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Cleveland, Grover, elected Governor of
New York, 377; nominated for Presi-
dent, 400; elected, 409; popular and
electoral vote for, 410; and civil ser-
vice reform, 420; nominated for re-
election, 438; popular and electoral
votes for in 1888, 452; nominated in
1892, 469.

Clifford, Nathan, 337.

Clinton, De Witt, 54; candidate for
President, 59; votes for in 1812, 62;
favors popular vote for appointing
electors, 99.

Clinton, George, candidate of the Anti-
Federalists, 14; votes for in 1789, 15;
opposed to John Adams in 1792, 17;
votes for, as Vice-President in 1792,
21; votes for in 1796, 28; nominated
by caucus for Vice-President, 49;
elected, 50; reëlected, 56; dies in
office, 58.

Cobb, Howell, 181.

Cochran, Bourke, 469.

Cochrane, John, 237; nominated for
Vice-President, 238; withdraws, 239.
Colfax, Schuyler, 257; nominated for
Vice-President, 260; elected, 274; de-
feated in 1872, 290.
Collamer, Jacob, 231.

Colquitt, Alfred H., votes for as Vice-
President in 1872, 299.

Colorado admitted to the Union, 328.
Commission, Electoral, law establishing,
332; membership of, 337, 341, 342;
action of, 338-342.

Compromise of 1850, 178; in platforms,
182, 188, 201.

Conant, John A., nominated for Vice-
President, 402.

Conkling, Roscoe, 304, 308, 314, 319,
320, 356, 362.

Cooper, Peter, nominated for President,
312; popular vote for, 331.
Congress, power of, over electoral votes,
33, 69, 79, 211, 212; asserted in twen-
ty-second joint rule, 249, 250; exer-
cised, 270, 301; in electoral commis-
sion law, 332; proposed amendments
to the Constitution, 345-350.
Constitution, provisions of, respecting
election of President, 6; amendment

of, 45; further amendments proposed,
74-78, 303, 345-349.

Constitution of the United States, pro-
visions respecting elections, 6; amend-
ment proposed, 45; adopted, 47; fur-
ther amendments proposed and dis-
cussed, 74.

Constitutional Union party, the, 217.
Convention of 1787 evolves the electoral
system, 2.

Convention reform, 368, 376, 392,
Conventions, party, Abolition or Lib-
erty party, in 1843, 150; in 1852, 186.
American, in 1888, 448.
Anti-Masonic, in 1830, 104.

Anti-Monopoly, in 1884, 378.
Barnburners, in 1848, 172.
Constitutional Union, in 1860, 225.
Democratic, in 1832, 107; in 1835, 115;
in 1840, 132; in 1844, 145; in 1848,
165; in 1852, 180; in 1856, 199; in
1860, 217; of seceders, 221, 223;
convention in 1864, 242; in 1868,
261; in 1872, 294; of "Straight
Democrats, 295; in 1876, 321; in
1880, 365; in 1884, 392; in 1888,
433; in 1892, 461.

[ocr errors]

Free-soil, in 1848, 172; in 1852, 186.
Greenback party, in 1876, 312; in
1880, 363; in 1884, 377.
Know-Nothing, in 1856, 195.
Labor Reformers, in 1872, 269.
Liberal Republican, in 1872, 286.
Liberty League, in 1848, 165.
National Republican, in 1831, 105; of
young men in 1832, 105.
People's party, in 1892, 473.
Prohibitionists, in 1872, 283; in 1876,

310; in 1880, 365; in 1884, 401, 402;
in 1888, 430; in 1892, 469.
Native American, in 1847, 164; in
1856, 195.

Radical Republican, in 1864, 237.
Republican, in 1856, 204; in 1860, 226;
in 1864, 239; in 1868, 257; in 1872,
290; in 1876, 313; in 1880, 355; in
1884, 385; in 1888, 439; in 1892, 457.
Union and Harmony, in 1839, 127.
Union Labor, in 1888, 425.
United Labor, in 1888, 427.
Whig, in 1839, 125; in 1844, 155; in
1848, 170; in 1852, 183; in 1856,

Corrupt bargain, alleged, of Henry Clay,


Corwin, Thomas, 163.

