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Rule 26(x). Engine watchmen will be furnished from the firemen's seniority list.


Rule 27. When trainmen and enginemen are required to double hills or run for fuel or water, actual miles run, including doubling mileage, will be the mileage of the trip. Example: Crew called at "S" for 10:00 a.m. Depart at 10:20 a.m. Runs "S" to "A" doubling Woodrow to Divide and Hunter to Grandview, doubling mileage twenty (20) miles. Arrives "A" 7:45 p.m. Tie-up 8:00 p.m. Allowance . . . . 114 miles and 20 miles doubling, 15 minutes final terminal delay. Total allowance 137 miles.


Rule 28(a). Brakeman and firemen will rank on the seniority lists as of the date they pass the required physical examination given by local railroad doctors and are placed on the respective working lists, or start their student trips, as the situation may require. Conductors and engineers will pass the required examination for promotion to such positions. Trainmen and enginemen, except as otherwise provided will have choise of runs or jobs in the respective classes or grades of service to which their age in service entitles them. Temporary uses of brakemen as conductors or firemen as engineers does not constitute a promotion. In case two (2) or more men are examined for promotion on the same day, seniority in service as brakeman or fireman, as the case may be, will govern relative standing. If on account of sickness or other causes beyond his control a man is unable to present himself for examination in regular turn, it will not affect the record date of his promotion. In cases where it becomes necessary to use unpromoted men for conductors, men who have been in the service of the Alaska Railroad for a period of one (1) year will be used, and such men used in their proper turn at the time of call on their respective extra boards. Men will have thirty (30) days to complete examinations from date of notification.


Rule 28(b). Baggagemen will be taken from the brakemen's seniority roster.


Rule 28(c). Student brakemen and firemen who have not had previous experience will be required to submit themselves to the railroad's training program for a sufficient number of days or trips as will qualify them to meet the minimum requirements of the class of service for which they have been employed.

Rule 28 (d).



Rule 28 (e). Inexperienced men who are hired as brakemen or firemen will not acquire permanent seniority until they have been in the service ninety (90) actual days of work, and if at that time their services are satisfactory and they have been recommended by three (3) conductors or engineers, as the case may be, with whom they have worked for the major portion of the period, they

No. 3



Anchorage, Alaska.


To Schedule of pay, rules, and regulations governing Locomotive Engineers, Locomotive Firemen, Conductors, Brakemen, Baggagemen, and Hostlers


The following changes are made in the above-named schedule, effective dates as shown:

1. The management of The Alaska Railroad may designate a passenger uniform to be worn by such employees as may be specified at all times while such em

ployees are on duty, and such uniform may be subject to change from time to time as required by the Carrier, but for the present, at least, consists of the following:

A. A uniform consists of cap with appropriate insignia, coat, vest, and trousers.

B. A white shirt with black four-in-hand tie.

C. Black shoes.

2. The employees will assume and pay the entire cost of shirts, neckties, and shoes as specified by the Carrier to be worn with such uniforms.

3. The Carrier will supply free of charge such insignia as may be required of the employees for wear upon such uniforms.

4. When it is considered necessary by the Office of the Carrier charged with such responsibility for an employee subject to this agreement to procure a new uniform, an order therefor will be furnished by the Carrier upon a clothier designated by the Carrier. The Carrier will assume and pay a sum equal to fifty (50) percent of the cost of each such uniform consisting of cap, coat, vest, and trousers (two pairs if desired) and the employee will assume and pay the balance of the cost of each suit where obtained through the designated clothier. In the event an employee desires to obtain his uniform through sources other than the clothier designated by the Carrier, it will be permissible for him to do so provided that such uniform meets the specifications prescribed by the Carrier, and in such instances the Carrier will likewise assume fifty (50) percent of the cost, but not to exceed fifty (50) percent of what the cost would be if secured through the designated clothier, upon presentation of receipted bill.

5. The employees agree to keep their uniforms properly cleaned and neatly pressed at all times at their own expense.

6. It is agreed that in cases where a uniform or any portion thereof is lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed as a result of carelessness on the part of the employee, the employee will repair such damage or replace such uniform at his own expense.

7. It is agreed that an employee whose uniform is secured under the terms of this agreement, and subsequently voluntarily disqualifies himself or declines to accept passenger service within a period of one (1) year from date such uniform is received, will thereupon refund to the Railroad the amount it paid toward the cost of such uniform. This may be done by payroll deduction.

