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[blocks in formation]

Erb's paralysis of brachial plexus, i. 499 Exploratory puncture, apparatus, i. 160

supraclavicular point, i. 499

Ergotism, i. 539

Ergot-poisoning, paralysis from, i. 539

Eructation, i. 211

nervous, i. 235

Erysipelas, ii, 329

afebrile, ii. 332

bulbous, ii. 332

cutaneous, ii. 332

gangrenous, ii. 333

of mucous membranes, ii. 333

pustular, ii, 332

treatment, ii. 333

vesicular, ii. 332

wandering, ii. 333

gyrate, ii. 168

Erythema, annular, ii. 168

iris, ii. 168

mammillatum, ii. 168

multiform exudative, ii. 168
nodose, ii. 166

recurring scarlatiniform, ii. 169
syphilitic, ii. 514
Erythrasma, ii. 229
Erythromelalgia, ii. 121

Esbach's albuminometer, i. 390
reagents, i. 389
Esophagism, i. 201

Esophagitis, catarrhal, i. 200
phlegmonous, i. 201

Esophagomalacia, i. 202

Esophagus, carcinoma of, i. 191

complications, i. 195

diagnosis, i. 196

paralysis of
from, i. 193

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Fermentation-tube, ii. 288

recurrent laryngeal Fever. See qualifying word.

Filaria medinensis, ii. 221

[blocks in formation]

Gangrene and embolism of aorta, i. Goll, column of, i. 546

[blocks in formation]

Gonococci, ii. 421

Gonorrhea, ii. 421

acute, in female, ii. 430

treatment, ii. 436

in male, ii. 423

treatment, ii. 433
chronic, in female, ii. 431
treatment, ii. 436

in male, ii. 428

treatment, ii. 435
diagnosis, ii. 423
gonococci of, ii. 421
gouty, ii. 427

in children, ii. 422

morning-drop in, ii. 428
treatment, ii, 433

two-glass test in, ii. 429

urethral injections in, ii. 433

Gonorrheal Bartholinitis, ii. 430

metastases, ii. 424, 426

threads, ii. 428

Gastro-intestinal catarrh, acute, in in- Gout, ii. 279

fants, i. 217

treatment, i. 250

Gastroptosis, i. 229, 233

Gastrosuccorrhea, i. 241

Gastroxynsis, i. 242

Genitalia, eczema of, ii. 172

seborrhea of, ii. 196


heart in, ii. 2-3

kidneys in, ii. 283

nature of, ii. 2-4

treatment, ii. 2-4

Gouty deposits, explanation, ii. 284

nodules, ii, 2-1

ulcers, ii. 2-2

Genito-urinary organs, diseases of, i. Gowers' column, i. 546

tertiary syphilis of, ii. 528

Gerlier's disease, ii. 113

Giant-growth, morbid, ii. 136
partial, ii. 138

Gingivitis, scorbutie, ii. 266, 267
Glanders, ii. 544

Glans penis, neuralgia of, i. 524
Gliomatosis, i. 565

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HAFFKINE's prophylaxis, ii. 374

Hematomyelitis, i. 548, 553

Hagen-Brandt's formula to abort acute Hematoporphyrinuria, i. 396

coryza, i. 76

Hematuria, i. 392

Hair, atrophic changes in, ii. 205

Heller's test, i. 393

brittleness of, ii. 207

deficiency of, ii. 205

graying of, ii. 205
hypertrophy of, ii. 202
loss of, ii. 205

Ham-spleen, ii. 234

[blocks in formation]

beer-, Munich, i. 28

[blocks in formation]

Hemoglobinemia, ii. 272

Hemoglobinuria, i. 392, 394

paroxysmal, ii. 272

Hemopericardium, i. 60

Hemophilia, ii. 270

Hemopneumopericardium, i. 58

chronic aneurysm of, after myocarditis, Hemopneumothorax, i. 162

i. 33

dilatation of, i. 24

acute, blood-pressure and, i. 25
and cardiac insufficiency, i. 27

and pericarditis, i. 57

diminished resistance of heart mus-

cle and, i. 24

treatment, i. 28

echinococcus of, i. 34

fat, i. 29

anemic, i. 30
cachectic, i. 30
in obesity, ii, 277
plethora and, i. 30
hypertrophy of, i. 28
toxic, i. 29
new-growths of, i. 33
ox-, i. 27

right-sided, i. 34
rupture of, i. 34

thrombosis of, i. 51

villous, i. 52

Heartburn, i. 211

Heart-disease, congenital, i. 45

Heart-failure cells, i. 20

Heart-murmurs, localization, i. 43

Heart-pain, nervous, i. 63
Heberden's nodes, ii. 308
Hectic fever, ii. 480
flush, ii. 480

Heller's nitric-acid test, i. 389

test for hematuria, i. 393
Helminthiasis, intestinal, i. 292
Hematemesis of newborn, i. 258
Hematinuria, i. 396
Hematomyelia, i. 548

Hemoptysis and fibrinous bronchitis, i.

