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Oleum an.; drawn up, with lascivious thoughts, frequent erections, Silic.; drawn up, Bell., Coloc., Nux v., Oleum an., Plumb., Puls., Sil., Thuja occ., Zine; dwindling of the, Caps.; feel bruised, especially the left. Arg. met.; gnawing in the, Phos, ac.; hanging down relaxed, Calc. c., China, Nit. ac., Puls., Sulph.; hardness of the, Agn. c., Arg. m., Arg n., Aur. met., Baryt. m.; Clemat, erecta, Con. m., Graph., Lyc., Merc. v., Nux v., Rhod., Sulph.; heat and swelling in the, with hardness and being drawn up, stinging and spasmodic drawing, extending to the spermatic cords, Nux vom.; heaviness in the, Amm. c., Plumb., Oxalic ac.; heaviness and drawing in the, they feel bruised, Nat. c.; itching of the, Merc. v., Nux lancinations severe in the, with pains in the extremity of the penis, Nuph. lut.; neuralgia of the, Ham. virg.; pain in the, Acon., Alum., Amm. c., Camph., Con. m., Ham. virg., Nat. c., Phos., Phos, ac., Selen., Sep., Sil., Ustil. m., Zincum; pain in, as if bruised, Acon., Arg. m, Arg. n., Calc. c., Con. m., Dig., Kali c., Nat. c.; pain in, with contraction of the right spermatic cord, Alum; pain, constant aching in the, for a number of days, Ustil, maid.; pain, contractive in the, Camphor; pain, severe neuralgic, in the, suddenly changing to the bowels and stomach, causing nausea and faintness, with great prostration of the animal passions, Ham. virg.; pain, sharp, every five minutes, in the, producing faintness, Ustil. maid.; pain, spells of violent pains in the, more in the right, Ustilag. maid.; painful, especially after erections, Con. m.; pinching in the, drawing pain from the inguinal ring, Nat. m.; pressing-drawing in the testes and spermatic cords, Merc. v.; pressing-drawing in the testes and spermatic cords, as if it was drawing out, with sensation of weakness in the generative organs, Mang; pressure in the, Aur. met., Calc. c., Cann., Carb. v., Ign., Mang., Merc. v., Nat. c., Puls., Staph., Sulph.; sensitiveness of the, Aur. met., Cann., Ign., Oxalic acid, Phos. ac.. Sep., Zincum; stinging in the, Bell., Merc. v., Nux v., Staph., Sulph.; stiches in the, they are drawn up toward the abdomen, Bell.; stitches, pressing and tension in the, and spermatic cord, Sulph.; strangling sensation in the, Amm. c., Ign., Nux v., Plumb.; swelling of the, Agn. c., Arg. n., Aur. met., Baryt. m., Cann., Canth., China, Con. m., Dig., Elaps. cor., Kali c., Lyc., Merc. v., Nat. c., Nit. ac., Nux v., Phos. ac., Plumb., Puls., Staph., Sulph., Zinc.; swelling of the, after contusion, Con. m.; swelling and great weight in the, with impotence, Plumb.; swelling and hardening of the,

also after suppressed gonorrhoea, Agn. c.; swelling and inflammation of the, and scrotum, Puls.; swelling and weight of the, Elaps cor.; swelling, hard, of the, with shining redness, Merc. v.; swelling of the, and spermatic cords, drawing pain in testes, relaxed scrotum, China; swelling of the, and spermatic cords, Kali carb.; swelling of first one, then the other, with pain on touching, Oleum an.; tearing in the, Euphorb. off., Puls., Staph.; tension, tearing, and drawing from the abdomen through the spermatic cords to the, Puls.; very tender to the touch, gnawing pains in them, with burning in the prostate and frequent erections, Phos. ac.

Left, drawn up, with swelling of the inguinal glands, sharp stitches in the, Thuja occ.; especially, feels bruised, Arg. m.; jerking, stitching pain in the, and left spermatic cord, Carbur, sulph.; severe pain in, worse on exercise, Eryng, aquat.; swelling and induration of, and epididymis, Carbur. sulph.

