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public dishonor. It is estimated that since the close of the Civil War the South has expended in taxes for the education of the emancipated slaves something like $120,000,000. This is a splendid record. We recall nothing analogous to it in all history. Fifty years ago there was not a public-school system in any Southern State, and in most of the Southern States it was a criminal offense to teach the slaves. Slavery was abolished, not with the consent of the South, but against her vigorous protests and her heroic resistance. Yet no sooner is emancipation an accomplished fact than she begins in her poverty to see what can be done to educate the emancipated slaves for freedom. In every Southern State there is now a public-school system; and in every State the public provision for the one race is substantially equal to that made for the other. For the South to throw away in its growing prosperity this honorable distinction achieved in its desolation and poverty is not to be thought of; we have faith to believe that the suggestion will be thought of only to be indignantly repudiated. This work of education has been carried on under great difficulties. The money had to be raised, the school-houses built, the teachers to be educated, a curriculum adapted to the conditions of the race to be chosen, a system to be organized. Of course there have been mistakes. The education has been too exclusively literary, and should be developed along the lines of manual and industrial training; it has been too exclusively intellectual, and should be developed along the lines of moral training. But the fact that mistakes have been made is a reason for correcting the mistakes, not for abandoning the endeavor. Italy and France have established schools for their peasant children; Ireland has abandoned her hedgerow schools and is maintaining recognized parochial schools for her poorest population; England, by her Board Schools, is educating the children of the citizen and the laborer; America is planting the common school in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. Those in the South who propose to abandon the attempt to educate the colored people, whom the South has thus far with such self-sacrifice endeavored to educate, propose to transfer the Southern States from the front to the

rear of the column of free States, to revert in the twentieth century to the conception of education which the civilized world was already beginning to abandon by the close of the eighteenth.

It is true that if any Southern State were to abandon its attempt to educate her colored population the education would not be wholly abandoned. She would by that very act make her territory missionary ground; the efforts of missionary and charitable organizations in the North would be redoubled; public charity would take up the work laid down by the State; and Northern schools, supported by Northern contributions and officered by Northern teachers, would be multiplied. Of course this work would be undertaken under great disadvantages. It would be difficult to raise adequate funds. The Northern teachers would not and could not understand either the nature of the negro or the demands of the community as well as the Southerner understands them. The schools would be charity schools, not public schools; and the difference between the two is real and vital. The fact that Northern charity had to be appealed to for the continuance of a work which the South had once carried on, and then abandoned in discouragement because it presented obstacles, would be galling to Southern pride, as it ought to be.

But, worse than all, the colored people, publicly and officially notified, by an action which would speak much more loudly than words, that the Southerner was no longer his friend and did not care whether he obtained an education or remained in ignorance, would accept the separation which such an act would inevitably involve. Indifference is harder to bear than enmity; and whether the abandonment of the public-school system for the colored people was based on the affirmation that they are incapable of receiving an education, or on the affirmation that the Southerner does not care whether they are educated or not, the effect would be to increase that separation of the races in the South which all philanthropists and statesmen have justly regarded as disastrous alike to the white and to the colored people.

We do not anticipate the division of the school funds in any Southern State. But the way to insure the defeat of this

proposition is to protest against it wherever nable. Physical well-being without inteland whenever it makes its appearance, and to compel its advocates to present some other argument in favor of it than an appeal to the prejudices or the pockets of the taxpayers. We believe that The Outlook in this matter reflects the almost unanimous sentiment of the best people in the South; our only fear is that, in their contempt for so undemocratic a proposition, they may allow it in some sections to gather a headway which it never could secure if it were met in the very outset with a challenge to debate from South

ern men.

lectual resources or spiritual ideas makes men animals or sluggards, or fills them with a dangerous discontent. The wellbeing of America is to be secured, not only by wise, generous, and sane care for the physical conditions of the people, but by a far-sighted provision for the needs of their minds and the aspirations of their souls. Industry is only a means to a higher end; wealth is only an instrument for a wider and truer culture. There is nothing final in commerce, and nothing satisfying in money. To be merely commercial is to rank with the countries which serve the body. In order to rank with the countries which, like

