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11. Mention the principal causes of sterility in woman and state what may be done to promote fertility.

12. Give the varieties of asphyxia neonatorum and state how each variety should be managed.

13. Define cystitis, s ate its causes and give its treatment.

14. State the principal indications for the induction of abortion (not premature labor, and describe the technic of the procedure.

15. Describe Cesarean section after the method of Porro.


Answer any 10 of the questions on this paper but no more. Check the number (V) of each one of the questions you have answered.

1. Describe the various processes of wound repair.

2. Give the cause of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and describe the lesions in this disease.

3. What structural changes occur in chronic arthritis?

4. Under what conditions is each of the following found in the urin: (a) pus, (b) blood, (c) casts?

5. Describe the blood picture in a typical case of pernicious


6. Define toxemia, septicemia, pyemia. Give the microscopic appearance of pus.

7. Describe the bacillus of (a) typhoid fever, (b) tuberculosis, (c) anthrax, (d) diphtheria.

8. What secondary changes may occur in the kidneys as a result of urethral stricture?

9. Give the diagnostic import of coated tongue. Of what is the abnormal coating of the tongue usually composed? 10. Give the diagnostic points in variola and varicella in regard to (a) the location of the skin lesion, (b) the character of the skin lesion, (c) the time that elapses between the onset of the disease and the appearance of the skin lesion.

11. Define and differentiate illusion, delusion and hallucination. 12. Give the diagnostic value of a blood examination in (a) trichinosis, (b) Hodgkin's disease, (c) lead poisoning, (d) appendicitis.

13. What muscles are affected in paralysis of (a) the circumflex nerve, (b) the musculospiral nerve?

14. Mention the three cardinal signs of ophthalmic goiter. 15. Describe a test for determining the presence of free hydrochloric acid in the stomach contents, and state the significance of absence of free hydrochloric acid after a test meal.

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in therapeutics, practise and materia medica all the questions submitted to any candidate shall be chosen from those prepared by the board selected by that candidate, and shall be in harmony with the tenets of that school as determined by its state board of medical examiners."-Laws of 1893, ch. 661, § 146. Questions prepared by the board of examiners representing the Medical Society of the State of New York.

Answer any 10 of the questions on this paper but no more. Check the number (V) of each one of the questions you have


1. Mention (a) a drug that stimulates the glycogenic function of the liver. (6) a drug that stimulates the production of urea.

2 Give the clinical history of herpes zoster.

3. Describe the physiologic action of asafetida.

4. Describe the therapeutic uses of boric acid.

5. Define arteriosclerosis. Give its etiology and state the age at which it is most liable to occur.

6. To what class of drugs does pilocarpin belong? Describe the physiologic action of pilocarpin.

7. Describe the symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis in children.

8. Give the therapeutic uses and the physiologic action of potas sium chlorate.

9. Mention three hydragog cathartics and state the dose o each.

10. Describe the therapeutic uses of nitrohydrochloric acid and state its dose for internal use.

11. Mention the sequels of scarlet fever and state how they may be prevented.

12. Define expectorant. Mention three expectorants and state

the dose of each.

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5. Give the characteristic gastric symptoms of argentum nitri


6. When should bryonia, ledum and rhus toxicodendron be prescribed in rheumatism?

7. Differentiate the fevers of aconite, belladonna, ferrum phosphoricum and veratrum viride.

8. Differentiate the laryngeal symptoms of carbo vegetabilis, causticum and phosphorus.

9. Give the indications for three remedies curativ in whooping cough.

10. Give the ovarian symptoms of apis, lilium tigrinum and sepia. 11. When should opium be prescribed for constipation?

12. Give the rectal symptoms of aesculus hippocastanum.

13. Describe the treatment of membranous croup.

14. Differentiate the headaches of belladonna and sanguinaria canadensis.

15. Describe the cough of (a) bryonia, (b) drosera, (c) ipecacuanha, (d) phosphorus.

THERAPEUTICS, PRACTISE, AND MATERIA MEDICA. Questions prepared by the Board of Examiners representing the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York.