Right, digging pain in, when at rest; fears the part having been struck, Arg. met.; drawing pain in the, Oleum an., Coloc.; drawn up and swollen, the left hanging down, the spermatic cord is swollen, with tensive pain, Puls.; enlargement and hardness of the, Arg. n.; pain in the, Selen.; severe pain in, better after passing urine, Cobaltum; spells of violent pain, more in, Ustilago maid.; swelling of lower part of, Aur. met.

Scrotum and Penis shrivelled and drawn up, Carbur. sulph; and prepuce, blisters on the, Graph.; and testicles, crawling in the, Carbo v.; coldness of the, Caps., Merc. v.; constriction of the, Plumb.; contractive pain and contraction in the, with drawing pain in the testicles, Cann.; dampness of the, Carb. v., Silic., Sulph, Thuja occ.; formication and itching on the, Phos, ac.; humid spot on the, with itching on the genitals, Silic.; itching of the, Alum., Amm. c., Acon., Anacard., Carb. v., Graph., Kali c., Lyc., Magn. m., Mangan., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Nux v., Phos. ac., Prun. spin., Puls., Selen., Sil., Staph.; itching of the, better after scratching, Alum.; itching in the interior of the, which cannot be relieved by rabbing and pinching, Mangan.; itching much on and under the, Nat. mur.; itching near the, and dampness of the thigh, Carb. veg.; itching on the, extending to the anus, with profuse perspiration and pollution, evening and nights, Magn. mur.; itching, voluptuous, of the, causing sexual desire, Anacard., itching, voluptuous, on the external, getting worse, changing into a sore pain, and causing seminal emission from

rubbing, Staph.; relaxation and flabby hanging down of the, and testicles, Sulph.; relaxation, great, of the, with sexual system greatly depressed for weeks, Ustilag. maid.; itching of the, Oleum an.; shrivelling up of the, Arg. nit., Caps., Zinc.; soreness and moistening between, and thighs, Baryt. c., Hep. s.; soreness between, and thighs, Aur., Baryt. c., China, Graph., Hep. s., Lyc., Merc. v., Nat. c, Nat. m., Nit. ac., Phos., Plumb., Sulph.; soreness of the skin on the, and thigh after perspiration, Plumb.; sweat between the thighs and, Hep. s.; sweat on the, Amm. c., Bell.. Baryt. c., Ham. v., Ign., Magn. m., Sep., Sil., Thuja o., Ustil. maidis.; sweat on the, at nights, Bell.; sweat on one side of the, Thuja occ.; sweat on the, profuse cold at night, Ham. virg.; sweat on the, profuse, cold, and greatly relaxed, Ustil. maid.; sweat on the, profuse, evenings and nights, with a pollution and itching, Magn. mur. swelling, inflammatory, of the, Phos. ac.; swelling, inflammatory, of the, and testicles, Puls.; swelling of the, Phos. ac., Plumb., Puls, Sep.; swollen, cutting in testicles, Sep.; tingling in the, Acon., Selen.

Sexual Desire. Amorous paroxysms,

Acon., Ant. c., Fluor. ac., Opium, Stram; great desire to void semen, without erec tion, Sulph.; great inclination to sexual intercourse, with nausea and vomiting after having satisfied it, Moschus; great sexual excitement, almost like satyriasis, with violent desire for coition, with painful lasting erections, Puls.; great sexual excitement, with relaxed penis, Agar. m.; irresistible inclination to seminal emission, with relaxed penis, Ignat.; uncontrollable lewdness and amorous excitement, with frequent erections, pollutions, and amorous voluptuous dreams, Opium; almost disappeared, Sulph.; and erections entirely wanting, impotence or painful spasmodic erections at night, Nit. ac.; painful spasmodic erections, want of, Carbur sulph.; painful spasmodic erections, want of, with coldness of the parts, Camph.; painful fancies exalted, Graph.; caused by voluptuous itching on the scrotum, Anacard.; complete loss of, Coloc.; diminished, Acon., Baryt. c., Bell., Dioscoria vill., Fluor. ac., Hep. s., Kali brom., Magn. c., Op., Plumb., Selen.; diminished or entirely absent, Diosc. vill., Eep. s.; diminished or increased, with relaxed parts, Acon.; diminished, the erection is slow and imperfect, the semen is discharged too soon, with a long thrill, Selen.; diminution and absence of, with impotence, Kali brom.; diminution of, in the morning after rising, with violent erections, at nights preventing sleep, Aur. met.;

