Page images

AFRICA, WEST, continued.

[403]. LAGOS, [402]. NIGERIA, NORTH,
[402], 9, 22; SOUTH, [402], 34.
[402]; hut tax, [402]. SPANISH

AFRIKANDER Bond delegates, meetings,
[121], [122], [157]

AGNEW, Messrs., recovery of a picture,

AGRICULTURE, Board of, measures against
Colorado beetles, 22; on the foot-and-
mouth disease, 34

AITKEN, Mrs., damages for the destruction
of a mummy, 33
ALEXANDRA, Queen, created a Dame of

the Order of the Garter, 4; letter on
the Coronation, 21; indisposition, 35
AMERICA. Vide Canada, Mexico, New-
foundland, United States, West Indies


Budget, [440]; Chili, relations with,
[440], 35; debt, unification scheme,
[439]; immigration, [439]; riots, [439];
trade, [439]. BOLIVIA, [438]. BRAZIL,
Budget, [442]; Campos Santos, Pres.,
his Address on opening Congress, [442];
specie payments, resumption, [442].
CHILI, Argentina, relations with,
[140], 35; conversion law, [441]
Errazuris, Pres., his death, [441];
trade, [441]. COLOMBIA and Venezuela,
struggle between, [422], [437], 31, 32.
GUIANA, British, [436]; Dutch, [437];
French, [437]. PERU, trade, [438].
Colombia, struggle between, [422],
[487], 31, 32

ANNIVERSARIES, celebration of, Australian
Commonwealth, 16; Locomotives on
Highways Act, 31

ARMY Medical Service, report of the Com-
missioners, [29]-[31], [215]

ART.-Retrospect of :---

BRITISH Museum, 87

BURLINGTON Fine Arts Club, 86

DOWDESWELL Galleries, 87

GUILDHALL, Spanish exhibition. 86


NATIONAL Gallery, 87

NATIONAL Portrait Gallery, 87
NEW Gallery, 86

PORTRAIT Painters, Society of, 86

ROYAL Academy, 85; picture sales, $6

ASIA. Vide Afghanistan, Baluchistan,

Burmah, China, Corea, Hong-Kong,
India, Japan, Persia, Siam

ASTOR, Mr., his gift to the National Rifle

Association, 35

gent for, [455], 35. CABINET, mem-
bers, [444]. Commonwealth, inaugura-
tion, [444]; policy, [445]. DEFENCE
Bill, [451]. FEDERAL Parliament,
elections, [446]; tariff, [446], [449];
returns, [453]; first session opened,

AUSTRALIA, continued.

[447], 10; measures, [447]; character,
[454]. Flag, selection of a design,
[453]. HOPETOUN, Earl of, his re-
ception, 1. Hutton, Major-Gen. Sir
E., in command of the forces, [454],
31. IMMIGRANTS Restriction Bill,
[450]. KINGSTON, Mr., on the new
Federal tariff, [449]. NEW HEBRIDES,
encroachments of the French, [453].
TURNER, Sir G., his financial state-
ment [448]. YORK, Duke and Duchess
of, their visit, [452]; opens the first
Federal Parliament, [447], [452]

SOUTH. -- CENSUS returns, [459].
MINISTRY, reconstructed, [459]. RE-
VENUE, [459]. YORK, Duke of, at
Adelaide, [459]

WESTERN. GOLD, export of, [460].
MINISTRY, reconstructed, [460]. PAR-
LIAMENT opened, [460]. STRIKE, [460].
YORK, Duke of, at Perth, [460]
demonstrations, [292]. BUDGET, pro-
visional, [289]. DALMATIANS seize
the College of San Girolamo, [292].
ELECTION, general, [287]; Este, Arch-
duke Franz Ferdinand d', on emanci
pation from Rome, [289]. FOREIGN
policy, [290]. GERMANS and Czechs,
antagonism between, [288]; Golu-
chowski, Count, on foreign affairs,
[291], 11. INCOMPATIBILITY Bill, [290].
KLAUSENBURG, Bishop of, and the
Piarists, conflict between, [289];
Körber, Dr. von, on the proposed
German tariff, 28. POLISH children,
persecution of, in Prussia, [292];
Prague, Sokol or gymnastic festival
at, [292]. REICHSRATH opened, [287];
measures, [289]. SZELL, M., on the
charges against England, 33; Szilagyi,
M., on the Incompatibility Bill, [290];
his death, [290]. VIENNA Jockey
Club, gambling at, 36

