Page images

out of the material first used in his newspaper work.

Much of the freshest and most original literature that
this country is producing nowadays makes its appear-
ance in the daily press, but the average literary critic
fails to recognize it until it has been reprinted and
bound in stiff covers. Mr. F. P. Dunne, for instance, is
one of the journalists whose first series of sketches
attained immense recognition as soon as brought into
book form. His second series, Mr. Dooley In the
Hearts of His Countrymen, is constructed upon the
same lines as Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War. Mr.
Dunne's humor is very genuine, and his mild satire has
its distinct value. (Small, Maynard & Co.)

The new novels include several dealing with contem-
porary life in New York city. Mr. Brander Matthews
contributes what may be fairly considered as, upon the
whole, the best of these, in A Confident To-morrow,
which deals with the career of a young writer who
comes to New York, and makes his way to literary suc-
cess. (Harpers.) Averages (Appleton), by Eleanor
Stuart, is a very interesting study of various phases of
the complex social life of the metropolis, and has much
merit. Mrs. Burton Harrison, in The Circle of a Cen-
tury (Century), makes good use of her thorough knowl-
edge of the history of life in New York to write a novel
in two parts, one of which presents a love story of old
New York, and the other a love tale of the New York of
to-day. Oliver Iverson (Stone) is an amusing novelette
by Ann Devoore. It recounts the adventures of the
hero, a sort of poetical granger, during four days and
nights in New York in April of the year 1800. It is a
delightful bit of story-telling that Stevenson himself
would have been glad to own.

A Local Habitation (Small, Maynard & Co.), by
Walter Leon Sawyer, is a newspaper man's story of life
in South Boston, into which plebeian district a reporter
goes in order to get material for a work of fiction. He
has his experience, and graduates from it in due time.
Edith A. Sawyer has written a took called Mary Cam-
eron, a romance of Fisherman's Island, which is a story
of the coast of Maine, and which Harriet Prescott
Spofford in a brief introduction assures us is a "sweet,
strong, fine story," and much else that is charming.
(Boston: Benj. H. Santorn & Co.)

Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's much advertised new
story of Washington life is entitled In Connection with
the DeWllloughhy Claim. The tragedy of the tale
grows out of the contrast of a New England character,
which Mrs. Burnett chooses to make fanatical to a
remorseless and fiendish degree, with a Southern char-
acter marked by all that is gracious and lovely. (Scrib-
ners.) Miss Murfree ("Charles Egbert Craddock") has
a new volume entitled The Bushwhackers and Other
Stories (Stone), the volume getting its title from the
first of three tales, the other two of which are "The
Panther of Jolton's Ridge," and "The Exploit of
Choolah, the Chickasaw." San Isidro, by Mrs. Schuy-
ler Crowninshield, carries us to the West Indies, and
the novel deals romantically with Cuban life. (Stone.)

Sons of Strength, by William R. Lighten, is a ro-
mance of the struggle in Kansas between the friends
and opponents of slavery, in which one side was led by
old John Brown, who figures prominently in this book.
It is not an elaborate piece of work, but it is strongly
and faithfully executed. (Doubleday & McClure.)


A few years ago there was a marked reaction against
"dialect stories" in the popular mind; people said they
were hard to read. Some American novelists doubtless
went to an extreme in the effort to reproduce the ac-
cents and contractions of the spoken tongue. It was
noticeable, however, that the dialect became wearisome
in proportion as the thought which it clothed became
commonplace. Witty and original sayings do not often
suffer from association with a quaint or even uncouth
form of language. If the wit is there, the dialect will
not smother it. Indeed, there is a type of wit that nvist
have its native dialect, else it falls short. Such is the
soul.of the Irish folk-lore with which Mr. Seuma.s
MacManus has captured the hearts of his American
readers. This young author's latest production is a
volume entitled In Chimney Corners (Doubleday and
McClure), devoted entirely to Irish tales of giants,
witches, kings, and fairies. The colored illustrations
drawn for the book by Miss Pamela Colman Smith
effectively reinforce the text.

It is by no means an abrupt transition from the
native legends of Ireland to the Irish-Americanisms of
modern New York. The late Charles A. Dana thought
enough of the Mickey Finn Idylls of Ernest Jarrold to
print them n the Sun. He commended them for their
"humor, pathos and human nature." They have now
been collected and published in book form by the
Doubleday and McClure Company. They are chapters
from the life of a toy who lives with his parents on the
outskirts of the great city.