diminished, with lascivious and amorous fancies, weakness of the parts, impotence, Ignat.; excessive, uncontrollable, or impotence, Psorinum; excessive, with constant erections at night, satyriasis, Kali brom.; excited, Acon., Agar., Agn. c., Alum., Amm. c., Anath. mur., Anacard., Ant. c., Aur. met., Culc. c., Cunn., Carb. veg., China., Coff, Digit., Ferr. met., Fluor. ac., Graph., Ign., Kali c., Kali brom., Lyc., Merc. v., Mosch., Nat. c., Nat. m., Nux v., Opium, Phos., Plumb., Puls., Psorinum, Sarsap., Sep., Sil., Stann., Staph., Strum., Sulph., Zinc.; excited, also with erections, sometimes painful, Digit.; excited, very much the first days, day and night, with frequent erections, drawn up testicles, and lascivious thoughts, Silic.; excited, with salacious fancies, day and night, frequent erections or impotence, China.; extinguished, indifference to voInptuous excitation, Bell.; increased, Acon, Aloes, Ant. c., Bell., Cann., Corn. circ., Fluor, ac., Lyc., Majoran., Nat. c., Plumb., Sep.; increased, during evening and at night, with diminished power, Corn. circ.; increased, in old men, violent erections all night, Fluor. ac.; increased, lewdness, Nat. carb.; increased, lewd thoughts, without erections, Sep.; increased or suppressed, even exciting imaginations cause no erections, although there is sexual inclination, Lyc.; increased, with frequent erections, Cann.; increased, with restlessness, which does not allow him to sit long, Ant. cr.; increased, with sadness, Bell.; increased, with violent erections, Plumb.; increased, worse after walking, after eating, in the evening, Aloes; with relaxed penis, Cal. seg., Agar. musc.; with relaxed parts, Nux mosch.; strong, with erections, Coloc.; total absence of, voluptuous thoughts do not cause erections, Nuph. lut.; total absence of, or great exaltation, Anather. mur.; wanting, suppressed, Amm. c., Camph., Hell., Lyc., Phos. ac.; wanting, the genital organs have become shrivelled, Arg. n.; wanting, with increased erections at first, afterward inclination to coition, without erection, or increased to powerful sexual inclination, Alum.; weak, almost extinct, Silic.; with feeble erections, Agar., Amm. c., Graph., Selen.

Excitation during the night, delirium, Stram. Inclination increased, especially mornings,

Anacard; complete want of, Ign.

Instinct diminished, wanting, aversion to coitus, Lyc.; impotence, Opium; exalted or deficient, Kali carb.; excessive irritability of, or impotence, Nat. mur.; increased, Opium, Sulph.; increased at first, afterward lastingly wanting, Staph.; mastu

bation, irresistible tendency to, Ustilago maid.; strong and easily excited, with painful erections, Nux vom.; strangely excited, Moschus; very excited, with much discharge of prostatic fluid, Anacard.; violent, with irresistible desire for coition, Phos.

Powers diminished, Agn. c., Baryt. c., Cal. seg., Calc. c., Ignat., Nux mosch., Sep., Sil., Sulph.; diminished; during evening and at night sexual desire increased, Corn. circ.; feeble, with great inclination to sexual intercourse, Agar. mus.; loss of, with absence of desire and erections, impotence, Chlor. hydr.; weakness of the, Baryt. c., Cal. seg.

