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acts by giving a good supply of oxygen to the system, but as a consequence of that supply, the appetite is greatly improved, and the power of the system to digest and assimilate food is increased, and that is the secret of the cure. Tuberculosis is a degeneration; improve the nutrition sufficiently to combat the degenerativ process, and the cure begins, which if continued until recovery, solves the problem of the cure.

We would use in this case some intestinal antiseptic, as salol; or the sulfocarbolates. Guaialin is a new chemical of the antiseptic class, not only acting locally, but also constitutionally. See claims made in December WORLD, on page facing page 568.-ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I would like to ask you for the name and a brief sketch of the greatest man in scientific medicin and surgery, living or dead, and the achievements which entitle him to this distinction. GEO. B. THOMPSON, M. D. 1531 Genesee St.

Kansas City, Mo. [Does anyone wish to try to answer this query? If so, better write to the Doctor direct, and if he wants to make a report of the gist of the replies for publication, he can do So. Of course any answer to the above question will be largely a matter of opinion, also of information, for but few men, if any, have a thoro and discriminating knowledge of the history of medicin and of prominent medical men.-ED.]

Pains of Locomotor Ataxia.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I am one of the unfortunate ones, suffering from locomotor ataxia since 1897, the exciting cause being diphtheria contracted from a patient. I wish some member of the profession would tell me of a tried remedy that will relieve the ataxic pains. No theoretical advice about new drugs, but some treatment they have found of real benefit in this most painful disease. I am able to walk on crutches for short distances, and came here on account of climatic conditions, which are very equable and temperate. Many invalids are sent here whose physical conditions are not suited to the climate at all, and would do better at their homes.

I would like to get something to relieve the fierceness of these pains, when they come. I would also like to get the work of testing sputa and other secretions for physicians if such were possible thru the mail.

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The average expenditure upon liquor by the people of this country is seventeen dollars ($17) per head, mostly for beer; for tobacco in all forms it is six dollars ($6). Taken together, the expenditures for liquor and tobacco come to twenty-three dollars ($23) per head, while our expenditures for the support of the government last year, including the cost of war, were only six dollars ($6), or about one-fourth the cost of drink and smoke. We are proud of our system of education and we boast of our common schools, yet we apply only three dollars ($3) a head, on the average, to the support of common schools, varying from a minimum of less than a dollar in the cotton states to five dollars in Massachusetts.-Jour. of Inebriety.

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The Dry Mouth of Fevers.

University of Virginia, January 9, 1904. To the Editor :-About ten years ago I saw a case of typhoid fever in consultation. It was suspected, at first, that the case was one of pelvic abscess, but when I reacht the patient the symptoms were unmistakable. At this time the young woman was lying in a condition of semi-consciousness with a dry mouth and The sores on the tongue, which was dry and crackt. gentleman who askt me to see the patient complained that he knew no way of preventing this distressing symptom, so often found in bad cases of continued fever. He said he had used the usual remedies, but they were unsatisfactory. Since then the treatment by the cold bath has done much to prevent, but has not entirely prevented, the dry mouth. At the time I suggested that, as the trouble arose from the weakness of the patient allowing the mouth to remain open, thus permitting evaporation from the moist surfaces of the tongue and buccal cavity, the use of an apparatus such as is customary with a fractured jaw might, by keeping the mouth closed, relieve the trouble. I had not heard from the doctor until a few days ago when writing to me he mentioned this case, and said that he had frequently made use of the suggestion, since my visit, and with unvarying success. Whenever, in such cases, the mouth became dry he used a wire cup and a bandage under the lower jaw, and in a few hours relief was always obtained.

I think it worth while to suggest this plan to gentlemen who are seeing many such cases.-A. H. Buckmaster, M. D., in N. Y. Med. Jour.

