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system in order to make certain that t most suitable. The index to the Deci to two or more places for some subjects indicating where different phases of a su If a book is devoted to two different and hygiene it is usually classified unde in the book, but it may also be class subject which includes the two subje treats of three or more subjects it s the general subject including all of them treat one subject from the standpoint of physiological chemistry, social psycholo sophy. In such cases the book is usua last subject, but there may be books under the first subject. A social psycho ject of sociology more fully, and more psychology, if so it should be classifie there are few books of this kind.

The classifier should aim to do e determine the predominant subject of it under the the) corresponding subject fication. There are certain local prob to almost every library, some of which in determining where books shall be library, for example, a professor may ordered for his department should be c whether it properly belongs there or the classifier may have to make some

In many of the medium sized and smaller libraries of the country novels are not classified according to any system but arranged on the shelves, in alphabetical order, by author's names, and individual biographies indicated by using the letter "B". In the case of biography the book number is selected from the name of the subject and thus the volumes are arranged in alphabetical order.

Book classification is not an exact science. Books are not written with a view of fitting into a scheme of classification, although most of them do fairly well. While the number is not great, some are very general in scope and do not fit any subject exactly, and again others treat two or three subjects which are widely separated in a scheme of classification. Then again some books and pamphlets are published each year on new subjects, that is on subjects for which no provision has been made in a system of classification. In such cases the classifier must select the topic in the system of classification most closely related to the subject of the book. In order to meet the demands for new subjects a system of classification should be frequently revised. The foregoing facts have been mentioned in order to indicate why book classification is not an exact science; nevertheless the method of procedure is scientific and is not very unlike the method employed in the classification of plants and animals.

Questions and References.

Give examples (five) of books classified by means of form tables illustrating geographical sub-division of subject; as for example classification of Report on Education in Ohio, or Plants of Kentucky. Explain how the notation is formed in each case.

What is meant by close classification?

Give a brief account of the lives of the authors of the Decimal, Subject, and Expansive Classifications. Explain the basis of classifying poetry, the essay, the novel? What is meant by "fixed" classification?

Cutter, Charles A. Suitability
fication to college and refe
journal, 24: C 41—49.
Tandy, F. D. Some suggestion
of the Decimal classificatio

Martel, Charles. Library of
American Library Association

Arnett, Elements of Library Methods.

number of books published each ans to exercise more or less care O to 9000 volumes are published e same number in Great Britain, in Germany and France, besides Japan, and other countries. The or otherwise obtain, a majority the small library can purchase annual production. The number is doubtful whether any library nts all of them.

ee things to take into consideration the library; the present demand, and, for books; and the funds ss the library is a special one he aim is to have a fairly well im, however, is not absolutely Ome subjects are not used, and the future, it is a waste of funds While demand is the chief guide for purchase on any one subject tirely by present demand. Two be followed exclusively are that lways persistent and if entirely purchase of too many books of rian can, to some extent, direct lvertisements and thus create a

Selection and purchase of books


Every library is limited in its purchases of books by available funds. There is a relationship between the size of the library and the size of the book fund, the large library having a fairly large sum while the small library has only a small amount. Care in selection should be exercised by every librarian in order to secure the books most needed, and most suitable, and to avoid the purchase of those that will never be used. The task, however, is more or less difficult in any library but in the face of so many new books each year, and with a small book fund, it is most difficult in the small library.

By Whom selected.

Books are selected not only by the librarian but by committees, professors, teachers and other patrons - depending in part upon the kind of library. For school and college libraries teachers and professors select most of the books; for public libraries the library staff and patrons select most. Selections are made by the librarian and others as a result of favorable book reviews; upon recommendation of persons who have read the books; because of the reputation, scholarship and experience of author; and from selected lists of books compiled for the use of librarians. For the public library most of the books are actually selected by the librarian and library staff but lists must usually have the approval of a book committee before purchases are made.

Advertisements and Book Reviews.

The advertisements and books reviews are the first sources of information about new books. Advertisements in the form of announcements are frequently in print before the book is off the press. The announcements set forth the good qualities of the book, name its purpose, and often give table of contents. Advertisements in magazines and journals are somewhat similar except briefer in form. They frequently inIclude an abstract from some review of the book. Neither

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