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ANNUAL OF THE UNIVERSAL MEDICAL SCIENCES, Edited by Charles E. Sajous, M. D., and Seventy Associate Editors, assisted by over Two Hundred Corresponding Editors, Collaborators and Correspondents; Illustrated with Chromo-Lithographs, Engravings and Maps. Published by The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, in 5 volumes.

Annuals necessarily cover the same grounds year by year, though the tillers of the soil are not all the same persons. The contributors to the present volume are for the 1. Jas. T. Whittaker, M. D., on Diseases of the Lungs and Pleura; Edward N. Whittier, M. D., on Diseases of the Heart and Blood-Vessels; S. Solis-Cohen, M. A., M. D., on Diseases of the Mouth, Stomach, Pancreas, and Liver; Animal Parasites, and their Effects, by Chas. S. Dolley, M. D.; R. Leipsine, M. D., on Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, and Adrenals; Urinalysis and Diabetes; and others on Fevers; Diphtheria; Rheumatism and Gout; and Blood Spleen. In the second we have Diseases of the Brain, by L. D. Carter, M. D.; of the Cord, by H. Obersteiner, M. D.; Peripheral Nervous Diseases and General Neuroses, by Paul Solier, M. D., Paris; Mental Diseases, by Geo. H. Rohé, M. D.; Inebriety, Morphinism, etc., by Norman Kerr, M. D.; Diseases of the Uterus, Tubes, Ovaries, etc., by E. E. Montgomery, M. D.; Diseases of the Vagina and Externals, by J. M. Baldy, M. D.; Puerperal Diseases, by A. Lutand, M. D., Paris; Obstetrics and Puerperal Diseases, by P. Buden, M. D., and L. Merle, M. D., Paris; Of the New Born, by A. F. Currier, M. D.; and Diabetes and Gastro-Intestinal Disorders of Infancy, by W. A. Edwards, M. D. In Volume 3, Surgery of the Brain, Cord and Nerves, by L. S. Pilcher, M. D.; Thoracic Surgery, by I. McF. Gaston, M. D.; Surgery of the Abdomen, by John H. Packard, M. D.; Rectum and Anus, by C. B. Kelsey, M. D., Surgical Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Apparatus of the Male, by E. L. Keyes, M. D.; Orthopedic Surgery, by L. A. Sayre. M. D.; Amputations, Excisions and Plastic Surgery, by P. S. Conner, M. D.; Frdctures and Dislocations, by L. A. Stinson, M. D.; Diseases and Injuries. of Arteries and Veins, by Christian Finger, M. D.; Oral and Facial Surgery, by Rudolph Matas, M. D.; Surgical Diseases, by L. McL. Tiffany, M. D.; Traumatic Neuroses, by J. A. Booth, M. D., etc. In Volume 4, Diseases of the Skin, Ophthalmology, Otology, Nasal Cavities, Pharynx, Larynx, etc., Legal Medicine and Bacteriology. Volume 5, Therapeutics, General, Pharmaceutical, Experimental, Electro-Gynecological, Electro-Climatology, Balneology and Hydrotherapy, Hygiene, and Epidermology; Anatomy, Physiology and Biology; and Histology and Microscopical Technology,


SYLLABUS OF LECTURES ON HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY; An Introduction to the Study of Obstetrics and Gynecology, For Medical Students and Practitioners. With a Glossary of Embryological Terms. By Walter Porter Manton, M. D., Professor of Clinical Gynecology and Lecturer on Obstetrics in the Detroit College of Medicine; Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society, of the British Zoological Society, American Microscopical Society, etc., etc. Illustrated with Seventy Outline Drawings and Photo-Engravings. 12mo, Cloth, 126 pages, interleaved for adding notes and other illustrations, $1.25 net. Philadelphia: The F. A. Davis Co., Publishers, 1914 and 1916 Cherry Street.

The object of this work, as stated by the author, "is to furnish to students of medicine and practitioners an outline of the principal facts in embryology; details and theories must be sought for" in larger works. It is designed for students in the class-room. The book is arranged with "printed headings serving as a guide during the elaboration of the subject by the teacher." Blank pages are interspersed on which notes of the lecture can be taken; and sufficient space has been left around cuts that the student may write down the name of the parts figured, and thus fix them in his mind. Embryology is a subject of great interest, and in this work the student's and reader's interest is held to the close. Fundamentals are important in all departments and brances of science; and embryology is one of the most interesting of subjects.

