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This prescription can be filled safely and accurately only by skilled chemists who deal in imported drugs. Being a new discovery, two, at least, of the ingredients are not to be found in one drug store in a thousand. Skill is required for the reason that the greatest possible exactitude is demanded in the directions given by Professor Hoff. The proper amount of boiling and the after settling of the compound can be done accurately only by one who has practical knowledge of chemistry. Everything depends upon the purity and freshness of the drugs and the accuracy of bringing them together into one medicine, and when scientifically prepared, and containing the right ingredients, will make a perfectly clear, transparent solution, as pointed out by Dr. Hoff in the fourth paragraph on page 13 of pamphlet.

One of these drugs is an active poison and must be distributed evenly and thoroughly throughout the mass in order to assure safety to the patient.

The distinguished Vienna physician has demonstrated that his prescription is also a positive cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and all other troubles connected with the breathing organs of the body.

Prof. Hoff says the diseases last named which are but the advance guards of consumption, yield readily to his treatment, requiring at the most but a few weeks for their successful eradication.

If you desire to take no risks, and want to feel absolutely safe as to the exact ingredients and correct compounding of the mixture, you had better procure it here in New York City of the Eiker Drug Co., corner Nassau & Spruce Sts., who will send you the medicine, (a month's treatment,) all delivery charges prepaid and in plain package, upon receipt of one dollar, money order or registered letter.

We know the management to be of the highest character and reliability, employing chemists of national reputation to compound the prescription. They took a special interest in the prescription from the start and also went to considerable expense in getting up a Treatise on Consumption" containing, among other matters of vital interest, special directions for the use of the medicine for diseases other than Consumption, together with Dr. Hoff's advice on matters of Exercise, Hygiene, Rest, Sleeplessness, Fever, Night Sweats, etc., which they send with the medicine. This advice is highly important in the effecting of a complete cure. However, our interest lies entirely with the safety of the patient, the proper compounding of the prescription, the use of pure and fresh drugs, and a warning against any concern that attempts to monopolize the prescription or offer auxiliary medicines in the shape of a $5.00 treatment in order to force excessive money out of patients.

We regret to say that several concerns are doing Sincerely yours,


THE JOURNAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. P. S.-We would be glad to have the names and addresses of any of your friends who are afflicted and whom you think would like to receive prescription and book.

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Methods of this Collection Agency.

I was called upon today by a gentleman representing the International Collection Agency, of Syracuse, N. Y. If I am not mistaken this same company was exposed by one of the leading weekly journals a few months ago. Their scheme is to get you to promise to send in some bad accounts for collection. All the doctor had to do is to pay $7 per year as a membership fee, which, as they tell you, comes out of the collections; and all money is paid direct to the doctor.

To a busy doctor the idea is a good one, and in a great many cases he will sign a contract on the above plan. Now, if the doctor will take time to read the contract (which, by the way, the agent will try and prevent you from doing, by talking and directing your attention to other matters), he will find that you agree to send in not less than a stated amount of collections per year, and you also agree to remit to them the first $35 collected on said accounts, being, as they say, 5 years' dues. Should the doctor in his hurry sign the contract and find out its contents later, he will probably say to himself: "I won't send them any accounts, and then I won't owe them anything."' There is where they have him; he has agreed to send them a certain amount of accounts each year, and if he does not do so, they sue the doctor for $35, and get it, as they have done a number of times. It's a scheme to catch the busy doctor, or one that doesn't take time to read what he is signing. They came near getting me, but I happened to read it over and told them it was a skin game. He backt out of the office without any argument. I write this thinking perhaps it will prevent them from working the scheme on a too much workt profession.-THOS. F. BRAY, M.D., in Jour. Mich. Med. Soc.

[Is this the old Comstock concern, operating from a new place, with slightly changed methods? Be on your guard.-ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Your journal has been worth twelve times-no, thirty-six times-its cost to me, by showing up the Comstock Collection Agency. I had no idea I had signed a note for $36 when I signed their contract, and was about to pay them when I saw your exposure last summer. And besides that, in the short time I have been taking it I have seen many valuable suggestions. E. L. HILLS, M.D.