Emperor of, on opening Parliament,
[288]; in Bohemia, [288]

BADEN POWELL, Major-Gen., presented
with a sword of honour, 30


QUETTA and Persia,
trade route between, [341]. TRADE,

BANK of England, rate of discount raised,
1, 30; reduced, 3, 4, 12, 13; reserve,
same pages and 25

BATTLE Abbey, sale of, 32

BELGIUM.-ARMY, reorganisation ques-
tion, [310]. CONGO Free State,
annexation question, [311]-[313].
GAMBLING, suppression of, [313].
LEOPOLD, Prince, his birth [314]
BICENTENARIES, celebration of, Prussian
Monarchy, 1; Society for the Propaga
tion of the Gospel, 14

BILLS. See Parliament
BIRMINGHAM, riot in, 34; University, first
congregation of the new, 16
BISLEY, Rifle Association, matches, 18;
prizes, 18

BLOCH, M. de, his lecture at the United

Service Institution, 14

BONDS, 3 per cent. Exchequer, issue of, 4

BRITISH Association, Glasgow, 23
BRODRICK, W. St. J., his letter to Sir
Howard Vincent, [208]; on the Con-
centration Camps, [213]; Speech in
City, 214]; Order in Council on War
Office administration, [215]
BROWN, Alexander, Senior Wrangler, 12
BUDGET. See Parliament

LOAN, proposed, [307].
MACEDONIAN Committee, movement,
[306]; members arrested, [306], 8.
Ministry, resignation, [307]; the new,
[307]. SOBRANYE elections, [307]
BULLER, Sir R., in command of the First
Army Corps, Aldershot, [200], 27; his
speech in reply to newspapers, [201],
28; dismissal, [204], 29
BURMAH, [354]. See India
BYE-ELECTIONS. See Elections

CAMBERLEY, Public Schools Volunteers at,

CANADA. ACTS passed, [429]. BOU-
RASSA, Mr., on the South African
war, 5. Budget, [427]. CENSUS, de-
cennial, [429]. DOMINION Day dinner,
estimate of, [430]. INDUSTRIES, de-
velopment of, [430]. MARCONI, Sgr.,
his experiments in wireless telegraphy,
[433]. Minto, Lord, his trip through
the Maritime Provinces, [429].
treal, fire in, [426]. PACIFIC Cable,
[427]. Parliament opened, [426];
prorogued, [429]: petition to the
King, 4. Population, [429].



Office returns, [433]. TRADE, [428].
Troops return, [426]; offer of, [433],
33. "VICTORIA Day," [429], 10.
YORK, Duke and Duchess of, their
visit, [431][433]

CARNEGIE, A., his gift to the Scottish Uni-
versities, 10; elected Rector of St.
Andrews University, 30

CELTIC," White Star liner, launched, 7
CENSUS, decennial, 7; results, 13, 66
CHALMERS, Rev. J., report of his murder, 8
CHAMBERLAIN, J., on Lord Milner, [140];


on the development of Canada, 15; at
the Birmingham University, 16. See
also Political Speeches
CHARITABLE Institutions, income of, 36
CHINA.CHING Wang-tao port, [365].
Chun, Prince, his mission to Germany,
[357], 23. Coalfields, [365].
mercial questions, commission ap-
pointed, [359]. EUROPEAN troops,
withdrawal, [358], 11. FLOODS, [365].
INDEMNITY, amount of, [357]. KIAO-
CHOW, [370]. LEGATIONS, defence of,
[859]. Li Hung Chang, his death,
[361]. Lu-han railway, [366]. MAN-
CHURIAN Treaty, [363]. ÖTTOMAN
mission, [364]. PEACE protocol signed
at Pekin, [356], 2, 23. Pekin, Im-
perial Palace, portion of the, burnt,
[360]: evacuation, [360]. Pekin-
Shanhaikuan railway, [362]. Piracy,
increase of, [365]. Powers, the foreign
demands, [358]. Pu-Chun, Heir-
Apparent, set aside, [360]. REFORM,
proposed measures of, [360]. Russia,
demands of, [363], 7. SHANGHAI

CHINA, continued.

