Page images

Tryon, William: defeated at battle of
Alamance, 218

Tubman, Harriet: aids slaves to escape

from South, 617

Tunis: immunity purchased from, 394
Turks: capture Constantinople, 20
Turner, George: in Alaskan boundary
commission, 1055

Turner, Nat: heads slave uprising, 575
Tuscarora Indians: have survived sur-
rounding tribes, 17; massacre set-
tlers in North Carolina, 74
Tutuila Island: taken by United States,
978; annexed to the United States,

Tuyl, Baron: Russian minister, 447
Tweed Ring, 897

Twenty-First Rule, 579

Twiggs, David Emanuel: surrenders

army stores to Confederates, 691
Two-ninety: alias of the Alabama, 882
Two Penny Act: passed, 151
Tyler, John (1790-1862), President of
the United States, April 4, 1841-
1844: nominated for Vice Presi-
dent, 521; becomes President, 526;
early career, 526; national bank
question, 526; alienated from Whig
Party, 528; settles dispute in Rhode
Island, 530; annexation of Texas,
535, 538; renominated for President,
537; presiding officer of Compromise
convention, 702; disapproves Nica-
ragua treaty, 1056

Tyngs, Captain: given charge of Pep-
perell's fleet, 165

[blocks in formation]

mother country, 201; revolution and
independence, 229; the war in
the middle colonies, 242; the war
in the southern colonies, 271; transi-
tion from colonies to states, 298;
establishment of the republic, 321;
the first eight years of the constitu-
tion, 340; the federalist supremacy,
370; Jeffersonian republicanism,
383; the second war with Great
Britain, 413; the era of good feel-
ing and industrial development, 434:
rise of the democratic party, 459;
the Jacksonian epoch, 477; the Whig
ascendency, 519; Polk's administra-
tion and the war with Mexico, 540;
rise of the slavery controversy, 561;
Taylor and Fillmore administration,
592; Pierce's administration and the
renewal of the slavery controversy,
623; administration of Buchanan,
657; secession of the southern states,
684; the outbreak of the Civil War,
714; the war in the west, 738; oper-
ations in the east, 754; Vicksburg
and Gettysburg, 773; last year of
the war, 786; general observation
on the war, 815; Andrew Johnson
and reconstruction, 830; the admin-
istration of President Grant and
the results of reconstruction, 857;
Grant's second term, 889; Hayes and
the end of the southern question,
906; Garfield and Arthur, 925; the
administration of Grover Cleveland,
942; the administration of Benjamin
Harrison, 963; Cleveland's second
term, 988; William McKinley - the
war with Spain, 1011; administra-
tion of Roosevelt, 1049; progress of
a century, 1086
United States: built, 375; captures
Macedonian, 422

United States Bank: founded, 352; re-
chartered, 438; proposed, 439; Jack-
son opposed to re-charter, 485; ac-
count of Jackson's war on, 500;
Democratic Party opposes the re-
newal of its charter, 522; reëstab-
lishment question raised, 527
Utah: ceded to United States, 552;
meeting of the Central and Union
Pacific Railroads near Ogden, 902;

[blocks in formation]

Vaca, Cabeza de: wanderings of, 41
Vallandigham, Clement Laird: in Dem-

ocratic Convention, 800; arrested and
banished, 816; defeated for gover-
nor of Ohio, 817
Valley Forge: headquarters for Ameri-
can army, 260
Valparaiso attack on Baltimore crew
in, 978

Van Buren, Martin (1782-1862), Presi-
Ident of the United States, 1837-
1841: opposes internal improve-
ments, 467; aids Jackson, 475; in
Jackson's Cabinet, 485; Jackson de-
mands his nomination for Presi-
dent, 498; Jackson's satisfaction
over nomination of, 509; elected,
510; sketch of, 511; inaugurated,
511; views on government deposits,
513; foreign relations, 514; secures
independent treasury, 514; charac-
terized, 516; renominated for Presi-
dency, 522; refuses to annex Texas,
535; proposed as candidate for Pres-
ident (1844), 536; nominated for
President (1848), 558; interest in
Panama Canal during administra-
tion of, 1055