One of the best eye washes for routine work is prepared by adding three drams of powdered borax to four ounces of camphor water. Bathe the eyes freely with it four times a day, allowing a little of the fluid to run under the lids. The camphor water is prepared by dropping a few pieces of gum camphor in a quart bottle of water and allowing to stand a few days, and picking out the camphor. This is fully as good as the U. S. P. method, and much less tiresome and expensiv. Such a wash is quickly and cheaply prepared. If the pieces of camphor are large enuf to be retained in the bottle readily when dispensing from it, they may be allowed to remain, fresh water being added as fast as any of the camphor water is taken out; then one is certain of always having a supply ready for immediate


Physicians and Massage. The members of the medical profession should bear in mind that they are themselves exceedingly ignorant in what constitutes highclass massage and remedial movements, few of them having learned the simplest rudiments of mechanotherapy; and that consequently, they are rarely competent critics. In Europe this is not so. Again, in this country we have few of the thoroly trained masseurs, such as are graduated at the Swedish, Danish, and German high-class institutions, where the course is two full years of nine or ten months each. Unfortunately, our local schools of massage turn out graduates after a three months' course, and even American aptitudes can become only superficial in the fundamental branches in so brief a training. Few are conscientious enuf to carry their studies to an adequate thoroness; yet a few do so and are then often better than the foreigners. The European masseur finds almost none of our physicians able to appreciate his skill, much less competent to direct him, hence the temptation is for him to practise on his own responsibility. Thereupon, in the minds of many, both of medical men and masseurs, there arises a bitter antagonism based on rivalry. This is not as it should be; they ought to work in harmony, each appreciating the special skill of the other.

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Two men, in no way associated, applied for work in massage recently, one a graduate of Dr. Clodhausen's Institute, in Copenhagen, and one of the Royal Institute for Gymnastics, in Stockholm. The first, after completing his two years' course in Denmark took a postgraduate course of a year in the Swedish School. On coming to America, each hearing of the marvels of osteopathy, which pretends to proceed on similar lines, but with a mystical quality of omniscience, determined to learn this "science." Each one took the full course at Kirksville, the school of Dr. Still and the fountain head of osteopathy, graduating in due course. They both assured me that they learned no facts of importance not already known to them. Such instances can be readily duplicated in the experience of others.-Dr. J. Madison Taylor, in New York Medical Journal.

Castor Oil Treatment of Typhoid Fever. I have already stated the thoro diagnosis of all the doubtful cases, Widal's test being made, and will now summarize the results in seventynine cases. In the majority of these cases no medicin except castor oil was given.

All were

given an abundance of pure drinking water. The diet was strictly liquid, generally milk, and sometimes predigested food. No deaths

occurred. There occurred three hemorrhages. The shortest duration of fever was twelve days; the longest, a case which relapst, forty-four days. The average duration of fever was sixteen and three-fourth days, counting from the first day of the headache, malaise, etc., until the temperature reacht normal. After that, in most of the cases, there was an evening rise for one or two, and sometimes for five or six, days; which is the usual course under any


There were only four relapses. This was attributable, in part, to the continuation of the diet during convalescence; but it was attributable, more than anything else, to the fact that the castor oil was continued until long after the fever subsided, and the patient was safe from the likelihood of a relapse. As a rule, during convalescence from typhoid fever, there is more or less constipation, which is prevented by the continued use of the oil. There occurred, practically, no complications. The fact that the poisons were eliminated nearly as fast as generated, and that the patients were not doctored to death with useless and harmful drugs, is probably the reason there were no more complications, and that the cases generally ran a mild course. In almost every case the temperature was below 102° within two or three days after the treatment was begun In some cases the fever fell faster and went lower than it did in others. I have seen it fall from the effects of one dose of oil three degrees in five hours, and again I have seen a single dose fail to reduce it at all; but I have always found that the temperature would promptly rise if the oil was withdrawn.

The method I think best is to begin promptly with a dose of pure castor oil every twelve hours, regardless of the stage of the disease. The dose should be so regulated as to cause one or two actions, and will vary from one to eight drachms, depending upon the patient, the stage of the disease and the condition of the bowels. This should be continued thru all stages of the disease. Dr. C. C. Bass, of Columbia, Miss., in N. Y. Med. Jour.

