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The Christmas Herald offers unusual advantages to advertisers. Read and Preserved by 12000 Physicians.

The Indiana Medical College at Indianapolis, was destroyed by fire on Saturday, November 3.

A Special Diploma of Honor and Gold Medal were awarded to Mellin's Food at the California Midwinter Exposition, 1894.

Exclusive. The St. Louis Medical Society requires a four-fifths vote to elect a new member. Efforts to reduce this to a majority vote have proven futile, and a number of applicants were recently black-balled.

The American Academy of Railway Surgeons organized in Chicago, November 9th, with membership of one hundred. The Journal of the American Medical Association was chosen as the official organ.

Dr. Arpad G. Gerster has received from the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary the high distinction of the Knight's Cross of the Order of Francis Joseph in grateful recognition of his valuable philanthropic labors in founding the Hungarian Emigrant Aid Association of this city. This is the first instance in which an American citizen has received this honor who has not held office under the Austrian government. It is eminently fitting also that a member of our profession should be thus closely associated with such noble work, and that he should be so worthily rewarded.-Medical Record.

Dr. Goriansky, a Russian physician, claims to have found that the juice of raw cranberries, given freely, pure or diluted with an equal part of water, is an excellent means of relieving thirst and vomiting in Asiatic cholera. The author's observations in fifty cases have shown in a number of patients in whom ice and narcotics fail to make the slightest impression, the administration of cranberry juice in small but frequently repeated doses rapidly checks both vomiting and nausea. The author lays stress on the fact that the harmless juice has a powerful destructive action on the cholera vibrio.-National Druggist.

Kissing vs. Hygiene.-After commenting upon the recently enacted New Jersey ordinance, which advises every person to desist as much as possible from kissing," The British Medical Journal concludes as follows: "It cannot be denied that kissing is dangerous, but will sanitary committees be able to put it down, as a too sanguine magistrate once undertook to put down suicide? Will lovemaking be conducted on antiseptic principles? Kissing goes by favor,' we are toldis it for the future to be by favor of the County Council? Great, no doubt, is Hygeia, but we will back Human Nature with some confidence against her."

Prof. William Goodell, the eminent gynecologist who has been in failing health for the last two years, died Oct. 27, aged 65 years. In 1849 he entered Williams College, Massachusetts. Graduating three years later, he came to Philadelphia and continued his studies at the Jefferson Medical College, and received his dip om a in 1854. The same year Dr. Goodell rejoined his father in Constantinople, and there entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1865, on his appointment as physician in Charge of the Preston Retreat, at Twentieth and Hamilton streets, he came to reside permanently in Philadelphia. In 1870 he was appointed Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Women of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1874 Clinical Professsor of the University of the Diseases of Women and Children. At. the time of his death he was Honorary Professor of Gynecology in the Univer sy

of the following selected and highly approved remedies from the


The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co.

Having obtained ample supplies of the green or fresh drugs, now offer:


(Passiflora Incarnata)




Nerve affections generally, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Lock-Jaw, Convulsions Erysipelas. Spinal Meningitis, Chorea, Delirium Tremens, Morphine Habit, Restlessness, Spinal Disease.

An enthusiastic writer says: "It is no narcotic. It never stupefies or overpowers the senses. A patient may be wakened up, talk rationally, leave him a moment and he is asleep again. I have tried it in neuralgic affections and have astonished my patients."


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A nutrient tonic having a special action on the gland of the reproductive organs, as the mammæ, ovaries, prostate, testes, etc. Its direct action is on the prostate gland, which in many cases it quickly restores to its normal condition. It is specially indicated in all cases of wasting of the testes following varicocele, or such as is induced by masturbation, or is present in sexual impotency. It improves the sexual powers, relieving difficult, painful or weak. micturation.

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Pre-eminently an anti-neurotic. Avena quiets the nervous system to a remarkable degree. It is a most useful remedy in cases of nervous exhaustion, general debility, nervous palpitation of the heart, insomnia, etc.

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THERAPY. { An invaluable remedy in Catarrhal affections of the kidneys and


The increasing demand for our Fluid Extract Corn Silk from green drug is the best evidence of its favorable reception by the medical profession. Physicians who have used our preparations cannot be misled by the ordinary fluid extracts of the market—the characteristic odor is unmistakable.


