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of even severe cases in this disease, get well; though the swollen and disabled limb may be months before it is quite restored. The disease, recognized in the earlier stages, ought to have a favorable prognosis-especially if recourse is not had to leeches, blood-letting, blistering and the like after the old style, but to the well selected homœopathically indicated remedy, in conjunction with good nursing and proper hygienic measures.

In the treatment, a reclining position, the limbs being elevated to a slight angle with the body, is very important. And the patient should be strictly enjoined to keep this position until well, else, if she stand on her feet too soon, there may be relapse, the veins implicated not yet being prepared to endure the strain of supporting such columns of blood as they are subjected to in the upright position,

and consequent disinfecting power of the ozone that is present in such unusual amount, owing to the abundance of turpentine.

Individuals in whom the processes of tissue-change do not require hastening are better in the mountains than on or by the sea.

Persons past middle life in whom phthisis has been developed, do better in sea than in mountain air. Phthisical invalids should not go to the mountains un

less they are capable of considerable muscular activity.
| As a rule, phthisical individuals with an exhausted
nervous system, with an overtaxed brain from excessive
mental labor, or an all-absorbing occupation, yet who
still retain considerable latent muscular power, will im-
prove in the mountains, while those whose processes of
tissue-change require hastening or stimulating, they be-
ing in too feeble a condition to take active muscular ex-

For internal medication the following remedies are thought of, and selection made according to indications in each individual case; Ars., Arnica, Apis, Bell., Bry., Chamomilla, China, Calc carb., Curare, Hamamelis, Lache-ercise, should go to sea. sis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Secale, Staphy sagria, Sulphur.

If the disease was caused by rough handling or by undue pressure of the foetal head on the pelvic vessels, Arnica will doubtless be the remedy. The drugs that we know have a very special action on the veins are to take the first rank in the treatment of this disease. Such are the serpent poisons, that of the honey bee. Curare, Secale, Phosphorus, Mercureus, Arsenicum; and not least, Hamamelis Virginicus, externally and internally.

A typical case with treatment was C. V. S., delivered of twins June 29, 1877. The labor was hard and quite protracted, There seemed to be inertia of the womb from its enormous distention.

Finally, after considerable delay and exhaustion to no purpose, instrumental assistance seemed demanded, and after a little difficulty in adjusting the forceps, labor was soon successful in the birth of the first child; and soon thereafter in a natural way there came also the second child. Between the birth of this and the delivery of the placenta only just a few minutes, there was fearful hæm orrhage. The mother seemed much depleted thereby, but soon rallied, and was thought to be doing moderately well until the middle of the second week. At that time occasional chills and prostration began to evince that something was wrong and in a few days more it was quite evident what was to pay. Arsenicum had seemed indicated and been given with some little apparent good effect as also Bryonia still later. But these remedies having failed to arrest the disease, something different was now demanded and at the suggestion of Dr. McCann Dunn, Hamamelis--Pond's extract,was now given in ten drop doses, with also external ap. plications of the same. This was immediately followed by very marked and continualimp rovement. The right limb was affected in turn, but neither leg suffered to any very great extent, and had not meddlesome women interfered with my designs in keeping the patient on her back, she would no doubt have recovered much sooner than she did. As it was, she was about well in six weeks from the time of attack.


BY W. Y. COWL. M. D.

Dr. A. L. Loomis, in an article on the Climatic Treatment of Phthisis, reaches the following conclusions : In some cases a warm, in others a cold climate, is needed.*

It is not the mean temperature, but the absence of sudden and frequent changes in a place, that is of such great importance.

The regions of pine forests are salutary, because of the purity of the air, maintained by the great oxidizing

A fact to be determined only by the experience of the individual previous to the inception of the phthisis."

Sea air is better suited than mountain air to those who cannot bear sudden changes of temperature, while the

susceptibility to such changes is greatly lessened by mountain air.

Permanent improvement results only from a prolonged stay in the proper locality. Annual change is unadvisable.

