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Furniture by Mail. Exclusive, dainty, classical designs, along Colonial

lines. Mahogany and Oak only-no imitations.
Can't buy them in stores. Shipped to your home by express, prepaid, to be returned
at our expense, if not satisfactory.

WE MANUFACTURE high grade fancy chairs and tables only. Sell direct to user,
-no middlemen. Send for artistic catalogue free.
COLONIAL FURNITURE CO., Market St., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Fine Furniture from
Factory to Fireside

This beautiful Morris Chair is
made of Quartered White Oak, fin-
ished either in Antique, Golden or
Flemish and Birch finished in
Imitation Mahogany, beautifully
carved, with elegantly finished
cushions, first-class quality in as-
sorted colors. Samples of covering
furnished upon application.



f. o. b. factory. 50 in. long, 30 in. deep, 49 in. high. Oak, nicely finished. Roll curtain, cast

ers, arm rests. Automatic locks. A firstclass desk. Guaranteed exactly as illustrated.


Ask for office furniture catalogue No. 69; house furniture catalogue No. 70.

E. H. STAFFORD & BROS., Chicago, III.


$1375 Victor Instantaneous

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The preservative quality of paint
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We furnish the Lead. You buy your own pure Linseed Oil.

Write for card of 30 beautiful colors and booklet giving full information. Dept. M.



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With it you can warm one room or several rooms. It is free from smell, smoke or dust. Ventilates without draft, and keeps fire over night. Can be set in any fire-place, old or new, and will burn hard or soft coal or wood.

Write for a free copy of Booklet "E," describing handsome Fire-place Fixtures, Andirons, Spark Guards, etc. Also our illustrated catalogue of Hard Wood Mantels, from $10 up.

ALCOTT, ROSS & SCULLY CO., 2913 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


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to 20 days. No pay till cured.
Dept. M. 1. Lebanon, Ohio.

Learn to be an Architect.

FOR $1.00 I will show you how you can learn to be an ARCHITECT. Any one can learn, young or old, of either sex. All the talent required is to know how to read and write, and study one hour each day. My plan puts you in communication with one of the best institutions in the world. You learn by easy progressive lessons sent you, which you study at home without loss of time from your work. I have studied this same method, and am a practicing ARCHITECT to-day with a lucrative practice. The cost is a mere trifle. Send your name and address in full, with remittance of $1.00, to A. E. LINKENHEIMER, Architect, Pittsburg, Pa. Highest References.



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Club "G"-14-karat, 25-year case, with full 15 ruby jeweled Elgin or Waltham movement, made in any size, hunting or open face, any style of engraving, or any society emblem engraved to order without extra charge, $2.00 cash, $1.00 per week, 23 weeks. Club "J"-Finest 14-karat gold-filled watch that money can buy. Any size, any style. Has solid gold trimmings, warranted 35 years, with high grade, 17 ruby jeweled, adjusted Elgin, Waltham or Remington movement. $5.00 cash, $1.00 per week, 30 weeks.

Join now and have the use of an elegant watch or diamond while paying for it by our easy plan. Watch or diamond shipped on receipt of first payment and references. Catalogue and testimonial letters tell all about it. Address

THE WALKER-EDMUND CO., Mgrs., 60 Oriel Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.


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