Passions exalted by intrusion of ideas,

Aloes; great prostration of the, with se vere neuralgic pain in the testicles, suddenly changing to the bowels and stomach, causing nausea and faintness, Ham. virg.

Erections. Agar. mus., Agn. c., Aloes,

Alum., Amm. c., Anacard., Ant. c., Arg. n., Arn., Aur. met., Bufo, Cann., Canth., Carbur. sulph., China, Coloc.. Digit., Diosc. vill., Eryng. aq., Euphorb. off., Ferr. met., Fluor. ac., Graph., Ign., Kali Brom., Kal. carb., Magn. m., Merc. v., Mosch., Nat. c., Nit. ac, Nux v., Oleum an., Op., Phos., Phos. ac., Plumb., Puls., Sarsap., Sep., Sil., Stann., Thuja occ., Zincum; at first, afterward want of them, Stann; at night, with emission, Carbur. sul., Oleum an., at night, with emission, with great lassitude and depression, Eryng. aq.; at night, constant, with excessive sexual desire, Kali brom.; constant, violent, lasting, after coition, Sepia.; continued without sexual desire, Bufo.; deficient, Agn. c., Con. m., Graph., Hep. s., Kali c., Lyc., Magn. c., Nit. ac, Nux mosch.; during stool, Ign.; easily excited, Nux v., Phos.; feeble, during coition painful, want of, Hep. s.; feeble or wanting, Lyc.; frequent, Alum, China.; frequent, day and night, with constant excitement, Diosc. vill.; frequent early in the morning, with burning in the penis, Magn. m.; frequent pollutions and amorous voluptuous dreams, with uncontrollable lewdness and sexual excitement, Opium; frequent, sexual desire increased, Cann.; frequent, with burning in the prostate and gnawing pain in the testicles, Phos. ac.; frequent, with drawn up testicles and lascivious thoughts, sexual thoughts very much excited, day and night, Silic.; imperfect, and premature ejection of semen, Cal. seg.; imperfect, with weakness of the penis, Merc. v. ; in the evening, Phos.; involuntary, during daytime, Anac.; long-lasting, frequent, mornings or nights, Agar. m.; long-lasting,

without cause, Amm. c.; mornings, and after passing water, Aloes; mornings only, when rising, Aur. met.; nightly, with and without pollutions, with and without dreams, Aur. met.; painful, after copious painful pollution, Kali carb.; painful, continuous, Nat. carb.; painful, insufficient, Con. m., Hep. Sulph.; painful, lasting, great sexual excitement, almost like priapism, with strong inclination for coition, Puls.; painful, nocturnal, or early in the morning, when asleep, Thuja occ.; painful, nocturnal, with lascivious excitement, or also incomplete, with tension, seemingly caused by flatulence, Merc. viv.; painful, sexual instinct strong and easily excited, Nux vom.; painful, spasmodic, at night, or entire want of sexual desire and erections, impotence, Nit. ac.; painful, without sexual desire, or sexual desire with relaxed penis, Cal. seg.; powerful, sometimes with volup tuous rage, Agn. c.; priapism, Arg. n., Canth., Graph., Nat. m., Nux v., Puls., Sil.; priapism, with violent, insatiable rage for sexual intercourse, discharge of blood instead of semen, Canth.; priapism, with bleeding from the urethra, Arg. n.; satyriasis, Kali brom., Merc. viv., Nux v., Phos., Stram., Sulph., Majoran; satyriasis, with cerebral excitement, flushed face, and glistening eyes, Phos.; seem to be diminished, Sarsapar.; slow and imperfect, diminished sexual desire, Selen.; sometimes painful, also with excited sexual desire, Digit.; too short during coitas, Calc. c.; violent, Graph,; violent, and pollutions, in feeble persons, Ferr. met.; violent in the mornings, after rising, with exalted sexual desire, at nights preventing sleep, Aur. met.; violent, in old men, all night, increased sexual desire, Fluor. ac.; violent, long-lasting, especially at nights, with pressure in the abdomen, Zincum; violent, spasmodic, Opium; violent, with increased sexual desire, Plumb.; wanting, too feeble and too short, great weakness in the sexual organs, Nux mosch.; wanting, Kali carb., Magn. carb.; with amorous dreams and nocturnal emissions, Kali brom.; with amorous dreams all night, Dioscor. vill.; with desire to urinate, Mosch.; with strong sexual desire, Coloc.; with urging to stool, Thuja occ.; without sexual desire, Ambr. gr., Euphorb. off., Phos. ac.; after erection, crawling and tearing in the urethra, Amb. gr.; during erection and coition, severe pressure in the perineum, Alum.