War Road, Minn.

In this age of quackery, dead beatism and commercialism, I am much pleased to have some one take the stand you do. Your exposé of the Comstock outfit caused me to give you my subscription. That outfit had been threatening to sue me for about a year, but I paid no attention to their bluff. And now these proprietary boosters, as the Brief, need the lash.-Dr. W. H. LANYON, Joplin, Mo.

Starch Bandages Not New.

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Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I notice, on page 209, May WORLD, that Dr. Martin of Gate, Okla., says that "none of the works on surgery say anything about it," i. e. starch bandages. Now I have an idea that his works on surgery are late works, which explains what he says. For the benefit of any who have no way of finding out, I will say that the first paper that was ever publisht in America on Starch Bandages, was by Dr. W. H. Van Buren, of New York. This paper was publisht in the American Journal of Medical Sciences, May, 1840-sixty-four years ago. The French surgeons used starch bandOperative Surgery, by Mott, Vol. i, 1847.) I ages years prior to that date (See Velpeau's will here say that Mayo, the great surgeon, in about the year 1830, used plaster of paris to set limbs. He learned it from Dieffenbach, who learned it from the Moors in Spain, in 1829. On page 229 of the first American edition of Druitt's Surgery (1848, according to the preface) starch bandages are spoken of. Vol. ii of Erichen's Science and Art of Surgery, 1885, gives directions as to how to make these bandages, but says that they dry

too slowly; on the thigh it took from 36 to 50 hours. Holmes and Hulkie (System of Surgery, 1883) give directions also. System of Surgery, by Dennis, 1896, Vol. iii, gives directions for the starch bandage. Moullin's Treatise on Surgery, by Dr. Hamilton, 1893, speaks of the same bandages.

But Profs. Wyeth, Park and Bryant say nothing about the starch bandages. And lastly, in the System of Practical Surgery, by v. Bergmann, translated by Dr. Bull, up to the close of Vol. ii, 1904, nothing is said of them.

I have used starch bandages, off and on, for 27 years, and a few times have used Larry's plaster, i. e., white of eggs and flour, which was used in Napoleon's campaign by Larry. I only write this to disabuse the minds of doctors who may think that they have something new. CHEVES BEVIll.

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Success Due to Careful Diagnosis. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I do not wish to flatter you, but I must say that if I have any knowledge of what pure, honest journalism is, THE MEDICAL WORLD is "it." I have been

a subscriber only a short time, but since I began to read THE WORLD I have become imprest with it and have recommended it to many. I was for some time connected with a medical journal, and I know the many temptations in the way of an editor; I know what it means to cull the reading matter that comes in for publication, and I think that the editor that keeps clear of the many advertising traps should have great credit. Brother Lawrence, of the Medical Brief, has fallen by the wayside as an editor, but so have many others.

I desire to say that success as a practician depends in great measure upon our ability to make a correct diagnosis. There are many calomel and quinin doctors in this country that go thru their work without practically any investigation, simply prescribing at random and calling every disease" congestion," or the result of congestion. These M.D.'s may

flourish without opposition, but when they come up against a brother who is thoro in his diagnosis, they fall quickly. I am only a young doctor, but it does me good to come in contact with one of the long-faced gentlemen, in consultation, who is running the young doctor down because he hasn't any experience." The patient or family invariably will say, "why Dr. A. didn't examin me, he said I had congestion of stomach and bowels." I endeavor to make a careful diagnosis, direct the right treatment, and cure my patient. People like a doctor to take interest enuf in their case to find out their trouble.

Summer is coming, and infantil diarrhea with it. Keep the bowels rid of undigested food; evacuate with small and oft repeated doses of castor oil, or grs. one tenth of calomel; then give zinc sulfocarbolate, suspended in elixir of bismuth or emulsion of bismuth. Do not check the bowels too quickly. Bathe with cool water to control fever, and success will follow.

I would like to know if any readers of THE WORLD have ever had any experience with chlorate of potassium in typhoid. Brookport, Ills.