Cases of fibrous phthisis in every stage often reach a condition of comparative health, when they take up their residence in regions having very high altitude, as in Colorado. The benefit which asthmatic and emphysematous invalids derive in these regions is most marked.

Invalids most markedly benefited by a sojourn during the winter months in a southern climate were those convalescing from some acute pulmonary affection in whom the delayed convalescence raises the fear of phthisis. His favorite places being Aiken, S. C., Palatka, Enterprise and Gainsville, Fla., and Thomasville, Ga.

The best results in the stage of consolidation of the catarrhal form of phthisis have been reached in those who have made a prolonged stay (1 to 3 years) in mountain regions with an elevation of 1,500 to 2,000 feet, as at Ashville, N. C., and the Adirondacks, N. Y.-Am. Med. As., 1878.

Dr. Palmer, of Lockport, N. Y., has used subcutaneous injections of fluid extract of ergot in goitre with success.-Am. Med. As., 1878.

Prof. J. S. Newell, of Chicago, concludes, in opposi tion to Dr. Brown-Sequard, that there is a decussation of the motor tracts in the brain; that motor impulses are sent from one side of the body to the muscles of the other side of the body; and that paralyses of one side co-existing with lesion of the opposite cerebral hemisphere are not inhibitory paralyses.

Again, per contra, he decides that the theory of localization of functions in the cerebral cortex is now established upon a permanent basis, being in accordance with the logical argument of Mr. Herbert Spencer, and proved by the labors anatomical of Lewis Clarke, and physiological of Fritsch Hitzig and Ferrier.-Chic. M. J. and Exam., July.

In chronic cystitis in the female with intense dysuria but unaccompanied by peritonitis, cellulitis, or metritis, rapid dilatation of the urethra, repeated if necessary, and followed by daily injections of water at 112° F.-Chic. M. J. and Exam., July.

Ovotomy is the latest name for Dr. Thomas' operation of Leparo-elytrotomy.-Dr. Parvin, Am. Med. As.,


M. Grichet, of Paris, has lately determined, from a very extensive series of experiments upon a man who

had undergone a successful gastrotomy for stricture of the oesophagus, which soon became impermeable, that the acidity of the gastric juice is due to hydrochloric acid which in the stomach reacts with its mucus and forms hydro-chlorate of leucine; that fermentation does go on in the stomach, and in inverse ratio to the amount of gastric juice poured out, that this fermentation is an acid one, and that the acid formed may belactic, butyric, tartaric, etc.-Chic. M. J. and Exam., July.

Varices may be radically cured, without danger of phlebitis, by injecting 20 minims of proof-spirit behind the vein, which is lifted with a fold of skin. Rest is the only after-treatment. In a few cases one injection suffices.-Chic. M. J. and Exam.

Mr. Spencer Wells has distinctly succeeded in lowering high temperature after ovariotomy only by the application of ice or iced water to the head, run through a cap made of linen, enclosing a coil of india-rubber tubing. The temperature falls markedly within an hour.-Hosp. Gaz., Sept.

In the persistent sleeplessness of Melancholia, with extreme anxiety, terrible hallucinations and general asthenia, Camphor in hypodermic injection of about one grain (dissolved in oil of sweet almonds).-Med. Times and Gaz., July 27.

In the soda treatment of burns, a saturated solution (R. Sod. carb, j, Aquæ viii) must be used; weak solutions have failed.-Hosp. Gaz., Aug. 15.

Prof. Virchow has retired from active political life.


Salicylic acid and Salicylate of Soda (gr. xv., five times a day) have caused a prolonged although temporary inability to erect the penis, and were antidoted by Damiana.-Hosp. Gaz., Aug.

The nasal douche can be used without danger of acute otitis media, and obtain perfect cleansing or medication.

1. Use a warm solution of Bicarbonate of Soda (gr. xxv., ad. j).

2. Never use salt water, which often excites otitis media when it enters the tympanic cavity, as the soda never does.

3. Never use the douche when there is a recent naso

pharyngeal catarrh.

4. Use a glass syringe holding about an ounce, with bulbous nozzle of hard rubber and piston of metal with thumb-ring handie.