Coitus. Aversion to, Agar. m. Agn. c., Cann., Kali c., Lyc., Phos. ; aversion to, from abuse of sexual functions, Phos.; great aversion to, or great inclination,, with feeble powers, or without a thrill, or delayed unsatisfactory discharge of semen, Agar. m.

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During, discharge of semen too early, Bor. ven., Cal. seg; discharge of semen too quickly, Cal. seg., Carb. v., Con., Lyc., Phos., Sel., Sulph., Zine; discharge of semen too quick or too late, Lyc.; discharge of semen too rapid, also with roaring in the head afterward, Carb. veg.; discharge of semen too soon, with but little thrill, afterward tension in the abdomen, to the spermatic cords, Sep.; discharge of semen too soon, with a long thrill; erection is slow and imperfect; diminished sexual desire, Selen; ejection of semen, cutting in the urethra, Bor. ven.; erection too short, Calc. c; feeble erection, Hep. s., Sep.; flatulent colic, Graph.; goes to sleep without ejecting semen, Baryt. c., Lyc.; great general excitement, Taxus bacc.; instead of semen, discharge of blood, Canth.; painful cramps in the calves; no emission of semen, Graph.; penis becomes relaxed, Nux v.; semen is not discharged, Cal. seg., Kali brom., Kali c., Graph., Lyc.; semen is not discharged; painful cramps in the calves, Graph.; semen is not discharged at all or too soon, Cal. seg.; semen passes too late, or too quick, or powerless or without a thrill, Calc. c.

Great inclination to, with nausea and vomiting after having satisfied it, Mosch. Inclination to, several days, with frequent seminal emissions, Sarsap.

Indifferent to, at first, afterward voluptuous
inclination, Borax.

Indifferent or aversion to, Agn, c.
Insatiable rage for. Priapism with violent
erections; discharge of blood instead of
semen, Canth.
Lascivious dreams of
awaking, erections
thoughts, Silic.

Disturbed; when
and voluptuous

Painful. Urethra feels as if stretched, Arg.

Without a Thrill of Voluptuous Sensation.
Agar. mus., Anacard., Arg. nit., Cal seg.,
Calc. o.


Without Discharge of Semen. Cal. seg, brom., Kali carb. After Coitus. Anxious and restless all day, Sep.; bruised feeling throughout the whole body, paralytic sensation in the right side of the head, Silic; burning in the urethra, Sulph. ac.; burning in the orifices of the seminal canals in the urethra, during and after, Canth.; burning pain in. the back, in the morning, Magn. m.; coldness of the legs, exhaustion, heat of the body and sweat all over, Graph.; constant erections, violent, lasting, Sep.; dullness of the head, Bar. c., Calc. c.; immediately, general dry heat, with dislike to uncover, and dryness in the

mouth, Nux v.; great weakness and lassitude, with profuse nightsweats, occasionally with burning itching of the skin, Agar. mus.; great weakness in the knees, anxious and restless all day, Sep.; ill-humored, irritability, Silic.; lassitude, Con. mac.; lassitude the whole following day, Lyc.; nausea and vomiting, Mosch.; oppression of the chest, Staph., Taxus bacc.; palpitation of the heart and increased circulation, Amm. c.; pain in the perineum, Alum.; pollution, Nat. m., Kali carb.; prepuce remains behind the glans, painful and swollen, Cal. s.; roaring in the head, Carb. veg.; stitches in the anus, Calc. c.; sweat, Agar. mus., Nat. carb.; trembling and great weakness in the legs, principally in the knees, also with nervous relaxation, discontent and irascibility, Calc. c.; voluptuous dream and pollution or weakness of the body, particularly of the eyes, Kali c.; weakness, Agar. mus., Calc. C.; Con. m.; Kali C., Lyc., Selen., Sep; weakness and great oppression of the chest, Taxus bacc.