District Medical Society of Central Illinois.-This society met in semiannual session at Pana, Ill., Oct. 30, with a large attendance. The first paper was read by Dr. W. T. Eddy, of Shelbyville, on The Abortive Treatment of Typhoid Fever. Discussed by Drs. Amos Sawyer, of Hillsboro; J. H. Miller, of Pana; J. W. Dobson, of Moawequa; J. N. Nelms, of Taylorville; W. M. Catto, of Decatur; and J. J. Conner, of Pana. The next paper was by Dr. Wm. Thompson, of Corro Goro, subject: Management of Typhoid Cases. Discussed by Dr. W. H. Cook, of Coffeen. Dr. J. W. Dobson, of Moawequa, then read his paper on Intestinal Antiseptics in Typhoid Fever, which was generally discussed. Dr. W. M. Catto, of Decatur, reported a Remarkable Case of Abnormal Temperature. This paper will be published in an early issue of this magazine. Following this Dr. Emory Lanphear, of St. Louis, presented a paper, Tuberculosis in Bones and Joints. This paper lead to a very valuable discussion. The last paper was by Dr. James Moores Ball, of St. Louis, entitled: A Case of Glioma of the Retina. Discussed by Dr. J. Huber, of Pana. A number of patients were examined before the society. Dr. J. H. McIntyre, of St. Louis, called attention to a new biography of Ephraim McDowell, which he had just received. The society then adjourned to meet in six months at Pana. The officers are: President, W. H. Sparling, of Moawequa; Secretary, Dr. J. N. Nelms, of Taylorville. The Medical Fortnightly and the Tri-State Medical Journal were represented.







Statistics of the Attendance of American Medical Colleges

Whatever may have been the fact as to the number of students of medicine at some remote period, it has not been true, for the last half dozen years or more, that the number is (in relation to population) "relatively diminishing." At the sessions of 1885 the total attendance was 10,891-9,245 regular, 1,032 homoeopathic, 614 eclectic. During the sessions of 1893, the atendance was 18,91016,759 regular, 1,410 homoeopathic, 741 eclectic. These figures show gains in eight years of 73.6 per cent. in the total attendance-81.2 per cent. for the regular students, 30.6 per cent. for the homoeopathic, 20.6 per cent. for the electicsan average increase of 9.2 per cent. during the period. The average annual increase of population during the same period was less than 2.5 per cent. So that instead of there being a diminution of students of medicine in relation to population there is a relative increase nearly four times greater than that of population. As a matter of practical interest to the profession, it may be noted that there is an average increment of nearly 6,000 new home made physicians every year, and that while the population increased 24.8 per cent. during the decade 1881-1890, the number of newly graduated physicians increased over fifty per cent. during the same period; last year, 1893, the increase was a trifle over eight per cent. -Journal of the American Medical Association.


The bubonic plague, the terror of Europe even to the close of the seventeenth century, has again made its appearance in China, where it is more or less endemic, as it is in Asia Minor. The British Medical Journal, while admitting the vividness of the picture drawn by Defoe, points out that "while there is much exaggeration in his 'Plague of London,' his description of the phenomena of the disease is fairly accurate. The present title is derived from the swelling in the groin. In the

earlier plague, a similar swelling in the axilla was a frequent symptom. The disease is a rapid, malignant, contagious fever, accompanied by buboes, carbuncles and livid spots. At least two-thirds of its victims die. Its symptoms are violent headache, accompanied with violent tremors alternating with intense heat. The eyes become red and assume a ferocious aspect, resembling those of victims of hydrophobia. The pain extends from the head to the spine, joints and limbs. Then follow vertigo and delirium. The tongue is dry and yellowish. Respiration is difficult, nasua occurs, but rarely vomiting. The disease runs its course in from three to seven days. The patient often dies in a few hours. The first known appearance of the plague in Europe occurred in 430 B. C., when it depopulated Athens, reaching there from Egypt by way of Libya. It was brought into Europe by the returning crusaders, and has frequently appeared since, always coming from some part of the Turkish dominions. It apepars in lower Egypt, Syria and Turkey about every seven of ten years, It has often made its appearance in London, the most frightful visitation being in A. D., 430, when there was scarcely enough living left to bury the dead in all England. In A. D., 716 Constantinople lost 200,000. In 1348 Ger. many lost 90,000. It has scourged var ious parts of Europe from time to time since, carrying off hundreds of thous、 ands at each visitation. In Egypt 800,000 died in 1792. The latest visitation of which we have an account was in 1813, when it was exceedingly fatal in Egypt and in Malta.-Medical Record.