The use of oliv oil in ulcer of the stomach as suggested by Waldo in Cent. fur innere Med., Nov. 8, 1902, is rational, and should be given a trial. It is said to reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, thus preventing further erosion; it quiets irritation, and acts gently on the bowels. It is given in desertspoonful doses, and the patient allowed to rinse the mouth with some aromatic mouth wash. The dose is gradually increast to fifty cubic centimeters; if this creates nausea, the oil is made into an emulsion and cautiously introduced thru the stomach tube. He reports a series of cases demonstrating the success of the treatment and believes it would also be efficient in duodenal ulcer. (We suggest the addition of a mildly healing antiseptic, and believe such a course would favorably influence gastro-intestinal catarrh and ulceration following prolonged diarrheal trouble.-Ed.)

Pennsylvania Examination Questions Used

December 16 to 18, 1903.


1. Describe the relation of the deep epigastric artery and the internal abdominal ring.

2. Describe the course and distribution of the nerves of the palm of the hand.

3. If the femoral artery were obstructed at the apex of Scarpa's triangle, thru what channels would the blood flow to reach the tibial arteries?

4. Give the relations and topography of the gall-bladder.

5. Describe the superior vena cava, and name the veins that enter into its formation.

6. Name five muscles of the shoulder, and give the origin and insertion of any one.

7. Describe the mastoid portion of the temporal bone, and name the muscle attacht thereto.

8. Name the structures that maintain the bladder in its position in the male and female.

9. Describe the iris, giving its blood and nerve supply.

10. Make a sketch of and explain the circulation of the kidney.


1. Explain the functions of each component part of an artery and include its nervous mechanism.

2. Explain "electrotonus," and describe the effects of an ascending and a descending electric current upon normal muscle, when closing and opening the circuit.

3. Describe the principal superficial and deep reflexes. 4. Describe the mechanism of the heart in action.

5. Describe the functions of the suprarenal capsules.


1. Describe a test for excess of hydrochloric acid in the gastric


2. Define albumoses and give test for detection.

3. Give method for quantitativ estimation of urea eliminated in twenty four hours.

4. Give quantitativ test for glycosuria.

5. Define bilirubin, describe its properties and give test for its



1. Name the two most important drugs used in the treatment of syphilis; the stage in which each is indicated and the proper method of administration.

2. In night sweats name the drugs indicated, their doses and methods of administration.

3. Name several drugs that render the urin alkalin; give their indications, doses, and methods of administration.

4. Name the hypnotic drugs and their doses, and name the chief hypnotic to be avoided if the patient has a weak heart, and tell why it should be avoided.

5. Give the indications of salol, its dose, and name the two drugs it is subdivided into in the stomach.


1. Write a prescription for a four-ounce mixture containing an expectorant, a sedativ and a tonic, of which the dose is a teaspoonful every two or three hours.

2. Give the composition of pil cathartic, composita and state the dose.

3. How is argenti nitras best administered internally, and what is the dose for an adult and for a child two years of age? 4. Name one hydragog cathartic, one intestinal antiseptic, one hypnotic, and one antipyretic. Give doses.

5. Give the chief activ principle contained in digitalis and give the formulae and doses of the tincture and infusion.

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1. Give symptoms and treatment of pyemia and septicemia.

2. Describe any one of the dislocations of the shoulder-joint and the mode of reduction.

3. Describe the diagnostic symptoms and the surgical treatment of congenital inguinal hernia.

4. Describe the varieties and the treatment of fracture of the patella.

5. Give the etiology and symptoms of nasal polypi and describe the surgical treatment.

6. Describe the operation of ligation of the lingual artery.

7. Give the operativ treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremity.

8. Define necrosis and give the cause, symptoms, and treat


9. When and why is ether preferable to chloroform for anesthesia.

10. Describe the surgical methods for the reestablishment of joint function in confirmed ankylosis.


1. Give the causes and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. 2. Give the relations of the cephalic and pelvic diameters at three points during the birth of the head in an L. O. P. presen


3. In prolapse of the funis what are the dangers and how should you proceed to overcome them?

4. How would you prevent phlebitis in the puerperal period?

5. Give the rules for applying the forceps and describe the method of application in the R. O. A. position.

6. Cite the conditions requiring version.

7. Diagnosticate rupture of the body of the uterus during labor. 8. Diagnose pregnancy in the sixth month from phantom tumor. 9. What are the conditions justifying the induction of premature labor?