River, Conservancy Board appointed,
[358]. Shensi, famine, [365]. Siberian
railway, [365]. Sobraon wrecked,
[366]. TA-LIEN-WAN port, [365].
Tibetan mission, [364]. Tien-tsin,
[362]; number of concessions, [363].
Tungchow, funeral procession at, [360].
WAI WUPU, creation of, [358]. Wei-
hai-wei, [370]. YUAN Shih-Kai, Vice-
roy of Chilli, [361].
CIVIL list pensions, 13

COAL export duty, agitation against, 8;
Smoke Abatement Society, meeting, 31
COALFIELDS, Royal Commission of inquiry
into, 36

"COBRA," court martial on, 27, 28
COCKERTON judgment, [46], [S8], 7
COINAGE, the new, 33

Co-operative, Middlesbrough, [142],
[230]. Educationists, Progressive,
[146]. Engineering, Glasgow, [194].
Friendly Societies, Queen's Hall, 27.
Garden City Association, Birmingham,
25. Law Association, Glasgow, [194],
21. Miners' Federation, [110], [121],
[143], 9, 11. National Liberal Feder-
ation, [219]; at Bradford, [125], [135];
at Rugby, [48]. Oddfellows, Birming-
ham, 11. Pan-Celtic, Dublin, [195],
21. Rochester Diocesan, [213].
"Round Table," Fulham Palace, 36.
Sugar Bounties, Brussels, 34. Tele-
phonic service, Guildhall, 35. Trade
Union, Swansea, [195], 22. Tuber-
culosis, 20. Wesleyan, 19.
CONNAUGHT, H.R. H. the Duke of, installed
Grand Master of English Freemasons,
17; in command of the Third Army
Corps, Ireland, [200], 25, 27
COREA. BELGIUM, treaty with, [369].
Brown, J. McL., intrigues against,

[369] QUELPART, island of, riots,
[369]. SEOUL to Fusan, railway, [369]
CORNWALL AND YORK, Duke of, opens the

first Parliament of the Australian Com-
monwealth, 10; installed Chancellor of
Cape Town University, 21; reviews
troops at Quebec, 24; created Prince
of Wales, [217], 30

-Duke and Duchess of,leave Portsmouth,
6; at Colombo, 8; Singapore, 8; Mel-
bourne, 9; Brisbane, 10; Sydney, 11,
12; Auckland, 12; Lyttelton, 14;
Hobart, 16; Perth, 19; Mauritius, 20;
Cape Town, 21; Quebec, 24; Mon-
treal, 24; Ottawa, 25; Winnipeg, 26;
Vancouver, 26; Toronto, 28; review
of troops, 28; at St. John's, New
Brunswick, 28; Halifax, 29; St. John's,
Newfoundland, 29; in the Solent, 30;
at Portsmouth, [217], 30; in London,
30; at the Guildhall, [217]
CORONATION, date of the, 15, 32; claims of
service, 15, 32

COUNTY Council, London, elections, [49],
4; Housing of the Working Classes
question, [96]; prohibition of games
on Sundays, 5; meeting, 31


CRETE. ASSEMBLY, on union with Greece,
[305], 12. TURKEY, convention with,

CRETE, Prince George of, High Com-
missioner, result of his tenure of office,
[305]; on the union with Greece, [305],

CRICKET. See Sports

CRIMINAL cases, Jackson or Horos, 35;
Russell, Earl, 14; Stoddart, J., 19


BUDGET, [327], [331].
COPENHAGEN, fête in, [329]. DEUNT-
ZER, Prof., Prime Minister, [329];
proposed reforms, [330]. ELECTION,
general, [328]; result, [328]. LEGISLA
TIVE measures, [328], [331]. MINISTRY,
the new, [329]. RIGSDAG, assembled,
[330]. SEHESTED Ministry, resigna-
tion, [329]. State Loan Bill, [328],
[331]. TAXATION Reform Bills, [327],

King of, deputation to, [330], 22; on
the new Ministry, [330]; opens the
Rigsdag, [330]; entertains Imperial
and Royal personages, [330], 23
DEVONSHIRE, Duke of, deputation on the
Education Bill, [135]