Count, electoral, constitutional provi-
sions, 5, 6, 46; the count in 1789, 15;
uniform time of, law of 1792, 19; the
count in 1793, 22: in 1797, 28; attempt
to regulate by law, 33; the bill de-
feated, 38; the count in 1801, 40; in
1805, 50; in 1809, 55; in 1813, 613; in
1817, 68; in 1821, 72; the bill to regu-
late, 1824, 77; the count in 1825, 89;
in 1829, 101; in 1833, 112; in 1837,
121; in 1841, 138; in 1845, 160; in
1849, 177; in 1853, 191; in 1857, 211;
in 1861, 235; in 1865, 251; in 1869,
272; in 1873, 300; in 1877, 337; in
1881, 374; in 1885, 411; law of 1887,
415; in 1889, 453.
Cowdrey, Robert A., nominated for
President, 430; popular vote for, 452.
Cox, Jacob D., 284, 289.

Cranfill, J. B., nominated for Vice-Presi-
dent, 473.

Cravens, Jordan E., proposes amend-
ment to Constitution, 245.
Crawford, William H., 58; intrigue in
favor of, 65; favorite of the Adminis-

tration, 79; candidate of the caucus,
82, 83; popular vote for, in 1824, 88;
electoral votes, 93.
Credit Mobilier, 371.
Creswell, John A. J., 260.
Crittenden, John J., 211, 226.
Cuba, acquisition of, 207, 219, 224.
Currency, the, in politics and platforms,
155, 169, 263, 280, 313, 322, 367, 465,

Curtin, Andrew G., 257, 260, 288.
Curtis, George W., 231.

Curtis, James L., nominated for Presi-
dent, 448.

Cushing, Caleb, 218, 221, 222.

Dallas, George M., his inconsistency,
109; nominated for Vice-President,
148, 149; elected, 160; votes for, in
1848, 166.

Daniel, William, nominated for Vice-
President, 406.

Davis, David, nominated for President,
282; declines, 283; in Liberal Repub-
lican convention, 284, 288; electoral
votes for, 299; retires from Supreme
Court, 337.

Davis, Edmund J., 319, 362.

Davis, Garrett, 197.

Davis, Henry Winter, on power to count
votes, 212.

Davis, Jefferson, 167, 181, 220.

Davis, John, candidate for Vice-Presi-
dent, 155.

Day, Horace H., 282.

Dayton, William L., nominated for
Vice-President, 295; in canvass of
1860, 231,

Dearborn, Henry A. S., nominated for
Vice-President, 164.

Debt, the public, in politics, 241, 258, 277,
280, 288, 293, 313, 316, 323, 379, 381.
Delaware, appointment of electors by,
in 1824, 86; adopts popular vote, 110.
Democratic party, successor of Repub-

lican, 70; convention of 1832, 107;
convention of 1835, 115; convention
of 1839, 132; condition in 1843, 142;
convention of 1844, 145; of 1848, 165;
divisions in the party, 178; candidates
for 1852, 179; convention of 1852, 180;
convention of 1856, 199; convention
of 1860, 217; of 1864, 242; of 1868,
261; of 1872, 294; "Straight" Demo-
crats, 295; convention of 1876, 321;
of 1880, 366; of 1884, 392; of 1888,
433; of 1892, 461.

Demorest, W. Jennings, 473.
Depew, Chauncey M., 447.
Dickerson, Mahlon, proposes an amend-
ment to the Constitution, 75.
Dickinson, Daniel S., 220, 241.
Dillaye, Stephen D., 365.

Disqualified electors, 119, 272, 328, 339,
340, 341, 342.

District of Columbia, slavery in, 178.

District system of choosing electors, 74,
100, 111.

Dobbin, James C., 200.
Dodge, Augustus C., 244.

Dodge, Henry, nominated and declined
for Vice-President, 172.

Donelson, Andrew J., nominated for
Vice-President by American party,
198; by Whigs, 207.

