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Owen Sound; chemistry, theoretical and practical, and toxicology, Dr. A. R. Pyne, of Toronto; materia medica and pharmacology, Dr. Jas. S. Sprague, of Stirling; medical jurisprudence and sanitary science, Dr. D. J. Sinclair, of Woodstock; diseases of women, Dr. R. E. Webster, of Ottawa; diseases of children, Dr. Jas. Newall, of Watford; pathology, therapeutics and bacteriology, Dr. Isaac Wood, of Kingston; homeopathic examiner, Dr. W. A. McFall, of Peterborough.

TORONTO one year ago had thirty-six insane in jail; to-day there are but three. Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith, Inspector of Hospitals and Prisons, has been on a tour of inspection of these institutions in Eastern Ontario and reports the jails almost free from insane inmates.

THE Ontario Medical Council met in Toronto during the week ending the 8th of July and elected the following officers: President, Dr. Albert A. Macdonald, Toronto; Vice-President, Dr. W. H. Moorhouse, London; Registrar, Hon. Dr. R. A. Pyne; Treasurer, Dr. H. Wilberforce Aikins.

THE staff of the Manitoba Medical College has been enlarged to twenty-nine by the addition of the following practitioners of Winnipeg Drs. A. J. Douglas, O. Bjornson, G. Heibert, C. C. Field, W. Rogers, H. Mackay, S. J. Elkin, A. J. Burridge and W Webster. The faculty is erecting a new building and have adopted the five year course.

When The Appetite Is Lost

or impaired and the ordinary foods arouse no desire for eating, the gastric functions are correspondingly affected; for, according to Pawlow, appetite "is the strongest of all stimuli to the digestive glands."

The restoration of appetite means the restoration of normal gustatory sensations which can only be accomplished by strongly stimulating the gustatory apparatus. (Pawlow).

Ext. carnis fl. comp. (Colden) contains the stimuli that will most quickly and effectively arouse the gustatory organs and excite the digestive glands. By its use the food will be better digested, metabolism stimulated, and a general feeling of well-being produced. Dose: Wineglassful twenty minutes before meals. Write for literature.

Sold by all druggists.



Dr. Strong's

Saratoga Springs
New York



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OR health and rest. The appointments of a first-class hotel. Elevator. Suites with bath. Electricity, Massage, Turkish, Russian, Sulphur, Hydro electric, Nauheim with Schott's exercises, Mineral baths and general Hydro-therapy. Sprague's Hot Air Baker for Rheumatism. Surgical Department. Sun Parlor and Promenade on the roof. Saratoga Waters. The Strong Spring, a saline alkaline water, on the grounds. Dry, quiet atmosphere. Conducted on ethical lines. Correspondence solicited.


Sylvester E. Strong, M.D.,

Medical Director.

Elbert A. Palmer, M.D., Sec. and Manager.

Douglas C. Moriarta, M.D., and
William E. Swan, M.D.,

Surgical Gynecologists.

Samael B. Ward, M.D.,

Consulting Physician, Albany, N.Y.

Willis G. Macdonald, M.D.,
Consulting Surgeon, Albany, NY,

of the glandular system to normality, whereby the proper amount of alkaline fluids will be secreted. Therefore it is well to remember that GlycoThymoline not only corrects the effects of disease, but aims to re-establish those processes of digestion and assimilation which are wanting. In several cases of cholera infantum, dysentery, ileo-colitis, etc., the solution should be administered as a colon flush, using a ten per cent. solution of about 100°F. This treatment, combined with doses of one to two drams per oram, serves to rapidly eliminate all toxins, promote an aseptic condition of the bowel and to encourage what is most needed-the secretion of normal alkaline.

SUN-PAIN AND OTHER PAIN.In the pain and pyrexia produced by exposure to the rays of the sun, which is common in this country, and par

ticularly in our large cities, during the summer solstice, antikamnia tablets, in addition to cold douches, are the best remedy. Antikamnia tablets reduce temperature by increasing radiation of heat from the body and diminishing heat production They stimulate the glandular system, particularly the sudorific glands. In many cases their diaphoretic action is phenomenal. They act as an analgesic by obtunding the sensibilities of the vaso-motor and sensory nerves. They seem to tranquilize the ganglionic centres of the whole nervous system and have but slight action on the brain. We mean by this that they do not stupefy nor produce unconsciousness. They seem to have no disturbing influence on the kidneys. They have a happy effect in nearly all neurotic troubles, and occupy a permanent position in therapeutics. Briefly stated, they are indicated in sun-pain, cephalalgia, neuralgia, attacks of acute



Vacation Dress for Men

This store is so specially a man's store, when he
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whether he's to spend his summer about his own door,
or take a longer or shorter trip "inland " to the lakes
or "down by the sea."

Two-piece Suits, $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, $15.00.
Fancy Wash Vests, $1.50 to $3.00.

Duck Trousers, $1.00 up. Flannel Trousers, $4.00.

Negligee Shirts in stock and made to order, $1.50 to $3.00.

Fine French Flannel Shirts to order, with detachable collar to
match, $2.00 to $4.00.

Straw Hats, $1.00 to $5.00. Outing Hats and Caps, 50c. to $3.00.
Most everything else in cool summer wear.

JW J. Fairweather+C

84-86 Yonge Street, Toronto



The most conveniently located hotel in


Situated in the Resort's best section,
directly on the famous BOARD-
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Offering superior accommodations
and every convenience and luxury
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commanding an ocean view; equip-
ped with long-distance telephones,
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Noted for its complete equipment,
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ury. Golf Club privileges.

Write for * * *
Illustrated Literature


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An ideal food in acute diseases, for chronic invalids and convalescents, containing the necessary constituents for making brawn and muscle, stimulating the appetite, strengthening the heart, invigorating the nervous system. Agreeable of administration, immediate in results. Invaluable for feeble children and nursing mothers, consumptives, and as a nutrient in fevers.


An iron-containing food, for all conditions of impoverished blood, as anæmia and chlorosis; does not affect the teeth nor cause constipation.


A food in diarrhoeal affections, agreeable, nutritious, relieving vomiting, restoring the appetite, and regulating the bowels.


Send for samples and literature to

Selling Agents for Bayer's Pharmaceutical Products:

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