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Exalt His praises if the world

press sore,

Peal out His praises if black
Satan roar

A hundred thousand lies to say them nay.

Devil and Death and Hades, three

fold cord

Not quickly broken, front thee to thy face;

Front thou them with a face of

tenfold flint :

Shout for the battle, David!

never stint

Body or breath or blood, but, proof in grace,

Die for thy Lord, as once for thee thy Lord:

Before 1893.

THRO' burden and heat of the day How weary the hands and the feet

That labour with scarcely a stay,
Thro' burden and heat!

Tired toiler whose sleep shall be

Kneel down, it will rest thee to pray : Then forward, for daylight is fleet.

Cool shadows show lengthening and grey,

Cool twilight will soon be com-
plete :

What matters this wearisome way
Thro' burden and heat?
Before 1886.

Then I commended Mirth.'

'A MERRY heart is a continual feast.'

Then take we life and all things in good part:

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Whose marvels and whose mysteries


Are ye not much better than they?

Their course and deep in darkness THE twig sprouteth,

serve Him still.

Thou dim aurora, on the extremest


Of airy summits wax not overbright;

Refrain thy rose, refrain thy daffodil.

Until God's Word go forth to kindle thee

And garland thee and bid thee stoop to us,

Blush in the heavenly choirs

and glance not down: To-day we race in darkness for

a crown,

In darkness for beatitude to be,

In darkness for the city luminous.
Before 1893.

Truly the Light is sweet.

LIGHT colourless doth colour all things else:

Where light dwells pleasure dwells And peace excels.

Then rise and shine,

Thou shadowed soul of mine,

And let a cheerful rainbow make thee fine.

Light, fountain of all beauty and delight,

Leads day forth from the night,
Turns blackness white.

Light waits for thee

Where all have eyes to see:

Oh well is thee, and happy shalt

thou be.

Before 1893.

The moth outeth,
The plant springeth,
The bird singeth:
Tho' little we sing to-day
Yet are we better than they;
Tho' growing with scarce a showing,
Yet, please God, we are growing.

The twig teacheth,
The moth preacheth,
The plant vaunteth,
The bird chanteth,
God's mercy overflowing,
Merciful past man's knowing.
Please God to keep us growing
Till the awful day of mowing.
Before 1893.

Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house. WISEST of sparrows that sparrow which sitteth alone

Perched on the housetop, its own

upper chamber, for nest; Wisest of swallows that swallow which timely has flown

Over the turbulent sea to the land of its rest:

Wisest of sparrows and swallows, if I were as wise!

Wisest of spirits that spirit which dwelleth apart

Hid in the Presence of God for a

chapel and nest,

Sending a wish and a will and a passionate heart

Over the eddy of life to that
Presence in rest :

Seated alone and in peace till
God bids it arise.

Before 1893.

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But what if Thou shouldst sheathe A life so faint,-is this to live?

it to the hilt

Within the heart that sues to Thee,

O Lord?

Yea, if Thou wilt.

A goal so mean,—is this a goal? Christ love thee, remedy, forgive,

Save thee, O foolish Soul. Before 1893.

BEFORE the beginning Thou hast | Distance melts and mellows all

foreknown the end,

Before the birthday the death-bed


Looking back.

was seen of Thee:

Cleanse what I cannot cleanse, mend Rose and purple and a silvery grey,

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O God, arise to defend, arise to Yesterday we sighed, but not to-day, befriend,

O Lord All-Merciful, be merciful

to me.

Before 1893.

, THE goal in sight! Look up and sing,

Set faces full against the light, Welcome with rapturous welcoming The goal in sight.

Let be the left, let be the right:

Looking back.

Before 1886.


SHE fell asleep among the flowers
In the sober autumn hours.

Three there are about her bed,
At her side and feet and head.

At her head standeth the Cross

Straight forward make your footsteps For which all else she counted loss:


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