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Diabetes Insipidus. Diabetes insipidus exists simply as a profuse flow of urin dependent upon some disorder of innervation of the kidney or upon atony or relaxation of this organ. Its treatment consists in the use of astringents and tonics, and in some cases in the employment of opium or belladonna, particularly if the oversecretion rests upon nervous irritability.

Gallic acid may be used in 20 grain powders three times a day, and the fluid extract or wine of ergot is often of service given in the dose of 30 minims to a dram of the former to a wineglassful of the latter. As tonics the sulfate of iron and strychinin are indicated. Suprarenal gland may be employed in some cases.-" Practical Therapeutics." Hare.


A Manual of the Practise of Medicin. By A. A. Stevens, A.M., M.D., Professor of Pathology in the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis in the University of Pennsylvania, Physician to the Episcopal Hospital and to Št. Agnes' Hospital. Sixth edition, thoroly revised, enlarged and reset. Handsome post-octavo of 556 pages, illustrated. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co. Flexible leather. $2 25 net.

The popularity of this manual can be attested for by its numerous editions. The work covers completely the ground gone over by the student, especial stress being laid on diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment. Each disease is treated in a concise, clear, and scientific manner, and the reader can not fail to grasp the author's meaning. This sixth edition has been entirely reset and greatly enlarged without changing, however, the original style of the work.

The Four Epochs of Woman's Life; second edition, revised and greatly enlarged. Maidenhood, Marriage, Maternity, Menopause. By Anna M. Galbraith, M.D., Author of "Hygiene and Physical Culture for Women, Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicin, etc. With an introductory note by John H. Musser, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicin, University of Pennsylvania. 12mo volume of 247 pages. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co. Cloth, $1.50 net.

This work, written for the instruction of the laity on subjects of which every woman should have a thoro knowledge, is an excellent one. The language used is clear and comprehensiv, yet, withal, modest, and the meaning easily graspt even by those unfamiliar with medical subjects. As a further aid a comprehensiv glossary of medical terms has been appended. In this new edition the author has made some additions, viz: A section on "The Hygiene of Puberty;" one on "Hemorrage at the Menopause a Significant Symptom of Cancer;" and one on "The Hygiene of the Menopause." These sections make the work the very best on the subject we have seen, and physicians will be doing a real service by recommending it to their patients.

Saunders' Medical Hand-Atlases. Atlas of the External Diseases of the Eye. Second edition, thoroly revised. By Prof. Dr. O. Haab, of Zurich. Edited, with additions, by G. E. DeSchweinitz, A.M., M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology in the University of Pennsylvania, With 98 colored lithographic illustrations on 48 plates, and 232 pages of text. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co. Price, $3.

This Atlas on External Diseases of the the Eye forms an excellent companion book to Professor Haab's "Atlas of Ophthalmoscopy and Ophthalmoscopic Diagnosis." Starting with examination of the eye, the student is easily and gradually led from one examination to another, thus becoming familiar with the best methods of investigating the eye for the detection of disease. The most important diseases are clearly

described, and the best therapeutic measures recorded. beautiful chromo-lithographic plates, to each one of The text has been amply illustrated by a series of

which a clinical history is appended.

Modern Surgery. General and Operativ. Fourth edition, greatly enlarged and entirely reset. By John Chalmers DaCosta, M.D., Professor of the Principles of Surgery and of Clinical Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Handsome octavo volume of 1099 pages, with over 700 illustrations, some in colors. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. Saunders & Co. Cloth, $5 net; sheep or half morocco, $6.

This work presents in a concise form the fundamental principles and the accepted methods of modern surgery. The author's extensiv experience as a teacher is evident thruout the entire work, the statements being clear and to the point. There have been added over two hundred excellent and practical illustrations, greatly increasing the value of the work.

A Compend of Diseases of the Skin. By Jay F. Schamberg, A.B., M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Skin, Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicin. Third edition, revised and enlarged. With 106 illustrations. Publisht by P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Price, 80 cents.