8. Employees securing uniforms under this rule and who leave the service for any reason in less than twelve (12) months from date of purchase will be required to refund to the Railroad one-twelfth (1/12) of the Railroad's portion for each month or fraction thereof of service less than one (1) year. March 10, 1957.)


Rule 2(b). Revise last paragraph:


"Payment for overtime work as provided for under this rule will be at the rate for the class of service performed during the period of the week for which overtime payments are due." (Effective December 14, 1958.)


Rule 9(a) (2). The first sentence is revised as follows:

"There will be established at Anchorage a Rotary Conductors' extra board of five men who will be paid not less than 1,200 miles per biweekly pay period at freight service rate (all miles earned to apply against guarantee including arbitraries, straight time, and overtime, hours to be converted to equivalent miles of pay), time to be computed on a weekly basis, provided they do not lay off or otherwise miss time. The difference in miles earned and 1,200 miles will be paid at freight service rate." (Effective December 14, 1958.)


Rule 9(a) (5). The first sentence to be revised as follows:

"There will be established at Anchorage an Engineers' Rotary extra board of five men who will be paid not less than 1,200 miles per biweekly pay period at freight service rate (all miles earned to apply against guarantee including arbitraries, straight time, and overtime, hours to be converted to equivalent miles of pay, except weight on drivers), time to be computed on a weekly basis, pro

vided they do not lay off or otherwise miss time. The difference in miles earned and 1,200 miles will be paid at freight service rate." (Effective December 14, 1958.)


Rule 9(a) (6). Revise second sentence:

"Men on these boards will be guaranteed 1,200 miles at freight service rates per biweekly pay period at freight service rates (all miles earned to apply against guarantee including arbitraries, straight time, and overtime hours to be converted to equivalent miles of pay, except weight on drivers), provided they do not lay off or otherwise miss time. The difference in miles earned and 1,200 miles will be paid at freight service rates." (Effective December 14, 1958.) Rule 11(a). Examples:

Difference in earnings if held more than five (5) days after date assignments are made.

Question: When does the first day of difference in earnings start?
Answer: The sixth (6th) day after the assignment is made.

Question: Is the difference in earnings, if any, to be computed daily, or total time spread?

Answer: Total earnings over the time held as between the two assignments.

Question: If a man is held for five (5) days after date assignment is made and released to go to his new assignment on the sixth day, will the time or days consumed in going to his new assignment be paid as time held off of his new assignment?

Answer: No, such time is the same as deadheading in the exercise of his seniority, the same as if he had not been held more than five days. Youngest unassigned man will be paid deadhead going to run.

Question: Will such man be paid deadhead if displaced by a senior man

or exercise his seniority otherwise on return to Anchorage? Answer: No, unless assignment or service is discontinued.

Question: When any assignment or service is discontinued, will crews

be paid deadhead to source of supply Anchorage?

Answer: Crews or men will be paid deadhead in accordance with Rule 11(d).

(Effective March 10, 1957.)

Rule 11(d). Add:

"When an existing assignment is abolished or rebulletined as a change in assignment per Rule 11(d), men will be paid deadhead to the home terminal of the assignment upon which they next exercise their seniority or to Anchorage, whichever is the lesser." (Effective December 14, 1958.)


Rule 11(k).

"Engineers will be privileged to exercise their seniority as either engineer, fireman, hostler, hostler-helper, or engine watchman on any assignment or run at any time by properly bidding or bumping. When no bids are received for runs bulletined for seniority choice, the YOUNGEST qualified unassigned engineer or fireman will be assigned. Men assigned under this rule will be paid deadhead allowance going to the run. Engineer, firemen, hostler, hostlerhelper, or engine watchman assigned under this rule will be required to fulfill such assignment for a period of thirty (30) calendar days before being privileged to relinquish assignment under Rule 11(g). This rule can be repetitious. Nothing under this rule will prevent men from properly bidding off such runs or assignments. In the event of assignment of the youngest unassigned engineer or fireman, senior engineers holding firemen's assignments will not be forced to the engineers' extra board.


Trainmen and enginemen with legal bump may bid and bump any existing vacancy, except new assignments. This bid and bump will be limited to one (1), and if job is assigned to senior man, person bidding and bumping must exercise seniority upon release of bulletin. This will not relieve men from force assignment in proper turn under this rule. (Effective March 10, 1957.)

Rule 21 (b). Add:

"Snow crews may also be tied up at Tunnel except on their assigned rest day or days." (Effective December 14, 1958.)


Rule 25 (j).