Answer any ten of the questions on this paper but no more. Check the number (V) of each one of the questions you have


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Manual of Medicin. By Thomas Kirkpatrick Monroe, M.A, M.D., Fellow of, and Examiner to, the Faculty of Physi cians and Surgeons, Glasgow: Physician to Glasgow Roya! Infirmary and Professor of Medicin in St. Mungo's College; formerly Examiner in the University of Glasgow and Pathologist to the Victoria Infirmary. Publisht by W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia and New York. London, Bailiere, Tindall & Cox. Price, $5.

Contains 901 neatly printed pages. Styled a manual, it approaches closely to what Americans call a textbook. It is intended for students and junior praticians, yet it is all the aid that many physicians will feel needed in general practise. It is clear and concise, and it is up to date. The phraseology is not noticeably English; the American reader would not suspect that it had been written by a foreign author unless he examined the title page. He has followed Osler closely when treating of the infections. He has endeavored to issue a convenient-sized book that will treat of the essentials of all diseases, and he has succeeded admirably.-A. L. R.

Questions in Pathology and Diagnosis, askt at the examinations held by the New York State Board of Medical Examiners, with references and answers Compiled by R. J. E. Scott, A.M., M.D etc. Publisht by Lea Bros. & Co., Philadelphia. 148 pages. Price, $1.00.

This is uniform with others of the same series that we have noticed before.

Compend of Gynecology. By William H. Wells, M. D. Third edition, revised, enlarged, with 145 illustrations. Publisht by P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1903. Price, 80 cents.

It contains 265 pages. The author does not confine himself to the teachings of any one school, and has thus given a compend that may be used by anyone, and anywhere. It touches upon the latest advances, and will satisfy those who wish to review the subject or to look it up hurriedly.-A.L.R.


Let us

The eyes of the world are on the far East. look over there and see what we shall learn. The first striking thing that we learn is that last month the Mikado of Japan celebrated the 2564th anniversary of his dynasty! Just think of it! The present dynasty with them antedates christendom. Can we believe it? When this dynasty began, Nebuchadnezzar was in his glory in ancient Babylon; Jerusalem was destroyed and the Israelites were taken into captivity; this was about the time that the prophet Daniel wrote; later the splendid civilization of Greece arose and fell then Rome reacht her zenith, then Christ was born, and in a few centuries more the powerful Roman empire fell, but thru all these changes this same dynasty in Japan was still young. Then came the dark ages over Europe a sleep of centuries-then the awakening, with the reformation and the birth of modern science, and the wonderful history of recent centuries, but still the same dynasty in Japan! What is there in Oriental civilization that makes for permanency while ours is as the rising and falling waves of the sea in comparison? Here is something to think about.

This same stability has obtained also in China. My attention has been called to a remarkable little book entitled "Letters from a Chinese Official." I will copy a little from it.

Our civilization is the oldest in the world. It does not follow that it is the best; but neither, I submit, does it follow that it is the worst. On the contrary, such antiquity is, at any rate, a proof that our institutions have guaranteed to us a stability for which we search in vain among the nations of Europe. But not only is our civilization stable, it also embodies, as we think, a moral order; while in yours we detect only an economic chaos.

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These are only a few tastes. The book is a small one, but it is full of suggestivness. We see that in the far East there is a great world, or two, if we consider China and Japan separately, older than anything we know in history, yet living today just as in the past centuries. We have not appreciated the wonder of it. Since 1870 Japan has done a most wonderful thing. She has grafted modern ideas and methods upon the ancient civilization without seriously fracturing either, as far as we can yet see. The war news every day tells a wonderful story of her progressivness and aggressivness.