Contains 281 pages, The illustrations are very good, and the work really has more of value in it than the ordinary quiz compend. Considerable space is devoted to treatment.-A. L. R.

Surgical Diseases of the Abdomen. With special reference to diagnosis. By Richard Douglas, M.D., formerly Professor of Gynecology and Abdominal Surgery, Medical Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville; Ex-president of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association. Illustrated by 20 full page plates. Publisht by P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Contains 883 pages. The work is the climax of eighteen years' experience in abdominal surgery, and fills a niche heretofore empty. Only practical methods of value are detailed. The object is more to clear up obscurity in diagnosis than to describe operativ technic; indeed he discourages difficult surgery as attempted by unskilled and inexperienced men. After-management has full space. There are numerous text-books which describe mechanical operativ technic, but this author seeks only to teach one to know when a certain operation is required, and why. It is best fitted for those who either make such surgery a specialty, or can afford many books.-A. L. R.

"The Story of New Zealand." By Professor Frank Parsons, the well known writer and authority on law, economics and sociology; edited and published by C. F. Taylor, M.D., editor and publisher of THE MEDICAL WORLD, and of "Equity Series," 1520 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Handsomely bound in cloth, fine, heavy paper, over 170 illustrations, many of which are full page. 836+xxiv=860 pages; price $3 net.

The direct historic review occupies 500 pages illumined by more than 100 illustrations (there are over 170 pictures in the whole book) and grouped in 72 chapters. After this the principles involved in New Zealand's progress are gathered into one section, and the birth days of progress tabulated. Then the principal services rendered by the People's Trust, Civic Fraternity, or Coöperative Industrio-political Combine called "The Government," are summarized, the conservative view of the Liberal Movement is developed and prevalent misstatements and misapprehensions are cleared up.

In chapter 75 the national debt and the national assets are analyzed, after which there is a discussion of the economic worth of high character and civilization, and of the monetary value of scenery, with notes and views of the charming visions that delight the traveler in New Zealand. Chapter 76 deals with the future moves under consideration in the Colony, several of

which have come to pass since the forecasts written in the early part of 1903 (see Preface). Then come 16 brief biographies of leading statesmen with a portrait of each; a glance at the four epochs of New Zealand history with a table of the chief events in each period; a description of the people, their origin, characteristics, etc.; a powerful statement of the causes of New Zealand's development, including an inquiry into the influence of pressing evils and practical problems, of singletax and socialist theories, of high ideals of justice, of electoral and governmental machinery giving free play to collective ability and public interest, of the devotion of a relatively large proportion of energy to the accomplishment of civic and industrial justice, and of union at the ballot to secure measure after measure in the onward march regardless of differences as to ultimates or any matters other than those clearly involved in the questions acted upon.

Chapter 80 offers a large number of striking unities and contrasts between New Zealand and the United States. Then comes a section dealing with "New Zealand's Place Among the Nations," as indicated by a series of Civilization Tables with 80 columns of comparative data showing the relative rank of the principal nations in regard to various elements of civilization. In this chapter Professor Parsons has made the pioneer effort at definit comparison of the principal nations in respect to the leading elements of civilization. A chronology of leading events from 1642 to 1904 is given, and a bibliography of important books and magazine articles relating to New Zealand, with notes to guide the reader as to the contents and character of the works, the publishers, prices, etc., completes the text.

A copious index, excellent table of contents, illustrations and valuable hints in the preface enable the reader to find at once any matter he desires to refer to and the cross references bearing upon it in all parts of the volume; and from the "Information Bureau" (p. xxiii), "the traveler through the book may obtain answers free of charge to a number of special questions" that may occur to him in reading the narrative.

