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descendants of Israel, literal sons of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob !

If we, who more than all other peoples have diligently sought for this missing Kingdom, shall actually find it in ourselves, marked with all the jots, and tittles, and minutiæ of IDENTITY, then such a resurrection of a Race, such an example of "dual existence," or of suspended identity, such a fulfilment of the Scriptures before our very eyes, and in despite of every human probability, cannot but crush out all infidelity, and force conviction in the truth of God's ETERNAL WORD!

It is a truth wherein all Christian thought may reunite, an universal" blend" wherein all questions of the day may find solution. In it may faith become transmuted into FACT, and Religion, losing none of its truly spiritual strength, gain might untold in thus securing living form and substance, wherein to manifest the exceeding certainty of Jehovah's Oath and Covenant.

"His truth endureth to all generations" (Ps. cxvii. 2); and, indeed, The Lord hath sworn in truth to David (Ps. cxxxii. 11), and will perform the truth to Jacob (Mic. vii. 20). Therefore, Ride thou prosperously on because of the truth (Ps. xlv. 5), O Israel-O AngloSaxon Israel! And display thy banner loftily because of it (Ps. lx. 4) "upon the mountains of thy heights (Ezek. xvii. 23), and let all the nations see, and hear, and say It is the truth (Isa. xliii. 9). For verily in it the substance of things hoped for grows into a continent whereon the human race may build securely henceforth and forever.

We have had the Books of the Prophets with us for centuries, and in them vainly have we tried to see our

neighbors by reflection. Till lately we have never dreamed of using them upon ourselves. Nor have we thought of studying therein identities for which we can account in but one way,-identities which to accept is to overwhelm us with conviction and to condemn us if we fail to live thereby, while to reject them is to stultify us hopelessly, and to bring upon our own generation the blindness and perversity of every former one.

How undiscerningly we have dwelt amid these wondrous facts! And yet how plainly do they stand out when our eyes are opened! And how closely does the knowledge of them enlist the present generation into "the Church Militant," engaged in the very same conflict that was waged by the earliest ages of Christianity! We have dreamed that the days of Miracles were over, and behold we are confounded with them upon every hand! We sought a sign, and lo, the sign of the Prophet Jonah, multiplied three "Times," repeats itself;-for a people swallowed up in the belly of its own blindness is cast forth upon dry land and sent onwards to its mission! We had not yet believed though One has risen from the dead; so unto us, with infinite forbearance, hath God literally sent not one alone, but raised a Nation from its grave-a Nation known unto us far better than all others, and unto all those known better than themselves, since it is our own, and the very one whose credentials we have so vainly striven all these centuries to fasten upon some obscure and worn-out remnant hidden in the wilds.


March 15, August 25, 1888.

C. A. L. T.

POSTSCRIPT. The truth which Noah so vainly preached, while he prepared the Ark, was not of more vital moment than the subject which we here present, if it be also true; and as it is true, the Anglo-Saxon Race, be it a willing witness or not, is the living earnest of prophecy fulfilling now, and well-nigh full.

It may not be, indeed, a Deluge that impends-we have the Bow of Promise over against such a cataclysm, -but it is to be as overwhelming a phenomenon in the moral, social, and political worlds, nor one wholly immaterial either (a sort of "Drift," or Crusade, as it were, of Stones, or "Stonemen," across the face of Universal Empire).

But aside from all simile, it is with deep concern that the Author of the following pages solicits, of those to whom they are dedicated, a candid hearing, and a suspension of judgment until they shall have verified or disproved them, context and consensus.

If worthy of credence, they contain the gist of what will be the Gospel of the Coming Dispensation,-a Gospel founded upon Moses and the Prophets, Herodotus and the Historians, Christ and the Apostles,and its banner is one that may be fearlessly "displayed because of the truth."

It is manifestly a difficult, as well as a delicate, matter to attempt to reason with Christians, with Sons of Judah, and with Gentiles, in the same argument; nevertheless, such is the potence of this theme, that it appeals with equal import to all three, as truth should do, and, unless it is accepted by them, leaves them, severally, in mutual view, upon the horns of a triple dilemma. Moreover, if it be recei at the expense of such


mutual concessions, upon either side, as inevitably accompany all earnest search for truth.

The present aspect of European and Asiatic politics, the certain future of the English-speaking peoples, the fulness of the Gentiles, the general unrest of the age itself, the increase of knowledge, the running to and fro of men, and the natural anticipation of Judah for her promised return to Palestine, these, and the host of other circumstances which conspire to make our day significant, suggest to thinking men its lateness on Jehovah's dial, and the nearness of a dispensation, for which creation, hitherto, has sorely travailed. In the mean while, the growing infidelity of the majority in every land serves but to increase this sombre gloom, against which here and there only solitary stars of faith shine out in contrast.

At such a juncture, therefore, it is meet, right, and our bounden duty, to urge at least OUR OWN RACE, to "buy the Truth and sell it not," and to tell them somewhat of their ORIGIN and DESTINY.


January 15, 1890.

C. A. L. T.

"Whither "

"A theological question for the day,” asked but left unanswered by CHARLES AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D., Professor, Un. Theol. Sem., N. Y.

"Whither? O whither? Tell me where?”

"I have answered the question put, and yet I have not answered it. I have done little more than show that it should be answered." (JAMES MoCoSH, Litt.D., LL.D., D.D., Princeton, N. J.)

Whither? O Saxons, whither?

Back to the Rock, whence we are hewn. Back to Isaac, in whom we are called. Back to Moses and the Prophets. Back to Israel, and to Israel's faith. And with our King in the van, and with Jehovah at our head. (Ex. xiii. 21, 22; xiv. 19, 20.) Underneath the Everlasting Arms (Deut. xxxiii. 27), and with our Banner displayed because of the TRUTH (Ps. lx. 4). CHARLES A. L. TOTTEN, U. S. Army; M.A., A.M., New Haven, Conn.)

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