10. In what stages of labor is it improper to give ergot?


1. Give a concise statement of the means to which you would resort to prevent the contamination of drinking water.

2. How do running and quiescent waters purify themselves and which is the more efficient means of purification?

3. What diet should be recommended in scurvy?

4. Describe the hygienic principles to be observed to prevent catching cold.

5. In our public schools what hygienic principles should be enforced to prevent the spread of infectious and contagious diseases?

"Or are you going to practise medicin? If your patients were all reasonable men and women, your task would be easy; but they are not. Even in their best estate they are not all reasonable men and women, and you will have to deal with them when they are not in their best estate, but are morbid.

"You will have to deal with patients who throw your medicin out of the window, and still expect you to cure them; in one house with a mother busy with other things and careless of the sick child; in another house with a mother whose weak and tearful sympathy does much to negativ the influence of your presence and the effect of your medicins.

"It is not enuf for you to know physiology and anatomy and therapeutics; not enuf for you to know what your medical school has told you; you must know men and women-their physical constitutions, their mental and moral constitutions.

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You must understand them-their life, their narrowness, their prejudices, their unreasonablenesses. You must see into them, that you may minister to them."-The Outlook.

Complete and Authentic Expose of the "Free
Electric Belt" Fake as Workt by the
Heidelberg Medical Institute
of St. Paul.

As indicated by the heading and the cut which is introduced on this page, our attention this week is given to a gang of fakirs who carry on an extensiv business thruout the states by means of the endless chain and follow up system of correspondence.

The Heidelberg Medical Institute, with head offices at St. Paul, Minn., pays large sums for the square yards of advertising space they occupy in the leading provincial dailies and fireside journals. The first advertisement reproduced by us is taken from a journal "Devoted to the Idealization of the Home."

We took the Heidelberg Medical Institute of St. Paul at their word when we made application for their Free Electric Belt, and it is only their word we have for stating that it is an institute capitalized at $100,000, and that it is giving away thousands of its great Electro-Chemic belts to prove and advertise their wonderful curing power, and that it recently restored 18,976 ailing men to vim, vigor, health and happiness.


after examining our case, they thought it a curable one, they would immediately forward the New ElectroChemic Belt without one cent of cost to us." They would do this, because they knew it was without doubt one of the best belts ever manufactured, and that their gift was for advertising purposes only, knowing that for every Electro-Chemic Belt they gave away they would be able to sell twelve in our locality, and that after that their belts would be put on the market for sale at $28.00 each. All this in an imitation typewritten letter which is run off on the neostyle or mimeograph machine at the rate of about 1,000 a minute.

We returned the diagnosis sheet without delay. We were as promptly favored with a further letter of over 900 words of the usual stereotyped gag of which the fake medical institute is parent. They told us that the diagnosis sheet had received their “careful attention," and that our case had been given a most thoro" examination, and that they found us suffering from a frightful complication of troubles, which were the direct results of causes which they knew all about and understood. They imprest upon us that we allowed our ailments to advance to such a severe stage that ordinary or common treatment would be of no avail."

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"Good as any Blectrio

Belt in the World."



To All Men Who Write to the
Heidelberg Medical Insti-

tute, St. Paul, Minn.
Just send your name and ad
dress plainly written and they
will send their great "Electro
Chemic Belt" without one cent of cost to yon. It is yours
for the asking. Not even necessary to send a postage stamp.

The Heidelberg Medical Institute, capitalized at $100,000, is the largest and richest Medical Institute in the Northwest and is giving away thousands of their Great Electro-Chemic Belts to prove and advertise their wonderful curing power. The Great "Electro-Chemic" Belt will restore you to health and happiness. 18.976 ailing men recently restored to vim, vigor and perfect manhood. It quickly cures Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Nervous Exhaustion, Varicocele, Failing Vitality, Kidney Troubles, Liver, Stomach and Sexual Diseases, General Weakness, Lost Nerve Force and many other ailments. It is worth from $20 to $60 to anyone. It is given away absolutely free by the Heidelberg Medical Institute to all those who need the one great curative agent, electricity. 'Saffered 19 Years, Cured at Last.

