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TYREE'S ANTISEPTIC POWDER Composed of Biborate of Bodium, Alumen, Carbolic Acid, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Gaultherlaand One or two Mentha

teaspoonfuls to a pint of water three or four times

a days. TYREE Chemist, Wash., D. C.

Seven Reasons Why


Here are several patent reasons:

1. It's a physician's prescription-rendered perfect and economic by modern pharmacy and special machinery.

2. The range of utility in the large field of antiseptics is wider than that of any other preparation.

3. Freedom from toxic and caustic properties. That makes the Powder applicable to all
mucous surfaces, external and internal-Vaginal, Urethral, Rectal, Nasal, Oral, Pharyn-
geal, Intestinal, etc.

4. Bland solutions of any strength or quality can be prepared quickly, and any patient can safely
apply them.

5. Dilutions up to 1 part in 50 are still germicidal. That gives great value and makes it economic.
A gallon of Antisepsis need not cost above ten cents.

6. Scores of imitations That proves great merit without a shadow of doubt. Only a
worthless article escapes the rogueries of the counterfeiter.

7. It's advertised only to the profession, and the ingred.ents are specified. But here is
an important point. The manufacture requires special apparatus and the manipulation of
large quantities. That renders it imperative to insist upon obtaining the genuine and
original packages. Only the genuine Tyree's Antiseptic Powder is reliable. When
prescribing or ordering always plainly specify Tyree's.

A Sample, with the following valuable Reprints, sent to Physicians
free of charge:

Some Obstetrical and Gynecological Treasures of the Army Medical Museum; A Report
on the Antiseptic Treatment of Surgical Cases at an emergency Hospital Clinic; Rational
Treatment of Cholera Infantum and Kindred Diseases; Clinical Lines on Prickly Heat
and Kindred Affections of the skin; Treatment of Acute and Ordinary Decubitis; Dental
Antisepsis; etc.




D. C.

For FORTY years,

Nothing has given the practitioner so much satisfaction in Anaemia, even in the pernicious form, as

Tissue Phosphates

because it causes the perfect assimilation of food as well as of its contained phosphates. For the same reason it is used invariably by those who know it, in Marasmus, Gestation, Lactation, Convalescence, and wherever a perfect tonic and reconstituent is indicated.

Prepared only by

T. B. WHEELER, Montreal, Canada

In pound bottles only at One Dollar. Send for pamphlet on the Phosphates in Therapy.

You are careful about the pharmaceuticals that enter into your prescriptions, and justly so. When you have found a preparation of digitalis, or ergot, or strophanthus, for example, that invariably yields the desired results, you stick to it, you specify it, you see that you get it.

Are you equally careful of your chemicals? Here is afforded even a greater opportunity for sophistication and adulteration than with pharmaceuticals.

We beg to assure you of the purity of our products, and on the high ground of quality alone, ask that you specify N. Y. Q. will appreciate it, and you will invariably get the best.

Very respectfully,


114 William St., New York.

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Indications: Coughs, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Pneumonia, Asthma and Phthisis

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NE of the greatest dangers of consumption is its insidious The patient remains unsuspicious of the disease. Bronchitis !—maybe—but alas, too late, is he conscious of the consuming disease.

Do not turn your eyes away from this. Your interests cannot afford it because we will be of assistance to you, if you have any tubercular patients. Perhaps the lungs are not affected, yet this applies to any tissue of the body.

McArthur's Syrup Hypophosphites

Has stood the test during many years for unequaled efficacy in the treatment
of Tuberculosis. It has proved itself, time and time again, to be positively
beneficial in this condition in the hands of prominent observers, clinicians,
and what is more, average practicing physicians, hundreds of whom have
written us their admiring encomiums in its behalf, and it is the enthusiastic
conviction of many that its effect is truly specific.

Space limits our placing before you in detail the merits of our preparations,
but we wish to send you our Pamphlet on Tuberculosis, our Chart on Diseases
of the Lungs and Throat, a 1905 Calendar, a Sample Bottle (one-quarter of
regular size), free to any physician applying, and to correspond with you in
accordance with medical ethics.