I recently attended an illustrated lecture by Mr. Burton Holmes, describing a trip from Moscow to the Sea of Japan over the Siberian railroad. The trip was made two or three years ago (in time of peace). Its chief interest at this time was in giving an idea of the manners and customs of the Russians. They are a slow, phlegmatic people, and their method of administration makes them more so. Everything must be reported from headquarters, and all orders are issued from headquarters. This makes movements very slow, in case of any accident or any deviation from the stereotyped routine. This, doubtless, is one reason why the alert Japanese can succeed so well in discomfiting their powerful, but slow and unwieldy enemy. The temptation is great to go into the Eastern question, but it is voluminous, and we have more important questions (to us) here at home. These are the ones *McClure, Phillips & Co., New York; 50 cents.

we ought to study and solve. This is the reason that I brought out the New Zealand book. That country has shown what is possible in the way of intelligent and popular government, and the civilized world must heed the many lessons there presented. As Rev. Russell H. Conwell says," The advanced theories of government in New Zealand must soon conquer the world."

So let us study these lessons and apply them to our needs here insofar as they will apply. The book is going very well, but it could go better among WORLD readers. We know how many WORLD readers there are, and we know how many buy the books, and those who don't. It is attracting the attention of the best men of the country, as may be seen by the reviews w copy from month to month. We present only a few selected to show the variety of views and sources opinion. As you read these, do you not feel justifid in buying and reading the book and circulating t among your neighbors? Do you not feel even pelled to do so? Here are a few more expressios, recently at hand:

A valuable book. "The Story of New Zealas" presents a remarkable record of advance in denocratic government and industrial harmony. Inustrial arbitration is of the highest importance, and New Zealand's success deserves earnest attentio.

Whatever may be thought of any specific mesure adopted in New Zealand, or its applicability this country, there can be no question that the stery of New Zealand's progress contains much that is orthy the careful consideration of our people.-frover Cleveland.

"The book is decidedly meritorious. * ** The only work of its kind in existence. * * * In this book the writer gives the facts of New Zealand history stript of all verbiage and unnecessary detail. *** Nothing of importance is omitted. *** The work is handsomely illustrated thruout."—Washington Post.

"The largest book now extant on the most independent of all democracies.-N. Y. Herald. [Then follows about six inches in small print describing, in a glowing manner, the contents of the book

"No student of social science can afford to be without this book. Its contents are to the sociologist exactly what the laboratory experiments are to a chemist. It is easy to frame schemes insocial science. It is quite another thing to put these schemes into actual practise. A book brimful of actual experiments along this line comes to the reading public at a time when there is great need. We heartily commend this book to all our readers."-Medical Talk.

"Occasionally something is heard, more or less authoritativly, of the remarkable sociological propaganda in New Zealand. Specialists have been for several years closely following the experiments which have there been tried in industrial evolution, but the general public is today in the main aware only of the vague fact that in the antipodes a great work is being carried on to the end of better government. The details are unfamiliar to the average man here in America. **If it could be read thru by all, it would undoubtedly cause a great awakening of interest in the possibilities of good government thru the enlightenment of the citizen. *** New Zealand is well worth close study. It affords a remarkable series of contrasts, and it teaches many valuable lessons. # ** It has demonstrated the possibility of educating a great electorate to a high state of intelligence and initiativ, leading to a more equitable distribution of wealth. ** It is a valuable history, and an absorbingly interesting sociological record."-Washington Star.