Pollutions. Agn. c., Aloes, Alum., Amm. c . Anacard., Anath. mur., Ant. c., Arg. met", Arg. nit., Aur. met., Bar. c., Bar. mur., Bell, Borax, Calc. c., Canth., Carb. veg., Carbur. s., Con. m., Cor. r.. Digit, Diosc. vill., Eryng. aq., Ferr. met., Gels., Graph., Ham., Iris vers., Kali brom., Kali c., Kobalt, Lyc., Magn. c., Magn. mur., Merc. v., Mere. prot., Mosch., Mur. ac., Nat. mur., Nit. ac., Nuph. lut., Nux v., Opium, Phos., Phos. ac., Plumb., Puls., Sarsap., Sep., Silic., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Taxus bacc., Thuja occ., Ustilago m., Zincum; almost every night, with lewd dreams, also painful, Sarsapar. also after masturbation, Sep.; also without erections, Bell.; after a coition, Kali c., Nat. m.; and voluptuous dreams after coition, Kali c., and voluptuous dreams, with frequent erections, uncon trollable lewdness, and amorous excitement, Opium; as ill effects after masturbation, China, Nux v., Phos. ac., Puls., Sep.; awakened by the sensation of a, then slight erection and discharge of a watery foaming fluid without odor, followed by a long, tensive, painful erection, Mur. ac.; copious, painful, with subsequent painful erection, Kal. c.; early in the morning, with lewd dreams, and pain in the urethra, Cobaltum; excessive and exhausting, Lyc., inclination to, by leaning the back against something, Ant. cr. ; in the morning sleep, with lewd dreams, Plumb.; in the afterdinner nap, Aloes, Alum., Corall. r., Staph., Sulph.; painful, with erections, Mosch.; sensation as if one should take place without discharge of semen, with a sticky fluid in the urethra, Digit.; while

pressing to stool, Phos. ac.; with dreams of coition; the semen is ejected very quickly, Borax.; with dryness of the whole body, Baryt. c.; with excessive itching on the genitals and scrotum, extending to the anus, with profuse perspiration on the scrotum, evenings and nights, Magn. mur.; with heavy dreams, Silic.; with lassitude afterwards, Baryt. c.; with relaxed penis, Bell., Cal. seg., Con., Mosch., Nux. v., Selen.; with sensation of a stricture in the urethra, as if the semen could not pass, Thuja occ.; with sensation of biting on the glans, Nat. mur.; with voluptuous dreams, Alum, Ant. c., Arn., Aur. met., Baryt.carb., Borax, Calc. c., China, Kal. c., Nat. c., Nux v., Op., Phos., Plumb., Sep., Silic., Staph., Sulph.; without voluptuous dreams, Agar. m., Anacard, Ant. fc., Arg. met., Bell., Calc. c., Guajac., Nat. c., Phos., Puls.,: Stann., Staph., Zincum; very frequent, debilitating, Phos. ac.; frequent, Agn. c., Alum., Amm. c, Arg. met., Arg. n., Calc. c., Carb. veg., China, Con. m., Dig., Ferrum, Kal. c., Lyc., Mag. c, Nat. m., Nit. ac., Nux. v., Op., Phos., Phos. ac., Plumb., Puls., Sarsap., Sep., Sil., Stann., Staph., Sulph.; frequent, copious, watery semen, with burning in the urethra, Sulph.; frequent, with inclination to coitus, several days, Sarsap.; frequent, with or without lascivious dreams, Arg. nit.; frequent, with voluptuous dreams every other night, in the after-dinner nap, Alum.; frequent, without lewd dreams, with great lassitude next day, Puls.; involuntary, during an after-dinner nap, toward morning, followed. by sexual excitement, micturition, and stool, and restless sleep, Aloes; involuntary, during sleep, at stool, and during urination, with impotence, Nuph. lut., involuntary, from weakness of the sexual organs, with strong desire, Canth.; invol untary, without erections, Gels., Graph.; nocturnal, Anath. mur., Ant. c., Aur. met., Calc. c., Caps., Carbur. s., China, Cobalt., Coloc., Cor. r., Dioscor. vill., Eryng. aq., Ferr. met., Ham., Iris vers., Kali brom., Magn. c, Merc. prot., Merc. v., Nuph. lut., Nux v., Oleum an., Op., Staph., Taxus bacc., Ustilago maid.; nocturnal, after onanism, very debilitating, China.; after dreams of urination, Merc. prot.; also with dreams, or without, Ant. cr.; and voluptuous fancies, Op.; caused by masturbation or abuse of alcoholic liquors, coffee, by sedentary habits, and mental exertion, Nux v.; copi ous, preceded by lascivious dreams, Merc. prot.; one to four every week, with sexual dreams, followed next by great prostration, dull pain in the lumbar region, with great despondency and irritability of the mind, Ustilago maid.; with amorous