5. Never use an intermitting syringe as Davidson's, nor an uncertain one as the hydrostatic.

6. Place head erect and steady it externally.
7. Put nozzle at less pervious nostril.

8. Patient must breathe quietly and begin to sound the vowel oo before injection.

9. Never use the douche longer than half a minute 10. Patient must not blow the nose directly after the douche, and if the weather is cold or windy, stay inLect. on Otology, Univ. Berlin. Chicago Med. Jour. doors, or plug and cover the ears.-Dr. Weber Liel,

and Exam.

Dr. Croom, of Edinburgh, groups the causes of retention in the female in the following order: 1. Injuries or contusions during labor acting directly or later on; 2. Pressure from displacements or tumors; 3. Inju. ries or growths acting reflexly; 4. Nervous diseases; 5. Obstruction to canal. And gives these hints: 1. A vaginal examination is necessary, visual if needed; 2. A gum catheter is best; 3. With pressure from tumors, etc., remember altered curve of canal.-Ed. Med. Jour.

The application of the induced current directly to the cut tissues through a sponge, in amputations, etc., where Esmarck's bandage is used before its removal, will often prevent the obstinate hæmorrhage sometimes following the use of that tourniquet.-Phila. Med. Times.

The advantages of thymol as a surgical dressing are that it has not yet been found to produce intoxication, and does not produce eczema as carbolic acid, which, on the other hand, seldom intoxicates, has a good anti-are reported by Dr. Alan P. Smith, of Baltimore, of dote in the so-called Sucrate of Lime (lime and sugar). is cheaper, and does not attract the flies which so infest and infect the thymol dressings.


1. Accurate diagnosis of muscle affected. 2. Extreme relaxation of muscle. 3. Reposition by firm manipulation, rubbing, ing with the thumb, etc.

Fifty-two consecutive successful cases of lithotomy which twenty-three cases were above the age of ten years. The lithotome invented by his father, Prof. Nathan R. Smith, was used in all but six cases, and to its use he ascribes in great measure his extraordinary success. Operation is not performed during low barometer; no drainage tube is used; the first incision is free; the dressing, carbolized oil; opium is freely used knead-after the operation.--Va. Med. Mo. Sept.

4. Pressure on muscle while put on the stretch. Br. Med. Jour., July 19. Sea-sickness can be prevented by applying three coats of ricinated collodion (collodion containing ethereal extract of Ricinus com.) over the epigastrium on each side as far as a line extending vertically from the nipples, below as far as the umbilicus and above for an inch higher than the costal border. The same is useful in the vomiting of peritonitis.-Chic. Med. Jour. and Exam., Sept.

Dr. T. Gaillard Thomas concludes with regard to "Intravenous Lacteal Injection," that it is perfectly feasible and safe, and enables us to avoid most of the difficulties and dangers of sanguineous transfusion. Eight ounces of milk removed but a few minutes from a healthy cow is first passed through a glass funnel into a rubber tube ending in a very small canula, which is introduced into the vein. A chill commonly follows, succeeded by a rapid and marked rise of temperature, which soon subsides as the improvement shows itself. It can be used with great benefit in any disease with rapid asthenia as Cholera, Pernicious Anæmia, Typhoid Fever, etc.-Monograph.

A case of incessant hiccough lasting fifty days was cured in five minutes by powerful pressure upon the epigastrium, after all other conceivable means had failed. -Pacific Med, and Surg. Jour.

Tapping of a large vomica has been performed in a case of Phthisis, with the removal of two pints of fetid pus, and great improvement to the patient.Hosp. Gaz., Sept. 19.

PRURITUS VULVE.-Dr. Butt, of Alabama, recommends as almost a specific in this painful and troublesome disease a poultice made from the leaves of Tansy and applied hot. It has succeeded where everything else has failed.

THE neutral nitrogenous substance called pepsin acte upon the albumen taken into the stomach, which also belongs to the nitrogenous group.

GONORRHOEA.-Lecchini recommends for acute gonorrhea two injections daily of a solution of chloral hydrate (1-100). He claims it relieves rapidly the most troublesome symptoms and even effects a cure after a few injections.