[blocks in formation]

Hydrocephalus, circumscribed, ii. 76

congenital, ii. 74
external, ii. 76

intermeningeal, ii. 76

internal, ii. 76

ventricular, ii. 76
Hydromyelia, i. 564
Hydronephrosis, i. 435
and pyelitis, i. 440
partial, i. 436

treatment, i. 438
varieties, i. 437
Hydropericardium, i. 59
Hydrophobia, ii. 549

Hydropneumopericardium, i. 58
Hydropneumothorax, i. 162
diagnosis, i. 166

encapsulated, i. 162, 167
subphrenic, i. 167

treatment, i. 168

Hydrothorax, i. 169
Hypacidity, i. 208, 240

Hyperacidity, i. 208, 209, 240
Hyperacusis, Willisian, i. 482
Hyperchlorhydria, i. 240
Hypergeusia, i, 531

Hyperidrosis, ii. 193

Hyperkinesis, i. 507

Hyperosmia, i. 529

Hyperthyroidism, ii. 134

Hypertrophy, cardiac, eccentric, i. 24

muscular, true, ii. 159

with juvenile atrophy, ii. 156
pseudomuscular, ii. 153, 158

Hypochlorhydria, i. 240

Hypogeusia, i. 531

Hypoglossal nucleus, situation, ii. 20

nerve, paralysis of, i. 489

spasm, i. 510

Hyposmia, i. 529

Hysteria, ii. 139

diagnosis, ii. 144
eye in, ii. 142
hearing in, ii. 142
paralysis with, ii. 140
treatment, ii. 144
Hysterical globus, ii. 140
Hystero-epilepsy, ii. 143


sebaceous, ii. 197

[blocks in formation]

paralytic, i. 277

Impetigo, ii. 179

syphilitic, ii. 515

Infectious diseases, ii. 311

of typical localization, ii. 311
of varying localization, ii. 456
with changes in blood, ii. 357

in blood-generating organs, ii. 357
in digestive organs, ii. 384
in joints and muscles, ii. 349
in nervous system, ii. 442

in respiratory organs, ii. 374

with lesions of sexual organs, ii. 421
Inferior oblique muscle of head, spasm
of, i. 511

Influenza, ii. 380
abdominal, ii. 383
bacillus of, ii. 380
pneumonia with, ii. 382
treatment, ii. 383

Insanity, pre-epileptic, ii. 89
Intention-tremor, i. 561
Intermittent fever, ii. 364
comatose, ii. 367
duplicated, ii. 367
larval, ii. 367.
pernicious, ii. 367

quotidian, ii. 364-366

tertian, ii. 366

treatment, ii. 371

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Intussuscipiens, i. 271

Ileus, i. 275. See also Bowel, obstruction of. Intussusceptum, i. 271

Iliopsoas muscle, paralysis of, i. 505

Impotence in male, i. 463

Infants, acute gastro-intestinal catarrh

in, i. 247

treatment, i. 250

fatty liver in, i. 342

feeding of, with milk substitutes, i.

Invagination, i. 271

Isthmus aortæ persistens, i. 71

of aorta, constriction and occlusion of,
i. 71

Iteb, ii. 211

treatment, ii. 215
Itch-burrow, ii. 214
Itch-parasite, ii. 212

Itching-sense, testing of, i. 526
Itching-weeping tetter, ii. 170

[blocks in formation]

diseases of, i. 387

dystopia of, i. 432

echinococcus of, i. 427

embolic infarction of, i. 420
horseshoe, i. 432
hypostatic, i. 401

in cardiac insufficiency, i. 19
large white, i. 409
movable, i. 428

treatment, i. 431

pelvis of, calculi in, i. 441

treatment, i. 446
carcinoma of, i. 447
dilatation of, i. 435

treatment, i. 438

varieties, i. 437
diseases of, i. 435
inflammation of, i. 438
parasites of, i. 448
tuberculosis of, ii. 492
'sarcoma of, i. 425

spotted contracted, i. 413
suppuration of, i. 416
treatment, i. 420

Kidneys, surgical, i. 417
tuberculosis of, ii. 491
treatment, ii. 495

venous hyperemia of, i. 401
wandering, i. 264, 428
incarceration of, i. 430
treatment, i. 431

LABIA majora, neuralgia of, i. 524
Laennec's cirrhosis of liver, 333
Lagophthalmos, choleraic, ii. 414
paralytic, i. 481

Laryngeal cough, i. 95

mucous membrane, anesthesia of, i. 95
in small-pox, ii. 345

sensory disorders of, i. 95

Laryngitis, catarrhal, i. 79

treatment, i. 83

granular, i. 82

hemorrhagic, i. 81

herpetic, ii. 337

Larynx, abscess of, i. 85

catarrh of, i. 79

treatment, i. 83

consumption of, ii. 486
diseases of, i. 79

edema of glottis and, i. 86
hyperesthesia of, i. 95

muscles of, paralysis of, i. 89
treatment, i. 92

mycosis of, i. 96

pachydermia of, i. 82

papillomata of, i. 83, 84

paresthesia of, i. 95

perichondritis of, i. 87
phthisis of, ii. 486
polypi of, i. 83, 84

tertiary syphilis of, ii. 525
ulcers of, treatment, i. 84
Lead-paralysis, i. 536
Legs, eczema of, ii. 173
Lentigenes, ii. 199
Leontiasis ossea, ii. 138
Leprosy, ii. 537

bacillus of, ii. 537, 538
cutaneous, ii. 539
diagnosis, ii. 540
facies in, ii. 539
nervous, ii. 540
treatment, ii. 541
ulcers of, ii. 539

Leprous leontiasis, ii. 539

satyriasis, ii. 539

Leptothrices, pulmonary, i. 101
Leukemia, ii. 238

blood in, ii. 239

colorless corpuscles in, ii. 239

complications, ii. 244

diagnosis, ii. 245

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