Van Dorn, Earl: at battle of Corinth,
774; attacks Holly Springs, 775
Van Ness, William P.: preceptor of

Martin Van Buren, 511

Van Rensselaer, Stephen: riots on es-

tates of, 103; estate of, 132; de-
feated at Queensland, 421

Van Twiller: governor of New York,

Van Wert, Isaac: aids in capture of
André, 277

Vancouver, - discoveries, 541

Vanderbilt, Cornelius: stockholder in
Accessory Transit Company, 626;
Nicaragua Canal, 1056

Vane, Henry: governor of Salem Col-
ony, 90

Vasco da Gama: see Gama, Vasco da
Vaudrenil, French commander: 176
Venezuela: boundary dispute with
Great Britain, 1000

"Vengeance," French frigate: captured,

Venice: leader in commerce with the
East, 22; her commerce ruined, 25
Vera Cruz: siege of (1847), 549; arrival
of European vessels to sequestrate
revenues at, 876

Verazua, Duke of: at the opening of
the World's Fair, 1010
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count de:

promises aid to Americans, 265;
suspicious conduct of, 287
Vermont: origin, 95; quarrel between
New York and New Hampshire
over, 312; paper-currency riots, 316;
disorders in colony, 321; admitted,
357, 567; attitude toward War of
1812, 431; in Hartford Convention,
431; free state, 452; presidential
election of 1848, 559; abolition of
slavery, 563; election of 1854, 645;
election of 1896, 1018; election of
1904, 1072
Verrazano, Giovanni: searches for the
Northwest Passage, 46
Versailles, Treaty of (1778), 267
Vespucci, Amerigo or Americus Vespu-

cius: first to call America a new
world, 35

Vice President of the United States:

election and powers, 333; salary,
346; succeeds to office of President,

Vice President of the Confederacy: term
of office, 695
Vicksburg: campaign against, 775; siege
of (1863), 777; turning point in
Civil War, 783; election battle of
1874, 872 note; yellow fever epi-
demic, 923

Victoria, Queen of England: issues
proclamation of neutrality toward
American belligerents, 723

Victoria, one of Magellan's vessels:
completes the circumnavigation of
the world, 37

Vigilance Committees: agreed upon by
first Continental Congress, 224;
search mails, 576; California, 597;
recommended by Nashville conven-
tion, 611; compared to Ku-Klux-
Klan, 871

Vilas, William Freeman: Postmaster-
General, 950 note

Villiers, French commander: succeeds
Jumonville, 172

Vincennes in French claims, 168
Vinland the Good: Northmen visit, 19
Virgin miraculous appearance to Mexi-

cans, 552

Virginia: named, 53; colony planted, 56;

liberties insured by first charter, 56;
Colonial government of, 56, 115;
population at beginning of the Revo-
lution, 126; slave uprising (1687),
129; status of indented servants,
131; tobacco industry, 136; educa-
tional methods as a colony, 141;
printing press introduced (1729),
143; colonial newspapers, 144;
franchise denied Catholics, 148;
colonial suffrage laws, 148; Church
of England established, 149; reli-
gious persecutions, 149; clergy made
subject to laws, 150; salary of clergy
paid with tobacco, 150; postal sys-
tem established, 153; Cohabitation
Act, 155; territory granted to colo-
nization companies, 170; opposition
to Stamp Act, 211; opposes the
Townshend law, 216; appointment
of a committee of correspondence,
218; proposes first Continental Con-
gress, 222; adopts a constitution,
238; proposes a declaration of in-
dependence, 239; cedes to United
States her claims to western lands,
302; gives up claims to Northwest
Territory, 317; commissioners ap-
pointed to decide Potomac commer-
cial policy, 321; chooses delegates
for Constitutional Convention, 322;
ratification of the national Constitu-
tion, 337; opposes financial schemes
of Hamilton, 349; rank as to popu-
lation, 479; opposes R. M. Johnson's