The wares that Mr. Joel Chandler Harris brings to
the literary market have toen so long and thoroughly
tested that the popularity of his new book of negro dia-
lect is fully assured. "Uncle Remus" still holds his
own, and now The Chronicles of Aunt Minority Ann
(Scribnersi bids fair to still farther enhance the Geor-
gia writer's reputation. Aunt Minervy Ann's stories
are out of her own experience. If the dreamy charm of
the folk-tale is lacking, that other charm that comes
from the illusion of actuality is always present. Aunt
Minervy tells what happened to her and to her "peo-
ple" in reconstruction times. Mr. A. B. Frost, the'
illustrator of the book, has successfully collaborated
with Mr. Harris, as on former occasions, in delineating
negro character.

We have noted comparatively few attempts, of late,
to represent the "down-east" Yankee dialect, but a
little volumecomes to us from Chicago entitled I Guess,
or, Jess and Aramlntha, by "Cousin Sary"(W. B.
Conkey Company), which seems to do this very accu-
rately. The author is said to be a Wisconsin lady.

Ice Harvest of Iowa, \V. E. Barlow, WWII,
lee-Yacht, How to Build an, H. P. Ashley. O.
Illustrators, Group of Young, E. D. North, Out. •
Economic Situation and Public Life in India, A. Filon,

RDM, November 15.
England's Dealings with the Boneyrwals, II. C. Wylly,

USM. European Education and Society in India, A. Filon, RDM,

December 1. Under tlie Vultures' Wings, J. Kalph. Harp. Women in India, Mrs. F. A. Steel, NAK. Indian, South American. J. de Hrcttes, ItitP, November 15. Industrial School, New Jersey State, Char. Insanity: Is It Increasing? W. Seton, Cnth. Insects, Natural History of, H. Schcrren, LeisH. Insects, Wings of -V., J. H. Cornstock and J. G. Necdham,

ANat. November. Interoceunic Communication, Need of. L. M.Kensbey, PSQ. Invertebrates. North American—V., C. H. Turner, ANat,

November. Ireland: Hankers and Farmers in Ireland. Bank I,. Literary Movement in Ireland. W. B. Yeats. NAR. New Ireland in the New Century, D. S. A. Cosby, West. Tunnel, Proposed. Between England and Ireland, Anna Erwin, SelfC. Irving, Henry, Behind the Scenes, 0. D. Bates, Ains. Italy: Agrarian Reform, NA. November 1(1. Chamber of Deputies, Laws and Regulations of the, S. Son

nlno, NA, November 16. Milan, Municipal Elections at, 0. O. Cornnggia, NA, November 1; A. de C. d'Arzagn, RasN, November 1. School Problem in Italy. E. I'occbia, NA. November 1. Woman Question in Italy, Dora Meligari, Contem. Jesuit, The First, .1. McSorley, Catli. Jesuits, Mussulman Origin of the. V. Charbonncl, RRP,

November 15. Jesus, Personal Religion of. E. D. Burton. Bib. Jewelry V What Is Our, W. E. Webster, SelfC. JewB, Holy See and the, Elizabeth Raymond-Barker, Cath. Johnson, Andrew. Impeachment of. G. S. Boutwcll, McCl. Jokal, Maurus, Visit to. E. A. Steiner, Out. Journalism: Lament of a Leader-Writer, West. Journalism: The Leading Article, Corn. Kindergarten Lessons for Mothers—III., Marion B. B. Lang

zettel. Kind. Kipling Family. Reminiscences of the, Mary Benson. Sun. Kipling, Kudyard, First Books of, L. S. Livingston, Bkman. Kipling, Rudyard: "The Seven Seas " and the " Rub&iyat,"

P. E. More. Atlant. Klondike, Gate of the, A. A. Hill, Mun. Lnbori, Maltre Feruand, J. De Morgan. GBng. Lakes, Great, Life on the, A. J. Stringer. Ains. Language, Symbolic. Plea for, C. Lofengluh, NatR. Latiu Races. A. Fouillee, RDM. December 1. Laurens. Colonel John. Patriotism of. J. Branes. McCl. Law and Authority, Function of, I'. Dorado, RDP, October. Law, Delays and Uncertainties of the. C. C. Bonney, OC. Lawyer in Literature, M. D. Post. GBiur. Legislation, Direct, In Switzerland and America, J. R. Commons. Arena. Library, John Rylands, Manchester, England, S. G. Graen,

LeisH. Life Insurance, Medical Examination for, Cham. Literature: Canada, Literature in —II., It. Barr, Can. European Literature in the Nineteenth Century, F.

Brunetlerc, RDM, December 1.
Finnish Literature. Modern, J. de Coussanges, RRP, De-
cember 1.
German Literature, Contemporary VI., J. F. Coar,

Literary Art, Some Elements of. M Thompson, MRN.
Memory Forever, Dial, November lt>.
Voice of "The Hooligan," R. Buchanan, Contem.
Lock-Making, Romance of, Cass.