The Story of New Zealand hinges on scientific colonization with selected immigration in the forties; the public works policy of 1870, that established a national railway system and laid the foundations of the material development of the Commonwealth; the improvement of the electoral system in the eighties; the momentous "Industrio-Political Revolution of 1890, when the common people united at the ballot box to elect men pledged to their interest, swept the monopolists out of power and obtained control of the Government; and the consequent institutional reforms of subsequent years, especially 1891-4, '96, '98, and 1901, by means of which New Zealand has made more progress toward industrial freedom than any other country in the world."

The results of the American Revolution or of the French Revolution were not more remarkable or far reaching than the consequences of this peaceful revolution by the ballot in the far away home of the Yankees of the South Pacific. It turned the tide from the concentration of wealth to its diffusion, changed the fundamental control from government by and for the monopolists to government by and for the people, and set in motion motives and forces that have already

solved some of the most difficult industrial problems of the age and are moving steadily forward to the solution of them all.

While the "Revolution," and the fraternalism, common sense, and high ideals that permeate political affairs, are the facts of surpassing interest in the history of the Island Commonwealth, the nationalization of credit and of the soil, of railways and express, telegraphs and telephones, life, accident and fire insurance, banks, coal mines, etc.; and the establishment of old-age pensions, progressive taxation of land and incomes with exemption of small holders and of all improvements; State resumption and division of large estates, limitation of holdings and preference for the landless in the distribution of land; judicial decision of labor difficulties whereby strikes and lockouts have been abolished and industrial peace established (there having been no industrial battle within the scope of the law during the nearly nine years since it went into effect, and only a few microscopic strikes of unorganized workers outside the act); State employment bureaus with the police as special agents, admirable store and factory acts, the eight-hour day, cooperative employment on public works, etc., etc., constitute a series of industrio-political developments unequalled elsewhere in the history of this world.

Not only is the "Revolution" itself, with its causes, methods, and results, more clearly and fully treated in this volume than ever before, but each of the insti tutions mentioned in the preceding paragraph is discussed with a strength and thoroness hitherto unattained. The best treatment of Government insurance is to be found in this book; the best brief statement of the philosophy of progressive taxation, also the best discussion of old-age pensions, the most interesting description of the workings of public railways, and the strongest presentation of the facts respecting industrial arbitration. For the first time the great events that make up the story of New Zealand from the beginning, are stated in their true relations and with due attention to causes and results, with a masterly description of each of the leading institutions developed in the Colony's unparalleled political and industrial evolution.

The volume is unique in the literature of the world. It is history, biography, psychology and sociology welded into one, lighted with art and humor, charming as the unfolding of a powerful drama, forceful as clear and vigorous English can make it. Never before has the political, industrial and social history of a people been gathered into one richly illustrated and delightful volume. Never has a writer had a subject more full of hope for the solution of the most pressing problems of this age. Never has the relation between successive increments of popular control over the government and the improvement of industrial conditions been so clearly marked. Never has the curve of progress taken an upward sweep so like the path of a rocket. "From savage cannibalism to the highest civilization in a life time, from one of the poorest countries in the world to the richest (per capita) in half a century, from racial war to racial harmony in a generation, from industrial war to industrial peace in a decade, from charity to justice, competition to coöperation, monopoly to diffusion, despotism to democracy;

government by landlords and the money power in their own interest to government by farmers and workingmen in the interest of all as the outcome of a great election, is certainly a record of change in condition and policy, which for quantity, quality and speed of progress is without a parallel." (Story of New Zealand, p. 507).

The United States is undoubtedly the grandest nation on the globe, but it is by no means perfect and may still learn much from other peoples. We adopted Arabia's numerals, Germany's movable types, England's steam engine, Australia's ballot, etc., and we may well examine closely New Zealand's land and tax laws, public credit and insurance, national railways, telegraphs and coal mines, old-age pensions, labor laws and electoral system. Not that it is possible to adopt all her progressive measures immediately, nor that it would be wise perhaps to adopt all of them ever; but that it is certainly wise to study what has been done in other countries in order to judge more truly what ought to be done here. And however great the difficulty may appear at present in respect to any given advance, it does not follow that we should neglect it. Mandatory arbitration for example cannot properly be undertaken here while our governments are such that organized labor has no confidence in the judges they would appoint. But this is not a reason for opposing arbitration on demand, but for striving to secure more real control by the people over the governments so that labor and capital will both have confidence in the courts and the way be cleared for judicial decision of labor difficulties with all the beneficent consequences that flow from industrial peace.