*We have had no convenient and complete account of all these matters, and therefore no opportunity to see any particular law in its true perspectiv, and for this reason this book of Prof. Parsons' comes as a revelation. We are moved with wonder and almost envy when we see how easily this favored land

has dealt with the evils that threaten the very existence of democracy in our own country. The list of progressiv and radical measures successfully carried out is amazing. Government operation of all public utilities, government banking to prevent panics, postal savings banks, nationalization of the soil, government loans to home-builders, state operation of mines, state trustee for the management of estates, state title guaranty, woman suffrage, referendum, progressiv taxation of land values and exemption of improvements, state purchase of patents, village and farm settlements for the poor, state cold storage and commission merchant for farmers, eight-hour day by law, direct employment on public works, mandatory arbiration of labor disputes, are the striking items in the st; but their full significance is not realized until one As learned from Prof. Parsons how each came about ad how it is conducted. In his admiration Prof. ParSis exclaims that New Zealand

n its own particular field out-Americas America. From savagcannibalism to the highest civilization in a lifetime, from one of e poorest countries of the world to the richest in half a centuryrom racial war to racial harmony in a generation, from industriavar to industrial peace in a decade, from charity to justice, cometition to co-operation, monoply to diffusion, despotism to dem racy, government by landlords and the money-power in theirwn interest to government by farmers and workingmen in the inrest of all as the outcome of a great election, is certainly a recor of change in condition and policy, which for quantity, qualitand speed of progress is without parallel,'

Its a compendium of facts about one of the most intereing countries in the world to the student of sociolty. Professor Parsons seems to have reviewed all thelocumentary and statistical material relating to his sbject. With his accustomed thoroness, Professor Irsons has sifted the data, picking out what is essentia to an understanding of the peculiar social and ecosmic conditions in the presence of which the structuref New Zealand's government has been built up. Reaers of the late Henry D. Lloyd's book on the same ibject will be glad to have this fuller treatment. Suh institutions is the Torrens system of titleregistratio postal savings banks, government life insurance, he public trust office, industrial arbitration, the relrendum, and the state operation of coal mines are ascribed in detail, and, in fact, no feature of New Zeland's remarkable institutional life has been neglect "-Review of Reviews.

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Finishes Americans with food for thought.

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* New ealand's conspicuous national figures are not thosewho have achieved greatness by the sword. They re statesmen, social reformers, and the like who have rought the country into the highest state of prospery without bloodshed. *While many of these forms were furiously opposed at the catset, they hav in practically all cases come to be recognized as lagely affecting the diffusion of wealth among the peopl who create it, and have thus brought a feeling of contentment. The work is not dryly statistical, altho it contains a vast amount of pertinent figures * * The book is one which should exert a dep influence in the politico-economic education of our people, and has been composed with infinit care by one who knows how to ably treat his theme.-Boston Heald.

The book deserves pages of praise. It is a noble work, and is shamefully cheap. It is a book that should be closely studied by every patriotic citizen of the United States. Possess yourselves of this grand work and you will never regret it.-Dr. W. C. Cooper, in the Medical Gleaner.

It is simply impossible, within due limits, to set forth even a tithe of the varied and remarkable excellencies of this volume. It is a great book. It tells a wonderful story, and one that ought to go out into all the earth. Fuller of interest than an ordinary romance, the book, by means of the facts it presents, so clearly, so authoritativly, is distinguisht by its quickening suggestivness in respect to the way in which the people can make sure of governing themselves, how they may face and masterfully solve the problems, governmental, industrial, social, and other,

that now almost everywhere so profoundly disturb communities and commonwealths. New Zealand is an example to the world in the care it takes of public interests; in the nationalization of credit and of its soil, of railways, express service, telegraph, telephones, insurance of all kinds; in establishing old-age pension, progressiv taxation of land and incomes with exemp tion of small holders and of all improvments; in the resumption and division of large estates, limit of holdings, and preference for the landless in land distribution; in abolishing strikes and lockouts and insuring industrial peace; in providing State employment bureaus with the police as special agents, store and factory acts, an eight-hour day, co-operativ employment on public works, and much else besides of like kind. No end of things, in a wide range, of the same sort can be said of this volume; we have no room to say them here; but every one desirous of promoting public welfare in some most important ways, highly gratifying himself at the same time, will fill himself full of the facts and truths here so interestingly offered him, and will, if he can, get his neighbors to do the same thing. It is very doubtful if at this moment he can serve his country and community in any better way.-City and State.