London, East, One of Two Millions in. W. Besant. Cent.
London, Housing the Poor in, C. F. Williams. LeisH.
London. Old, Some Curious Relics of, VV. W. Hutchlngs,

Cass. Lotteries, J. H. Schooling. I"MM. Lucretius the Poet, ana Tennyson's Poem "Lucretius,"

Katharine Allen, PL. Lytton, Lord, Indian Administration of. Black. Machine-Shop Practice, Revolution in—III., H. Roland,

Eng. MacManus. Seumas, Alice Milligan, Ros, November. Malachi, Historical Background of, C. D. Gray. Bib. Malachi, Spiritual Message of, F. K. Sanders, Bib. Malay Folklore. R. C. Ford, APS. Manual Training, Robert J. Burdette on. Kind. Marlborough-V., W. O'C. Morris, USM. Marlborough, Duchess of. Home of the, Elizabeth L. Banks, Ains.

Master, Life of the-I., J. Watson, McCl.
Mechanical Engineering in Shipbuilding, W. H. White,

Meteorites and Comets, P. Kropotkin, NineC.
Methodism. Some First Things of. It. N. Price. MRN.
Mercantile Training-Ships or Barracks, R. II. Nicholetts,

Meyer. Conrad Ferdinand, and Louis Vulllemln—II., C.
Vulliemin, BlT.

Millionaires, American—V., L. de Norvins, RRP, December I.

Mllner, Sir Alfred. NIM.

Ministers: Should the Old Clergyman Be Shot V "Ian Maclaren,"LHJ.

Missions: Euphrates College, Harpoot, J. L. Barton. MisH.

Missions: India, Christian Village System in, \V. Beatty, MlsR.

Missions: Israel, Christian Missions to, W. T. (Sidney, MisR.

Mistletoe: Its Legends and Its Lore, J. Hudson. West.

Monetary Reform, Progrcssof, C. S. Hamlin. AMRR.

Monetary Relief. Congress and, W. C. Cornwell, Gunt.

Monterey, California. Artist in, H. L. A. Culmer, Over.

Morals, Bohemian. C. Mauclair, RRP. Decemlicr 1.

Municipal Government, Responsibility in, J. H. Hyslop, Forum.

"Munsey's Magazine," Making and Marketing of, F. A. Munscy. Mun.

Music and Songs, Old-Time Pantomime, Gent.

Music, Decay of, Cesar Cui on the, Mus.

Music-Lovers, How One City Trains. Mary L. Regal. Mus.

Music: Rhythm, Melody, and Harmony, M. Kufferath, Mus

Mutuallsm, Socialism, and Progress, J. Siegfried, RPP, No. vember.

Napoleon, Folly of, D. Hannay, Mac.

"Naturalism and Agnosticism," Professor Ward on, H. Spencer. Fort.

Nature: Is It, Christian'' F. Palmer. N\V.

Naval Training Station at San Francisco, P. Andrews, Over.

Negro in America. Position of the. D. E. Tobias. NineC.

Nelson, Vice-Admiral Horatio. Viscount, E. Nelson and L. G. C. Laughton. USM.

Nemesis, or the Divine Envy, P. E. More. NW.

Nethersole, Olga: Her Struggles to Succeed, Cos.

Neufeld, Charles: In the Khalifa's Clutches-VL, WWM.

New England. Colonial Life in, C. W. Tooke. SelfC.

New England, Rebellion in, E. H. Baldwin. N'Eng.

New Mexico, Spanish-Americans in, Mary V. Shutt. SelfC.

Newspapers, The. W. Reld. NineC.

Newspaper, American, Development of the, W. L. Hawley, APS.

New York in Fiction—IV.. A. B. Maurice, Bkman.

New York State, Party Government in the Cities of D. F. Wilcox, PSQ.

New Zealand Newest England, H. D. Lloyd, Atlant.

Notre Dame, Preachers of—11., Countess de Courson, Ros, November.

November, Balmy, P. Robinson. Contem.

Opera, Eighteenth-Century, Humors of, G. Le G. Norgate, Temp.

Opera in Chicago, Dial, December 1.

Opera, Grand, Season's Promise of, AMRR.

Oyster Culture, Eastern, in Oregon, F. L. Washburn, APS.

Pan-Islamism and the Islamic Propaganda. G. Dei>ont and I. T. d'Eckardt, RPar, November 15.

"Paolo and Francesca," Tragedy of, S. Colvin, NineC.