Doolittle, James R., 266, 294.
Douglas, Stephen A., 179, 181; in can-
vass of 1856, 198, 199; leader of a Dem-
ocratic faction, 214; in convention of
1860, 220, 221, 222; nominated, 223;
popular and electoral votes for, 234.
Douglas, Frederick, 447.

Dow, Neal, nominated for President,
365; popular vote for, 373.
Downs, S. U., 181.

Eaton, Mrs. General, 102.

Eaton, William W., proposes an amend-
ment to the Constitution, 348.
Edmunds, George F., 271, 305, 337, 350,
352, 354, 360, 361, 385, 390.
Election by the House of Representa-
tatives, method, 41; Jefferson chosen,
41; rules in 1825, 89; J. Q. Adams
chosen, 94.

Electoral commission, the law establish-
ing, 332; membership of, 337, 341, 342;
action of, 338-342.

Electoral count. See Count, Electoral.
Electoral system, first proposed, 2;

adopted, 6; provisions of law, 17-20;
amended, 46; changes proposed, 74,

Electors disqualified, 119, 272, 338-342.
Electors, how appointed, in 1789, 9; in

1792, 21; in 1796, 26; in 1800, 40; in
1812, 60; in 1816, 66; district system
proposed, 74-78; how appointed in
1828, 100; in 1832, 110; in 1868, 268;
in 1876, 328; in 1880, 372.

Ellmaker, Amos, nominated for Vice-
President, 104; votes for, 112.
Ellsworth, Oliver, votes for in 1796, 28.
Embargo, the, 51.

English, James E., 266.

English, William H., nominated for
Vice-President, 370.

Evans, Samuel, nominated for Vice-
President, 427.

Era of good feeling, 70.

Everett, Edward, nominated for Vice-
President, 226.

Ewing, Thomas, Jr., 282.

Fairchild, Lucius, 391.

Fairchild, John, votes for as Vice-Presi-
dent, convention of 1844, 148.
Federalist party, the, at first election,
11; supports Burr against Jefferson,
43; opposition to Jefferson, 48, 51;
supports Pinckney and King, in 1808,
54; destroyed by War of 1812, 64, 70.

Federal thirteen, the, 39.
Fenton, Reuben E., 257, 260.
Ferry, Thomas W., 338.

Field, James G., nominated for Vice-
President, 479.

Fillmore, Millard, 155; nominated for
Vice-President, 171; elected, 176; be-
comes President, 179; in' canvass
of 1852, 180, 183, 184; nominated in
1856; by Americans, 198; by Whigs,
207; popular and electoral votes for,

Finley, Ebenezer B., proposes an amend-
ment to the Constitution, 347.
First election ordered by Congress, 8.
Fick, Clinton B., nominated for Presi-
dent, 433; popular vote for, 452.
Fitler, E. H., 447.

Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, 200; nominated
for Vice-President and declined, 223.
Five-twenty bonds. See Bonds.
Florida, admitted to the Union, 175; elec-

tors of, appointed by Legislature in
1868, 268; vote of 1876 disputed, 329,

Flower, Roswell P., 400.

Floyd, John, on vote of Missouri, in
1821, 74; votes for as President in
1832, 112.

Foote, Charles E., nominated for Vice-
President, 165.

Foraker, J. B., 447.

"Force Bill," 462.

Fourth of March, beginning of Presiden-
tial term, 20.

France, relations with, as affecting poli-
tics, 24, 30, 48, 51, 57.
Franklin, Benjamin, suggested for Presi-
dent, 12.

Fraud issue, of 1876-77, 344, 368, 372.
Frelinghuysen, Frederick T., 337.
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, nominated for
Vice-President, 155.

"Free ballot and fair count," in politics
and platforms, 439, 458, 462, 477.
Free ships, and navigation laws, in poli-
tics and platforms, 368, 389, 394, 398,

Free-soil party, convention of 1848, 172;
convention of 1852, 186.

Free trade in politics and platforms. See

Fremont, John C., nominated for Presi-
dent, 198, 204; popular and electoral
votes for, 210; nominated in 1864, 238;
withdraws, 239.