dreams, Iris vers.; with amorous dreams, followed by lassitude, gloomy depressed mind, and dull pain in the lumbar region, Ham. v.; with erection, Carbur., Sulph., Oleum an.; with erections and amorous dreams, Diosc. vill., Kali brom.; with erections, and great lassitude and depression, Eryg. aq.; with erection, with and without dreams, Aur. met.; with lewd dreams, Staph.; with lewd dreams, waking him up from sleep, with headache, Cobaltum; with violent erections in feeble persons, Ferrum met.; frequent, Calc. c.; frequent, almost every night, Magn. c.; in feeble, emaciated convalescents from typhoid fever, Nuph. l.; mixed with blood, Merc. viv.; without dreams and being unconscious of them, Anath. mur.; without dreams or erections, Cor. rub.; without erection, Cobaltum; without erection or voluptuous sensation, several nights, Tax. ban.; without erection, sensation, dreams, with great weakness of the knees, depression of spirits, Diosc. vill.; during. sleep, Dioscor. vill.; which he did not know until morning, Merc. prot.; and irresistible tendency to masturbation, erotic fancies, melancholy, etc., Ustilago maid.; semen escapes very easily, Con. mac.


After pollution, aggravation and renewal of complaints, Alum.; burning in the urethra, Sep.; chilliness of the whole body in the morning on rising, Merc. v.; chilliness and weakness in the joints, Nat. mur.; constipation, Thuja. occ.; dullness in the head, Calc. c., Silic.; great heaviness and lassitude next day, Puls.; great prostration, dull pain in the lumbar region, with great despondency and dullness of the mind next day, Ustilago. maid.; lassitude, Baryta c.; lassitude and heaviness in the arms, Staph.; nervous weakness in the thighs, Phos.; nocturnal, frightened by slight noises, Aloes; nocturnal, much pressing to urinate, Merc. viv.; painful spasmodic erection, lasting long, Nit. ac.; weak and trembling in the early morning, Lycop.; weakness, China, Kal. c., Lyc., Nux v., Phos. ac., Sep.; weakness of the eyes, Kal. carb.; weakness of the lower limbs, or long lasting coldness of the feet, Nux v.; pain in the urethra, Digit.; out of humor, vexatious, and dissatisfled, Nat. c.

After masturbation, atrophy of the testicles Puls.; indifference, low spirits, and dullness of mind, Staph.; bad effects from masturbation and sexual excesses, Acon., Ant. c., Arg. n., Cal. c., Carb. v., China, Cin., Coec., Con. m Merc. v., Nat. m., Nux mosch., Nux v., Phos., Phos. ac., Puls., Silic., Staph., Sulph.

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