Every person in the United States: President, congressmen, governors, legislators, judges, professional men, railroad men, merchants, capitalists, working men of all sorts, women in stores, factories and homes -everyone who is interested in the progress of this country and of civilization in general should feel an interest in the political discoveries and inventions of New Zealand which constitute quite as important advances in the field of social development as the steam engine and the railway were in the realm of material advance. Quoting the Story of New Zealand, p. 507 : "The Industrio-political Revolution of 1890 was the most important event in the history of New Zealand and one of the most important in the history of the world. Just as the guns of Lexington reverberated round the globe, and the influence of the American and French Revolutions permeated all thinking people, helping to mold their political history, so the new emancipation in this far colony, the twin sister of New England, is radiating its force throughout the civilized world, and will become a powerful factor in molding the political and industrial history of the future. An invasion of armies may be repelled; an invasion of ideas is irresistible."

A Few Early Opinions of "The Story of New Zealand" from Some of the Leading Philadelphia Physicians.

"What a work! Your enthusiasm seems never to flag."-Dr. Geo. M. Gould.

"If such a thing, at present, were possible, that our own city could be influenced by the work these far-away people have done for their own commonwealth, what a blessing it would be for us, who, at present, seem helpless to avert the insolent and dictatorial rule of men low in morality and intellect."-Dr. Albert M. Eaton.

"In giving circulation to the lessons in popular government which are exemplified in this work, you are rendering patriotic service, and proclaim yourself a

public spirited citizen of our great American Commonwealth."-Dr. Frank Woodbury.

"I greatly prize the splendid book on New Zealand, and have already learned a lot of interesting things. As editor and publisher, you have rendered a distinct service to the public."-Dr. B. Franklin Stahl,

"It is the Mecca of the practical idealist-the land without precept-tradition or perverted ideas to hamper it in its effort toward a government of the people, for the people, by all the people."-Dr. Wendell Reber.

"So far as I have read, it is a very interesting story, and it promises to be more attractiv as one proceeds. Its political history is a revelation, and worthy of imitation."-Dr. Thos. J. Mays.

"Am enjoying the book."-Dr. Jno. B. Deaver.

"It is on my mantle piece, and I read it whenever I have a few moments to spare. To me it is an intensely interesting book. The editor and publisher of

a book like this is a public benefactor."-Dr. E. B. Gleason.

"I wish this volume a splendid sale. I assure you of my interest in New Zealand, a land possest not only of picturesque and advanced ideas regarding politics and the rights of the individual, but also of scenery equally as picturesque, comparing most favorably with the Norwegian fiords."-Dr. Judson Daland.

The following is from a letter just received from Rev. Josiah Strong: "I have long desired such a presentation of the social progress of New Zealand, and you and Professor Parsons have rendered an important service to the public, in presenting to it such a work. New Zealand is a great social laboratory from which all the world should learn much."

Rev. Russell H. Conwell, of Philadelphia, says: "The volume will do great things for political reform in this country, because of the fact that the advanced theories of government in New Zealand must soon conquer the world."

Judge Walter Clark, chief justice of North Carolina, writes: "The experiments in government in that country (New Zealand) have been the constant subject of attack and misrepresentation by the plutocratic part of the press. I have sought in vain for a reliable and full statement of what has been done in that country. Professor Parson's work fills the bill,' and no better man could possibly have been found for the task."

'The Story of New Zealand' gives more information such as a student of social science needs in regard to the actual condition of that country than all other books I have encountered, put together."-Thomas Wentworth Higginson.

