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tion and demanding if the use of tuberculin was unknown in the wild and woolly West. The Denver health officer hastened to investigate, and discovered the truth of the story as told. He also learned that several other families had contracted the disease from the children, who were first afflicted, and his timely arrival was all that saved them.-Amer. MedicoSurgical Bulletin.

Press dispatches say that special inducements have been offered by the Cuban Government to medical students in Richmond, Va., to remove to Cuba and serve as surgeons in the Cuban army.

Einhorn attributes the large pro portion of ptosis of the stomach and movable kidney in the female to tight lacing.

A QUICK DIAGNOSIS.-At a surgical clinic a few days ago, before a class in the Harvard Medical School, a patient was shown who had a wound on the thigh caused by the bite of a


The instructor having asked the class for a diagnosis of the case, one of the students replied promptly, "Rodent Ulcer."--Boston Med. Surg. Journal.

For the relief of the pain of ovaritis and those subacute painful conditions of the female pelvic organs which are not of an operative type, Dr. Talley has been using tampons spread with equal parts of opium and belladonna ointment. The relief afforded by the support of the tampon and the anodyne ointment is prompt and grateful.

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A TRIBUTE TO Another proof of the value of vacci nation comes from the Indian School at Carson, Nev. When the school reassembled in the fall of 1895, it was found that several pupils had, during vacation, been exposed to smallpox and had returned to school before it had developed. Every one in the school was immediately vaccinated, and the two pest-houses, hastily constructed, were soon filled with twentythree patients. As many more with a mild form of the disease were cared for in the school-hospital. Many were quite sick, and yet not one case was fatal, and the school was continued throughout the year. Later came an epidemic of la grippe, which

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NEURALGIA.-The varieties of neuralgia are almost as numerous as the nerves of the body. Wherever there is a nerve, there may be pain. In almost every form, Neurosine will be found to give prompt relief and if perservered with the interim of the attack the splendid effects of the bromide of zinc and Cannabis Indica as permanent nerve tonics and other bromides as alteratives may be confidently expected.

TREATMENT OF UTERINE DISORDERS BY THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. Dr. D. S. Maddox, M.D., Coronor of Marion County, Ohio, reports the following case: A virgin age 21, pale, anemic, nervous, and of poor muscular development. For two years menstruation had been profuse, with occasional metrorrhagia. Her principle trouble, however, was dysmenorrhea, the severity of the attacks often compelling her to resort to opi


The following prescription was ordered, conjoined with regular and systematic exercise in the open air: B-Sodii brom.


Fl. ext. ergot

Elix. simp.

3 iv.


3 iv.

ad. iv.

M. Sig.--Two teaspoonfuls three times daily..

This was continued for eight weeks when an addition was made to the treatment in the shape of elixir iron, quinine and strychnine. An occasional saline laxative was also given to overcome a tendency to constipation. The patient has now, at the end of three months, gained sixteen pounds in weight; the rosy hue of health is on her cheeks, and the menstrual function is normal. In conclusion I wish to ren ark that the preparation dioviburnia contained in the above prescriptions, is one of the best uterine remedies I have ever encountered. I must confess, however, that I was prejudiced against it at first (as I am against proprietary medicines in general), but hearing it recommended by a physician of eminence and a gentleman for whom I entertain the warmest personal regard, I was lead to give it a trial. In a number of other cases besides those related here, I have had most excellent results from dioviburnia. In cases requiring an antispasmodic I have found it of especial benefit. In some cases I prescribe it alone, but generally in combination with other remedies.




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