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of the

Second Edition

Director, School of Journalism, Columbia University

First Authority Regarding War
First with Facts Regarding Peace
and First and Most Consulted in
Libraries, Schools and Colleges

The deep-rooted causes of the war are presented in this Encyclopædia. Each article is written with an interest, clearness, authority and conciseness unparalleled in any other reference book. This revision will chronicle the actual facts of the war; it will contain new maps of the countries involved, a description of the most recent engines of war, biographies of leaders in this greatest of tragedies, and a record of the effects of the war upon belligerent and neutral nations. It presents latest information regarding different countries, which facts are valuable to manufacturers or business men seeking a market for American goods. It is only possible to present this mass of important facts because the New International Encyclopædia is being revised and published NOW

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It will contain 30,000 MORE ARTICLES than any other standard encyclopædia No other encyclopædia can give you as late and satisfactory information. If you would have at hand a reference book which will meet your requirements, you should buy the New International, Second Edition. It can be ordered now at a special introductory price; an early advance is positively, certain. Our small monthly payment plan brings it within reach of everyone.

The New International Encyclopædia. in its first edition, was the highest authority in all important educational institutions and public libraries in this country.

In its Second Edition, nearly 1000 public libraries ordered the work when announced, many purchasing before a single page was printed.

24 Volumes New Maps

80,000 Articles

20,000 Pages

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It is printed on a thin paper made especially for this revision
-light, opaque, strong, and that won't crumple.
We have also a special edition for libraries, printed
on regular book paper, bound in Library Buck-
ram, practically in accordance with specifica-
tions of the American Library Association.

for details of the scope of the work,
present low price, liberal terms of

payment and the very useful
Free Research Bureau
which each subscriber to the
Second Edition may, with-
out expense, freely con-
sult on any subject of
interest found in
reading or conver-


Dodd, Mead & Co.

Fourth Ave.
New York



Dodd, Mead & Company Publishers

449 Fourth Ave. New York City

Send me full information regarding your Second Edition of the New International Encyclopædia, with details of special price, etc.


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How the engineers threw the remarkable siphon across the swift

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The first to come and the last to leave the Arctic are the boats of

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Theodore William Richards is one of the greatest chemists who ever lived, and one thousand men, known for science, have voted to honor him as one of their twelve greatest


Jesse K. Brown

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Technical World Magazine should be on the news stands on the 17th of the month preceding the date of issue. Patrons unable to get the magazine on the 17th will confer a favor by notifying the Circulation Manager. News stand patrons should instruct their Newsdealer to reserve their copy of Technical World, otherwise they are likely to find the magazine "sold out".

TERMS: $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months; 15 cents a copy. Foreign postage. 75 cents additional; Canadian postage, 25 cents additional. Notice of change of address should be given thirty days in advance to avoid missing a number.


R. T. MILLER, Jr., Publisher

Home Office: Drexel Avenue and 58th St., Chicago

Eastern Office: 1702 Flatiron Building, New York Copyright, 1915, by Technical World Magazine

Published monthly-Entered at the Postoffice, Chicago, Ill., as second-class mail matter

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