Altho something like fifty books have been publisht about New Zealand, nevertheless all writers have left practically untoucht one most important field of orig inal research, viz.: the evolutionary aspect and casual relations of its institutions. In "The Story of New Zealand," not only has this defect been remedied, but a clear and comprehensiv account given of the three islands which compose that commonwealth, from the earliest times down to the present day. The labor involved in producing this work must have been enor mous; for the author informs us that he has examined over 300 volumes of official publications and historic writings for the purpose. In addition to this, he has received much assistance from the Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon and the chief publicists of New Zealand. Altho there is a startling contrast between the political and industrial methods in that commonwealth and the United States, Professor Parsons shows himself both impartial and sympathetic. 'The United States." says he in his preface, "has directed its splendid vitality to the organization of private industry; England heads the list in municipal government and vo untary co-operation; and New Zealand has devoted herself with unexampled vigor and success to the es tablishment of civic and industrial justice." The work is profusely illustrated.-Westminster Review, London. Seeing is Believing.

Dr. Max Werder, of San Francisco, when renewing his subscription, requested us to send him a copy of the New Zealand book, with bill. We did so, but at the same time wrote him that it was contrary to our custom, as we did not wish to open accounts with doctors for the book. Our expense and trouble have already been great, and we expect cash with each order. Tho the price, $3, may seem high to those who have not seen the book, it is really a very low price. We sent the book. By return mail we received the following from him: "The new book, 'The Story of New Zealand', arrived all right this day. Herewith find inclosed postal order for $3. I am well pleased with the book. It is quite an elaborate work, and must have cost you a great deal of labor, and expense too." This is printed here to show you that you run no risk in sending your $3 for the book. As soon as you see it you see at once that it is a good purchase, and with every page that you read in it you are more and more convinced of its worth and value.

If the message contained in "The Story of New Zealand" should be extensivly and effectivly delivered all over this country, it would advance our political and economic progress at least a quarter or half a century.

Send price, $3, to The Medical World office, and the book will be delivered to you without further cost.

THERMOL IN THE TREATMENT OF TYPHOID FEVER AND PNEUMONIA. [The following are brief excerpts from clinical reports.] Although the majority of us may loathe to accept new drugs, still I feel that we should never let either prejudice, self-interest, or pride prevent us from using any drug that will accomplish the desired results. Having heard very favorably of thermol, I became interested, and I have used it quite frequently, both in hospital and private practice for over a year.

There have been twenty-six cases of typhoid fever treated at the Allegheny General Hospital with thermol, under my supervision, in addition to many cases in my own private practice; with no deaths.

In conclusion, I desire to impress the following facts with reference to this product, thermol:

(1) The strength of the patient is not exhausted, thus avoiding the necessity of resorting to alcoholic stimulation.

(2) The normal activity of the skin, mucous membranes and kidneys not interfered with, thus maintaining elimination.

(3) There were ample evidences of more rapid recovery, thus enabling the patients to more readily and permanently resume their vocations.-Oliver L. Miller, M.D. Attending Physician to the Allegheny General Hospital, Allegheny City, Penna.

During my service at the Atlantic City Hospital, I had occasion to employ thermol in a series of fever cases. The result was so satisfactory that I felt that my experience should be recorded, being impressed with the almost specific action of thermol in this group of cases, an experience which I feel can be repeated by anyone. The most marked symptom of typhoid fever is the fever, and its characteristic influence is best studied when applying antipyretic remedies. As is so well known, the pyrexia of the disease is of serious consequences, and of itself often leads to such. Hence, in the treatment of a disease, the fever of which is the most marked symptom, especial attention should be given to the cause. The removal of the cause is not readily realized, and therefore the selec tion of some suitable antipyretic presents itself. choosing such a remedy, we must seek one which may control those conditions of "fever" by inhibiting heatproduction, or by dissipating heat, or both, with the least deleterious effect upon the system. As such, I have found thermol to embody these points most thoroughly. My first use of this drug was in a varied number of cases in private work, and the result was so pleasing, I had no fear or hesitancy to employ it elsewhere. In the wards of the hospital I was enabled to give it more careful consideration, and in "fever cases" especially our observations were most accurate and systemized.