Paris. J. B. Wcckcrle, DH, Heft 2.

Paris Exposition, Foreigners at the, M. Corday. RPar, December 1.

Pnris Exposition. Plans for the. C. A. Towne, Cos.

Paris, Historic Architecture in. Mmc. .leanne Marion, Chant.

Park, National, in the Minnesota Pine Forests. 11. B. Hudson, AMRR.

Parliamentary Reform in the National House of Representatives, H. 11. Smith, Chaut.

Payne, John Howard, M. E. Ailes. FrL.

Penn. William. Return of, W. Perrlne, Lipp.

Pensions, Old-Age, A. Murray, Bank I,.

Persecutions. Fragments of '1 wo, .1. Hyde, Gent.

"Perthshire," Search for the. A. P. Buller, Str.

Philippines, The—III., E. Plauchot, BU.

Philippines, Congress, the President, and the, P. Belmont, NAR.

Philippines, Problem of the, N. P. Chipman, Over.

Philippines: Through Filipino Eyes, P. Whitmarsh Out.

Burnt-ln Photographs. P. C. Duchochois. PhoT.
Electricity, Photographing, J. L. F. Vogel, Pear.
Electrographs, E. Gates, PhoTc
Eugene, Frank. Work of, C. llartmann. PhoT.
Expression by Photography, C. F. Jenkins. PhoT.
Extracting and Enlarging Single Figures from Group

Negatives, T. N. Armstrong. APB.
Farming and Photography. W. I. Lincoln Adams, PhoT.
"Hum-Bichromate." Few Words About, WPM.
Imogen, Notes on, F, Henseii, PhoT; F. Heusen, WPM.

Lanternists. Some Practical Formulas for, F. C. Lambert,

Philadelphia's Photographic Salon, F. J. Zieglcr, BP.
Retouching, R. Barrett, I'hoT.
Three-Color Photography, Recent Advances in, F. C.

Lambert, APB.
Toning of Black Images, A. D. Pretzl, WPM.
Plagiarism, K. F. Benson, NineC.
Play, How to See the—III., C. Barnard. Worn.
Poe, Edgar Allan, Grave of, Jennie B. Dugdale, PL.
Poe's (Edgar Allan) Place in American Literature, H. W.

Mabie. Atlant.
Poetry: Newer Australian Verse Writers, A.G.Stephens,

RRM, October.
Poets, American, R. Dario. EM,November.
Policy-Holders, Constitutional Rights of. GBag.
Politics, College Man in, ('. Logsdail, Anna.
Popular Sympathies, M. Nordau, Deut.
Porto Rico, Status of, II. G. Curtis, Forum.
Porto Rico, What Has Been Done for. Under Military Rule,

H.K. Carroll, AMRR.
Preston, William Cumpbell-IV., W. L. Miller, GBag.
Priest and Propliet. S. Baring-Gould, Contem.
Pringle. Thomas, W. Hay, LeisH.
Prison Reform, Principles of, Char.
Prophecies. Secular, Cham.

Prospectuses: Their Theory and Their Practice—II., BankL.
Public Spirit in the Nineteenth Centurv, E. llenck, Deut.
"Punch, Peep Into—XI., J. H. Schooling, Str.
Reformatories, Juvenile. Discipline and Management of.

Reform by Humane Touch, J. A. Riis. Atlant.
Refuse and Garbage Disiiosaj, W. F. Morse, San.
Railroads: The Highways of the People, H. H. Lusk, NAR.
Rhodes, Cecil J., Princess Radziwill, RRL.
Rights of Man, French Declaration of, J. H. Robinson, PSQ.
Robari, West Africa. Mac.

"Robertson of Brighton," T. H. S. Eseott. Fort.
Roman Catholic Church : Vatican at Work. R. Bagot, NatR.
Roman Forum, Recent Excavations in the, E. Pals, NA,

November 1.
Rouss. Charles Broadway, G. Willets, NatM.
"Rubaiyafof Omar Khayyam, C. P. Murphy. NatM.
Russell, Irwin: His Place in Literary History, W. L. Weber,

Russian Railway Policy in Asia, R. E. C. Long. Fort.
Russian Railway Systems, BTJ, November.
Sailing Alone Around the World — IV., J. Slocum, Cent.
St. Cecilia, Legend of, Katherine L. Smith, Mus.
Samoa n Agreement in Plain English. B.Thomson, Black.
Seene-Pairitersand Their Art, F. Dolman, Cass.
School City—A Method of Pupil Sell-Government, A. Shaw,