The Use of Ice in Asthma

Dr. Sangree has succeeded in cutting short a spasm in a severe attack of bronchial asthma by applying ice over the course of the pneumogastric nerve at the root of the neck. Five minutes after the application the spasm relaxed completely, and the patient slept, after having been four days without sleep.-Bul. Gen. de Therapeut.

The Use of the Catheter After Lalabor


RECHT shows that on the evidence of repeated observations mieturition is almost always spontaneous. In 6,666 labors under Pinard's care in the course of the last four years, the catheter has been used only twenty times, and in the 1,920 labors last year only three times. Pinard objects very strongly to routine use of the catheter, which even in skilled hands often sets up cystitis. The practice in Paris lying-in hospitals is, however, very varied. At the school of midwives nearly every newly-delivered patient has the catheter passed. Maygrier, at the Pitie, delays the use of that instrument until twelve hours have lapsed with the labor with patient being able to pass water voluntarily. Bar allows a maximum of eighteen hours; Parak and Budin, twenty-four; Tarnier, thirty-six; Champetier de Ribes, forty-eight. Ribemont Dessaigues, at the Hopital Beaujon, objects to the catheter as strongly as Pinard. Boissard finds that not only is there danger of cystitis when the catheter is passed after labor, but the patient is liable to lose the power of voluntary micturition for many days through nervousness.-British Medical Journal.

A New Method of Treatment for Tonsillar Hypertrophy.Ruault describes his method of removing hypertrophied tonsils. He claims it is superior to both the tonsillotome and ignipuncture in cases where such methods are usually employed. It does not cause bleeding like the former, nor pain, either immediate or consecutive, as does the latter. It enables one to operate with a precision and surety lacking in other methods. Cocaine having been applied to the tonsil, any crypts containing secretions cleaned out, and such adhesions as may exist between the tonsil and soft palate destroyed. By means of a cutting forceps, one blade of which is flat and fits into the opposite one, which has a sharp cutting edge, small pieces of the projecting tonsil are then removed. After several pieces have been cut off, the raw surface is energetically rubbed with a swab of cotton moistened with


iodine one part, iodide of potassium one part and water six to eight parts. The discomfort arising from this passes off in a quarter or half hour. In a few days secondary reaction will have reduced the size of the remainder of the tonsil and, if necessary, any projecting pieces may be removed as before. Of eighty cases treated by the author in only three was there a necessity of operating a third time, except in the case of infants.-Medical and Surgical Reporter.

Trendelenburg's Posture

Dr. H. C. Coe, in the current number of the New York Polyclinic, calls attention to the danger of secondary hemorrhage following laparotomy with patient in this position. The elevation of the hips determinates the blood toward the upper portions of the trunk and oozing from small vessels in broken adhesions does not take place until the patient is again placed in the dorcases of sal position. He cites two celiotomy in which the patient came near bleeding to death from this accident. The abdomen had to be again opened and after much difficulty the hemorrhage was checked. It can well be seen that even many small arteries may not bleed while in this position, but when the patient is again returned to the dorsel position which blood may be lost. Aside from this objection the fact that the respiration is seriously impaired by the weight of the abdominal viscera on the diaphraghm is another serious objection to the posture. It is true, however, the surgeon has a view of the pelvic viscera with the patient in this position that can not be obtained otherwise, and that the intestines do not get out of the abdomen with the same facility as with the patient in the dorsel posture, but in our judgment this advantage is far outweighed by the dangers cited above.Medical Brief.

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