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In presenting this series of cases, attention is at once called to the peculiarity of the temperature record, the dissimilarity of each from a typical typhoid temperature. I should add, that in each instance, the diagnosis was verified by bacteriologic tests. Widal's reaction was found in each case, nor was a case pronounced typhoid unless every physical sign was in unison, to be completed by a Widal test, made and certified to by the New Jersey State Laboratory at Princeton, N. J. The specific action of thermol is thus proven in case No. 5, where a relapse was noted, or rather where an elevation of the temperature far beyond the normal temperature of that particular case was caused by the irritation of the food, thermol acted specifically in reducing the temperature.

To summarize, thermol is an antipyretic of specific effect. In no case was the heart's action at all impaired, but was apparently strengthened. There was in all cases no greatly decreased amount of urine, nor did the skin become exceptionally dry.

From my observations, noted here as well as in private practice, I believe that the earliest moment thermol is administered, in any case, and especially typhoid, the prompter the results, and the more specific its action.

As an antipyretic, it is harmless, and can be given at any time or in any state, any harmful effect as collapse or the like never being noted.

The mode of administration is 5 grs. at intervals of 2, 3, or 4 hours, and to be given when the fever begins to rise; and to be continued even after the fever has disappeared. in smaller doses and at longer intervals. No danger of collapse need to be feared. Hence, there is no need of any additional medicine, as whisky or the like.-A. B. Shimer, M.D., Atlantic City, N. J.

In order to demonstrate some of the practical points in favor of the antiseptic and antipyretic treatment of typhoid fever, I shall merely furnish a brief history of one case, the others being fairly similar and typical in results.

On October 18, I was called to see A. R., male, aged 23 years, who had been confined to bed for four days, but whose illness had existed for ten or twelve days prior to my visit. During this time he had suffered with inarked prodromal symptoms of typhoid fever. He had had chills, malaise, severe aching pain in the head and limbs, some nausea, anorexia, coated tongue, nose-bleed, and iliac tenderness. Upon examination I found a temperature of 101 degrees F., marked tympanites, diarrhea, with four to six ochre-colored stools a day, rose-spots, the tongue tremulous, coated brown and glazed, with cracks and fissures, sordes on the teeth, and lips, mild delirium, a troublesome cough and moist rales, the characteristic flushed, dull, heavy, listless, stupid, typhoid facial expression, obtunded hearing, great mentalapathy, hebetude and inanimation. By way of treatment I pre scribed thermol in doses of two and one-half grains every two hours. Within forty-eight hours every symptom enumerated had become materially modified and diminished in severity. The subsequent temperature never exceeded 103° and only once or twice did it pass 102°, the diarrhea quickly subsided, the meteorism melted away, the mucous and cutaneous surfaces became moist, the tongue rapidly cleansed, the circulation regained its tone, the insomnia gave place to refreshing sleep, and by the 4th day of November the patient's temperature was normal, and convalescence had become firmly established. In no case of equal severity at the outset could possibly have run a smoother or more uneventful course after the treatment was instituted. The patient was confined to the bed precisely three weeks, and there was no sequel whatever, except a slight and transient furunculosis.

The angry protests and pitiful entreaties of patient and friends, the shivering and chattering teeth, the gasping respiration, the dread and the multitude of annoyances to the patient, nurse, physician and family occasioned by the cold bath process were avoided, and still the patient experienced all the comforts to be derived from that system, and finally he did not linger on and on as not infrequently happens with hydrotherapy.