Secretaries of State, First Ten. Sallie E. M. Hardy. GBag.
Seganfini, the Poet of the Alps, A. J. Ruseoni, RPL, No-
Selous, Frederick C, Sketch of, APS.
Seeing Things, Art of, J. Burroughs, Cent.
Shakespeare's Development as Shown in His Songs. E. Daw-

Sqii, PL.
Shepherd's Year, W. T. Palmer, Gent.
Siberia, T. H. Lange. Ull, Heft a.
Siberia. Auriferous Deposits in. RTJ, November.
Siam, Women of, F. Mury, RHP, December 1.
Silk, Vegetable, in Central America. R. W. Cater, Cham.
Silver, Recent Production of, E. S. Meade, Annals, Novem-
Smith, Sir Harry: A Reminiscence of the Boer War in 1848,

G. J. H. Berkeley, Fort.
Social Insurance anil the Referendum, J. Re|Hind, BU.
Socialism. Progress of, Since 18H3-IV., R. T. Ely and T. K.

Urdahl, Chaut.
Socialistic Criticism, Reply to, E. Bernstein, RSoc. Novem-
Socialist Congress, D. Halevy, RPar, December 1.
Sociology, Exact Methods in, F. H. Giddings, APS.
Song of Solomon, D. L. Sharp, MRN.
Songs, National, and Their Writers. F. Wayne. NatM.
South, Recent Developments in the, Leonora B. Ellis, Forum.
Space and Time. H. Seal, West.
Spain: How to Reform the Constitution of 1876, A. Posada,

EM, November.
Spain; Our Laws and How to Improve Them, P. Dorado,

EM, November.
Spain. Winter in- II..E. Muret, BU.
Specters of the German and Austrian Courts, Cham.
Sportsman's Library, F. G. Attain, Fort.
Sports, Winter, in the Canton des Orisons, Elizabeth P. L.

Higgln. Bad.
Stage, American-II.. W. Archer. PMM.
Standardizing in Engineering Construction—III., B. Browne,

Street Cries, Boston. A. Bates, NEng.
Sugar Situation in the Tropics, J. F. Crowell, PSQ.
Sunday-School, Reforms in the, R. deW. Mallary, Bib.
Sunday-School Ritual, Function of a. Bib.

Tea-Planting, R. Blathwayt, Cass.

Telegraphy, Wireless. J. Trowbridge, Mun.

Telescope, Paris Exposition, WPM.

Theater and Its People- III., F. Fyles, LHJ.

Theatre Francais. A. Bernhcim. Nou.November 15.

Theology: Educational Skeptics of Mie Commonwealth, F.

Watson. NW.
Thoreau, Henry D., Reminiscences of. Out.
Time. Standard: How It Is Obtained. T. B. Wilson, APS.
"Tommy Atkins" Up to Date, Cham.
Topography, Influence of. Upon the People, A. I. Street,

Transport Appliances, Mechanical, A. J. S. B. Little, Eng.
Transvaal: see Great Britain.
American Standpoint, South African War from an, H. C.

Hillegas, l'enr.
Anglo-Saxon Ethics, J. A. Wells, Arena.
British View of the Transvaal Question, J. C. Hopkins,

Briton and Boer in South Africa, A. Ireland, Atlant.
Canadian Contingent, N. Patterson. Can.
Causes. Historical, of the Present War. J. Brycc, NAR.
Democracy and the War. H. W. Wilson, NatR.
European Opinion, Transvaal War and, K. Blind, NAR.
Future of the Transvaal, W. H. Rattigan, Deut.
German Point of View, Transvaal Question from a, M.

von Brandt, Deut.
History of the Transvaal Crisis. NIM.

Krtlger, Oom Paul: A Character Study, A. Sangree. Ains.
Krtlger, Paul, and His Contemporaries, R. F. II. Statham,

Muravieff, Count. Indiscretion of, Fort.
Notes on the Transvaal Question, J. P. Fitzpatrick, Fort.
Necessity? Is This War a. Black.
Powers: Will They Intervene in the War? F. Charmes,

Problems and Lessons. South African, S. Low and S. Ship-
pa rd, NineC.
Regiments, Three Famous Fighting, G. Douglas, NIM.
South Africa from an Engineering .Standpoint, A. Wil-
liams, Jr., Eng.
South African Crisis, J. E. Owens, Arena.
South African Question, A. Carnegie. NAR.
South African Reminiscences—II., J. Robinson, Corn.
Transports and the Troops. A. Shadwell, NatR.
Uit landers, Leading, J. C. Volgt, NIM.
War in South Africa, Fort: W. T. Stead, RRL.
War Operations in South Africa. Black.
When Will the War Cease? P. MacQueen, Arena.
Trust Idea. Strength and Weakness of the, J. G. Brooks, Eng.
Trust Problem—Its Real Nature. E. W. Bemis, Forum.
Uganda, Unknown, Adventures in, R. Bright, WWM.
United States:
American Cities, Trend in, J. W. Martin, Contem.
Commercial Relations of the United States and Germany,