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EGBERT GUERNSEY, M.D. ALFRED K HILLS, M.D. towards each other should be the golden rule: 'As ye


Published on the First. of each Month.

would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.'

"The various articles of the code are only special ap

Office, 18 West Twenty-Third Street, New York. piications of these great principles.”


"A regular medical education furnishes the only presumptive evidence of professional abilities and acquirements, and OUGHT to be the ONLY ACKNOWLEDGED RIGHT of an individual to the exercise and honors of his profession."-Code of Medical Ethics, Amer. Med. Ass., Art. iv., Sec. 1.

There is too much disposition on the part of many to be arrogant, and to insist upon the adoption of their views by others. Eccentricity and matters of doubtful justice too frequently appear, and from these differences of opinion, involving almost irreconcilable positions, bit. ter feelings are engendered, and in such cases the code" provides that



ARTICLE VI. SECTION 1. Diversity of opinion and THE HOMEOPATHIC TIMES. opposition of interests may in the medical, as in other With the present number commences the seventh professions, sometimes occasion controversy, and even contention. volume of our publication. The plan marked out in the When such cases occur, and cannot be imcommencement we have endeavored faithfully to fol-bitration of a sufficient number of physicians, or a courtmediately terminated, they should be referred to the armedical."

low. We have aimed to make our journal a medical newspaper, reflecting faithfully the progress of our profession. Earnest men of diverse views have found the TIMES a mouthpiece through which to speak their thoughts to the public. The presentation of all sides of a subject, in a spirit of frankness and courtesy becoming professional gentlemen has not been without practically good results. The TIMES is the organ of no faction or clique. All earnest seekers after truth who have something to say of interest to the profession, and who can say it in a spirit of courtesy, are cordially welcomed to its columns. The editors are alone responsible, for their own views, presented through editorials, book reviews, and general items of news.


The plague which has recently burst into life in Southern Russia after a sleep of centuries has startled the world by its close resemblance to the "Black Death" of the fourteenth century. The resemblance is so marked as to leave no doubt that it is the same disease; in fact, it has been distinctly traced from its old haunts in China through Persia to the Volga. No disease with which we are acquainted has ever proved so fearfully contagious and so terribly malignant as the "Black Death." The inflammatory boils and buboes starting in the groins and Every dime of our receipts is faithfully and carefully axilla soon poisoned the blood of the entire system. expended in improving our journal, the editors retain- The tissues lost their vitality and the black spots (which ing nothing for their services, which are sometimes ar- gave the disease its name) of extravasated blood apduous and perplexing. Evidences of our increased pros-peared all over the body. Blood extravasated into perity may be seen in the Retrospect commenced last the stomach, the intestinal canal, and into the tissues of year and in the new dress in which the journal is now presented. The change of type enables us to give nearly twice as much reading matter as before. The success of the TIMES has warranted these expensive improvements, and they are made without additional cost to its patrons. A good metropolitan medical newspaper is a necessity in our profession. Like the central telegraph office, it flashes over the country the intelligence from the converging lines from every part of the world. The quality of the information and the amount given depends upon the profession itself. The TIMES will only be too glad to garner in its columns the best thoughts of the profession and the latest advances in the world of medical science and give them as wide a circulation as possible. With a little effort on the part of its friends in increasing its subscription list and furnishing interest ing matter for its pages it will be easy to make the TIMES the leading medical journal in the world.

the brain. The tongue and jaws became black, and no beverage could quench the burning thirst. The pestilential breath of the sick, who expectorated decomposed blood, spread the contagion. So virulent was the poison that death often followed the attack in a few hours. Starting in China, it spread from nation to nation throughout the known world, leaving everywhere a track of putrid corpses. In China its victims numbered thirteen millions. India was depopulated; Tartary, Syria, Armenia, were covered with dead bodies. Cairo lost daily from ten to fifteen thousand people. Throughout the East, besides the thirteen millions in China, there were seventy-four millions of victims. Europe lost twenty-five millions of inhabitants during the prevalence of this storm of death. It did not confine itself with a single visitation, but dying out in one place from lack of victims, it would flash up in another, and even reappear in its old haunts.


to be very diverse, although the latter has hitherto been regarded as unvarying.