Case 1768. Eighteen years ago ! Brst noticed symptoms of nervous trouble that afterwards caused me great misery and suffering. I had pains in my back and spent many restless nights. I had no control of my faculties, so that I was always at a disadvantage in whatever I undertook. I have been usThe Belt in not sent on trial ing the Electro-Chemie treatment but is yours to keep forever of the Heidelberg Medical Institute ceal. So write today for the great Electro-Chemic Belt Free about six weeks, and I considered myself cured once more, and to be well is worth all a man bas. &T..H.


without the payment of one

Address Dept. No. 5,

"Going to Get Married Again" Heidelberg Medical Institute, St. Paul, Minn.Dear Doctors-Yours of the 17th at hand. My neglect has been through carelessness. I have worn your most valuable Eleotro-Chemie Belt and it has proved a success in every respect Now I feel like I did when I went to war. I bave been a widower for Ave years I am going to get married again. WILD many thanks, I remain, your sincere friend forever.

J. M., Modend, Wis.

Varicocele Cared

Heidelberg Medical Institute, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Doctors-Will write a few lines as promised, and I am happy to say that I am cured at last. My varicocele ta cured, emissions ceased long ago. My or. gans are in normal condition. I am the happiest man alive. Now I can enjoy life as t never could before. Now I can do a hard day's work, eat and sleep like a man, and that t saying good deal. I shall ever remember your goodness and what you have done for me, and I would advise young men to try your treatment as a last resort be fore giving up all hope. If there is a cure you can cure them I will answer all letters through you Will write you a line next month. I am gratefully, F. B., Murdock, Mian.


Mention thie naner when you write.


There is practically no beginning and no end to the circle of diseases which this belt can cure. It embraces and quickly cures" rheumatism, lumbago, lame back, nervous exhaustion, varicocele, failing vitality, kidney, liver and stomach trouble, female weakness, and "many other ailments," and this charitable institute, incorporated for the physical welfare of the weak and decrepit, declares that they give this belt away 'absolutely free to all those who need the one great curativ agent, Electricity." "Remember," they state,

the belt is not sent on trial, but is yours to keep forever without the payment of one cent. So write to-day for the great Electro-Chemic Belt, Free. Address Dept. 5, Heidelberg Medical Institute, St. Paul, Minn."

We wrote in due course and this is how they tried to work us. They acknowledged the receipt of our application for their electric gift. They went on to express what happiness it would afford them to send us the belt absolutely free of charge, if we in turn would do them the small service of taking them sacredly into our confidence and fill out their diagnosis sheet, which they enclosed, and return it at once. They stated that if,

So hopelessly wreckt did they diagnose us that it was their conviction that none but the most skilled specialists should attempt treatment of us, and that it was their" Electro Medical treatment we should have by all means.' No ray or spark of hope lay in any other treatment. It would act directly upon our entire system and give us new life and strength.

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In this letter-another stock-printed effusion, with spaces at intervals to stick the name of prospectiv victims in for the purpose of gulling poor fools into the impression that a letter was written specially to meet the requirements of each individual case-they were pathetically sorry for us-for us, mentioning our names and appealing to us directly. They took paternal interest in us the moment they examined the diagnosis sheet. They addrest us now confidentially. It was no business, or commercial, or skin game. They had our name and case already fixt indelibly in their philanthropic minds. But the sad thing about us was that they found us to be in such a deplorable condition that 'No Electric Belt could cure us without being used in conjunction with proper medicin." Notice how the veil was gradually lifted. Electricity was all