Fugitive-slave law, 179, 182, 185, 187,
201, 219, 224.

[blocks in formation]

375; death lamented by Republicans,

Geary, John W., 282.

Genet, Citizen, French ambassador, in-
terferes in American politics, 25.
Georgia, vote of in 1868, 268, 269, 270,
271, 272.

Gerry, Elbridge, proposes choice of elec-
tors by State Governors, 3; plan of
apportioning electors, 3; nominated
for Vice-President, 59; elected, 62.
Giddings, Joshua R., 231.
Glick, George W., 401.
Goggin, William L., 226.

Graham, William A., nominated for Vice-
President, 184; in canvass of 1860, 226.
Grand committee on electoral votes pro-
posed, 33.

Granger, Francis, nominated for Vice-
President, 116; votes for, 121.
Grant, Frederick D., 447.

Grant, Ulysses S., 241, 254, 256, 257;
nominated for President, 260; elected,
269; condemned by Liberal Republi-
cans, 286; nominated for reëlection,
290; reelected, 297; on "third term,"
306; proposed in 1880, 354, 360, 361.
Gray, Isaac P., 438, 439, 469.
Great Britain, relations with as affecting
politics, 51.

Greeley, Horace, or Know-Nothing
party, 193; opposes Mr. Seward, 227;
opposes Grant, 277; in canvass of 1872,
282, 284; nominated for President,
288, 294; dies, 296; popular vote for,
297; electoral votes for, 299; objected
to, 300.

Greenback party, convention of 1876,
312; of 1880, 363; of 1884, 380.
Greenbacks, payment of bonds with,
255, 258, 268, 277, 280; volume of issue
of, 280, 313, 363, 381.

Greer, James R., nominated for Vice-
President, 448.

Gresham, Walter Q., 391, 446, 447.
Groesbeck, William S., 294; electoral
vote for, 299.

Guthrie, James, 220, 242, 244.

Hale, John P., nominated for President,
165; withdraws, 165; nominated in
1852, 186; popular vote for, 191.
Half-breed, a faction of the Republican
party, 375.

Hamilton, Alexander, on the electoral
system, 1; proposes choice of electors
by the people, 3; decides to support
John Adams, 13; supposed intrigue
against Adams, 14; antagonism with
Jefferson, 17; again attempts to de-
feat Adams, 38.

Hamlin, Hannibal, nominated for Vice-
President, 232; elected, 234; in can-
vass of 1864, 241; presides over the
count of 1865, 251; in canvass of 1868,
257, 260.

Hancock, John, suggested for Vice-Presi-
dent, 12; votes for in 1789, 15; pro-
tests against law of 1792, 21.
Hancock, Winfield S., 261, 266, 327;
nominated for President, 370; popular
and electoral votes for, 373.

Hard Cider, 123, 129.

Hards, Democratic faction, 198.
Harlan, James, 260.

Harper, Jesse, 384.

Harper, Robert G., votes for as Vice-
President in 1816, 67; in 1820, 71.
Harrison, Benjamin, nominated for Pres-
ident, 447; popular and electoral vote
for, 452; declared elected, 454; nomi-
nated for reëlection, 1892, 461.
Harrison, Robert H., votes for in 1789,

Harrison, William H., nominated for
President in 1836, 116; popular vote
for, 118; electoral vote, 121; Whig
candidate, 126, 128; takes the stump,
136; popular votes for, 138; elected,
139; dies, 140.

Hartford convention, 64.

Hartranft, John F., 309, 319, 320.
Hawley, Joseph R., 257, 315, 390.
Haymond, Creed, 447.

Hayes, Rutherford B., 309, 314, 319;
nominated for President, 320; popular
vote for, 331; declared elected, 343;
his administration, 353.

Hendricks, Thomas A., 266, 309; votes

for as President in 1872, 299; nomi-
nated as Vice-President, 327; again
nominated, 401; elected, 409, 410;
death of, 438.

Henry, John, votes for in 1796, 28.
Hickman, John, 232.

Hill, David B., 469.

Hoadly, George, 366, 400.