The appearance of this fearful scourge in Russia during the past year shows that the causes of its production are still at work, and that now, as in the fourteenth We ought not to be in any uncertainty as to the actual century, the pestilence, kindled into life in some spot nature of the substances and preparations of which we favorable for its production, may speed on its wings of make daily use, even if we must needs admit results at death until it has girdled the earth. The yellow fever variance with usually received views, or contrary to which during the past year desolated the South has that which we would prefer to believe. Should we be given us a loud warning, which we shall do well to heed, obliged by these conclusions to banish from the Materia to guard against the breath of the pestilence wafted to Medica a few triturations, hitherto regarded as "medius from foreign shores or kindled in our own midst.cinal preparations," and perform a bold resection of the The American Ministers to Austria and to Russia report symptom lists, as well as of the folios of the Materia that the disease has manifested such an extremely viru-Medica, because they are no longer ascribable to the imlent and contagious character that great alarm exists in aginary medicinal substances, it will be of advantage to the whole of Eastern Europe, and urge upon the gov our homeopathy and assist in assuring its progress. ernment the necessity of taking measures to prevent the Such a process of elimination should be fearlessly and possibility of the introduction of the disease into the freely begun by ourselves, in order not to " leave" it to United States. The measures already taken by this our enemies, who, though far enough from the right government for preventing the importation of goods track, would not fail eventually to reproach us with from the infected districts, except under proper precau- actual faults, and that in a less acceptable manner than tions, are for the present considered sufficient for this if we had voluntarily undertaken the work ourselves. purpose, especially if the ports of entry are kept free No one is better fitted to uncover the deficiencies in the from the unsanitary conditions that favor the spread of application of our doctrine, than those who are most epidemic disease. firmly convinced of its far-reaching truths; and no one can cherish such a conviction or effectively maintain it who is not at the same time conscientiously diligent in improving the technical and practical means of our art. These means may be defective, or even useless, and still the general principle from which they originate, be true, and, supported by facts clearly demonstrable. But to be able to distinguish the actual from the apparent is just that for which the following observations were taken. They refer, not to soluble substancesthough in relation to them there are still many open questions-but to insoluble, which, however, have hitherto been regarded theoretically as soluble in the 3d to the 6th triturations; a view which, by the tradition of half a century, has almost been raised to an article of faith. Here Hahnemann's remarks in respect to the trituration of insoluble substances are quoted from the Chronic Diseases, 2d ed., Vol. 1, pp. 180, 181, 185. Various observations have been made since Hahne mann's time to determine the effect of trituration upon hard, insoluble substances, especially upon metals. As these bave been rather confirmatory than otherwise of H.'s views, they have taken such a hold upon physicians that a repetition of the experiments for a renewed proof or disproof has scarcely been thought of. Dr. Segin in 1838 investigated with a magnifying power of 75 diam. some triturations of copper filings, and reported finding the copper equally divided in the triturations, up to and including the 6th. In the 7th it was no longer visible.

This library is the largest in the United States, and one of the most valuable in the world. It is a matter of congratulation to the profession that in the "Sundry and Appropriation Bill" of the last Congress provision has been made for the publication of the first two volumes of the index catalogue of the library. The volumes will contain about one thousand pages each, and as the matter is all ready for the press it is thought they will be issued by June, 1880. Now that the catalogue is fairly under way, there is no doubt that provision will be made in due time for the entire index, thereby opening the riches of this vast library to the world. To authors, medical journals, and libraries the work will be of especial value.

Another important bill has also passed the last Congress, that providing for the census of 1880. Provision is made for the securing of statistics of disease as well as mortality. It will be readily seen what a wide field this opens for the careful and intelligent study of local disease and the rise and progress of epidemics. It is an important step towards the organization of a proper National Health Board, unsectarian in its character, which will be enabled to utilize the facts gathered from the census, State and County organizations, and devise and put in force, through the proper channels, sanitary regulations of the utmost importance.