For the Sake of Posterity Judea and Greece, have served the spirit,

The article on "The Passing of Niagara," which appears in this issue of The Outlook, deserves the widest reading as illustrating the perils which threaten much of the most impressive and beautiful scenery in this country. This is a utilitarian age, very largely concerned with the material well-being of men. There is nothing finer or more encouraging in its spirit and its activity than the sense of responsibility for the material well-being of the masses, or than the numberless experiments which are being tried in many directions by many people, in the hope of giving better homes, better sanitary conditions, and a more wholesome and normal life to the working classes in this country. With this movement The Outlook is in profound sympathy; it believes that the great work of the twentieth century will be the bringing of social and economic conditions into harmony with higher ideas of the brotherhood of man and the responsibility of man for man.

But it is a great mistake to imagine that the well-being of men terminates with clean streets, good water, good drainage, comfortable houses, proper food, and the right kind of clothing. It is essential that the body shall be put in the right condition. and kept there by right surroundings, because health of body is essential to health of soul. But the care of the body is only the beginning of the total care of the human being. It would be possible to make everybody in the country comfortable and still leave everybody to the dullest and most uninteresting life imagi

the country must work with its mind and its soul.

It is of the highest importance, therefore, that America should not only make room for industry, but that it should preserve every aspect of beauty which nature has given it, and enlarge and deepen natural beauty with an intelligent, generous, and noble art.

At this stage, when the tide of commercial energy is at the flood, those who care for the mind and the soul of America should watch with a vigilant eye the encroachments of trade on beauty, and should organize themselves together to protect that natural wealth which God has given the people of the United States; which belongs not only to them, but to their posterity and to the world, and which they have no right to alienate. Our cities and the Nation have been for years giving away franchises which were public property, and which they had no more right to give without compensation than a private person has a right to give away the property of his neighbor. These franchises ought to have been sold or leased for the benefit of the community. There are other franchises which are being given away which the country has no right either to lease or to sell-franchises which belong to posterity. Among these are to be counted Niagara Falls, the Palisades of the Hudson, the Columbia River, the Grand Cañon of the Colorado, the Yellowstone Park, and many other localities sacred by reason of historical associations or beautiful because the hand of the Almighty has molded them into noble


are looked upon as representing "good usage," when oftentimes they represent only careless writing, which the author himself would have corrected if he had had the chance, or if the error had been brought to his notice. So with many of the examples which Mr. Matthews has recently adduced as showing the wide latitude which writers should have in employing phrases which are criticised by purists. Professor Whitney wrote, as quoted by Mr. Matthews, "Pupils who have only enjoyed the ordinary training," etc. some kind friend had looked over the learned Professor's shoulder and with unfaltering nerves had suggested putting the only after the enjoyed, the Professor would doubtless have said, "Thank you. I hadn't noticed it. Such slips will occur," etc., etc. A friend of the Spectator whose business it is to read manuscripts before publication tells him that that sort of work is calculated to shake the faith of any one in our greatest and our best, so far as grammatical impeccability is concerned. In a recent address by a man who has occupied one of the most exalted governmental positions, he says, he found several glaring examples of the "split infinitive " and the use of a personal instead of a relative pronoun. That these are really insignificant faults does not affect the point. Another friend recently told of a curious instance of the way in which learned men sometimes go to pieces over simple words. "When I was a college boy," said this friend, "one of my professors made the remark, 'You were mizzled by the similarity,' etc. I was nonplused by the word 'mizzled,' but said nothing. Later the professor used the same word again: 'I was mizzled by one whom I supposed was an authority.' I then understood that he meant misled.' As a boy he had probably seen the word 'misletoe' thus spelled, and shortly after the word 'misled.' He had been 'mizzled' by the similarity of spelling, and all his life had been saying 'mizzled' for misled."

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sins to know that poetasters, and probably even poets, are often put to it to find a suitable rhyme. Mr. Matthews makes an ingenious apology for Kipling's line in the "Recessional,"

"The shouting and the tumult dies."