Hoar, George F., 337, 355.

Homesteads, free, in platforms, 175, 230.
House of Representatives, election of

President by, 41, 44, 94.
Houston, Samuel, 181, 198, 225, 226.
Howard, John E., votes for as Vice-
President in 1816, 67.

Hunkers, Democratic faction, 162, 165.
Hunter, R. M. T., 220.

Huntington, Samuel, votes for in 1789,

Hunton, Eppa, 337.

Illinois, admitted to the Union, 71.
Immigration laws, in politics and plat-
forms, 432, 435, 440, 449.
Immigration, restriction of, in politics
and platforms, 459, 466, 471, 478.
Income tax, in platforms, 364, 379, 383,
426, 477.

Indiana, admitted to the Union, 67; dis-
puted votes of in 1817, 68.
Informalities in certificates of electors,
50; of Massachusetts electors, 1808,
55; suspected in 1824, 90.

Ingalls, John J., 447, 454.
Ingersoll, Jared, Federalist candidate
for Vice-President, 60; votes for in
1812, 62; his name considered in 1824,
Internal improvements in politics and
platforms, 106, 133, 174, 185, 189, 207,

Inter-state commerce, in platforms, 3€3,
379, 383, 388.

Intoxicating liquor in politics and plat-
forms, 431, 448.

Iowa admitted to the Union, 175.
Iredell, James, votes for in 1796, 28.
Irregularities. See Informalities.

Jackson, Andrew, candidate for Presi-
dent in 1824, 80; popular vote for, 88;
electoral vote for, 93; becomes a can-
didate for 1828, 96; popular vote for,
100; removal of political enemies from
office, 102; his influence upon politics,
103; nominated for reëlection, 108;
popular vote for, 111; reëlected, 112;
opposes Judge Hugh L. White, 115.
Jay, John, votes for in 1789, 15; British
treaty, 25; votes for in 1796, 28; votes
for in 1800, 40.

Jefferson, Thomas, antagonism with
Hamilton, 17; vote for as Vice-Presi-
dent in 1792, 21; leader of the Repub-
lican party, 24; named for President,
25; vote for in 1796, 28; votes for in
1800, 40; elected by the House of Rep-
resentatives, 44; nominated by caucus,
49; reëlected, 50; induces Monroe to
withdraw, 54.

Jenkins, Charles J., votes for as Presi-
dent, 1872, 299.

Jewell, Marshall, 309, 319, 320.
Johnson, Andrew, 220; nominated for
Vice-President, 241; elected, 252; be-
comes President, 253; his contest with
Congress and impeachment, 254, 257;
in the canvass of 1868, 261, 266; de-
nounced by Republican convention,
259; praised by Democrats, 265.
Johnson, Herschel V., nominated for
Vice-President, 223.

Johnson, Reverdy, 155.

Johnson, Richard M., 108; nominated for
Vice-President, 115; electoral votes
for, 121; elected by the Senate, 122;
not renominated in 1840, 132, 135;
votes for in 1840, 139; candidate for
the Presidency, 1844, 142; his red vest,
143; votes for in convention, 147, 148.
Johnston, Samuel, votes for in 1796, 28.
Johnston, William F., nominated for
Vice-President, 198; not adopted by
Republicans, 205.

Joint rule, the twenty-second, adopted,.
249; text of, 250; operation of in
1869, 272; in 1873, 300, 301; pro-
nounced unconstitutional, 304; re-
scinded by the Senate, 322.

Julian, George W., nominated for Vice-
President, 186; in canvass of 1872, 282,
289; electoral votes for, 299.

Kansas, the contest over, 192, 202, 205,
214, 229.

Kelley, William D., 260.

Kentucky admitted to the Union, 20.
King, Leicester, nominated for Vice-
President, 165.

King, Rufus, Federalist, candidate for
Vice-President, 49; votes for in 1804,
50; votes for in 1808, 56; votes for as
President in 1816, 67.

King, William R., named for Vice-Pres-
ident, 1840, 132; votes for as candi-
date, 1848, 167; nominated for Vice-
President, 181; elected, 191.
Kitchen Cabinet, the, 102.
Know-Nothing party, 193; convention
of 1856, 195, 205.