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Herpes and Eczema Eclectic Treatment of Typhoid Fever

JUNE, 1904]
Herpes and Eczema.-Maskt Malaria.-Coal-

Tar Derivativs.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In response to "Texas," page 214, May WORLD, would say that herpes and eczema have an exasperating way of simulating each other. When I am in doubt as to whether a given case is "eczematous herpes" or "herpetic eczema," I inquire as to attendant sensation. If this is a rather indefinable discomfort of a burning nature, I feel justified in diagnosing it ringworm or other variety of herpes, and prescribe chrysophanic acid ointment, and it cures every time. involving the palms is most obstinate, but persistence and kid gloves will prove effectiv. On the other hand, if the attendant sensation be one of "intolerable itching," I think eczema, and the outcome justifies the conclusion. For this I prescribe a cerate composed of:

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3ss . 3ss

Melt the wax and petrolatum with gentle. heat-a lighted candle being sufficient; then add the powder, and, when dissolved, suspend the heat. Now add the ichthyol and stir briskly to a smooth, brilliant, stiff cerate. Apply morning and evening, and rest assured of good results.

Dr. Moore's prescription of quinin, page 196, in a special case of dysmenorrhea, will appeal to every" river bottom" doctor who has been diligent in gathering up the scattered threads. Soon after I began practise, a woman presented herself with a sore eye," red as a beet, and handkerchief wet with mopping. I gave her a dose of salts, and a collyrium containing two grains of acetate of zinc to the ounce. The next day worse, and the following worse still, but said when night came and eye-water was left off, the pain ceast, and so I reduced the strength one-half. Next day worse than ever, and lids had to be separated to let the tears out. I accused the sunlight, and urged seclusion, but she charged it to the eyewater, and wouldn't. To convince her of error, I discontinued it, but gave more salts, and the usual evening let up followed. The following morning she had a chill, and then I began to think; and it resulted in morphin for the pain, and full doses of quinin every two hours. The outcome was what our alkaloidal friends would call "jugulation.

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Twenty years later I was induced to go beyond my usual range to see a woman whom a doctor had attended in labor for nine consecutiv nights, but had finally gone on a journey to escape responsibility. When I arrived daylight was approaching, and the pains had measureably subsided, as had been their wont.


There was ample evidence of pregnancy, but not an indication of labor. Five grains of quinin, every two hours, were ordered, and morphin left, but not needed. Two months later labor came on, and was concluded before the doctor arrived.

Clearly, these were all cases of maskt ague, and Dr. Moore struck the right chord when he said quinin.

But in the matter of coaltar derivativs he is "way off" and "way back" according to my experience. The fact that tons aud tons of antikamnia, phenacetin, etc., are consumed without the formality of a prescription, proves that they render some service, and hence find favor. That acetanilid at thirty cents a pound will accomplish every good which these articles at a dollar per ounce effect, goes without saying, and is as safe as any sedativ in the hands of those who know how and when. The profession first took up antipyrin, gave it in poisonous. doses, then deserted the field, leaving the bars down for these crafty fellows.


Holdenville, Ind. Ter.

Eclectic Treatment of Typhoid Fever. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I have no secrets to keep from the profession. I might know a good remedy that you do not, and if I do not tell you, no one but my own patients will be benefited by it. But if I tell it to the many readers of THE WORLD, thousands may be benefited by it, and possibly some loved one may be saved from an untimely grave. So let us tell each other our good things, and thereby make the world better by us having lived in it.


Typhoid fever is doubtless caused by a specific germ; but it matters not what the cause may be; what we want is the treatment that will cure. In the first place, everything should be thoroly cleaned up and disinfected. Formaldehyde is an excellent disinfectant. The stools should be burned, or buried. direct remedies are antiseptics. The other remedies are auxiliaries. At the beginning, a mild laxativ or purgativ should be given in order to cleanse the intestinal canal and remove any morbid accumulation in that tract. Then we should select the proper antiseptic. The same antiseptic will not be indicated in every case; and it will not do to give a remedy simply because it is called an antiseptic. If the tongue is large and pale, with a dirty, pasty coat, sulfite of soda is the remedy. I usually write my prescription thus: R

Sulfite of soda


Dissolve the soda in the water, then add simple syrup q. s. to make živ.