"DISCOVERY," the, service on board, 17;
sails from Cowes, 20
DRAMA, The.-FARCES, 89, 90; foreign

plays, 90; melodramas, 88, 90; musical
comedies, 90; pantomimes, 91; plays,
88; revivals, 89, 90; Shakespeare's
plays, 89; tragedy, 90

EARLDOM Conferred, Roberts, Lord, 1
EARTHQUAKES.-Constantinople, 7. Scot-

land 24

[blocks in formation]


LONDON, Bishop of, his service on
board the Discovery, 17. MOULE, Rev.
Dr. H. C. G., appointed Bishop of
Durham, 21. PAGET, Very Rev. F.,
appointed Bishop of Oxford, 10. Ro-
CHESTER Diocesan Conference, [213].
Round Table Conference, at Fulham
Palace, 36. ST. PAUL'S, service in
memory of British troops, 34. TAL-
BOT, Bishop, at the Rochester Diocesan
Conference, [213]. WINNINGTON-IN-
GRAM, Rt. Rev. Dr. A. F., appointed
Bishop of London, [51], 5
EDWARD VII., King, his accession, [9], 2;

declaration at his first Council, [9], 2;
public proclamation, [10], 2; his three
messages, [20], 3; letters of thanks to
the Army and Navy, 2; opens Parlia-
ment, [22], 4; Speech, [22]-[24];
receives deputations from the Univer-
sities, 4; leaves for Kronberg, 4; on
board the Shamrock, 11; receives
members of the New York Chamber
of Commerce, 12; presents medals,
13; proclamation of the date of his
coronation, 15, 32; his motor-car, 15;
vote of condolence on the death of the
Empress Frederick, 20; sale of his
horses, 25; receives Mr. Choate, 26;

[blocks in formation]



Khedive of, his visit to the Soudan,
[398]; reviews troops, 32
ELECTIONS.Andover, [193], 22; Gal-
way, 31; Lancashire, [205], 26; Maid-
Monmouth, [120],
Oswestry, [141], 11; Saffron Walden,
[141], 12; Stratford-on-Avon, 14:
Stretford, 4; Wokingham, 17
ESTIMATES. See Parliament
EXETER Hall, meetings at, 14
EXHIBITION, International, Glasgow, [229],


FIFE, Duchess of, opens the Glasgow Exhi-
bition, 9

FIJI. TRADE, [462].

UNION with New
Zealand, agitation against, 1462]
FINANCE, [235]-[237]

ST. JOHN's, Newfoundland, 23

PEKIN, Imperial Palace at, 8

FOG over London, 30
FOOTBALL. See Sports

disturbances in.

[247]; census, [248]. Associations
Bill, [241], [244], 6, 14, 15; passed,
[249]. BAUDIN, Deputy, inauguration
of the monument to, [256] Budget,
[243], [249], [254], [255]; Public
Worship, 1256]. CAILLARD, Adm..
at Mytilene, [254], 30. Cardinals,
College of, on the new Associations
Law, 17. Census, result, [248], 13.
Chambers, session opened, [240];
adjourned, [246]; reopened, [248].
China, war indemnity, [254]. Con-
seils Généraux, session, [248], [251].
DELCASSÉ, M., at St. Petersburg. 8.
Deroulède, M., at S. Sebastian, [245].
Gen., Governor of Paris, [253]. GENOA,
Duke of, at Nice [246]. JONNART,
Gov. Gen., resignation, [247]. LEO
XIII., on the Associations Bill, [241].
Loubet, President, at Nice, [246];
his popularity, [246]. Lur-Saluces,
Comte de, sentenced, [248], 14.
MARSEILLES, strike, [245]. Miners
Congress, St. Etienne, [246]; Lens.
[246]. Montceau-les-Mines, strike,
[244]. Morocco, reparation from.
[250]. RÉVOIL, M., nominated Gov.-
Gen. of Algeria, [250]. Roubaix,

election, municipal, [255]. Russia.
Emperor and Empress of, at Dunkirk,
[251]; at Rheims, [252]. SANTOS-
DUMONT, M., his navigable balloon,
29. Succession duties, law, [242].
TURKEY, relations with, [251), 23

