business part of the meeting will be held in England, as it may be illegal for some of the financial transactions of the Association to be made outside of England.

YELLOW FEVER AND SMALL-POX AT HAVANA.-Health Officer Doty, who returned from his trip to Cuba on August 17th, reports that he found that there was much yellow fever and small-pox in the city of Havana and its suburbs, and that the sanitary conditions there were very bad. All the sewage, he says, is emptied into the bay, and the tide is not sufficient to carry it to sea. Two points in particular were noticeably offensive, namely, opposite the Regna docks and in the vicinity of the military hospitals. Any vessels arriving here which were loaded in these places, he states, will be subjected to the most rigorous quarantine. During his visit Dr. Doty secured the services of competent medical men in Havana, Cienfuegos and Santiago, who will regularly report to him the sanitary condition of the towns.-Boston Med. and Surg. Journal.

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For the 15 days ending August 15, 1896:

August 13, 1896. -- Hutton, W. H. H., surgeon, granted leave of absence for 20 days from August 25, 1896.

August 25, 1896-Sawtelle, H. W., surgeon, granted leave of absence for 30 days from August 25, 1896.

Banks, C. E., surgeon, to assume temporary command of the service at Vineyard Haven, Mass., for 30 days, August 13, 1896.

Brooks, S. D., P. A., surgeon, to assume temporary command of the

service at Cleveland, Ohio, August 8, 1896.

August 11, 1896--Woodward, R. M., P. A., surgeon, granted leave of absence for 30 days from August 13, 1896.

August 13, 1896-Greene, Joseph B., assistant surgeon, granted leave of absence for 23 days from September 14, 1896.


For the week ending August 22, 1896:

August 21-P. A. Surgeon A. M. D. McCormick, detached from the "Bancroft" and ordered to the Naval Academy.

P. A. Surgeon E. M. Shipp, detached from the "Monongahela" and ordered to the "Bancroft."

Reading Notices.

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EPILEPSY. Since Brown-Sequard formulated his celebrated mixture of the bromides these have everywhere been regarded as the "Sheet anchor" in the treatment of Epilepsy, and

hatever progress has been made has only been in the line of additions to these efficient remedies. Hammond (Diseases of the Nervous System) says: "The treatment of epilepsy rests solely on experience. Among medical remedies the bromides stand pre-eminent and should be thoroughly tried first in every case." He adds:

"Herpin several years ago called attention to the salts of zinc in the treatment of epilepsy. I have used the lactate, and still more recently the bromide, with very definitely ben

eficial results. "Lauder Brunton says of the bromide of potassium: "It is especially beneficial in epilepsy, and by its use convulsions can almost always be lessened, if not entirely stopped." (Therapeutics, etc., page 521.) The literature upon this subject is so vast that volumes might be filled with quotations from standard authorities only; but our desire is to make the briefest reference to these with the desire of calling attention to "neurosine," the elegant preparation of the usual bromides, together with bromide of zinc and the pure and reliable extracts of Cannabis Indica, Henbane and Belladonna. Since Trousseau announced the great efficacy of Belladonna in the "Petit Mal" it has held high rank as an admirable addition to the bromides. Of Cannabis Indica and Henbane it is well said: "In morbid states of the system it has been found to cause sleep, to allay spasm, to compose nervous disquietude and to relieve pain. In this respect it resembles opium, but it differs from that narcotic in not diminishing the appetite, checking the secretions or constipating the bowels." (U. S. Disp., p. 351.) It is only reliable when properly prepared from a pure specimen of which 'Neurosine' is composed.

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Uterine Diseases.

I am much pleased with ALETKIS CORDIAL as a remedy in uterine diseases. I have been in constant practice for more than half a century. and have used the aletris farinosa most of the time. When I learned the composition of the ALETRIS CORDIAL (Rio Chem. Co.) I inferred at once that it would prove a very good uterine tonic, and find it is just th thing. Following is a case in which I used ALETRIS CORDIAL: Mrs. C., aged 3 years, has been suffering since confinement, some two years since, with leucorrhea, more or less most of the time and frequently quite profuse. I have treated her with ordinary remedies, such as tonics internally and astringent injections, with variable results, but never entirely relieving the leucorrhea. Her general health suffered less than common in such persistent cases. Some time since I made a more critical examination. and found preternatural redness of whole vaginal cavity from labia te uterus; the cervix uteri and the os tumified and sensitive to touch, as also the abdomen, especially over the ovaries; cold feet, hot head, debility and nervous exhaustion, odorous urine, itching of the vulva, etc. I used S. H. KENNEDY'S EXTRACT OF PINUS CANADENSIS as an injection and put the patient on ALETRIS CORDIAL. By the time the first bottle was used, the disease was about cured. The leucorrheal discharge ceased and the redness, etc., muer diminished. I attribute her speedy relief to the ALETRIS CORDIAL, for all other applications had been persistently tested with but little benefit. I expected the ALETRIS CORDIAL to tone up the weakened womb, but supposed something more specific would be requisite to subdue the irritation and subacute inflammation of the vagina. JOS. S. BURR, M.D., Leesville, O.

I had under my treatment a lady, Mrs. H, 36 years of age, married twelve years, no children, who had suffered for twenty years with painful and irregular menstruation, followed by leucorrhea and nervous hysteria at times. She had tried all kinds of drugs, but not receiving any benefit from them, consulted a number of physicians, but also without effect. The 14th of April last she became one of my patients, and I prescribed the usual formulas which were carefully prepared at my own dispensary, but to her and my regret only gained momentary benefit. I concluded to make a trial of the following prescription:

R. Celerina


8 ounces.
8 ounces.

M. Sig. Two teaspoonfuls half an hour before meals. For injection I prescribed one part S. H. KENNEDY'S EXTRACT OF PINUS CANADENSIS (White) with nine parts of water, three times a day. The result has been surprising. I wanted the lady to continue the medicines, but Mrs. H. insisted upon not doing it, for she claimed that having regained her youthful health and vigor, she would need no more medicine at present. C. A. BRUEGMANN, M. D., Marysville, Neb.

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