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Passports are not required to secure admission to Denmark, but they are useful or necessary as means of identification, or in proof of citizenship. They should be exhibited whenever

evidence of citizenship is required.


France.- All Frenchmen who are not declared unfit or excused may be called upon for military duty between the ages of twenty and forty-five years. They are obliged to serve three years in the active army, ten in the reserve of the active army, six in the territorial army, and six in the reserve of the territorial army.

If released from all military obligations in France, or if the authorization of the French government was obtained beforehand, naturalization of a former French citizen in the United States is accepted by the French government; but a Frenchman naturalized abroad without the consent of his government, and who at the time of his naturalization was still subject to military service in the active army, or in the reserve of the active army, is held to be amenable to the French military laws. Not having responded to the notice calling him to accomplish his military service, he is placed on the list of those charged with noncompliance with the military laws, and, if he returns to France, he is liable to arrest, trial, and, upon conviction, is turned over to the army, active, reserve, or territorial, according to his age. Long absence from France and old age do not prevent this action.

A Frenchman naturalized abroad, after having passed the age of service in the active army and the reserve, nevertheless continues on the military list until he has had his name struck from the rolls, which may usually be done by his sending his naturalization certificate through the United States embassy to the proper French authorities.

The French government rarely gives consent to a Frenchman

of military age to throw off his allegiance. Application on the subject may, however, be addressed to the minister of justice at Paris, accompanied by a full statement of the particulars and a fee of 675 francs. If the request is granted the name of the person concerned is erased from the military list, and he may return to France safely.

There is no treaty between the United States and France defining the status of former French citizens who have become naturalized American citizens.

Passports are not necessary to enter France, but are usually required from sojourners or travelers afterwards. They are recognized without being viséd or indorsed.

106. Germany.- A German subject is liable to military service from the time he has completed the seventeenth year of his age until his forty-fifth year, active service lasting from the beginning of his twentieth year to the end of his thirty-sixth


A German who emigrates before he is seventeen years old, or before he has been actually called upon to appear before the military authorities, may, after a residence in the United States of five years and after due naturalization, return to Germany on a visit, but his right to remain in his former home is denied by Germany, and he may be expelled after a brief sojourn on the ground that he left Germany merely to evade military service. It is not safe for a person who has once been expelled to return to Germany without having obtained permission to do so in advance. A person who has completed his military service and has reached his thirty-first year and become an American citizen may safely return to Germany.

The treaties between the United States and the German states provide that German subjects who have become citizens of the

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United States shall be recognized as such upon their return to Germany if they resided in the United States five years.

But a naturalized American of German birth is liable to trial and punishment upon return to Germany for an offense against German law committed before emigration, saving always the limitations of the laws of Germany. If he emigrated after he was enrolled as a recruit in the standing army; if he emigrated while in service or while on leave of absence for a limited time; if, having an unlimited leave or being in the reserve, he emigrated after receiving a call into service or after a public proclamation requiring his appearance, or after war broke out, he is liable to trial and punishment on return.

Alsace-Lorraine having become a part of Germany since our naturalization treaties with the other German states were negotiated, American citizens, natives of that province, under existing circumstances, may be subjected to inconvenience, and possible detention, by the German authorities if they return without having sought and obtained permission to do so from the imperial governor at Strassburg.

The authorities of Württemberg require that the evidence of the American citizenship of a former subject of Württemberg, which is furnished by a passport, shall be supplemented by a duly authenticated certificate showing five years' residence in the United States, in order that fulfilment of the treaty condition of five years' residence may appear separately as a fact of record.

A former German subject against whom there is an outstanding sentence, or who fears molestation upon return for an offense against German law, may petition the sovereign of his native state for relief, but this government cannot act as intermediary in presenting the petition.

Travelers are not required to show passports on entering or

leaving Germany, but they are likely to be called upon to establish their identity and citizenship at any time, and especially so if living in boarding houses or renting apartments. They are consequently recommended to provide themselves with passports. They do not usually require to be viséd or indorsed, but the local authorities sometimes demand a German translation.

107. Greece. The Greek government does not, as a general statement, recognize a change of nationality on the part of a former Greek without the consent of the King, and a former Greek who has not completed his military service, and who is not exempt therefrom under the military code, may be arrested upon his return to Greece. The practice of the Greek government is not, however, uniform, but American citizens of Greek origin are advised to find out before returning what status they may expect to enjoy. Information should be sought directly from the Greek government, and this Department always refuses to act as intermediary in seeking the information.

There is no treaty on the subject of naturalized citizens between the United States and Greece.

Passports are not required in Greece, but may be useful in cstablishing American citizenship.

108. Italy. Italian subjects between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine years are liable for the performance of military duty under Italian law, except in the case of an only son; or where two brothers are so nearly of the same age that both would be serving at the same time, in which event only one is drafted; or where there are two sons of a widow, when only one is taken.

Naturalization of an Italian subject in a foreign country without consent of the Italian government is no bar to liability to military service.

A former Italian subject may visit Italy without fear of molestation when he is under the age of twenty years; but between

the ages of twenty and thirty-nine he is liable to arrest and forced military service, if he has not previously reported for such service. After the age of thirty-nine he may be arrested and imprisoned (but will not be compelled to do military duty) unless he has been pardoned. He may petition the Italian government for pardon, but this Department will not act as the intermediary in presenting his petition.

There is no treaty between the United States and Italy defining the status of former Italian subjects who have become American citizens.

The Italian law does not require the production of passports by foreign travelers, but they are frequently called upon to establish their identity, and are accordingly recommended to provide themselves with passports. They are often useful in preventing an interference with departure from Italy. They do not require to be viséd or indorsed.

109.The Netherlands. A subject of the Netherlands is liable to military service from his nineteenth to his fortieth year. He must register to take part in the drawing of lots for military service between January 1 and August 31 of the calendar year in which he reaches the age of nineteen. He is exempt, however, from service if he is an only son or is physically disabled; and in the case of a family half of the brothers are exempt, or the majority if the number is uneven.

No military service is required of one who became a citizen of the United States before the calendar year in which he became nineteen years of age, and a Netherlands subject who becomes a citizen of the United States when he is nineteen and between January 1 and August 31 may have his name removed from the register by applying to the Queen's commissioner of the province in which he was registered. If he does not have his name removed from the register, or if he becomes a citizen of the

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