J. H. Gore, Forum.
Expansion of the American People—IX.-XII., E. E. Sparks,

United States and Canada, L. E. MunBon, Arena.
Vatican at Work, R. Bagot. NatR.
Vaults, Armor-Plate, Bunk NY.
Venezuela, American in, B. Wilkins. NatM.
Victoria, Empress of India. R. All mad, Peur.
Vinhiiid, Massaeliusetts, and Its Ruins, Cornelia Horsford,

Virginia: From Accawmacke to Appomattox, F. W. Shep-

ardson. Dial, Doember 1.
Wage, Minimum, and the Britisli Poor Law. J. T. Baylee,

Wagner in America. G. Kobbe, AMRR.
Warfare: Invisibility of the Soldier, C.H. Powell, Black.
Warfare: Terms Used in Modern Gunnery, F. Maurice,

War, Philosophy and Morals of, M. Nordau, NAR.
Wars, Causesot, T. F. Manning, West.
War Without Truce, W. B. Wallace. USM.
Washington, George, Centennial of the Deatli of, W. D.

Washington, George: Final Days at Mount Vernon, Leila

Herbert, Harp.
Washington's (George) Death and the Doctors, S. S. Cohen.

Washington Monument. It. Bache, Cos.
Weimar and Goethe, II. W. Mabie. Out.
Wellman Polar Expedition, W. Wcllman, NatGM.
Wesley, John. A. Birrell. Scrib.
West Indies, Danish, J. Moritzen. Glint.
Wheat, Movement of, R. S. Baker, McCl.
Wheat Production, C. W. Peterson. Can.
Whitman's (Walt) Meal Democracy, Helena Born, PL.
Whitney. Eli, Sketch of, CasM.
Whit tier, John Greenleaf, Correspondence Between "Gall

Hamilton " and. LHJ.
Workers* Conferences. H. Depasse, Nou, November 1.
Workmen's Associations and Employers' Associations, H.
Clement, RefS, November 1,

Works Management—III.. J. S. Lewis, Eng.
World's Fair, What Remains of the, Ellye H. Glover, Int.
Woman as a Home-Maker, Mary A. Livermore, FrL.
Woman Question—II., Olive Schreiner, Cos.
Woman Question in Italy, Dora Meligari. Contem.
Women, Age Limit tor, Clara E. Collet, Contem,
Women, Hudson House of Refuge for. Char.
Women in Hindu Society, S. Abhedananda, Arena.
Women : In Praise of Old Ladies, Lucy M. Donnelly,Atlant.

Women, Remunerative Out-Door Occupations for, Mary E.

Cutler. Cass,
Women, Romantic, R. Deberdt, RRP, November 15.
Women? Shall the Ballot he Given to, A. Bell, Gunt.
Yachting: Races for the Cup in 181I9, A. J. Kenealy, O.
Yacht Race, After the, T. Lipton, NAR.
Yuletide Customs. Elizabeth T. Nash, SelfC.
Zangwill's Play, "The Children of the Ghetto," A. Cahan.


Abbreviations of Magazine Titles used in the Index. All the articles in the leading reviews are indexed, but only the more important articles in the other magazines.]

Ains. Ainslee's Magazine. N. Y.

ACQR. American Catholic Quarterly Review. Phila.

AHR. American Historical Review, N. Y.

AJS. American Journal of Sociology, Chicago.

ATJ. American Journal of Theology, Chicago.

ALR. American Law Review, St. Louis.

AMonM. American Monthly Magazine, Washington, D.C.

AMRR. American Monthly Review of Reviews, N. Y.

ANat. American Naturalist, Boston.

AngA. Anglo - American Magazine, N. Y.

AngS. Anglo-Saxon Review, N. Y.

Annals. Annalsof the American Academy of Pol. and Soc. Science, Phila.

APB. Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, X. Y.

APS. Appleton's Popular Science Monthly, N. Y.

Arch. Architectural Record, N. Y.

Arena. Arena, N. Y.

AA. Art Amateur. X. Y.

AI. Art Interchange, N. Y.

A.T. Art Journal. London.

Art. Artist, London.

Atlant. Atlantic Monthly, Boston.

Bad. Badminton, London.

BankL. Bankers' Magazine, London.

BankNYBankers' Magazine, N. Y.

Bib. Biblical World, Chicago.