The various departments of Science are so closely linked with each other that the advance of one necessitates to a certain extent the advance of all. So long as human intelligence is progressive, the spirit of the age will rapidly seize hold of the practical results of scientific thinkers, and force all professions, claiming to be scientific, into more complete and thorough organization and useful work for the public good. Leaders of pub lic thought must be in harmony with the progressive spirit of the age or they will soon find themselves no longer leaders, but trampled under foot by the onward march of a world which expects and will have honest

practical work. ›

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Seguin was convinced by his few observations, which, according to the conceptions of the present day, were medicinal matter in very high dilutions, and that" only very incomplete, that our preparations still contain the incompleteness of our instruments prevents the perception of the moist particles."

Mayrhofer's observations were much more comprehensive and more carefully made. He subjected a number of metals to microscopic investigation (Vid. Oester. Zeitschr. f. Hom. Bd. 1, § 152. 1844). The aim of his investigations was chiefly to determine the effect of our mechanical process of trituration, in order to learn how far the diminution of the particles of matter can be carried.

M. is not of the opinion that trituration makes the reguline metals soluble, since the smallest particles continue visible, in regard to which latter, however, he himself raises a doubt. He believes that with each progressive trituration the particles are reduced in size, but does not believe that any further diminution is effected by succussion; and hence there can be no solution, strictly speaking. At the most, there may be an assumption of the development of electric and magnetic potencies. Dynamizations he would call those preparations in which no medicinal substance is demonstrable.

M. concludes further that there is a limit to the me chanical divisibility of matter. Nevertheless, we have

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The following questions (in regard to triturations) are especially to be elucidated:

reason to be satisfied with that which we have accom-general observations in respect to microscopical inplished" for the investigation of precipitated metals vestigation of triturations: shows a diameter of the smallest metallic particles of 1 to 2 line, while the diameter of a blood corpus cle is line: hence, the cubic dimension of a metal atom is at least 64 times smaller than that of a human blood corpuscle."

Dr. v. Szontagh (Neue Zeitschr. f. Hom. Kl., Bd. VIII. No. 10-12. 1863). The 3d centes. trit of Aur. met. showed only here and there small, mensurable particles, and upon looking very closely ("straining the eyes ") a considerable number of smaller, punctiform particles. The 3d trit. of Precipitated Copper showed much fewer metal particles than the 1st did; among them some of not inconsiderable size.

The 3d cent. trit. of Ferr. showed very few metallic particles, so that it was not certain that there was not simply sac. lac. under the lens.

Stann. 3x showed a greater number of metallic particles than the triturations of the other metals; most of them smaller than blood corpuscles.

There were very few visible particles in the 3d cent. In the contributions here cited, as well as in others, more speculative, scattered through our literature the belief prevails, that the metals, though in a chemical sense insoluble, were yet still visible far up in the dilutions Since the beginning of Homœopathy and its method of preparing medicines, Hahnemann's views and teachings have been regarded as true and irrefutable, and the above mentioned observations have strengthened those teachings, or at least have been regarded as so doing, as our text books up to the present sufficiently prove.

Do hard, insoluble substances attain a greater degree of subdivision or fineness by repeated trituration, and in proportion to the quantity of Sac. lac. and the time expended in triturating?

Are the substances so triturated soluble, as has been hitherto assumed, or can they be perceived in the dilutions obtained from the 3d trit.?

Are the pathogenetic, as well as curative effects of substances explainable from the subdivision actually attained?" The largest particles have a about 1/40 mm.-the smallest

Carbo. veg.-1st cent. length and breadth of 1/1000 to 1200 m.m.



2d cent. Very much fewer particles visible, but enough to see and measure them accurately. The largest 1/500 m. m., the smallest not less than 1 Carbo, veg.-The 3d cent. trit. presented many diffi culties. A great number of trials had to be made before a single particle of Carbo, could be discovered. After many fruitless attempts it was discovered, by careful, patient searching, that particles of Carbo, are present in the 3d trit. (perhaps one or two in a field.) The largest were 1/800 min., the smallest not less than 3/2000 to 1/1200 mm.

