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Israel being an abomination unto the Egyptians on account of her servitude prevented the mingling of the seed of the Egyptians with the seed of Jacob. On the return of Israel to Palestine she forgot her mission and served Baal, as a result Jacob mingled her seed with the seed of the Canaanites. This made it imperative for the Lord to send Israel into captivity. When Jacob escaped from captivity the Lord put her under such hard pressure that each maiden must kill from one to three of the enemy before marriage, as a result of this procedure Israel became a pure race and was known as "The Sarmatians.” “In the time of Herodotus (iv. 110-117) the steppes between the Don and the Caspian were inhabited by the Sauromatae, a nomadic, horse-riding people, whose women rode, hunted, and took part in battle like the men, so that legend (presumably the legend of the Greek colonists on the Black Sea) represented the race as descendants of the Amazons by Scythian fathers. It is recounted both by Herodotus and by Hippocrates (De Aer., 17) that no maiden was allowed to marry till she had slain a foe (or three foes), after which she laid aside her masculine habits. The Scythians, we are told, called the Amazons Оioρлαуα, which seems to be an Iranian name and to mean "lords of man," and t is reasonable to think that the word was applied to the Sarmaian viragos by the Scythians, who themselves kept women in great subjection, and thus expressed their surprise at the domiating position of the female sex among their neighbours beond the Don. But in spite of the difference of their customs in his point Scythians and Sarmatians spoke almost the same lanuage (Herod. iv. 117), and, whatever difficulty still remains as o the race of the Scythians, their language and religion are now enerally held to have been of Iranian character (see Scythia). "hat the Sarmatians, at least, were of Median origin is the xpress opinion of Diodorus (ii. 43) and Pliny. From their eats east of the Danube the Sarmatians at a later date moved

westward into the lands formerly Scythian, one branch, the "transplanted" Iazyges (I. μeyavaoyai) being settled between the Danube and the Theiss at the time of the Dacian wars of Rome, while other Sarmatian tribes, such as the Maitae on the eastern shores of Lake Maeotis and the Roxolani between the Don and the Dnieper, ranged over the steppes of southern Russia. The country of Sarmatia, however, as that term is used for example by Ptolemy, means much more than the lands of the Sarmatians, comprising all the eastern European plain from the Vistula and the Dniester to the Volga, whether inhabited by nomad Sarmatians, by agricultural Slavs and Letts, or even by Finns. This Sarmatia was arbitrarily divided into an Asiatic and a European part, east and west of the Don respectively.Enyc. Brit. 9th Ed., Vol. 21, pages 310 to 311.

Philip of Macedon defeated the Scythians, B. C. 339, after that the Sarmatians crossed the Don and moved north and west in Europe, and finally became known as "The Anglo-Saxon Race."

"Two great events in the history of northern Europe have profound significance for the anthropologist. The first is the marvelous expansion of the Germans, about the time of the fall of Rome; the second is the corresponding immigration of Slavic hordes from the east. Both of these were potent enough to leave results persistent to this day.

“We know nothing of the German tribes until about 100 B. C. Suddenly they loom up in the north, aggressive foes of the Romans. For some time they were held in check by the stubborn resistance of the legions; until finally, when the restraining hand of Rome was withdrawn, they spread all over western Europe in the fourth and fifth centuries of our era. Such are the well-known historic facts. Let us see what archaeology may add to them. The first investigators of ancient burial grounds in southern Germany unearthed two distinct types of skulls. The round-headed variety was quite like that of the modern peasantry roundabout. The other dolichocephalic type was less frequent, but strongly marked in places. An additional feature of these latter was noted at once. They were generally found in burial places of a peculiar kind. An easterly sloping hill was especially preferred, on which the skeletons lay with feet toward the rising sun—probably a matter of religious importance. The bodies were also regularly disposed in long rows, side by side, a circumstance which led Ecker to term them Reihengraber, or row-graves. Other archaeologists, notably Lindenschmidt, by a study of the personal effects in the graves, succeeded in identifyng these people with the tall, blond Teutonic invaders from the north. Such graves are found all through Germany as far north as Thuringia. They bear witness that Teutonic blood infiltrated hrough the whole population. The relative intensity of intermixture varied greatly, however, from place to place."-William Z. Ripley, Ph. D., "Races of Europe," pages 229 to 230.

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