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that He can trust us with. Perhaps that is why so many of us have so littlefighting a hard fight and winning a very modest victory. Maybe it is all for the best, though. The accumulation of of money seems to constitute what in general is regarded as a man's success in this world, but let me say to you to-night that my conviction is stronger than ever that it is not money or position that counts, but the faithfulness with which a man stands to the every-day business of life that lies along his pathway.

I went down to New York recently, and took occasion to see who it is down there that is doing the great business of the metropolis, our commercial capital. Before going, I put down the name of every one I had heard of, but, for fear I had not got them all, I asked a man who lived there to put down all he knew. I found that outside of a few decadent families rarely heard of except as they moved from one pleasure resort to another, there was hardly in New York City a man or a woman whose name was ever heard of, who was born there, except one -Theodore Roosevelt-and how he ever got away I never heard anyone say. With that one exception, every one of them seemed to have walked there from a farm somewhere. Tolstoi was right when he said that there is no possible strength of body, mind, or character that does not come up from the ground through the bare feet.

Before McKinley died I went with him through Iowa to the Dakotas, to meet the returning regiments of the Army. There were in the party six Senators of the United States, including those from Illinois and Iowa, seven or eight members of the House, all conspicuous in public life to-day. As we came to Iowa Falls, the President waked us all up. There were five thousand people waiting there in that early morning hour, to hear him speak; and it was as little as he could do, he said, to gratify them; so he said, "The rest of you have got to get up, too." He made one of the best speeches he ever

made, I believe, though it was never reported at all. After breakfast we all went back to the smoking car, when we noticed a peculiar smile on the President's face as he watched the antics of two boys by the roadside-two boys warming their feet by starting up the cows. The President said that one of the most delightful memories of his boyhood days was the luxury of warming his frost-bitten feet by scaring up the cows. "I wonder how many of you have had the same experience," he added. Beginning with John Hay, Secretary of State, who began his foot-warming in the woods of Ohio and finished on the plains of Illinois, every member of the President's Cabinet gave in the same testimony. Then followed the Governor of the State and the Senators-one after another-until the little experience meeting came to an end. So I was not surprised when I took my census of New York. Every great merchant, every noted lawyer, journalist, artist, architect, writer-every man and every woman conspicuous in any department of culture-all appeared to have walked into the town from some other place; and I made up my mind that I would never fail to bear a manly witness that this country is, and always has been, a poor boy's country.


Now and then a young man "What you say may have been true twenty-five years ago, but it is not so now." On the other hand, modern industrial methods in America, instead of shutting the doors of opportunity, have opened them in a thousand directions. Within twenty years every president of every great corporation will be dead, or in a sanitarium for nervous debility brought on by drawing his salary, and the directors will be running all over this world to find young men of trained ability to take up the failures and carry forward the great business enterprises of the modern world. And I say to you that there never before was a time when a man, taken by himself, stood for so much, and when a dollar stood for so little.




Number Seven-Thermometers

THERMOMETER is an instrument for measuring intensity of heat. It consists of a glass tube of small bore, with a bulb on the end. The tube and bulb are filled with mercury, and the end sealed. The height of the mercury indicates the temperature.


In England and in America the Fahrenheit thermometer is generally used, while in France and in most laboratories in this country the Centigrade is the accepted standard. The difference between the two lies in the graduations. There are other kinds of thermometers, such as the Réaumur; but, as they are not commonly used, we need not consider them.


Although various arbitrary units may be adopted for the graduation of thermometers, there are two points which are fixed. These are the boiling point and the freezing point of water.

To graduate a Centrigrade thermometer, it is placed in boiling water, and the height of the mercury column marked: this is called 100°. The thermometer is then held in a freezing mixture, and the height of the mercury marked o°. The distance between these marks is divided into 100 equal parts called degrees.

The graduation of the Fahrenheit. thermometer is accomplished in the same. way. The boiling point, however, is


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This is shown by the lines E F and C D.

Now, let us suppose that the two thermometers are placed side by side and subjected to the same heat. Assume the temperatures to be 176° F. and 80° C., as shown. If heat is now applied and the mercury in the Fahrenheit thermometer rises to 194°, how high will the mercury rise in the Centrigrade thermometer?

