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the evolution of Andean architecture ends in the well-laid quarry stone of the later Inca edifices. We have long known of the high civilization reached by the Incas, of their perfect communal system, their knowledge of the goldsmith's and weaver's arts, their extensive agricultural system; yet it is the skill shown in the construction of their temples that has impressed itself most strongly upon the world.

And yet more important than any Inca city hitherto known is that recently discovered by the Yale University expedition under Professor Bingham. With this discovery comes the astounding statement that the Yale expedition has

also found human bones which, in the opinion of the geologist of the party, Professor Isaac Bowman, date from the glacial period. These bones were covered with over one hundred feet of gravel and were exposed to view by the cutting of a road in the side of a valley. The result of a careful examination by the anthropologist is being hopefully awaited by those investigators who have long contended that "the culture of the Andean races is an indigenous growth wholly self-developed, and owing none of its germs to any other races."

Long before the Incas swept down from the highlands to conquer the peoples of the coast valleys, a culture had developed on the Pacific. The pyramids of Chimu, some of which covered an area of five hundred square feet and were one hundred and fifty feet in height, form the most remarkable feature of the ruins of a


prehistoric capital.

In Ecuador, there is

another riddle to be solved


Stone statue at Tiahuanacu, Bolivia

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Manabí. Not far inland from the
coast lived a mysterious people. On
the apex of their sacred hills have been
found the sculptured stone seats of
their high priests.

The Southern continent does not
possess all the impressive monuments.
The same religious fervor found expres-
sion in North America in the erecting
of temples of worship. These northern
edifices, interesting in the strangeness
of their architecture, are even more in-
teresting in the story that they tell of
vanished races.

In southern Mexico, Guatemala, and
Honduras this great civilization was
called the Maya. In architecture, in
sculpture, and in painting, the Mayas
excelled. Their priests were astronomers
of no mean ability.
They had developed a
calendar system and
perfected a chronology
that, in some character-
istics, were superior to
our own. Famine,
pestilence, and inter-
necine strife
were doubtless
the causes of the


Apart from the monoliths of ancient Egypt, there is nothing in any part of the world to equal
the enormous blocks of stone found in these South American ruins

decay that overtook these brilliant builders several centuries before the Spaniards set foot in the New World. There are over seventy ruined cities in Yucatan alone, absolutely buried in great forests. From the most elevated points all that can be seen are islands of sculptured stones emerging from a veritable ocean of trees.

In western Honduras, a few miles from the border of Guate


View of the west side of the church building in Chichén Itza, Yucatan

mala, are the ruins of Copan, the mother city of the Mayas. The hieroglyphic inscriptions on its stonework indicate that Copan

Copan was built in a valley a mile and a half wide, surrounded by hills twenty-five hundred feet high. In its center was a great terraced plaza, three hundred feet square, having the appearance of a sunken court, surrounded by tiers of stone seats, on all sides,


the open side of the court was a pyramid twenty feet in height. Looking down from its summit, a great open-air auditorium lies

at one's feet, with five great monumental statues like giant sentinels guarding its sacred precincts. The use of the pyramid

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ears before th e more norther

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may forever remain a mystery. Were the decrees of rulers proclaimed from its summit? Was it the high altar of sacrifice? Who can say?

The most interesting feature of this great plaza is the gigantic sculptured stones, showing on their faces human figures carved in low relief, the clothing and head dress displaying a profusion of ornamentation barbaric in its splendor. The

sides and backs of these stones are covered with hieroglyphic inscriptions, the characteristic feature being the Mayan method of recording time. Beginning with a date, an interval is indicated, followed by a second date. This is continued throughout the entire inscription.

tlived the mer n even in 1 Cortez conquere Aztecs. pan was built? valley a mile half wide. unded by h enty-five hundre t high. In: enter was a gr erraced pla ce hundred f re, having arance of a en court, rounded by t of stone set on all side save one.

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While these dates, when compared with those in neighboring cities, prove that Copan is the oldest of the Mayan settlements, they do not enlighten us as to its age, since we are unable to translate this mode of time-reckoning into our chronology.

The greater age of Copan is also proven by the crude technique of its carvings. Later, in the best period of Northern Mayan civilization, sculpture had greatly advanced, and was found in very high relief.

Near the Grand Plaza, a

great hiero

glyphic stairway was uncovered in 1892 by an expedition from the Peabody Museum of Harvard University. Rising steeply for ninety feet, its steps elaborately sculptured with full-sized human figures occupying its center at regular intervals, this marvelous work of art must have presented a striking appearance in past ages.

Lying to the north of Copan were even more important cities of the Mayan nation. In Guatemala, Quiriguá, sixty miles from the Atlantic Ocean, hás, because of its wonderful monoliths, become one of the most noted ruins in America. Until recent years it was forest-buried and, owing to its obscurity in the jungle, escaped vandalism, that arch-enemy of earth's greatest treasures. Except for the destruction occasioned by the falling of trees and the rending power of their roots, Quiriguá would have stood intact for untold ages. Seventy-four acres surrounding the famous plaza, with its eleven. stelæ carved in high relief, have been set apart as a park: so one, at least, of the Mayan cities will be carefully preserved.


One of a curious group of idols on Easter Island, Chile

Probably the largest and

certainly the most magnificent of the many cities of ancient Yucatan was Chichén Itza. Over ten square miles are COVered with crumbling walls and jungle-ridden courts, and many students claim that this holy city of the Itzas was the most impor

tant of all prehistoric America. Uxmal, also in Yu

catan, was occupied almost down

to the time.

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