Now, if Mr. Kipling had been writing plain prose, is it possible that he would have written dies? Scarcely; and in starting off his muse in this stanza, he probably wrote die; but after a few moments he struck off

"Still stands thine ancient sacrifice," and the Spectator believes that he just couldn't forego the temptation to add an s to the die and see how it would look. Finally, after worrying an hour over the line, he probably said, "Well, let it go at that. If anybody reads the stuff, they'll probably call it 'archaic,' ' rugged,' 'Chauceresque,' or something of the sort. Anyhow, Shakespeare succumbed to the same temptation in

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,' and in

'Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings, And Phoebus 'gins arise,

His steeds to water at those springs

On chaliced flowers that lies.'"

And so the world gets another example of the freedom of our English tongue, and the critics have another instance in which "good usage" justifies a violation. of the rules of the grammarians.


The Spectator has no desire either to exalt or to abase the grammarians. is simply interested in observing, as is his wont. He observes that people who are finicky about grammar are not very agree able to converse with-they are apt to say, for instance, that one must not end a sentence with a preposition. He is equally unhappy with those who "murder their English "--they betray a lack in character or training that makes them singularly unappreciative of the conversation of those who might do something to save them from their ungrammatical selves. The Spectator therefore is inclined to approve a middle course, and to say, Be not grammatical overmuch-or overmuch grammatical-for why should a man be more attentive to the form than to the

substance? and also, Be not overmuch indifferent to the niceties of speech, for a careless speaker becomes a slovenly writer,

and misdrawn checks and sometimes libel suits are the punishments that lie in wait for him.

Justice in the Philippine Islands

By Pandia Ralli

[Readers of The Outlook will find a special interest in this article, written by a native of the Philippines, because it describes the first civil case tried before the American Governnor of Benguet, the Hon. Phelps Whitmarsh, who went out to the Philippines as Special Commissioner for The Outlook. Mr. Whitmarsh gives some description of Benguet in his article called "The Land of the Igorrotes," published in The Outlook for April 28, 1900. Apart from the special interest just referred to, Pandia Ralli's article affords a significant glimpse at the beginnings of the institution of American ideas of justice and law in Benguet.-The EDITORS.]


HE first case under the auspices of the Civil Government of the province of Benguet is now being held. The little room, not twenty by fourteen, in which justice is dispensed has in turn at various hours done duty as living-place, levee room, and office for the Provincial Governor. In this chamber, whose walls are hung with krises, bolos, roughly carved oblong shields, hardwoodshafted double-barbed spears, and the feathery grass-made head-gear of the northern Busule or head-hunter, Western push and Eastern stagnation seem curiously to blend together.

Supported by perjured witnesses, the case in question is one of those trumped up issues of the breeched against the unbreeched, the white linen trousers of demi-civilization versus the gee-string of ignorance. Spanish "justice" had been an ally of the Ilocano gambler and refugee from the neighboring province of La Union. He it was who robbed the unsophisticated Igorrote once for his own benefit and once for the account of his



Governor Whitmarsh, ex officio J. P. of the Province of Benguet, is presiding over the court in his embryo capital of Baguio, which at present is two days from anywhere. The ex-Boston chant, ex-diver, ex-author and Outlook correspondent talks in English to Provincial Secretary Sheerer, ex-Igorrote recluse and ex-amateur geognostic, who translates the words into Spanish. Thence the parable is resumed in Ilocano by Imigdo Octaviano, the little weazened-up inspector. For the Igorrotes, failing to understand their previous legal and official

language, a second interpreter is on hand to conjure with their own vernacular.

The Ilocano brigade are confident of victory. Their former holding of all the trump cards-plausibility, unmitigated impudence, and, above all, their past white rulers' avaricious sympathy-makes them bear themselves in the court-room with a jaunty air as though already anticipating the division of the spoil. Clad in spotless white shirts dangling outside their immaculate trousers which overtop tancolored shoes, their thin, pliant fingers profusely covered with cheap jewelry, carefully groomed and glib of tongue, their appearance is in direct contradiction with that of the mountain men to whom they are opposed. These latter have no further confinement of dress than the geestring, and on occasion a blanket worn with an innate dignity, while a colored handkerchief is bound around the forehead. Dimly, very dimly, it is dawning on their unexercised brains that a change of order has taken place, and that the American, now substituted for the Spaniard, is not invariably in the market to be bought by the highest bidder. Expectantly clustering around the table at which is seated the Governor, they anxiously weigh every word that falls from the interpreter's lips.