Sig.-Tablespoonful every four hours.

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M. Sig.-Teaspoonful every hour, till character of the pulse changes; then I discontinue the veratrum.

Sometimes we will meet with a case where the tongue is red at tip and edges, with papillae prominently elevated, the bowels tympanitic, pulse small, frequent and sharp. It has the feel of the "E" string of the violin under your finger. In this case there is no better remedy in the materia medica than rhus. tox., combined with aconite. I usually write the prescription thus:

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The bath should never be neglected. In the latter stages the heart should be supported, if any symptoms of failing, with strychnin, cactus, digitalis, etc.

Occasionally we will have trouble in controling the bowels. Upon the first appearance of tenderness, dioscorea should be given. I usually combine it with the sedativ. Put from 3ss to 31 in with the sedativ mixture. Sometimes we meet a case where the face is flusht, eyes bright, pupils contracted, and restlessness. In this condition gelsemium is the remedy; 3j to 3ij added to the sedativ mixture, and a teaspoonful given every hour. Some patients are nervous, restless and sleepless. In this condition passiflora, 3ss to 3j, should be given as needed. Sometimes we will have trouble controling the bowels, as stated above. They will run off" as the old women say. With such a case we sometimes get excellent results from the following: R

Subnitrate of bismuth. Sulfocarbolate of zinc

Dover's powder

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3j grs. xvj grs. xxiv

M. ft. charts No. 8. Sig.-One every three or four hours.

If I were going to select a routine antiseptic prescription, it would be the following:

Spec. tr. baptisia

Spec. tr. echinacea. Water, q. s. ad.

gtts xx to 3ss Zij to Ziv 3iv

M. Sig. Teaspoonful every two hours.
This is the best all-around antiseptic pre-

scription in typhoid fever I have ever used, and I have been practising for twenty years, and have been a close observer. These are a few thoughts upon the treatment of typhoid fever. If anyone wishes to ask any questions, I will take pleasure in answering, either privately or thru WORLD.

Magazine, Ark. T. J. DANIEL, M.D.

[Dr. Daniel is president of the Ark. Eclectic Med. Assn., so he can be considered a representativ eclectic of that part of the country. ED.]

No Alcohol in Pneumonia and Typhoid. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In your May number, just received, Senator Hanna's case is mentioned I take exception to the cause of his death. Knowing full well the attitude of the profession in regard to stimulants, will say, altho trained in that way by Stille, Carson & Levick, it did not take me very long to get out of the ruts. I believe liquor killed the Senator, as it does thousands of others with pneumonia and typhoid. I graduated with honor in the class of '68 at the University of Pennsylvania, and am proud of it. Dr. Leidy told me the day of graduation our class was the best that ever came before him for examination. I will state positivly I never lost a case of typhoid or pneumonia, and I have practised in the alleys of Philadelphia, among the Indians of Nebraska, and for the last four years among the negroes in the hovels in Virginia. Have used milk diet and anything I could get to nourish my patients (liquid), but not one drop of alcohol in any form. I challenge my professional brethren to a better record, with all their refinements of practise. Keep the "Temple of the living God" pure and undefiled. Clean up and disinfect; the diet will take care of itself. While in Nebraska among the Indians and forty-five miles from a drunken doctor, I treated myself of typhoid by ice cream-cream frozen without flavor and a little sugar; no medicins, no bathing; in bed four weeks to the day. My cases are now aborted in from twelve hours to ten days, according to the case when I take it. Lincoln, Va. GEO. ROBERTS, M.D.

The practician deliberately rupturing the "bag of waters "in a case of miscarriage should mercifully abandon his unfortunate victim to Nature, or get a better doctor than he, and seek the nearest jail to beg for imprisonment, on confession of wilful and inexcus able manslaughter.