The rise in temperature F. will be 194 − 176 (= 18) degrees. Since a Fahrenheit degree is of a Centigrade degree,

18° F. = 10° C. because × 18 10. By adding this to the original Centigrade reading, we get 90°.


In the above we simply compared a few degrees' change in a case in which the freezing points were not involved. (Rights of Publication Reserved by Author)

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Mammoth Remains in Texas


vicinty of Austin, Texas, a workman recently struck something hard with his pick at a depth of about thirty feet below the surface. The man supposed it to be a stone, and struck it several blows to dislodge it. The blows, unfortunately, caused it to break into two fragments. The object was raised to the surface with the other material of excavation, when the attention of one of the laborers was attracted to the curious ap


pearance of the supposed stone. Its surface was grooved in regular lines, and on the side were a number of conical indentations. By the merest chance, a scientist happened to see the fragments, and made a minute examination, with the result that the object was found to be the tooth of a mammoth of unusual size.

It was taken away and carefully measured and weighed. An idea of the enormous size of the animal from which it came, can be realized when it is stated that the tooth itself is no less than a foot in length and six inches across the broadest portion. Its total weight is within a

few ounces of twelve pounds. In the opinion of experts who have examined it, the tooth has been embedded for many centuries, and much of the roughness of its surface is due to the corroding action of time. A diligent search has been made for other remains of the great animal, but thus far only this part has been found.

New Lining for Refrigerator Cars

A NEW LINING ("Arctic" brand of Keystone Hair Insulator), especially for refrigerator-car insulation, has recently been placed on the market. Its distinctive characteristic is, that while it possesses the insulating properties of hair felt, it combines the papers used in connection therewith, so that, instead of involving three operations, the "Arctic" can be applied in one. It consists of regular felting hair fastened to and enclosed by two layers of waterproof paper. Tests are said to have demonstrated it to be equal to hair felt, and superior to anything else.

It is furnished in lengths sufficient to reach around a car, and wide enough to extend from the sill to the roof plate. This does away with joints. Car builders will appreciate this saving in labor


and waste.

For the floors and roofs, the "Arctic" is furnished according to specifications, to fit the nailing strips and car-lines respectively. It is made from 3 inch to 3/4 inch thick, according to the quantity of hair employed, and should meet with ready favor.

The H. W. Johns-Manville Company, 100 William Street, New York, are prepared to figure upon specifications and to

furnish samples, data of tests, etc., promptly upon request.

Improved Dyeing Machine


ery used in the dyeing of fabrics, cannot fail to interest a great industry in the United States, so pronounced are its advantages over the present system. The inventor is Mr. Carl Gruschwitz, of Zittau; and the invention applies to that part of dyeing machinery called the "jigger," through which the goods pass at full width in the process of dyeing. The difference from the present method is that the dye is mixed in the vat itself, thereby doing away with the upper construction of reservoirs for that purpose in the present system. The dye is then distributed with force against the cloth by atomizers, instead of the goods passing through a body of liquid.


A Freak Fire Effect

'HE USE of miniature savings banks has become so extensive that they are now manufactured in a very substantial manner, many of them being composed of heavy steel. The one shown in the accompanying picture is made of this metal, and recently passed through an ordeal which shows that these little banks can withstand very high temperatures. It was locked up in a safe in a building which was completely destroyed by the recent fire in Baltimore. The safe itself lay among burning embers and hot ashes for three days before it was taken out of the ruins. After it had been cooled and the doors opened, it was found that the heat had blistered the outside of the little bank, peeling off the enamel in places, and discoloring the surface. The lock, however, was uninjured; and when the bank was opened, the pennies and nickels it contained were found to be in as good condition as when placed in it.

The most remarkable feature of it all, however, was a freak of the fire. Attached to the bank was a circular tag made of stiff paper, containing its number and the name of the owner of the coin it contained. Although, as already stated, the heat was so great that the outside of the bank was badly damaged,

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The Traveling Stairway

IT IS NO LONGER NECESSARY to climb stairways or to take the ordinary elevator in going from one floor to another. The moving staircase is an invention now in use in many large stores and other buildings. It is really an inclined floor, moving upon a series of small wheels, which, in turn, are operated by larger ones that might be called driving wheels. The surface of the moving floor fits to the surface of the horizontal floor so closely that there is no danger of a person catching his feet between the movable and stationary sections. Any one who wishes to go from the ground story to the one above, simply walks

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