The case in question is, or has been, a typical one. The desire of four Ilocanos-Chagoul, Officina, Palaxa, and Alvarezis to possess the two rice-fields of the old Igorrote woman Chown, the wife of the still more aged Pinas. How cleverly the quartette have hatched their little scheme by working on jealousy! Their tool is Inchec, stepdaughter to Chown. Pinas

hair brushed up pompadour fashion, coolly and brazenly tells the court how one of Chown's paddy fields had been bequeathed to him by Lintan three years ago. He is lured into saying that it is only for the last ten days that he has cultivated this self-same field, apparently oblivious of the fact that he is supposedly claiming it on the behalf of Inchec and not for himself.

Fortunately, the slow old Pinas, as bald of speech as of clothes, has a lawyer to speak on his behalf-a former captain of the English army and now a cattle-buyer. The awe inculcated in Pinas by his surroundings has effectually quelled all power of speech on his part. Finding the court to be not against her, if not with her, Chown, haggard and crowsfooted (an Igorrote woman's freshness fades with her early childhood), visibly brightens up, finally having to be checked for undue garrulity. Even the Igorrote interpreter has at times to requestion her in order to ascertain the sum and substance of her uncouth dialect.

put away Inchec to marry her stepmother, his dangling legs. Brisk Officina, with divorce being but a desire so expressed and a killing of hogs or similar compensation on the part of an Igorrote husband. Igorrote affection is latent, the emotions. being but the expression of a full or empty stomach, so Inchec did not hesitate, on the representation of the subtle.four, to arraign her stepmother as guilty of retaining these rice-paddies willed to her (Inchec) on the death of her father Lintan. Appearing in court with a baby strapped behind her, Inchec is not a houri of beauty. Her tousled black hair sprawls down over her shoulders in riotous confusion, its fringe rolling into her eyes. Her little pigeyes are cast downward as, swinging with an uneasy motion from the hips, she tells her story against Pinas, who is the necessary butt through which to strike at Chown's chattels. Every now and again she twitches around herself the blue and gray (once white) blanket-dress of the Igorrote woman. Occasionally you come across an Igorrote woman who, though dirty, has a passable figure. In such a case the teagownlike blanket-dress, with the opera-hood attachment, gives a positively pleasant appearance to the eye. In the wake of Inchec's testimony follows that of the four intriguers. So far, the fact that the old order of things, with its ripe, pluckable plums, is now behind them forever has not yet dawned upon them. So, in giving vent to their evidence, they contradict each other with the utmost complacency, taking little heed that on cross-examination their tale hangs together as much as a sieve will hold water. Some interesting local color is furnished by Chagoul, the goggle-eyed, dressed in a black and white Christy minstrel suit. On a certain occasion, he says, some women of his (women, mark you, and not men!) were sent up to work on the contested fields. Again, he adds, about some cattle brought into the issue, that after the "death feast" it was impossible for him to say how many were left alive. Among the Igorrotes it is customary to eat of the dead man's stock for weeks and sometimes months. Strapped in a bamboo chair, the corpse presides over its own obsequies, with an ever-lit cigarette between the fingers, a silent host at this gorging contest until shriveled into a mummy by the pine-smoke curling beneath

Breathlessly the Igorrotes await a decision. Never in all their lives have they known a trial to extend itself to such a length. Hearing that the case is soon to be decided, others of the mountain race, leaving for the nonce their packs and farm implements outside the Governor's house, enter fearfully on tiptoe and gaze anxiously into his face. To a spectator no doubt the whole proceeding is very funny, but somehow nobody feels like laughing.

Then comes the verdict. According to Igorrote tradition, when a rich woman marries a poor man, her goods, on the death of her husband, at once revert to her. Rich Chown married poor Lintan ; therefore the two rice-paddies were not his property to will to Inchec or anybody else. Igorrote tradition is evidently not without a certain fund of common sense. The dumfounded Ilocano coterie gaze at one another in amazement. The Governor rises to declare the court closed. There is a patter of naked feet, and the room once more is vacant. Before another sun-up, from northernmost Loo, perched five thousand feet high, to Sublam, bordering on La Union Province, swift runners will spread the welcome news of emancipation as complete as ever was meted out to the serfs of Russia.

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