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48. Under the heading, "The following maximum allowances for each student are prescribed for institutions at which practice is held as indicated," items (1) and (4) are amended to read as follows:

(1) Thirty-seven rounds, rifle ball cartridges, for each range, but not to exceed 111 rounds.

(4) Twenty-five rounds of rifle blank cartridges. [2087186 A-A. G. O.]

VI__Paragraph I, General Orders, No. 9, War Department, 1913, relating to the tactical organization of the troops of the Mobile Army stationed within the continental limits of the United States, as amended, is further amended so as to assign the 8th Cavalry in place of the 15th Cavalry to the 1st Cavalry Brigade, and the 7th Cavalry in place of the 9th Cavalry to the 2d Cavalry Brigade, these assignments to take effect, respectively, upon the arrival of the 8th and 7th Regiments of Cavalry for station in the Southern Department.

[2322875, A. G. O.]

VII__Authority to purchase mounts from the Government under the provisions of paragraph 1095, Army Regulations, will not be granted to officers who already own the maximum number of mounts that can be foraged at Government expense.

[blocks in formation]


No. 55.



WASHINGTON, October 5, 1915.

1. An examination will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 24, 1916, or as soon thereafter as practicable, of captains and first and second lieutenants of the Army at large with a view to their selection for detail for a period of four years as captains and first lieutenants in the Ordnance Department to fill such vacancies in those grades as may exist on or about June 20, 1916.

The details will be made upon the recommendation of a board of ordnance officers which will be convened as soon as practicable after the receipt of the examination papers.

Eligible officers who desire to be detailed should make application to their respective department commanders through the proper military channels. Officers who will not, on June 20, 1916, have had at least two years' commissioned service are ineligible.

Officers who have already served in the Ordnance Department will not be required to take an examination, but they are authorized to apply to The Adjutant General of the Army for detail, calling attention to any matters of record in the Ordnance Department or elsewhere which they desire to have considered by the board convened for the purpose of making recommendations for selection. This application is, however, not required in order that such officers may be considered by the board.

2. The examination for detail to the grade of first lieutenant will be made under the heads of—

(1) Character.

(2) Professional efficiency.

No physical examination will be required.

The character and scope of the examination for detail to the grade of first lieutenant with respect to professional efficiency will be as follows:

(a) Mechanics.-General principles of the mechanics of solids, liquids, and gases, including problems relating thereto.

(Suggested textbooks: Mechanics, DuBois, Vols. I, II, and III; Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Jamieson, Vols. I and II; Theoretical Mechanics, Weisbach, translated by Cox; Elements of Analytical Mechanics, Michie.)


(b) Electricity.-Fundamental problems and questions involving current, potential drop, resistance, and power in simple and complex direct-current circuits. (Suggested textbooks: Elements of Electrical Engineering, Direct Currents, by Franklin and Esty; Lessons in Practical Electricity, by Swoope.)

(c) The science of ordnance and gunnery.-(Suggested textbooks: Ordnance and Gunnery, Lissak; Stresses in Wire-Wrapped Guns and in Gun Carriages, Ruggles; Exterior Ballistics, O'Hern.)

The examination for detail to duty in this grade wiH consist of three days of two sessions each, and each session will be limited to three and one-half hours.

3. The examination with respect to professional efficiency for detail to the grade of captain will include the following in addition to that prescribed for detail to the grade of first lieutenant:

(a) The principles involved in the design and construction of ordnance matériel, including the mathematical calculations relating thereto and the history of the development of such matériel to the present date.

(b) Boilers, engines, machine tools, shop and foundry practice.

(c) The essential principles of chemistry, especially the thermo-chemistry of and the stoichiometrical computations pertaining to explosives.

(d) Description of processes and modes of manufacture of ordnance matériel.

(e) The principles involved in the operation, control, and use of direct-current generators and motors; fundamental problems and questions involving the elements (current, potential drop, resistance, power, reactance, impedance, inductance) of alternating circuits, simple and complex; alternating-current generators and motors and the simple transformer for constant potential service; instruments for the control of generators and motors; measuring instruments.

(f) Each officer undergoing examination for detail to the grade of captain may submit to the board for consideration an account of any investigations of value conducted by him, or any reports he may have prepared involving the study by

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