Scientific Lessons in Being, by Edith A. Martin.. Love: the Supreme Gift, by Henry Drummond.. The Bible and Eternal Punishment, by A. P. Barton... Talks on Truth........... ....25c This booklet of 48 pages contains four logical and convincing lectures. The common belief that all disease originate from germs called microbes is metaphysically discussed in the article "How Microbes are Made." The other chapters are: "The I Am in Its Kingdom," "How Shall the Dead be Raised?" and "The Development of Divine Love." The Only Good and Other Talks..............25c A booklet of 48 pages, containing able expositions of various phases of the New Thought on the following subjects: he Only Good," "The Ministry of the Word," "Ye Must be Born Again," and "Intelligent Substance." It is a fine companion booklet to "Talks on Truth. Seek Wisdom.... .15c A booklet of 28 pages showing how the mind builds its own body-builds it in harmony or discord, according to the ideals held in thought. It shows that all high ideals come from God, and that through the right use of them man can not only master his own body, but his invironments as well. It shows wherein Spiritual Wisdom is the foundation of a perfect life Directions for Beginners.. ....10c This little booklet of 12 pages makes the Statement of Being in a few words, and in connection with the Guide for Six Days' Treatment, will meet in a measure the demand for a primary lesson and its practical applicati on Church of Christ..... ...10c Here is set forth a clear statement of the true church established by Jesus Christ. The Philosophy of Denial.... ..15c Is a wonderful aid to the seeker of Truth in banishing delusions of error of every kind Points for Members of Silent Unity..... ....10c This booklet gives data about the Society which ever member should be acquainted with. Unity Tract Society, Kansas City, Mo. |