(Solanum Carolinense)




Convulsions, Epilepsy, and Catalepsy.

Dr. Napier called attention to the Horse-Nettle, and referred to its use in the treatment of a life-long epileptic, especially during the menstrual flow, with complete success; also to a number of other bad cases treated with great benefit.

Always specify, Wm. S. M. Chem. Co."

The William S. Merrell Chemical Company,


Home Office and Laboratories,


New York Office and Warehous


Wholesale Druggists throughout the United States.

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Battle Creek, Michigan.
Incorporated 1867.

The largest, most thoroughly equipped and one of the most favorably located in the United States. It is under strictly regular management. Eight physicians, well trained and of large experience. A quiet home-like place where trained nurses," "rest cure," "massage," "faradizatiou," "galvanization," "static electrization," "Swedish movements," "dieting," baths," "physical training." and all that pertains to modern rational medical treatment can be had in perfection at reasonable prices. A special Hospital Building (150 beds) for surgical cases with finest hospital facilities and appliances. Large fan for Winter and Summer ventilation, absolutely devoid of usual Hospital Odors. Delightful Surroundings, Lake-side Resort. Pleasure Grounds, Steamere, Sail-boats, etc, Trained nurses, either sex, furnished at reasonable rates. J. H. KELLOGG, M.D., Sup't, Battle Creek, Mich

PURE GLUTEN, The undersigned have for several years been manufacturing a pure gluten for


few physicians. We are now prepared to furnieh to the medical profession the one pure gluten biscuit manufactured in America. For samples and prices, address, Sanitarium Health-Food Co., Battle Creek, Mich.


Death from Chloroform.-A death from chloroform occurred recently in the City Hospital of St. Louis, in the clinic of Dr. H. H. Mudd. The patient was a colored laborer, 40 years of age, who was suffering from strangulated hernia.

Dr. J. B. Mattison, of Brooklyn, is arranging another excursion of medical men to Bermuda, to sail Thursday, December 13, and return Janurary 3. Specially low cost and other advantages offered for a delightful winter outing. Details if desired.

The Christmas Herald will contain one hundred pages original reading matter, and beautiful half-tone illustrations, embellished by an elegant gold-embossed cover. Advertisers desiring to make special announcements in this number must have their copy in hand by December 10th at latest, as the last form will go to press on that date.

Just to Jolly His Business Along.-Mr. Dyspetic-I came by your house this morning and discovered that your daughter had learned to play a tune on that piano you bought her last month, but I must say that I think she might have seleced a more cheerful one. Mr. Undertaker-What was the name of it. I Am Waiting My Darling, for Thee."-New York Herald. Mr. D.

Vomiting of Pregnancy.-A writer says: "I have not failed once for many years, by a single vesication over the fourth and fifth dorsal vertebræ, to put an end at once to the sickness of pregnancy for the whole remaining period of gestation, no matter at what stage I was consulted. The neuralgic toothache, and pruritis pudendi of the puerperal condition yielded as readily, and to one application."- Medical & Surgical Reporter.

One in Two.-When one in three in the total number of physicians in the United States use, and in constant increasing quantities, the preparations of a manufacturing pharmaceutical house it speaks well for the general excellence of their products. The tablets prepared by the H. K. Mulford Company, of Philadelphia, are now dispensed or prescribed in the enormous proportion of one in each three of the physicians of this country and are being rapidly introduced abroad. The H. K. Mulford Co. is anxious to increase the proportion to one in two of American physicians, and to this end make the special introductory offer of seasonable Fall and Winter remedies, found in our advertising pages. The former special offers of this house have been found so uniformly acceptable to physicians, and their products are of much superior excellence that we have no hesitancy in recommending the profession to try their latest combination, and to write for their latest catalogue and Therapeutic Notes on Winter Remedies"