BSac. Bibliotheca Sacra, Oberlin, O.

BU. BibliothequeUniverselle, Lau

sanne. Blackwood's Magazine, Edin

[ocr errors]

burgh, rd oi

Board of Trade Journal, London.

BB. Book Buyer, N. Y.

Bkman. Bookman, N. Y.

BP. Brush and Pencil, Chicago.

Can. Canadian Magazine, Toronto.

Cass. Cassell's Magazine, London.

CasM. Cassier's Magazine, N. V.

Cath. Catholic World, N. Y.

Cent. Century Magazine, N. Y.

Cham Chambers's Journal, Edinburgh.

Char. Charities Review, N. Y.

Chaut. Chautauquan, Cleveland, O.

('Age. Coming Age, Boston.

Cons. Conservative Review, Washington.

Contain. Contemporary Review, London.

Corn. Cornhill. London.

Cos. Cosmopolitan. N. Y.

Crit. Critic, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

Demorest's Family Magazine, N. Y.

Deutscher Hausschatz, Regensburg.

Deutsche Revue, Stuttgart.

Dial, Chicago.

Dublin Review, Dublin.

Edinburgh Review, London.

Education, Boston.

Educational Review. N. Y.

Engineering Magazine, N. Y.

Espana Moderna, Madrid.

Fortnightly Review, London.

Forum, N. Y.

Frank Leslie's Monthly, X. Y.

Gentleman's Magazine, London.

Green Bag, Boston.

Gunton's Magazine, N. Y.

Harper's Magazine, X. Y.

Home Magazine, N. Y.

Homiletic Review, N. Y.

Humanity Nouvelle, Paris.

International, Chicago.

International Journal of Ethics, Phila.

International Studio, London.

Irrigation Age, Chicago.

Journal of tlie Ass'n of Engineering Societies, Phila.

Journal of Finance. London.

Journal of the Military Service Institution, Governor's Island, N. Y. H.

Journal of Political Economy, Chicago.

Kindergarten Magazine, Chicago. _

Kindergarten Review, Springfield. Mass.

Ladies' Home Journal, Phila.

Leisure Hour, London.

Lippincott's Magazine, Phila.

London Quarterly Review, London.

Longman's Magazine, London.

Lutheran Quarterly, Gettysburg, Pa.

McClure's Magazine. X. Y.

Macmillan's Magazine, London.

Magazine of Art, London.

Methodist Review, Nashville.

Methodist Review. X. Y.

Missionary Herald, Boston.

Missionary Review, X. Y.

Monist, Chicago.

Municipal Affairs. X. Y.

Munsey's Magazine, X. Y.

Music, Chicago.

National Geographic Magazine. Washington, D. C.

National Magazine. Boston.

National Review, London.

XTew-Church Review, Boston.

[ocr errors]

Xew England Magazine, Boston.

Xew Illustrated Magazine, London.

Xew World, Boston.

Xineteenth Century, London.

Xorth American Review,X.Y.

Nouvelle Revue. Paris.

Nuova Antologia, Rome.

Open Court. Chicago.

Outing, N. Y.

Outlook, N. Y.

Overland Monthly, San Francisco.

Pall Mall Magazine, London.

Pearson's Magazine, N. Y.

Philosophical Review, X. Y.

Photographic Time*., X. Y.

Poet-Lore, Boston.

Political Science Quarterly, Boston.

Presbyterian and Reformed Review, Phila.

Presbyterian Quarterly, Charlotte, N. C.

Quarterly Journal of Economics, Boston.

Quarterly Review, London.

Rassegna Nazionale. Florence.

Reforme Sociale, Paris.

Review of Reviews, London.

Review of Reviews, Mel. bourne.

Revue des DeuxMondes,Paris.

Revue du Droit Public, Paris.

Revue Generate, Brussels.

Revue de Paris. Pari".

Revue Politique et Parlementaire, Paris.

Revue des Revues, Paris,

Revue Socialiste, Paris.

Rivista Politica e Letteraria, Roqie.

Rosary, Somerset, Ohio.

Sanitarian. N. Y.

School Review, Chicago.

Scrilmer's Magazine. N. Y.

Self Culture. Akron, Ohio.

Sewanee Review, Sewanee, Tenn.

Strand Magazine, London.

Sunday Magazine. London.

Temple Bar, London.

United Service Magazine, London.

Westminster Review.London.

Werner's Magazine, N. Y.

Wide World Magazine, London.

Wilson's Photographic Magazine, N. Y.

Yale Review, New Haven.

Young Man, London.

Young Woman, Loudon.

Edited By Albert Shaw.


