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Report of Cola D. R. Stowits,


Inspector General.

Buffalo, N. Y., July 20, 1908.

Adjutant General, G. A. R., Kansas City, Mo.

Comrade:-I have the honor to submit my report as Inspector General for the term ending June 30, 1908.

Upon assuming the duties of the office I found that the change in the Rules and Regulations, whereby the matter of making a general inspection of Posts was left optional with Department Commanders, had, in effect, made a repeal of the law in many Departments. I also became convinced of the fact that it would be a difficult task to secure reports or information necessary to compile a satisfactory statement. I did, however, make an effort in this direction and under dates of February 5 and May 4, 1908, I sent out the following circular letter:

"Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1908.

"Dear Sir and Comrade:-The law requiring Annual Inspection of all Posts has been repealed, leaving it with the Commander-inChief to order general inspection if so desired. As no general order has been issued I would like to know if any inspection has taken place in your Department. I respectfully request that you report to me by letter not later than May 1st, the general condition of the order in your department making such recommendations as you may think will aid our organization or be of interest to the National Encampment. I call attention to the fact that several Department Commanders have not recommended a Comrade for Assistant Inspector General of their Department, which I think should be done without delay. It is an honor for any Comrade to be designated for this important duty notwithstanding general inspections are not mandatory. We have even higher duties to perform from the fact that there are thousands of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in our land who are qualified for membership in our organization that we need. No Comrade should deprive himself of the pleasant fellowship and delightful associations that are always connected with our meetings. Every man who wore the Blue in the days of '61 to '65 outside of our order is depriving himself of a Fraternity and Companionship, which if understood and appreciated, would be a joyous and happy memory.

Our order has had as members, some of the noblest characters of American manhood, as well as some of the grandest heroes the

world has ever known. We have in our ranks today some of the truest, loyal souls that ever lived, who need the help of every Comrade in our work of Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty. We should make an earnest appeal to every eligible Veteran to become a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. I ask Inspectors, Aides and all other officers to assist in urging each individual Comrade to do all in his power to get his soldier friends one and all to come into our ranks, help to cherish the sacred memories of the past, and cement in a noble Fraternity the ties first formed in the hours of trial and danger.

If you have not already done so please send me the name of a Comrade you wish appointed Assistant Inspector General for your Department.

Have the kindness to have blanks for Inspection Report filled out and returned to me before May 1st, and oblige

Yours fraternally,


Inspector General."

"Buffalo, N. Y., May 4, 1908.

"Comrade:-In addition to the request made in my circular letter of Feb. 5, 1908, to fill out Form H and return it to me by May 1st, I now submit the following:

Did your Department Commander order General Inspection? If so, please send me copy of report of your Department Inspector for term ending last June or January, or please fill out and send copy of report as made by your Assistant Adjt. General.

What Soldiers' Homes has your State? Give number of inmates and anything of interest that may occur to you in regard to them.

Please state in a general way your ideas as to the present condition of the order in your Department, and make any suggestions that you think would be of interest to the National Encampment.

I hope to have not only a copy of the report but at the same time a brief letter, and sincerely trust that I may hear from you promptly, and oblige

Yours fraternally,

Inspector General."

The results from replies to these communications are as follows:

Departments that Made No Report.

South Dakota, Iowa, New Jersey, Connecticut, Colorado and Wyoming, Minnesota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Alaska, West Virginia, Wisconsin....

Departments Reporting by Letter.

Illinois, Michigan, Oklahoma, Missouri, Maine, Pennsylvania, Vir


ginia and North Carolina...


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