Experience has demonstrated that thermol should be administered to an adult typhoid patient in doses of approximately two and one-half grafns every two hours throughout the whole duration of the disease, irrespective of the records on the temperature charts or the thermometric reading.

I feel justified in claiming that there is evidence to support the belief that the rational use of thermol will rob typhoid fever of many of its terrors and dangers, that thus used it will beyond a doubt to some extent shorten the duration of the disease, and lessen greatly the tendency to relapse, that it will certainly be produc tive of much physical and mental comfort to the patient in reducing the fever and at the same time cause the skin and mucous membranes, including the tongue, to be moist, that the respiratory, circulatory, intestinal, nervous and all other special symptoms will be reduced to a minimum.-C. F. Hope, M.D., Coatesville, Ind., in Wis. Med. Recorder.

A normal temperature was reached in one case on the fifth day; in two on the seventh, the eighth, and the ninth days, and in one case on the twelfth day.

Under the use of thermol the cases on the decline of the fever presented very little exhaustion and an early hunger developed. There were no complications and no sequels. The diarrhea was effectually controlled, as was also the the abdominal distention. In no case was there a necessity for stimulants; only one patient was allowed a mild sherry and that at his request.

The cases were marked by a rapid convalescence, an absence of relapses and an early recovery of normal strength.

There is no doubt that every member of the medical profession will gladly accept any plan of treatment which will shorten the tedious course of typhoid fever, prevent its consequent exhaustion and lessen the prolonged convalescence, to say nothing of reducing its mortality.

To draw a comparison between the cold bath and the thermol treatment it is only necessary to compare the charts of cases treated by the respective methods Under hydrotherapy the baths must be repeated every few hours and the patient disturbed and distressed. The temperature is not kept down permanently, but it almost immediately asserts itself. The specific cause at work in the system is not eradicated. There is increased heatproduction continually going on from the presence of poisonous products. It seems more rational to employ a drug which will effectually control temperature and thereby lessen the great exhaustion and high nervous phenomena invariably associated with excessive heat. A

certain percentage of cases has been saved since the innovation of the bath-treatment, but in thermol we have a far superior remedial agent which is more convenient of administration and one which will not only safely reduce a high temperature, but also control it thoroughly and act antagonistically to the leukomaines in the blood. If future investigations produce results which compare favorably with and corroborate those already obtained, we may almost claim it to be specific in its action and destructive to the typhoid bacillus.-George B. Miller, M.D., Philadelphia.


BY JAMES A. MATLACK, M.D., OF ST. LOUIS, MO. (From records of St. Louis City Hospital.) *** It is upon these severe and neglected cases that the value of therapeutic measures can best be tested; for mild cases, or those seen at the onset, usually respond readily to any form of treatment. The hospital staff has been diligent in combating the disease, and every known method of treatment has been resorted to. Especially good results have been obtained from the use of thermol, CHNO The following report of cases treated by thermol will illustrate its action.

[The cases reported are graphic and instructive. We here present a remark or two from two of the reports, and then proceed with the Doctor's conclusion.]

Temperature on entrance was 101.08, and remained high until administration of thermol was commenced, when range of temperature immediately became lower, character of pulse improved and cyanosis disappeared. Patient made uninterrupted recovery.

*** After administration of thermol temperature became lower, circulation improved and patient became comfortable. Crisis occurred on fifth day after entrance, and patient rapidly regained health.