nomination, 510; Declaration of
Rights, 564; slavery regarded with
disfavor, 564; abolition societies
formed, 571; slave uprising in
Southhampton County, 575; John
Brown plans raids from, 673;
Presidential election of 1860, 683;
Confederates seize Norfolk navy
yard, 692; calls a compromise
convention, 702; gathering of Con-
federate troops, 716; secedes, 717;
Arlington Heights and Alexandria
taken by Federals, 731; Grant's
plan for campaign in, 787; sword
presented to Lee by legislature of,
812; Booth shot, 826; reconstruc-
tion policy of Lincoln, 833; under
military rule, 847; readmitted, 848;
in Presidential election (1868),
860; readmitted to representation,
863; Democrats regain control in,
873; negro franchise, 873

Virginia, University of: founded by Jef-
ferson, 383

Virginia Dynasty, 434

Virginia Gazette: founded, 144
Virginia Military Institute: Jackson re-
signs from faculty of, 772
Virginia Plan, 325

Virginius: captured by Spanish, 887
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet):
quoted, 172


Waddington, Joshua: sued by Elizabeth
Rutgers, 309

Wade, Benjamin Franklin: signs ad-
dress against Douglas, 633; opposed
to Lincoln, 838; popularity of, 855;
in San Domingo commission, 880
Wade-Davis Bill, 837

Wadsworth, Captain: story of rebuff
of Fletcher, 93

Waedseemüller: first calls the New
World, America, 35

Waite, Morrison Reinick: counsel in
Geneva commission, 885

Walker, Sir Hovenden: sent to conquer
Canada, 161

Walker, John G.: chairman of canal
commission, 1057

[blocks in formation]

War, Department of: organized, 344
War of 1812; causes, 414; Little Belt

captured by President, 416; hostili-
ties declared, 417; failure of land
operations 420; naval victories, 422;
success of land operations (1813),
424; capture of Washington, 426;
defense of New Orleans, 427; Treaty
of Ghent, 429; cost of war, 430; po-
litical results, 433; military results,
433; compared to the Revolution,
435; economic results, 435
War of Austrian Succession: extends
to American colonies, 163
War of Spanish Succession: see Span-
ish Succession, War of
War of the Palatinate: spreads to colo-
nies, 157

Ward, Artemas: appointed major-gen-
eral, 231; at siege of Boston, 231
Warren, Commodore: in Louisburg ex-
pedition, 165

Warren, Dr. Joseph: appointed to wait

on governor of Massachusetts, 225;
head of committee of safety, 225;
death, 233

Warwick: united to Providence Planta-
tions, 94
Washburne, Elihu Benjamin: in Grant's

Cabinet, 861; minister to France,

862; defeated for Vice President,
Washington: admitted to the Union,
986; Presidential election of 1900,


Washington, D. C.: planned, 350; con-
dition of, when made seat of gov-
ernment, 300; taken by British, 426;
garrisoned, 730; defended from Con-
federate attack, 758; threatened by
Early, 792; Union armies reviewed
at, 814; Grange movement organ-
ized, 917

Washington, Booker T.: makes speech
at opening of the Atlanta Exposi-
tion, 1010
Washington, Bushrod: president of

American colonization Society, 571
Washington, George (1732-1799), Presi-
dent of the United States, 1789-
1797: member of Ohio Company,
170; sent to warn French fort, 171;
in expedition against Fort Du
Quesne, 190; delegate to first Con-
tinental Congress, 223; delegate to
second Continental Congress, 229;
appointed commander-in-chief of the
army, 230; takes command of army,
233; besieges Boston, 235; opposed
to independence of colonies, 237;
abandons Long Island, 243; refuses
to receive Howe's message, 242; at
battle of White Plains, 244; retreats
across New Jersey, 246; recrosses
the Delaware, 247; escapes from
Cornwallis at Trenton, 249; goes
into winter-quarters at Morristown,
250; at battle of Brandywine, 259;
his campaign in New Jersey against
Howe (1777), 259; at battle of Ger-
mantown, 260; establishes headquar-
ters at Valley Forge, 260; Conway
Cabal attempts to secure removal
of, 261; orders arrest of Lee, 263;
reprimands Arnold, 276; sends
Greene to succeed Gates, 279; goes
to Yorktown, 284; plot to make
him king, 306; in Constitutional
Convention, 323; president of Con-
stitutional Convention, 324; elected
first President of the United States,
340; inauguration, 341; inaugural