"It looks most interesting and important."-Richard T. Ely, Head of Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin.

"I am delighted with the appearance of 'The Story of New Zealand,' and shall be interested in its contents. I hope to devote considerable time to it soon, and to write you again in regard to it."-Prof. E. W. Bemis.

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by a vague skepticism, and I am delighted to think that you have given the whole subject a thoro study and have told the results."-Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, U. S. Supreme Court.

"It is a monumental volume-a regular magazine of vital facts most admirably presented-a book that all students of science and economic problems who believe in Democracy will find invaluable."-B. O. Flower, Editor of The Arena.

DR. CHARLES F. TAYLOR-I beg to acknowledge receipt of your superb work, "The Story of New Zealand," which I shall read with the greatest possible interest, and which will be an addition of the highest value to my sociological collection. Very faithfully yours, JAMES EVELYN PILCHER,

[Editor Jour. Ass'n of Military Surgeons of the U. S.] Dear DOCTOR TAYLOR :-The seven copies of "The Story of New Zealand" which I ordered have reacht my friends, and they write me that they are greatly pleased. I have carefully examined my copy of the work and am more and more imprest with the wide sweep of topics covered, the masterful and succinct treatment, and the applicability of New Zealand's experience to our own pressing problems. The volume is a treatise on social evolution, the very best that has yet appeared. A section of human society further advanced politically and socially than we, is described by one who has thoroly graspt the revolutionary process, and handles his data with scientific precision. For years this work will be one of the principal arsenals of social facts and principles. The forty pages of civilization tables and comments are alone worth the price of the book. The treatise on mandatory arbitration between capital and labor is the latest and best. Those on the land question, the railroad problem, the referendum, proportional representation, etc., are based on indisputable facts so arranged as to demonstrate the principles involved. Henceforth, every one who desires to be well informed on social topics will read your delightful and entertaining Story of New Zealand." You and Prof. Parsons have rendered a great service to our country and to the entire world. May your team work" continue. With regards, I am, sincerely GEO. H. SHIBLEY. yours,

Washington, D. C.

Opportunity and Duty.


Doctor, I have saved you from bad investments, and the revelations and advice I have given have saved many, many thousands of dollars to the profession of this country. Now I have an investment to recommend to you. It will not "break" you, and it may you, in a way. It will cost you only $3, and it will give you information, ideas and convictions that may become an important part of your life ever after-ideas and convictions that you would not have missed for a hundred times the trifling cost. Further, these ideas and .convictions will not only be of value to you, but thru The inyou to your community and your country. vestment I refer to is $3 for "The Story of New Zealand." It is a work on history, biography, politics, philosophy, economics and sociology combined. consists of 860 pages of beautiful pictures and most intensely interesting and important reading matter. However, it does not deal with theory; it deals with demonstrated and accomplisht facts-living facts. Since 1890 New Zealand has shown the most startling and successful political and sociological evolution that the world has ever seen; and the people are now stronger in their progressiv faith than ever, for the conservativ opposition has melted away more and more, and each election gives stronger and stronger support to the progressiv government. What subject


can be of greater importance for you to be posted on than this? particularly you, as a citizen of a great and free country like ours, and you a leader and man of influence in your community. Rev. Russell H. Conwell says: "The advanced theories of government in New Zealand must soon conquer the world."

About the book itself, it is the only book that has ever attempted to give a full account of these developments, together with the historical basis, and full and clear explanation of the processes of development. The Philadelphia North American for January 24, in a very full and favorable review, says: "The Story of New Zealand' is a great work, greatly accomplisht." Prof. Parsons and I have done our part. Now it is your turn to do your little and inexpensiv part, which is to send $3 for the book, post yourself on the important message it carries, and pass it to your influential neighbors, as your lawyer, judge or pastor; or your member of congress or other political leaders of your section. Prof. Parsons has workt two years on this book at a small salary for such important and taxing work, and I have given much time and thousands of dollars to the work. Now can't you do the little that is above suggested? A copy of this book should be in every American community. Will you not see that there is one in yours? In cases of unusual poverty, two or three persons might combine together to make up the cost, and own the book in partnership, and pass it around for reading among all the leading lights of the community. Every literary society and debating club, and every political club, ought to have a copy; also every public library. If interested friends would inquire for it at public libraries, the librarian would see the importance of having it, and order a copy.


