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Write One and
Copy the Rest

You can produce 1000 letters an
hour, each a fac-simile copy of
the original, but only on the


Invented by Thomas A. Edison. For daily office use in duplicating both handwriting and typewriting. Anybody can operate it. Simple. Compact. Cleanly. Cheap. Endorsed by over 200,000 Users. Descriptive Catalogue for the asking.

Made only by

A. B. DICK COMPANY, 152-154 Lake Street, CHICAGO.


47 Nassau Street, NEW YORK.

Please mention McClure's when you write to advertisers.

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It took 25 years to find out that type-
writers were built upside down.

The Visible Writing


is built right side up where the work is in sight. It is a light, compact, simply constructed, durable machine-easily learned, operated and cleaned; aligns perfectly and needs least repairs.

Write for catalogue "A" and get name of nearest representative
and beautiful celluloid blotter. Agents in all leading cities.
N. E. Cor. Washington and Dearborn Sts., . . Chicago.

Writing in all Ages


Simplifies Bill Making and writing figures of different denominations in columns. It in no way interferes with the typewriter for usual lines of work.

Ask for Descriptive Tabulator Catalogue.

Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Syracuse, N. Y., U. S. A.

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