The McArthur Hypophosphite Co.


Bind Your Medical Worlds

We supply one of the best ready Binders we have ever seen; not something merely to hold the various numbers of the Journal together, but a complete cover that neatly and durably binds them into a book. Each copy of THE MEDICAL WORLD can be added as it comes, without removing those already in; it takes but a moment to do this, and it is no trouble. Every subscriber to THE MEDICAL WORLD should have these Binders: the price is only 35 cents each; with an awl for punching, 5 cents extra; or three Binders and an awl for $1.00. We have sold these Binders for about 18 years, and have never had a complaint concerning them.


1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


The Somnola Medicated Pillow


For Hay Fever, Asthma, Catarrh, Insomnia and nervous troubles. Stops the "aight cough" in Consumption and Bronchitis and induces sound restful sleep.

Special Offer to Physicians

When we tell a doctor all about the Somnola Medicated Pillow, he knows its a good thing and does not hesitate to prescribe it. We want every reputable doctor in the world to know about this "good thing;" and we have a fair and honest proposition to make to him-a good thing for him as well as for his patients. Will you write for it? and write now, doctor, before y ur rival does.


Many subscriptions expire with this issue, and to all such, and also to a few delinquents who have been billed several times before, we are sending bills and marking this notice. We trust that our friends have been pleased with the service THE WORLD has given them during the year just ending, and will give us their support and cooperation for 1905. THE MEDICAL WORLD, as you know, is publisht solely in the interest of the medical profession, and its support must come chiefly from its subscribers. Your part is a very small one. Just send us the inclosed bill and $1, and the thing is done. Or, better still, make the amount $3, as a steadily increasing number of our patrons do, and receive THE MEDICAL WORLD four years. This is not only cheaper, but it saves you the trouble of renewing your subscription each year. The best time to do this is NOW. It will take you only a moment, as it is not necessary for you to write a letter unless you wish to do so. Just inclose $1 or $3 and our bill, or anything bearing your name and address, and we will give you credit accordingly. If you do not do this at the present moment, please keep this before you until it is attended to. Kindly do not make it necessary for us to send bills time after time (as some do). We are trying to serve your interests. Are we succeeding? We have no medical preparations to boost, nor any trade connections whatever, so we can give you unbiased service. But such service must be supported by those receiving the benefits of the same. If you choose to add 25 cents (stamps will do) for "Politics in New Zealand," it will make you a better citizen, and you will not regret it. Money refunded if not more than satisfied. The point is, please do not put this notice aside and neglect it. You don't need to write a word if you don't want to. Just inclose $1 or $1.25, or $3 or $3.25, and we will know what you mean, and attend to your wishes accordingly, and promptly. We could fill many pages with expressions which are constantly flowing in to us, like the following:

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Dr. Will Purdy, of Lawrenceville, Ill., writes: "I think your articles on Financial Investments of Medical Men,' Business and Medicin' and 'How a Village Doctor Saved $45.00 per Year,' worth many times the price of subscription."

Dr. Sylvester C. Clemans, of Gloversville, N. Y., writes: "I have found THE MEDICAL WORLD of more value to me as an assistant to practise than any other journal I take. It teaches and gives ideas that are practical and can be put into practise and are successful."

Dr. C. N. Bishoff, of Eudora, Kan., writes: "There are things discust in THE WORLD I find in no other journal, that are of great interest and importance to the profession."

Dr. Thos. R. Allen, of Greenwood, Tex., writes: "I am a great admirer of THE WORLD, because it contains so many leters fresh from the doctor at the bed-side."

Dr. F. Duttlinger, of St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I would rather miss all other papers than THE MEDICAL WORLD, which brings always seasonable and sound medical as well as social, financial and political advice."

I fully appreciate your stand on the advertisements and frauds. When you came out so strongly a year ago, I began watching you to see if you were in earnest. I don't want to pay for proprietary medicin almanacs nor mine circulars. I see you complimented by some of the big weeklies for something they hadn't the "nerve" to do themselves. Cumberland Gap, Tenn.


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