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very fine in its way and, indeed, it would perform wonders if properly applied; but there was a limit to it, as there must be to faking and to all things else. In our case, per exemplum, their Electro-Chemic Belt would not rid us of our complications without the assistance of medicin properly taken and applied, but what the Electro Belt, given away absolutely free by the Heidelberg Medical Institute of St. Paul, would do for us, no other electric belt in the world could accomplish. They were not backing out of their promises in the newspaper, undertaking to send us one of the ElectroChemic Belts free of all charges and without the cost of a single cent to us. No! they would keep their promise as honorable men. They were not incorporated for the purpose of swindling and faking. They had a capital of $100,000, and their already long list of 18,976 ailing men, recently restored by them to vim, vigor and happiness, was a sufficient and noble reward for their self-sacrificing interest in humanity. They repeated that "Besides electricity our case required a special course of medicin, for the Body Battery, without this special treatment, could not effect a cure." They, of course, promist to send us their belt, and they promist to present it to us as a free and irrevocable gift. But, like everybody else who makes a promise, they had reserved to themselves the privilege of waiving, or modifying, or breaking it altogether. From their careful and correct diagnosis of our physical collapse it was apparent to them that the ElectroChemic Belt could not, per se, effect a cure. It would now be "absolute folly" to essay our cure by electricity alone in our advanced stage of disease. As a matter of fact, they could not thus help us, nor could they afford to take chances, for a single failure would bring opprobrium upon them and dim the fair name of the Heidelberg Medical Institute of St. Paul and eventually switch them off the market as a group of deceiving fakirs.

However, our case was an exceptional and special one. They appreciated our promptness and frankness in filling out and returning their diagnosis sheet. They appreciated this, and would carry out their promise to the spirit and the letter, and were sending us their belt free. They were, in addition, sending us a special course of medicin for internal use and external application. This they prepared specially for us, and it must be taken and used while wearing the belt. Their regular charge for this medicin, which would carry us over about two months, was $20.00, but we were so prompt and frank in taking advantage of their generosity that they decided to let us have it, the whole business, belt thrown in, for a mere song-not for the $20.00 they regularly charged others, but for $5.98. The $5.98 scarcely paid for the labels on the bottles; the belt alone was worth $28.00. This did not matter. Their desire was to cure us, and they did not mind losing over it.

They were sending the box containing the belt, and the medicin-to take on the side-by express. They knew how sensitiv we were about anybody suspecting we were under treatment. It was only natural

we should be so, but long experience and unbounded tact enabled them to devise a way out of this difficulty. They would send the parcel carefully packt and labeled as it it came, not from the Heidelberg Medical Institute, but from a friend named Franklin, who, for aught anybody might know, could be a personal pal out in Minnesota. Nobody could thus suspect the contents of this package, and even tho it passed thru the hands of the curious they would not be one whit the wiser. It was already, in fact, at the express office at our end, so all we had to do was to drop in and examin it carefully and take it home. We were in immediate need of the treatment, and as they wisht us to be rid of our disagreeable symptoms at once they decided that no time must be wasted. This was why they took the kindly liberty of sending us the package so quickly. Thev urged us to go right ahead and win-not to worry about payment; there was no hurry about that. Call for the free belt, anyhow, at the express office; call for it at Adams' and pay for the medicin when we conscientiously felt we were cured. It would cost us nothing for the belt, of course. They would keep their promise. The only condition they would impose on us in the matter would be an expression of our gratitude and appreciation by acknowledging in a letter how they cured us and how honorably we had been dealt with by them.

Now, let us analyze their honesty and their honor. It is a very easy task, for you will find that the virtues of this and all similar concerns do not include either one or the other.

This belt was advertised and offered us free of all cost in the first instance. Then the veil was lifted. The merits of the belt were ingeniously relegated to second place and all importance given to a special course of medicin, of which, "after mature and careful consideration," they found us to be in real and urgent need. They sought to inveigle us into this trap by insinuating that the $28.00 belt was being given us free, and that we were askt to pay only for the two months' course of medicin, and to report progress occasionally, so that more medicin, and more still, might be forwarded to us at the usual rates, and in the usual discreet manner. They offered this at $5.98not $6.00, but at two cents less than $6.00. The price was cut down to the cost of manufacture, and no margin left for profit. They did not seek profit. The more they thought of us, or rather, the longer we kept them waiting, the more hopeful they grew. They now felt sure that instead of 12 they would be able to sell 20 belts at from $20.00 to $28.00 in our locality, as soon as our cure was completed. This bait did not work. They could not understand us. They pointed out how "fair" and "honest" they had been with us so far. Why, therefore, did we let such a trifling sum as $5.98 stand between us and speedy cure. They would now let us have the whole outfit, bottles and belt for $4.65; they would knock off $1.33. Surely, we now had no


But we had. We decided to play the game out. We delayed still further, and ignored their letters-the

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