We frequently hear it said that there is more corruption in public business than in private business. Perhaps that may be true, at times, in the local affairs of some of our large cities, but it is not true as a rule in our state affairs, and much less true in our National government. True, we hear much just now about the postal frauds, etc., but the amount of "graft" in them is a very small percent of the enormous total of business done. I would not for a moment apologize for, nor excuse any of these frauds. On the other hand I would say, ferret out every rascal and give him his dues. It is only in this way that the public service can be made and kept efficient and honest.

My present purpose is to call attention to a comparison between public and private dishonesty. That is not easy to do, because dishonesty and questionable methods in private business are rarely brought into the light. However, a remarkable article, entitled "Graft in Private Business," has appeared in the January issue of the magazine called "The World To-Day.*"' The name of the author is not given to the public, for obvious reasons, but I know him well. He is president of a well known manufacturing corporation, and has had much experience "on the road," as a salesman. I wish I could give here the entire article. I will give quotations from it:

Ask the average man whether private or public busi* Publisht at 67 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Single copies 25 cents.

ness is more corrupt and he will at once decide that public business is the worse. Probably he will point to the postoffice and Indian management scandals. The reverse is, I believe, the truth when the business is of equal volume.

The management of public business is public, open to inspection; private business is private, not open to inspection. The courts have held repeatedly and strongly that even a stockholder, who is a part owner of the business, can not see the books of a corporation save the stock and minute books; that to make the other records public would give an unfair advantage to rivals. The result is that corruption in public affairs is almost sure to be unearthed sometime with a great hullabaloo, but in private affairs it may be hidden for years even from the owners of the business, and should they find it out, they will stop the leak and but rarely reveal the disgrace. The people rarely hear of private, but are almost sure to hear of public corruption.

There was a time when the government was the largest employer of high-grade labor; when private business was carried on by small concerns managed directly by their owners or under the eye of the owners. That day is rapidly passing. The growth of great corporations has substituted system and management for the eye of the owner. The small, coarse frauds, which were practised by small traders, of short weights and measures, of substituting inferior goods for those sold, have been largely done away with; but instead the evils of dishonesty and indolence have grown with the growth of big corporations until they far exceed those evils in the public business. It is the size of the business and the fact that it is not under its owner's eye, and is not public, that permit these noxious growths.

I have sold goods for over a quarter century. During that time I have traveled at least fifteen thousand miles a year and in one year it was over forty thousand miles. I go only to the large cities and see only the large trade. There are railroads and large companies to which I can not sell because I will not buy the purchasing agents. How do I know? By many little things which make me morally sure of it, so sure that there are large users whom I never call on. This has culminated in one or two rare instances by buyers asking me for a commission. I have seen purchasing agents on salaries of $2,000 and $3,000 grow very rich. This is all I can vouch for on personal knowledge, as I have never bribed a man to buy and our company does not allow it.

This is only the minor part of the evidence. Traveling men talk with each other, and thru the freemasonry of their craft they get to know who is and who is not purchasable. My friend Tom Jones (of course that is not his real name) has sold over a million in one year for the large manufacturing, importing and jobbing concern he represents. He is a keen, quick, companionable, pleasant fellow. Once out West he had the buyer for a large concern to supper at his hotel and afterward they strolled into the bar and sat talking over the drinks. The buyer had bought considerable in the past and had begun an order that afternoon which promist to be a good one. It was to be finisht the next day.

"Tom," says he, "I'm hard up. I went into a little speculation and I must have $900 by three o'clock tomorrow. Can you loan it to me?"