FRENCH, Major-Gen. Sir J., in command
of the First Army Corps, [204], 29

GAUSS," the s.s., at Cape Town, 31
GERMANY. ALCOHOLIC liquors, con-
sumption of, [280]. Anglo-German
agreement, [281]. BANK suspends
payment, [277]. Baumann, charges
against, [274]. Berlin, bi-centenary
of the Prussian Monarchy celebrated,
[274], 1. Bismarck, Prince, memorial
to, unveiled, 13. Blaskovitz, Lieut.,
killed in a duel, [272]. Bülow, Count
von, on Anglo-German relations, [52],
[285]; on the Canal Bill, [264]; on the
Tariff Bill, [269]; on Manchuria, [281].
CANAL Bill, [264]. Census, result,
[279], 36, 67. Chun, Prince, his peni-
tential mission, [284]. Copyright Bill,
[272]. Corn duties, increase of, [265],
[267]. DUELLING question, [272]. FI-
NANCE, [271]. Foreign policy, [281].
GREAT Britain, provisional Most Fa-
voured Nation Bill, prolongation, [273].
HATZFELDT, Count, his death, 31. IN-
DUSTRIAL crisis, [277]. KOELLER, Herr
von, Secretary of State for Alsace-
Lorraine, [276]. "Krosigk Court
Martial," [276]. LOAN, 3 per cent.,
[275]. MINISTERS, resignation, [267];
the new, [267] Miquel, Dr. von, re-
signation, [267]; his death, [267].
NYASSA and Tanganyika, boundary
between, [286]. PARLIAMENT, open-
ing, [271]. Poles, policy towards, [278].
Posadowsky, Count, on the Tariff Bill,
[269]. Press, hostility to England,
[285]. Puttkamer, Herr von, resigna-
tion, [276]. RAILWAY Construction,
[287]. Russia, relations with, [282].
SOCIALIST Congress, Lübeck, [277].
Spahn, Dr., appointment to the Uni-
versity of Strasburg, [280]. Spirit Tax
Bill, [274]. TARIFF Bill, [267]-[269];
debate on, [269]. Trade, maritime,
[278]. VIRCHOW, Prof., celebration of
his eightieth birthday, 28. WALDER-
SEE, Count, result of his appointment,
[282], [284]

Emperor of, at Osborne, [8], 2; leaves
London, [21], 3; struck on the face,
[274], 5; at Bonn, [275]; Cuxhaven,
[275]; refuses to confirm election of
Herr Kaufmann, [277], 16; his speech
to the Alexander Guards, [280], 6;
toasts the French army, 12; at Dant-
zig, [283], 23, 24; on German sculpture,


Empress Frederick of, her death,
[276], 20

"GLOBE" editor and publisher, reprimanded
by the Speaker, 21
GOLF. See Sports

GOUDIE, absconded from the Bank of Liver-

pool, 31; arrested, 32

GREECE. ATHENS, disturbances in, 31.
GOSPEL, translation of the, demonstra-
tion against, [309]. MINISTRY, resig-
nation, [309]. ZAIMIS, M., Prime
Minister, [309]

GREY, Lord, his letter to the Times on the
proposed export tax on coal, [111]

GRIMSBY fishing trade, dispute, [197]-[199],
24, 27, 35

GUILDHALL, meeting in, 16

HICKS-BEACH, Sir M., deputations to, on
the export tax on coal, [108]-[110]
HOBHOUSE, Miss, her report on the Con-
centration Camps in South Africa,
[183], [375]

HOLBEIN, M., attempt to swim the Channel,


HONG-KONG.-PLAGUE, bubonic, [370].
Population, [370]

HORNIMAN, F. J., his presentation of a
park and museum, 3
See Sports

HORSE races.