Pneumonia is essentially a disease which tends to run a varied course. It is but too true that a typical case should follow certain lines, but it is also true that perfect heart-action is necessary in all events and at all times. The symptoms that demand treatment in pneumonia are high febrile conditions, delirium, cerebral symptoms and failing cardiac power. With a successful combating of these untoward symptoms it may fairly well be promised that the patient will get well. In some cases we do not need medical treatment at all; in other cases it is absolutely necessary to have remédial agents at work that will take care of the oppressed nervous and cardiac centers and tide the patient over until resolution sets in. It is in the class of cases referred to that the effects of any given agent can best be tested. The cases in hand need but little comment, as inspection of the temperature charts will show conclusively that the therapy adopted was productive of the good results which we wish for in this disease, and that the end in view was well accomplished by the use of thermol. In none of these cases was any remedy except thermol used, and in every case was improvement immediate and recovery rapid. It should be especially noted that there was no tendency to cardiac depression-which is often too true with many of the remedies used in the treatment of this disease-but that, on the contrary, the circulation always became better after the exhibition of the drug. Antipyresis was successfully accomplished, and there was no need for calling into use the digitalis group of drugs. It is a fact that thermol is a safe agent to use in the treatment of pneumonia; it is also a fact that it has decided effects for the better on untoward features of the disease. These are two qualities which stamp the worth of any drug; 1st, that it does good: 2d, that it does no harm. Thermol is therefore to be strongly recommended in the treatment of croupous pneumonia.

Wherever known, the demand for thermol becomes steady and increases rapidly. Sales are rapidly increasing, both through the trade and direct with physicians, as many physicians seem to prefer to order direct from us again and again as our books amply show. The price to physicians is 85c. per ounce. In order to introduce thermol to physicians not yet acquainted with it, we will send a high grade one-minute clinical thermometer (worth $1.00 or more) and a trial ounce of thermol, either in powder or 5 gr. tablets-both the thermometer and the trial ounce of thermol for $1.00. Literature free.


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The late Bill Nye once advertised a cow for sale as follows: "Owing to ill-health, I will sell at my residence, in township 19, range 18, according to government survey, one plush-raspberry colored cow, aged 8 years. She is a good milker, and is not afraid of the cars or anything else. She is of undaunted courage, and gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death in any form she would be a great boon. She is very much attacht to her house at present by the means of a stay chain, but she will be sold to any one who will use her right. She is one-fourth shorthorn and three-fourths hyena. I will also throw in a double-barreled shot gun which goes with her. In May she generally goes away for a week or two and returns with a tall, red calf, with wabbly legs. Her name is Rose. I would rather sell her to a non-resident."

CASE II. Boy, 15, jumpt off a train while in motion and was thrown against a side track, cutting a deep gash in the forehead over the right eye. An hour later I found him comatose, pupils contracted, insensible to light, pulse thready and fluttering, considerable hemorrhage. Strychnin and glonoin brought about reaction, the wound was carefully cleansed according to my usual method with Hydrozone, stitcht together and dusted over with iodophyll. Reaction was met by a cold hood, aconitin and eliminants. The boy was soon well. F. E. Burgevin, M.D., Spiro, Ind. Ty.

It would be pretty hard to say what you cannot get from the well-known and reliable house of Merck & Co., in the line of chemicals of careful preparation, for they have a very large list. The following, which they present to our readers' attention this month, will give you an idea:

Ichthargan, for Gonorrhea. See adv. on page 2.
Formin, urinary antiseptic. See adv. on page 4.
Stypticin, uterin hemostatic. See adv. on page 6.
Ichthyol. See adv. on page 27.

Dionin, sedativ, etc. Adv. on page 21.
Iodipin, instead of the Iodides. Adv. on page 23.
Bromipin, instead of the bromids. Adv. on page 29.
Veronal, hypnotic. Adv. on page 17.

Thiocol Roche, well-tried remedy. Adv. on page 9. Clinical reports of any or all of the above, will gladly be sent by Merck & Co., to any physician.

A dentist asked an old man from the country if he would take gas. He replied, "Down where I live they are not using gas; I guess you had better give me some kerosene."

In writing recently of his Conct. Tinct. Passiflora

ORGANIC CHEMICAL MFG. COMPANY Incarnata, Mr. Daniel said "It relieves insomnia where

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morphia, opium, and the bromids are ineligible, and where constipation is to be avoided." See adv. on page 29 and send for literature.

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