"Why, yes; I guess so," replies Tom. "I haven't that amount in my clothes just now, but I can go to in the morning and get it."

Before noon the next day Tom had handed his friend $900 in bills. No receipt was either askt or given, and nothing was said either then or later about repayment. But the order Tom sent in amounted to nearly $20,000.

My friend Jones had an understanding with his house that he could draw up to $30,000 a year without explanation as to how it was spent. The head of the concern was worth millions and, of course, they did a large business. The goods they dealt in do not sell to municipal governments, nor to the railroads, but to the large jobbing trade.

Here is another of his stories, showing just how it is done. In the Southwest is a large jobbing house which

had always given Jones small orders, but nothing at all commensurate with the size of the business they were doing, and try as hard as he could, Jones could not get a foothold. At last he suggested to the buyer, whom we will call Fred Smith, that if he wanted any personal favors, to hint at them; and Smith replied: "I'm full of goods now, but we'll see on your next trip." On the next trip Jones had a special price to offer and he got Smith into the bar-room of the hotel where, sitting over the drinks, he expatiated on it. When thru, Smith said:

"Tom, I have a payment of $1,600 to make soon; could you raise it for me?" Tom replied:

"Oh, yes; but you know, Fred, we haven't had much more than a smell of your business. Are you going to give us a good slice this time?"

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"Yes," Smith said. 'You get me that $1,600 and

we'll fix it."

This time Jones did not quite trust his man, and somehow could not get his draft casht till the order was made out, but fifteen minutes later the cash was obtained and handed over to Smith without receipt. The order amounted to $47,000, and on his return to New York the millionaire head of the house remarkt to Jones that he had got that order cheap.

It has been a common remark in the West that the purchasing agent of a railroad would become rich on a salary of $2,000 or $3,000. They have been known to build $25,000 houses out of the surplusage of one year's income. The vice-president of a car manufacturing company told me a few years ago that he did the bulk of the selling for his company, and that nine-tenths of his orders were got by bribing the purchasing agents and occasionally the president or vice-president. Sealskin sacks to the wives were a not uncommon method. In one case, it was a fine horse and carriage; in another, a yacht. The treasurer of another company dealing in railroad supplies told me how, before he went to a neighboring city, he invariably sent his own personal check (not his company's, because that would not look well) to the purchasing agent of one of the largest systems on this continent. This man, now dead, was a fine-looking, white-haired Scotchman, elder in the Presbyterian church and universally respected. When the salesman got there he went thru the railroad's supply stock, made up the order and fixt the prices. He remarkt, with a wink, that his company did not lose any money, even if they had paid a thousand dollars before each trip. These checks were never acknowledged and nothing was said. They ranged from $500 to $1,000 each time, and my friend shrewdly remarkt that once or twice when the checks had been small the order had been cut short before being finisht, and the benevolent, white-haired old purchasing agent had remarkt that he had to give so and so, mentioning a rival firm, a little of his business, you know. After these gentle hints larger checks were sent and the rival did not get a smell of the business, no matter how low his prices were.

In a certain eastern city it was common talk that a now millionaire varnish concern got its first start by a judicious distribution of its own stock among purchasing agents and superintendents of car shops. Of course, future dividends depended on sales of varnish, and who could so easily influence sales at profitable prices as the men who bought and used varnish, but did not pay for it?

Andrew Carnegie, without an apparent thought of the essential dishonesty of it, calmly tells how the stock of the bridge building company, which was one of the earliest of his successful undertakings, was mainly placed with railroad purchasing agents, directors and officials. Nine-tenths of its sales were made to rail



Another place where there is much corruption is the buying of supplies for large manufacturing corporations. As these are mainly in the East, it prevails there. There have been large profits in the manufacture of aniline colors. Ease in adulteration, necessity for careful judgment between different makes and dependence on the judgment or skill of chemist or dyer, who is rarely more than a salaried subordinate-these

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