Twins.-Dr. Rice's B for Burns.-A Factor in the Treatment of Typhoid.Salicylate of Ammonium.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I have been a subscriber and reader of THE WORLD for a good many years, and take a great deal of pleasure and interest in cases reported and treatments given. I have been sometimes amused at repeated rubs given in certain cases, e. g. single and double placentas occurring with twins of the same sex or with the two sexes. In this connection I will say that my experience of twenty-five years' practise and seventeen (17) cases of twins has been a single placenta, one sac with septum, in each and every case, and I have had both classes. I can "point with pride" to a number of cases of "boy and girl," as also of the same sex ; but most of my cases where both were of same sex were girls. My last case this a.m. I have yet to see a case where there were two placentas. I knew of a doctor (?) who sat for twelve hours or more waiting and watching for the second placenta, which never came.

The sometimes spoken of as Dr. Rice's for burns, was given me some twenty-two years ago by a German barber. I thought it good I thought it good and tried it and have always used it in all cases of superficial burns. It is perfection: Antiseptic, elastic, of the color of the skin; and one application is sufficient, as when it comes off or is worn off, the new skin has formed. The B is composed of white glue, glycerin to make flexible, carbolic acid to make antiseptic, and water; to be applied with a camel's hair brush, after heating to make thin (or liquid) enuf to spread evenly.

If anybody is looking for a good treatment for typhoid fever, do not forget Dr. Bartholow's iodin and carbolic acid treatment. I ordinarily give six calomel and soda powders, one every hour, every second or third day. My success has been one death in forty cases. Some of them, a majority, were severe cases. It is good treatment and successful.

Another good thing, little known, is salicylate of ammonium. In pneumonia it is the best treatment I know of and I know whereof I speak. I use digitalis when required. I place no dependence on strychnin as curativ. I would not condemn its use however, but it has not very much to its credit. Salicylate of ammonium is also good in any septic condition. GEO. MACMURPHY, M.D.

Ortonville, Minn. Bellevue Hosp., Med, Col., 1878. [In this connection we are pained to chronicle the recent death of Dr. Bartholow. -ED.]

Never rupture the "bag of waters" in a primipara, and only in a multipara after complete distention, and very low position of the presenting part.

Ante-Partum Placental Detachment. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Mrs. A., aged 42, weight 160 pounds, mother of eight children, at eight months in gestation contracted measles. I was called to see her for severe uterin hemorrhage. When I arrived, hemorrhage seemed to have ceast. However, put her on Hayden's viburnum comp. Altho she passed thru a severe siege of measles, with a very troublesome cough, I did not see her again until called to attend her in confinement thirty days later. On arrival I found her sitting up in a chair; said four hours previous a profuse hemorrhage from uterus had appeared, but no pain whatever except some pain in her back. My first suspicion was placenta previa. I at once made a digital examination. Found os dilated to the size of a quarter of a dollar; very low down. Did not find placenta previa, but found amniotic membrane perfectly intact and tightly distended. Introducing my fingers as high up as possible I could easily detect the life fluid flowing down my fingers with considerable rapidity. I proceeded to bring on labor as soon as possible. Gave quinin and strychnin to maximum, which seemed to have the desired effect. With one short pain the uterus expelled its entire contents, fetus, placenta and a large ragged blood clot three times the size of placenta, which seemed to be acting as a propeller. Uterus contracted nicely and hemorrhage stopt. The child was dead and perfectly anemic; cord and placenta had entirely collapst as tho there had been no blood for several hours, altho she had felt the fetal movement thirty minutes prior to delivery. Mother collapst from loss of blood. Had quite a time keeping her alive with nitroglycerin, whiskey, external heat and friction to the limbs. Immediately after reaction I gave three pints normal saline solution per rectum and put her on restorativ treatment, under which she made a slow


Diagnosis: Ante partum placental detachment, from the effect of measles on the endometrium, as there was severe bronchial irritation and diarrhea from time of attack of measles to confinement; in fact, all the mucous membranes were severely affected. Were my diagnosis and treatment right or wrong? Now this is my first pass at a report, but this case interested me so, I could not resist the temptation. Should be pleased to hear from some brother on similar cases. If this is not worthy of consideration, pardon me and transfer to waste basket. J. CULBERTSON.

Whitefield, I. T.

[An interesting case well worth reporting, which you have done modestly and well. No criticisms.-ED.]

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