COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE WARREN G. MAGNUSON, Washington, Chairman JOHN O. PASTORE, Rhode Island ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL, Kansas JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER, Maryland NORRIS COTTON, New Hampshire CLIFFORD P. CASE, New Jersey THRUSTON B. MORTON, Kentucky HUGH SCOTT, Pennsylvania EDWARD JARRETT, Chief Clerk HAROLD I. BAYNTON, Chief Counsel JOHN M. MCELROY, Assistant Chief Counsel JEREMIAH J. KENNEY, Jr., Assistant Chief Clerk GERALD B. GRINSTEIN, Staff Counsel CONTENTS Fairbanks, Alaska, field hearings (October 20, 1961): Statement of Buckley, Larry, district freight and passenger agent, the Alaska Chapados, Frank, member of the State legislature, and member Vogt, George, attorney representing Checker and Yellow Cabs, Letters of Magnuson, Hon. Warren G., Chairman, Senate Committee on Udall, Hon. S., Secretary of the Interior, Department of the Vollendorff, Lt. Col. R. E., Office of Chief of Legislative Liaison, 27 Anchorage, Alaska, field hearings (October 21, 1961): Albers, Richard, president, Greater Anchorage Chamber of Byer, George, former mayor, Anchorage, Alaska.__ 41 32 Gruening, Hon. Ernest, U.S. Senator from Alaska, New Senate Larson, Leonard L., former vice president, Alaska Junior Chamber Marston, Col. Muktuck, 3104 Knik Avenue, Turnagain by the Milton, Leonard, vice president, International People to People Shake, Robert L., general chairman, Brotherhood of Railroad 45 36 44 40 42 75 76 59 78 Sharrock, Hon. George, mayor, Anchorage, Alaska. 52 Smith, Donald J., general manager, the Alaska Railroad, Anchor- 65 43 46 Anchorage, Alaska, field hearings (October 23, 1961): Statement of Anderson, Jack, chairman, Transportation Committee, Alaska 133 Gaasland, Harold A., Box 4114, Spenard, Alaska 144 Gruening, Hon. Ernest, U.S. Senator from Alaska, New Senate 100 Roloff, Henry, director, Port of Anchorage, Box 400, Anchorage, 103 |