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employed in taking an inventory of a library. There is no limit to the number of books that may be classified under a particular subject but each book, or set of books, is given a separate book number. The shelf list is also the record of the numbers assigned and is consulted in order to avoid duplication. Since it is a classed catalogue it may be useful to any one who wants a list of the books in a library under a particular subject.

The card shelf list purposes but the sheet

is more easily consulted for ordinary list is more convenient for taking an

inventory of a library. Entries 56, 57, 58, and 59 illustrate

entries for the shelf catalogue.

fifteen books.

325.73 Fairchild, H. P.


Write shelf list entries for

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Examples and Exercise. 19. Book Numbers.

The book number, or combination letter and number, is used for the purpose of arranging books in alphabetical order by author. There may be fifty, seventy-five, or a hundred volumes classified under the symbol for psychology, each having the same class letter or number. In order that they may be arranged in alphabetical order each one must have a distinct book number. The combination letter and number provides

for this arrangement.

Different schemes have been devised but the Cutter Table, or Cutter-Sanborn Table, is most widely used in this country. According to this table the book "number" consists of the first letter, or the first two or three letters of author's name; or the first letter, or two or three letters of the first important word of the title of a periodical or anonymous book, and one or more figures. The instructions for using the Cutter Table are as follows: "Use one letter for words beginning with consonants (except S), two for words beginning with vowels and S, and three for words beginning with Sc". One figure is added to the vowels and the consonants S, Q, X, Y, and Z; and two figures are added to the other letters of the alphabet. The table is merely an artificial product, yet it serves the purpose fairly well, unless it be for the largest libraries.

If the author's name is Thorn the "book number" is T 39, for Gilmore it is G 42, for Austin it is Au 7, for Literary digest it is L 71, for Journal of biological chemisty it is J 82, for Scientific American it is Sci 2. The table does not provide a scheme for distinguishing between two books by the same author, both having the same classification number; as for example Oliver Twist and Our Mutual Friend, novels by Dickens. If the "number" for the first volume of Dickens' works is D 55, then Oliver Twist would be D 55 ol, and Our Mutual Friend would be D 55 ou. That is the books are distinguished by adding the first letters of the title to D 55, and so with other volumes of Dickens' works.

name of the subject rather than the name distinguish between two or more books o dividual it is necessary to add one or letters of each author's name to the the subject.

Write "book numbers" for thirty bo

Examples and Exercise. 20. Book Card.

At the top of the book card are wri of the book, the author's name and title desk as a record when the book is len when the latter is not in use. It is a ve

most used being three by five inches. the form of heading.



Eggleston, George C.
Our first century.


Printed Catalogue Cards.

Cards are printed for all books ca brary of Congress, including all books United States, proceedings of many of th odicals, and foreign books purchased for cards may be purchased at a cost, on an six cents for each book. While the n novels and some other books will be

ned if orders are placed in advance


ed in the foregoing exercises is not ify one to do accurate cataloguing, k of instructions at hand. Many of in connection with such work have l study and practice are, therefore, pecting to engage in this work. The art may be learned in a short time, poks accurately and consistently, and headings as reveal definitely the subot acquired by mere practice alone. ined only by those who have a wide

who are endowed with a good

pects to engage in library work should in cataloguing the various classes of he selection of subjects. Then also n of the printed card for the cata

any size has a smaller or larger 5 pamphlets. These present as many roup of publications, consequently al for practice work.

[graphic][merged small]
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