HYDE Park, demonstration, 32

IMPERIAL Institute, transferred to the na-
tion, 35

INDIA. BUDGET Estimate, [348], [352].
Burmah, [354]. CAPITAL Account,
[348]. Collen, Sir E., on the Army,
[351]. Curzon, Lord, on his Frontier
policy, [344]; criticisms on the Punjab
Government, [345]; his tour in Bur
mah, [354]. ECONOMIC progress, [350].
Estimate, the revised, [347]; Budget,
[348]. FAMINE,[352]. Feudatory States,
[355]: Bahawulpur, [356]; Bhopal,
[356]; Kapurthala, [355]: Nepal,
[355]; Panna, [356]; Patiala, [355].
Finance, [347]-[350]. LAW, Sir E.,
his minute on the financial situation,
[347]-[350]; on the economic, [350];
Budget, [352]. NORTH-WEST FRON-
TIER, [343]; Mahsud Waziris, expedi-
tions against, [343]; province, the new,
[344]; policies, [344]-[346]. PLAGUE,

sory sale, [234]. BELFAST, sectarian
riots, 12. DAIRIES, co-operative, [230].
FLAX cultivation, [231]. M'HUGH, P.
A., sentenced, 9. O'DONNELL, J., C.
O'Kelly and Mr. Tully, imprisonment,
[233], 34, 35. SHIPBUILDING trade,
[231] UNITED Irish League, [232].
University Education question, [234].
VICEROY, on the King's wish to visit,
10. WALSH, Dr., resigns membership
of the Board of Education, 15
ISTHMIAN Canal Treaty, [418], 31, 33, 34
ITALY. ANCONA, Congress of, [263].
Benedetto Brin launched, [262].
Budget, [260]. CRISPI, Sgr., his
death, [262]. FINALI, Sgr., Minister
of the Treasury, [257]. Finance,
[263]. Franco-Italian Agreement,[264].
GENOA, strike, [258]; Duke of, at
Nice, [260]; Toulon, 8. Gerontocracy,
evils of, [258]. MINISTRY, defeated,
[258]; the new, [258], [261]. NAPLES,
municipal election, [262]; strike, [259].
Norfolk, Duke of, on the Papal rights,
[257]. RAILWAY construction, [259].
Rome, Albanian Congress, [260]; Dal-
matians invade the cloister of San
Girolamo, [262]. SARDINIA, strike,
[261]. Senators, new, [263]. Yo-
LANDA Margherita, Princess, her birth,
[260]. ZANARDELLI, Sgr., his Minis-
try, [258]; banquet to, [262]

ITALY, King of, at Milan, [261]; popu-
larity, [262]; at Naples, [262]

cess, birth of a son, [366]. FOREIGN
residents, tenure of land in settlements,
[366]. ITO Cabinet, resignation, [367].
KURIHARA, monument unveiled at,
[368]. LAMAS, relations with, [368].
Loans, securities for, [368]. ΜΑΝ.
CHURIAN Treaty, [367]. SPAIN, treaty
with, [367]. TAXATION Bills, [366].
Toru, Hoshi, assassinated, [367], 14.
WAKAMATSU, iron foundry opened,

KITCHENER, Lord, terms of his peace nego-

tiations, [90]; failure, [91]

LABORI, Maître, entertained at dinner by
the Hardwicke Society, 12
LAMBETH, Archbishop's Park, opened, 29.
LAWN Tennis. See Sports
LIPTON, Sir T., accident on his yacht, 11
LITERATURE, retrospect of, works of the

season, principal-

ADY, Mrs., "Painters of Florence," 37.
Allen, R., "Siege of the Pekin Lega-
tions," 46. Archer, W., "Poets of
the Younger Generation," 53. Ashbee,
C. R., "The Survey of London," 59.
BAGOT, Mrs. C., "Links with the Past,"
42. Baldry, A. L., "Hubert von
Herkomer," 38. Batts, H. J., "Pre-
toria from Within," 51. Beazley,
Mr., "Dawn of Modern Geography,
44. Benson, A. C., "The Professor
and Other Poems, 58. Bigham, C.,
"A Year in China, 1899-1900," 46.
Black, S., "Encyclopædia Biblica," 57.
Blashfield, Mr. and Mrs., "Italian
Cities," 48. Bleloch, Mr., "New
South Africa," 51. Borchgrevinck,
Com. C. E., "First on the Antarctic
Continent," 45. "Boyle, Mary, Her
Book," 41. Brooke, Rev. S., "Treas
ury of Irish Poetry in the English
Tongue," 58. Browne, E. G., "Daw-
latshah's Memoirs of the Poets," 54.
Bruce, R. I., "The Forward Policy
and Its Results," 46. Buxton, S.,
"Mr. Gladstone," 43