Knox, Henry, suggested for Vice-Presi-
dent, 12.

Kremer, George, charge by, against
Henry Clay, 91.
Ku-klux-klan, the, 276.1
Kyle, James H., 478.

Labor questions, in politics and plat-
forms, 266, 280, 292, 295, 363, 369, 378,
383, 388, 396, 401, 426, 429, 476.
Labor Reformers, party of, convention
of 1872, 279.

Land, ownership of, in politics, 425, 428.
Lands, the public, in politics and plat-

forms, 113, 149, 155, 169, 188, 200, 230,
265, 280, 288, 292, 295, 311, 317, 363,
369, 379, 382, 389, 397, 404, 464, 477.
Lane, Joseph, 181, 220; nominated for
Vice-President, 221, 223.

Langdon, John, presides over the first
count, 16; votes for as Vice-President
in 1808, 56; nominated for Vice-Pres-
ident, 58; declines, 59.

Law, George, 197, 198.
Lawrence, Abbott, 171.
Lecompton Constitution, 215.

Lee, Henry, votes for as Vice-President
1832, 112.

[blocks in formation]

Lemoyne, Francis J., nominated for
Vice-President, 135.

Levering, Joshua, 473.

Liberal Republicans, origin of the party,

Liberal League, the, convention of 1848,

Liberty party, the, platform of 1843,

151; convention of 1847, 164.
Lincoln, Abraham, 204; nominated for
President, 231; elected, 234, 235; his
administration, 236; nominated in
1864, 241; elected, 246; assassinated,

Lincoln, Benjamin, vote for in 1789,

Lincoln, Robert T., 390, 447, 461.
Livermore, Arthur, on vote of Missouri,
1821, 73.

Loco-focos, 129.

Logan, John A., 257, 260, 384, 390; nom-
inated for Vice-President, 385; popu-
lar and electoral vote, 410.
Log cabins, 123, 129.
Longman, Arthur P., 469.
Louisiana, purchase of, 48; admitted to
the Union, 60; frauds in Plaquemines
Parish, 159; vote of the State in 1864,
249; returning boards, 297; vote in
1872 disputed and not counted, 298,
301; vote of 1876 disputed, 329, 339.
Lyon, James, nominated for President
and declined, 296.

Machen, Willis B., votes for as Vice-
President in 1872, 299.

McClellan, George B., nominated for
President, 243; his view of the Demo-
cratic platform, 245; popular and
electoral votes for, 246.
McDonald, Joseph E., 392.
McKay, James J., 167.

McKinley, William, Jr., 447, 457, 461.
McLean, John, considered as a candi-
date for President, 104; nominated,
116; in canvass of 1848, 163; votes
for in Whig convention, 171; in con-
ventions of 1856, 198, 204; in canvass
of 1860, 226, 231.

Macon, Nathaniel, proposes amendment
to the Constitution, 75.
McPherson, Edward, 315, 321.
Madison, James, 51; nominated for Pres-
ident in 1808, 52; elected, 56; his first
administration, 57; yields to war
party, 58; renominated, 58; elected a
second time, 62.

Maine admitted to the Union, 72; sys-
tem of choosing electors, 100; aban-
dons district system, 111.

Maish, Levi, proposes an amendment to
the Constitution, 347.

Mangum, Willie P., votes for as Presi-
dent, 121.

March 4th, beginning of Presidential
term, 20.

Marcy, William L., 148, 179, 181.
Marshall, Humphrey, on power to count
votes, 212.

Marshall, John, on the proposed law of
1800, 36; votes for as Vice-President
in 1816, 67.

Maryland, working of the district sys-
tem in, 62, 100, 101, 111; abandons the
district system, 118.

Mason, James M., on electoral votes of
Wisconsin, 211.

Mason, John Y., 167.

Massachusetts, choice of electors in 1789,
11; by the Legislature in 1816, 66;
choice of electors in 1848, 175, 177.
Maynard, Horace, 362.

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