address, 343; signs bill for a Na-
tional Bank, 352; annoyed with the
"National Gazette," 356; reëlection,
357; character of second adminis-
tration, 357; criticism of, 365, 373;
refuses third term, 368; farewell ad-
dress of, 368; stately manner of,
371; death of, 380; Stuart portrait
of, rescued by Mrs. Madison, 427;
his principles reflected in Monroe
Doctrine, 449; only president to re-
ceive unanimous vote, 459; quoted
on slavery in Virginia, 564; prece-
dent regarding third terms, 926
Washington, William: at battle of Guil-
ford Court House, 281
Washington, Treaty of (1871), 959
Wasp captures the Frolic, 422
Waterloo battle of (1815), 405
Watling Island: discovered by Colum-
bus, 31

Watson, Thomas E.: nominated for

Vice President (1896), 1015; Popu-
list nominee for President (1904),
Wayne, Anthony: at battle of Brandy-
wine, 259; succeeds St. Clair, 365;
victory in Northwest aids immigra-
tion, 442
Weaver, James B.: Greenback Party

nominee (1880), 930; nominated for
President (1892), 991

Webb, James Watson: favors Taylor
for Presidency, 557

Webster, Daniel: quoted on government

of Northwest Territory, 318; op-
poses tariff for New England, 439;
defends Monroe Doctrine, 449; op-
poses protective tariff, 457; describes
Jackson's inauguration, 481;
481; on
question of Jackson's appointments,
482; replies to Hayne, 489; favors
United States Bank, 502; offered
nomination for Vice President, 521;
makes campaign speeches (1840),
523; member of Harrison's Cabinet,
525; negotiates settlement of North-
east Boundary Dispute, 529, 530; at-
tempts to settle Northwest Boundary
Dispute, 542; opposes Mexican War,
554; candidate for President, 557;
refuses nomination for Vice Presi-
dent (1848), 558; opposes election

of Taylor, 593; opposes Calhoun's
resolutions, 595; summary of his
career, 605; his Seventh of March
speech, 605; candidate for Presiden-
tial nomination (1852), 620; death,
620; his communication to Austrian
diplomat, 639

Webster, Noah: in American literature,

Webster-Hayne Debate: account of, 489
Weed, Thurlow: opposes nomination of
Clay for Presidency, 520; quoted on
nomination of Tyler, 521; decides
to nominate Taylor for Presidency,
557; opposes Lincoln, 799
Weehawken: duel ground of Hamilton
and Burr, 402

Weitzel, Godfrey: enters Richmond,

Wells, David Ames: joins liberal move-
ment, 890

Wells, Gideon: Lincoln's Secretary of
the Navy, 708

Wesley, Charles and John: missionaries
and preachers, 81

West, Benjamin: celebrated painting of,


West Florida: see Florida
West India Company, Dutch: powers of,
under charter, 102
West Indies: French possessions in
threatened, 357; British restrictions
on trade with, 362; England closes
ports to American commerce, 471
West Point: command of, given to Ar-
nold, 276

West Virginia: colonized by Ohio Com-

pany, 170; refuses to secede, 731;
admitted to the Union, 733; railroad
strikes (1877), 919; Blaine's cam-
paign speeches (1884), 947; Presi-
dential election (1896), 1018; Presi-
dential election (1904), 1072
Western Reserve: created, 318; agitation
over Fugitive Slave Law, 672
Weston, Thomas: founds commercial
settlement on Massachusetts Bay, 85
Weyler, Valeriano: sent to Cuba, 1022;
recalled, 1023

Weymouth, George: explores New Eng-

land coast, 54

Wheat: raised in the Middle Colonies,


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