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for 1904 are due;

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Dominion Medical Monthly



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University of Toronto


The regular course of instruction will consist of Four Sessions of eight months each, commencing October 3rd. There will be a distinct and separate course for each of the four years.

The lectures and demonstrations in the subjects of the First and Second Years will be given in the Biological, Chemical, Anatomical and Physical Laboratories and lecture-rooms of the University.

Attention is directed to the efficient equipment of the University Laboratories for instruction in the various branches of the Medical Curriculum The new building of the Medical Faculty has just been completed at a cost of $175,000.00 in the Queen's Park, and affords extensive laboratory accommodation for Pathology and Physiology which ls unsurpassed. Didactic instruction in the final subjects of the Medical Course is given in the new lecture theatres. To meet the requirements of the Ontario Medical Council a course of instruction during a fifth year will be conducted. This will be entirely optional as far as the University of Toronto is concerned.

Clinical Teaching is given in the Toronto General Hospital, Burnside Lying-in Hospital, St. Michael's Hospital, Victoria Hospital for Sick Children, and other medical charities of Toronto.

There are special Research Scholarships offered to graduates in Medicine, and every opportunity is now afforded for Scientific Research Work in any of the various laboratories of the University, under the direct supervision of the Professor in charge.

The Faculty provide three medals for the graduating class (one gold and two silver). There are also scholarshi available for undergraduates in the First and Second Years; these are awarded to the candidates on the results of the annual examinations.

Further information regarding Scholarships, Medals, etc., may be obtained from the Calendar or on application to the Secretary. Lectures and Demonstrations: 1st year, $100; 2nd year, $100; 3rd year, $100; 4th year, $100. FEES.Registration for Lectures, $5. Registration for Matriculation, $7. Annual Examinations, each $14. For Examinations in Practical Chemistry, 50c. For admission, ad eundem statum, $10. Degree, $20. Hospital Perpetual Ticket, $34. Lying-in Hospital, $8.

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It Takes Care of Every Sick Child in Ontario Who Cannot Afford to Pay For Treatment.

The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, is not a local institution-it is Provincial.

Your money means mercy to somebody's child.

Your money can cheer some mother's The heart by saving some mother's child.


child from

any part of Ontario whose parents cannot afford to pay for

treatment has the MASSAGE FOR RHEUMATISM. same claim and the same privileges as the Toronto child born within sight, of its walls.

This is the reason that the Trustees appeal to the fathers and mothers of Ontario-for as their money goes out to help the Hospital so the Hospital's mercy can go out to help the children.

This is the 28th year of the Hospital's life. The story of the years is a wonderful one-for in that period 10,000 children have been treated, and over 5,000 cured and 3,000 improved.

Last year there were 868 boys and girls in its beds and cots, and of these 493 were cured and 247 improved.

Look at these pictures of club feet-before and after.

[blocks in formation]

Of the 868 patients 293 came from 216 places outside of Toronto.

In three years the patients from different Jarts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 250 -nearly a third of the entire number.

In six years 1,400 outside patients have been treated-and for 20 years past they will average 100 a year.

The average stay of every patient was 54 days, the cost per patient per day 94c. A dollar or two means a small lot of money out of your pocket, but it takes a big load of misery out of some little life. The X Ray department gives wonderful results. A girl came in with a double thumb on one hand. She left with one thumb-a perfect hand

See what the hand of the Surgeon does for the crippled children of Ontario.

Health and wealth. You give wealth to the Hospital, and the Hospital gives health to the children.

The Corporation of the City of Toronto gives $7,500

year to the Hospi-NSTST tal for the maintenance of every child, whether from city or country.

The citizens of Toronto contribute about $7,000 a year towards the maintenance of every patient in the Hospital, whether

from city or country HE ENJOYS READING. Toronto does its share in the good work, and the Trustees ask you to do yours.

The Newspaper Proprietors of Ontario have kindly helped the Hospital by inserting our appeals.

There are two newspaper cots, and boys and girls from the country are placed in the cots founded by the newspaper men.

Look at the pictures of "before and after." They tell their own story-surely you will help us in this good work.

If your dollar could straighten the feet of a little boy or girl with club-feet you would gladly give it. and your dollar will help to do that.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]





1.-Antiphlogistine is far more efficient than a poultice or any other external application.

2.--Antiphlogistine draws the blood to the surface-bleeds but saves the blood. 3.-Antiphlogistine, by reflex action, contracts the pulmonary vessels, thus depleting the lungs into the dilated superficial capillaries.

4.-Antiphlogistine's anodyne effects enable it to allay pain.

5.-Antiphlogistine relaxes the muscular and nervous systems, thereby tending to induce sleep.

6. Antiphlogistine works persistently and continuously for 24 hours or longer.

7.—Antiphlogistine is neat and clean.

8.-Antiphlogistine is easily applied and stays exactly where it is put.

9.-Antiphlogistine comes off nicely at the proper time leaving the parts comparatively clean.

10.-Antiphlogistine can do no harm and is certain to do good.



Directions for Applying in Pneumonia.-Prepare the patient in a warm Lay him on his side and spread Antiphlogistine thick and as hot as can be comfortably borne over one-half the thoracic walls. Cover with a good, warm, cotton-lined, cheese-cloth jacket. Roll the patient over on the dressed side and complete the application. Then stitch the front of the jacket. Prepare everything beforehand and work as rapidly as possible. The dressing should be renewed when it can be easily peeled off, generally in about 24 hours.

To insure economy and the best results always order an original package and specify the size required-Small, Medium, Large or Hospital Size.



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