Senator John T. Morgan, of Alabama. .Frontispiece

The Progress of the World—

Assurance of the " Open Door" in China 131

A Full Public Treasury 131

The Nicaragua Canal 132

The Commerce Committee's Report 133

The Beer Tax and Public Policy 184

The Clayton-Buhver Treaty Must Be Abrogated 134 I

An Opportunity for Statesmen 134

The Necessary Link 134

The Improved St. Lawrence Route 135

Canadian Competition, the Krie Canal, and

Mississippi Improvement 135

Russia's Canal Projects 136

Rapid Transit at Last for New York 136

The Underground Scheme 137

Underground Transit Elsewhere 138

The Currency Measure 139

Prosperity and Railroad-Building 139

Some Comparative Figures 139

America and Foreign Railroads 140

Wall Street and the Banks 140

Elements of Danger 140

Mr. Gage and His Treasury .Methods 140

Growth of New York Bunking 141

Banks and Trusts as Party Issues 142

Roberts, Clark. Quay, et a*l , 143

Let the People Elect Their Senators! 143

The Samoan Partition Ratified 143

Affairs in the Philippines 143

Church and Property in Luzon 144

Mr. Beveridge and the Senate Debate 144

Preparing for Cuban Independence 145

Some Phases of the Annexation Problem 140

Puerto Rico and the Tariff , 146

Cuba and Our Tariff Policy in General 147

In "Darkest Africa" 147

Neutral Trade with Delagoa Bay 147

How England M ight Proceed 148

What "Neutrality" Means 148

The Surprises of War 149

The Progress of the War 150

Buller's Forward Movement 150

Boer Strength and Weakness 15a

With portraits of William P. Hepburn, members of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Richard Bartholdt, Francis V. Greene. Bird S. Coler, John K. McDonald, James Stillinan, William Sul/.er, Archbishop Chapelle, A. J. Beveridgc. Hector Macdonald. and Sir George White, map to show region of Russian canal project, map to show route of proposed railroad tunnel under Straits of Gibraltar, map to show the three rival routes proposed for the British-Irish tunnel, map to illustrate Buller's plan of advance on Ladysmith,planof the military situation at Ladysmith m January, cartoons and other illustrations.

Record of Current Events 153

With portraits of Lord Edward Cecil, the late Lady Salisbury. George Arthur French, the late Sir James Paget, the late K. V. Smalley, the late Sylvester Malone, the late Edward McGlynn, Maltble I). Babcock. Ueorge T. Purves, and the late James Martineau.

Current History in Cartoons 158

Dwight L. Moody: A Character Sketch 163

By George Perry Morris.

With portraits of Dwight L. Moody. Mrs.Betsey Moody,
Ira D. Sankey, C. I. Scofleld. R. A. Torrey. A. T.
Pierson. H. W. Webb-Peploe, G. Campbell Morgan,
F.B.Meyer. Paul D. Moody.William R. Moody, Mrs.
D. L. Moody, and other illustrations,

A French View of the German Empire 177

By Pierre de Couhertin. With portrait of Emperor William II. and other illustrations.

Gen. Henry W. Lawton: A Sketch of His

Long Service 184

ByO. O. Howard.
With portrait of General Lawton.

Field Marshal Lord Roberts 187

With portraits of Lord Roberts and Lady Roberts.

The Perilous Position of England .'. 195

By W. T. Stead.

The Treasury and the Money Market 202

By Charles A. Conant.

Leading Articles of the Month—

Sir Redvers Buller 206

British Military Experts on the War 207

"A Capitalists' War" 208

England's Doomed Cabinet 209

England in Egypt 211

General Wood m Cuba . 213

The Railroad as an Educator of the People 214

The New Trade Alliance in England 210

The " Darkest England" Scheme 217

Christian Missions in the Century's Closing

Year ". 218

"The Consent of the Governed" 219

Was the Confederate Soldier a Rebel? 220

The "Right of Reply" in France 221

A New Voting Machine 221

The Use of Machinery in the Census of 1900 223

The Automobile in Traction 223

"Ski-.Iumping" 225

The Theatrical Syndicate 226

Curing Disease and Vice by Hypnotic Sugges-
tion '. 227

The Light-Perceiving Organs of the Lower Ani-
mals 228

The Inside of the Earth 229

Tlie Exploration of Franz Josef Land 230

The Common Mule 231

New Crimes and Penal)ies 232

Wagneriana 232

With portrait of the Khalifa, map of the world showing distribution of religious denominations, map of Franz Josef Land Archipelago, and other illustrations.

The Periodicals Reviewed 233

The New Books 248

Index to Periodicals 252


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