CAPPON, J., "Britain's Title in South
Africa," 51. Cheyne, Dr. T. K.,
Encyclopædia Biblica," 57. Childers,
Col. S., "The Life and Correspondence
of the Rt. Hon. H. C. E. Childers,'
43. Clark, J. W., "The Care of
Books," 52. Collins, C., "Ephemera
Critica, or Plain Truths about Current
Literature," 52. Colvile, Major-Gen.
Sir H. E., "The Work of the Ninth
Division," 51. Conway, Sir M.,
"Climbing and Exploration in the
Bolivian Andes," 47. Cook, E. T.,
Rights and Wrongs of the Transvaal
War," 51. Cowan, S., "Mary Queen
of Scots and Who Wrote the Casket
Letters?" 50. Craik, Sir H., "Cen-
tury of Scottish History," 49. Craw-
ford, F. M., "The Rulers of the
South," 46. Crawford, Rev. W. S.,
"Synesius the Hellene," 56. Cruik-

[ocr errors]

LITERATURE, continued..

shank, J. W. and A. M., "The Um-
brian Towns," 48. St. Cyres, Viscount.
"François de Fénelon," 38
DANIEL, Col. W. H., "The Military
Forces of the Crown," 61. Dauglish,
M. G., "Harrow School Register," 60.
Deasy, Capt. H. H. P., "In Tibet and
Chinese Turkestan," 45. Dickson, W.
K., "The Life of Sir R. Murdoch
Smith," 42. "Dictionary of National
Biography," 44. Dilke, Lady, "French
Furniture and Decoration," 38. Drury,
W. D., "Open Air Gardening," 59
EVANS, Rear-Admiral, R. D., “A Sailor's
Log," 41
FAWCETT, Mrs., "Rt. Hon. Sir William
Molesworth, 43. Fea, A.,
Monmouth," 39. Fielding, H., "The
Meaning of Religion," 56. Firth, C.
H., "Narrative of General Venables,"
44. Fitzmaurice, Lord E., "Charles
William Ferdinand, Duke of Bruns-
wick, 1735-1806," 39. Fletcher, E.,
"Conversations with James North-
cote," 42. Foster, J., "Some Feudal
Coats of Arms," 60. Fountain, P.,
"The Great Desert and Forest of North
America," 48. "Francis Letters," 39
GAMBLE, Rev. H. R., "Sunday and the
Sabbath," 56. Gardiner, Dr. S. R..

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'History of the Commonwealth and
Protectorate," 49. Garnett, R..
"Essays of an ex-Librarian," 53.
George, H. B., "The Relations of
Geography and History," 44. Giles,
H., "History of Chinese Literature,"
53. Gissing, G., "By the Ionian Sea,"
48. Glover, T. R., "Life and Letters
in the Fourth Century," 56. Gosse,
E., "
Hypolympia, or the Gods in the
Island," 52. Grant-Duff, Sir M. E..
Notes from a Diary," 41. Grenfell,
B. P., and Mr. Hunt, "Amherst
Papyri," 54. Gruggen and Keating.
Fathers, "Stonyhurst, Its Past His-
tory and Life in the Present," 60.
Grundy, G. B., "The Great Persian
War,' 48. Gummere Prof., "The
Beginnings of Poetry," 53
HAGGARD, R., "Winter Pilgrimage to
Italy, Cyprus, and the Holy Land,"
45. Hardy, T., "Poems of the Past
and Present," 58. Hardy, C. F..
"Benenden Letters," 39. Harris, W.
T., "The Spiritual Sense of the
Divina Commedia," 55. Hart, Sir R..
"These from the Land of Sinim," 46.
Headley, F. W., "Problems of Evolu-
tion," 55. Heinemann, W., “War,”
57. Henley, W. E., "Hawthorn and
Lavender," 58. Hinde, S. L., "The
Last of the Masai," 47. Holcombe.
C., "The Real Chinese Question," 46.
Holdich, Col. Sir T. H., The Indian
Borderland, 1880 to 1900," 47. Hole.
Dean, "Then and Now," 41. Holland.
B., "Imperiam et Libertas," 59, Holt-
White, R., "The Life and Letters of
Gilbert White," 40. Hope, W. H. St.
J., "The Stall Plates of the Knights
of the Garter," 60. Hume, M..
"Treason and Plot," 50

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