About one drachm of common charcoal was rubbed in a mortar without Sac. lac. for three quarters of an



Of this trituration the largest particles measured 1/150 mm., the smallest 1800 to 1/2000 mm.—hence the largest of these, in comparison with those of the 1st cent. trit. were almost five times, the smallest nearly twice smaller than those. This fact can easily be confirmed by any one who will take the little trouble necessary.

After finishing the investigation of Carbo., which gave some unexpected results, several other substances were taken up.

Caspari, Gruner, Buchner and others, almost take for granted the rule that dilutions should be prepared from the 3d trit. Hirschel, as well as von Grauvogl, repeat this rule in their text books, and adduce numerous analogies, to show the probability of a progressive reduction of matter by trituration. At any rate, it has been regarded hitherto by all writers, as well as all physicians, as a matter of course that this is actually the case. Some rested entirely satisfied with the assumption of the possible solubility after trituration; others were of the opin- Gold.-Much that was said by Mayrhofer and v. ion that thereby matter was deprived of its material Szontagh in regard to Aur. is quite true and easily consubstratum and transmitted to the vehicle its power or firmed, especially in respect to Aur. fol. This latter dynamis only, the medicinal substance of which being, (Aur. fol.) is very difficult to triturate, and by the cusby continued trituration, so much the more finely di- tomary method it is impossible to reduce it to an exvided, while it gained proportionally in subtlety of ac-tremely fine condition. The question for us to answer tion. This is all entirely natural; for the assumption of a is, whether Aur. fol., triturated in the Hahnemannian progressive reduction as a result of trituration is appar; manner, attains such a degree of fineness as to permit ently entirely justifiable in theory, since nothing could of the assumption-or better. hypothesis of its solube more reasonable than that hard substances, by re- bility after the 3d trit. peated triturations, should be reduced to the extreme of fineness. Those who investigated the matter felt obliged to confirm this hypothesis; but that was almost 40 years ago. Now, as our microscopic technic has since that time been greatly developed, it became time to investigate the subject anew.

In the older investigations insoluble substances only were considered; they are also exclusively the subject of these investigations, which do not refer to soluble substances, because they form an entirely separate object of investigation, requiring a very different method of research.

The subsequent investigation was provoked by a reproving of Carbo. veg., which is contained in the Am. Inst. Trans. for 1877. Since the pathogenetic result of that was far below all expectation, and as the Carbo, triturations appeared almost inert, an accurate microscopic investigation of the triturations, as well as of the pure Carbo, became an urgent necessity. The observations thus made showed plainly that the very faulty comminution of the Carbo,, as exhibited in the best trit

After examining in the most careful manner many specimens of the 3d cent. trit. a particle of gold here and there was finally found. These particles measured not less than mm. As it was nevertheless possible that the gold might have attained an invisible degree of fineness, I had a series of six triturations prepared, in which the proportion of gold was materially increased; 20 grs. gold to 100 grs. Sac. lac. Otherwise the trits. were prepared strictly after the Hahnemannian method. It is not presumable that the greater quantity of gold could have been detrimental to the comminuti on of the metal, especially as the Carbo trits. had shown that the comminution of the charcoal was greater, the less Sac.lac. there was used. Of the first trit. the larger particles measured to mm., while the very smallest were not less than mm. in size. The remaining trits. were subjected to the same methods of examination, many times repeated. In every case the result was the same, the 6th trit. of Aur. fol. showing exactly the same size of gold particles as each of the others, viz., mm. to mm. in length and breadth.

The above measurement of leaf gold particles makes

urations, must have been the cause of the almost nega-it apparent that many are visible to the naked eye. tive results of the provings. Hence it may be asserted that Aur. fol. in the 3d trit.i anything but soluble, especially as we have seen from

These and like facts led to the subsequent investiga. tion of gold, copper, lead, iron, silicea, &c. Here follow

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