A New Substitute for a Husband.—The wife of a Mr. LaFreve, of Philadelphia, has deserted him because he, being unable to ride his wheel any longer, wished her to give up riding her bicycle. In a letter she speaks very plainly concerning the matter as follows: "MY DEAR MAT:-You must not think too hard of your Helen for seeking other pastures and fields that are more inviting. I am a biclomaniac. At one time you said you had bicychlorosis. It must have been contagious. I am infatuated, heart, soul, mind and body with my wheel, more, so if the sad truth were to told, than I ever was with you. am, but this will tell you that I am gone forever. Some dear old cycle friends of I must not tell you where I mine are my constant companions. I get more comfort and satisfaction from my wheel than I could derive from being tied down by your side, and it is only right for both of us that I should leave you forever. My wheel is young and frisky, and we are more congenial companions than you or I could be. Do as you please in the matter of divorce, but you can never divorce me from my wheel. Farewell for



The Ruling Passion.-"If you must know, madam," said the doctor, "your husband won't live twenty-four hours." "Good gracious!" ejaculated the heartbroken woman; "and here you've gone and prescribed medicine enough for five days."--Detroit Free Press.

To Our Advertisers. Please exrecise more care in wrapping your electrotypes, when sending by mail or express. Nine out of every ten cuts we receive are damaged and broken on the corners, thus making a ragged impression when printed. Use a pieceof heavy straw board, on face of electrotype, being careful to have it one-eighth inch larger all around than the cut, and then wrap up in several old newspapers, before putting on the outside wrapper. Or better still, use the specally prepared cork-paper, which can be procured in any of the large cities.

Excursion Ticket for the Corpse.---While an excursion train to Alabama was waiting at the depot, a negro made his appearance at the ticket window and purchased a ticket for himself. Then he said to the agent: "Boss, I want 'nudder round-trop 'scursion ticket for a corpse." The agent opened his eyes in astonishment. An excursion for a corpse was something new to to him. The negro explained: "You see, boss, my brudder died yesterday, and I want to take de corpse down to Montgomery and let the family view the 'mains and den 'em back to Birmingham and bury him. Dis will be a heap cheaper den fur de family to come up


Worse than “Pidgin.”—Dr. W. P. Noble, of Pao Ting Foo, China, sends us the following letter, addressed to him by a native in government employ in that city: "I am a deject indeed for I got a kind of measles and cannot come to your Hospital because on duty this noon; I do not know whether you can come to my office or not, I hope you come and let you know what measles it is. If you allow me well much hosanna receive from you. I cannot conceal my sickness from you. When I make water the water come to the end and stop there until a little while, then meander out in that time of which I speak that is very painful. I hope you excuse me at once. Yours respectfully, P. S. W."-Med. Record.

An Antidote to Prussic Acid.-Dr. J. Antal has found the nitrate of co balt to be a very efficacious antidote to prussic acid. In a watery solution of 4-1 per cent it is capable of neutralizing not only the drug in the stomach, but also that in the blood; ingested, even in a large quantity, it is devoid of toxic action. This salt of cobalt has the advantage of being eliminated from the body as fast as it is absorbed from the digestive tract. From his experiments on animals, dogs and rabbits, he would advise hypodermic injection of a per cent solution (20 to 30 c. c.) to antidote that portion of the poison which has already penetrated into the blood, while the same solution may be drunk by the glassful. If the patient be unconscious, introduce it through a stomach tube.-Lancet-Clinic.

Prophylaxis of Cholera Asiatica. "I have been prescribing preventive medicine for diphtheria for many years and never had a second case develop. When diphtheria appears I have made it a constant practice to put all those exposed to infection upon LISTERINE, taken in drachm doses at each meal; and during the three years of la grippe I ordered my family and all my friends' families to use it after each meal, as long there were any cases in our city. I did not once fail in preventing both diphtheria and la grippe when LISTERINE was taken faithfully. In several instances persons being called from home neglected the LISTERINE preventive treatment and returned in a week or two with la grippe fully developed. I believe that the only safe quarantine against cholera is to quarantine the alimentary tract, and for this purpose I shall trust to LISTERINE. It will prevent diphtheria and la grippe, and I feel sure it will prove equally efficient in the preventive treatment of cholera.' -J. H. Stringfellow, M. D. St. Joseph, Mo.

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