"Yard crews may be used outside yard limits without payment of two classes of service between Anchorage Yard and Milepost 110, Industry spurs. Yard crews working under this rule instructed to couple airhose will be allowed one (1) hour in addition to their regular earnings. Road crews, when required to set out and pick up within these limits, will be paid actual time on a minute basis with a minimum of 2 hours in addition to miles or hours on their road trip." (Effective March 10, 1957.)

Rule 26 (w). Add:

"Engine watchman used at line points in connection with work other than work, snow, or wrecker service will be paid hostler's rate for the day or days such work is performed, in lieu of engine watchman's rate." (Effective December 14, 1958.)

For the organizations:

DENNIS E. O'NEILL, General Chairman, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Enginemen No. 894. R. L. SHAKE, General Chairman, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen No. 999.

For the Alaska Railroad:


General Manager.

Dated at Anchorage, Alaska, December 8, 1958.

R. H. BRUCE, Superintendent of Operations. PAUL SHELMERDINE,

Personnel Officer.

Mr. SHAKE. That concludes my statement, Senator Bartlett. Senator BARTLETT. Thank you. I have no questions to ask youin any number, that is.

I infer that you agree with Mr. Smith that bumping procedures only would be affected by the proposed legislation?

Mr. SHAKE. Yes, I concur with Mr. Smith's statement made this morning.

Senator BARTLETT. I introduced this bill by request. I wanted to get it before the Congress in the closing days of its session, even, so that there would be ample time for the Government departments concerned to report on it, which they, of course, have not yet done. We have no indication of what their attitude will be. And also, so that testimony could be taken at the hearings I knew were going to be held in Alaska.

There is just one point I want to comment on, and it is a matter of concern to me, Mr. Shake.

When did you come with the railroad?

Mr. SHAKE. In 1947.

Senator BARTLETT. This concern of mine revolves around the fact that the Alaska Railroad was more of a war instrumentality than anything else from 1941 to the end of the war. I remember the desperate pressure, and there is no doubt that this pressure was exerted, that was placed upon the employees of the railroad to remain on their jobs by the military, on the grounds that this was an essential activity and the railroad had to function to transport needed freight, even to the point where the military furnished finally a battalion of soldiers to assist in the operation of the road. And the fact that there might have been some people there, doubtless there were some people there, who kept their jobs in civilian status who would have preferred to be in uniform is something that has a bearing, whatever importance it may have, on this whole matter.

Thank you very much.

Mr. SHAKE. I would like to add one more thing, Senator Batrlett. The two organizations that I represent here today also concur in Mr. Smith's requested amendement to this bill having to do with the act of January 16, 1883, 22 Stat. 430, as amended.

Senator BARTLETT. Bring me up to date. I have forgotten what that is.

Mr. SHAKE. That is a civil service regulation, as I understand, CSR 20, as it is commonly referred to, which would allow a Federal employee to come from some other agency to the railroad and immediately use the length of time he had in the other agency toward retention on the Alaska Railroad, which would destroy our seniority system.

Senator BARTLETT. You speak for two organizations. How many others are there affecting railroad employees?

Mr. SHAKE. There must be either four or five, Senator Bartlett. Senator BARTLETT. Additional ones?

Mr. SHAKE. Additional ones, yes, sir.

Senator BARTLETT. Do you know if they have any position on this? Mr. SHAKE. I would hesitate to say. I know that no doubt they have. I feel that the majority of them are in accord with our position, but I would hesitate to say, since I don't represent them.

Senator BARTLETT. How many railroad employee are there right now, approximately?

Mr. SHAKE. Approximately 950.

Senator BARTLETT. How many of those are in train service?

Mr. SHAKE. Slight over 200-that is, train and engine service combined.

Senator BARTLETT. How many would you guess might be affiliated with the American Federation of Government Employees?

Mr. SHAKE. I would say probably over 50 percent. Probably 60 percent of the total employees of the railroad.

Senator BARTLETT. Do you know if they have taken any position on

this bill?

Mr. SHAKE. I think they have, Senator Bartlett, but I would hesitate to say what it was.

Senator BARTLETT. I hope the other organizations will make their views known in writing, at least, whether they are for it or against it. I think they ought to express an opinion for the benefit of the Congress.

Thank you, Mr. Shake.

Mr. SHAKE. Thank you.

Senator BARTLETT. Is there anyone else here?

Mr. O'Neil.


Mr. O'NEIL. My name is Dennis E. O'Neil, Anchorage. I am general chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine


Brother Shake has ably represented us here, and the only point I would like to make, Senator, is there was reference made to a union

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