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of the joints, 157
diagnosis, 158
pathology, 157
of the larynx, 148
diagnosis, 150
prognosis, 151
of the lungs, 163

of the meninges, 182
of the mouth, 136

treatment, 255
of the muscles, 159

of the nails, treatment, 259
of the nervous system, 179
of the nose, treatment, 257
of the pancreas, 167

of the peripheral nerves, 185
of the pharynx, 147
treatment, 258

of the rectum, 167

of the respiratory tract, 146

of the sclerotic, 189

of the skin, 73

of the spermatic cord, 173

of the spleen, 167

of the tendons and tendinous

sheaths, 159

of the testes, 173

of the third generation, 199

of the tongue, 136

of the trachea, 151

of the vagina, 176

of the vitreous humor, 192
precocious, 59
prophylaxis of, 278
spleen in, 70

Syphilis, tardy, 59

treatment, 221

Syphilitic adenopathy, 53

diagnosis, 55

affections of the hair, 128
of the nail, 132

alopecia with structural changes,


without obvious
changes, 129

aneurysm, 163
bubo, 53, 303

treatment, 56
cachexia, 69
chancre, 28

dactylitis, 156

erythema, 83

exostoses, 155

fever, 67

lesions, treatment, 250

lupus, 81

lymphangitis, 53

mothers, 197

onychauxis, 134
panaris, 156
papules, 89
pemphigus, 202
pneumonia, 164
psoriasis, 81, 94

roseola, 83

sciatica, 186
snuffles, 206

stricture of rectum, 169
tubercles, 110

urethritis, 347

"white swelling," 157
Syphiloderm, atrophic, 110
corneous, 96
corymbiform, 93
dry, 110

gummatous, 118
miliary, pustular, 103
"non-ulcerative," 110
nummular, 93
purpuric, 87

pustulo-crustaceous, 105
pustulo-ulcerative, 105
resolutive tubercular, 110
serpiginous, 125
tubercular, 110


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Tongue, atrophy of, in syphilis, 144
hemiatrophy of, in syphilis, 144
syphilis of, 136

Trachea in hereditary syphilis, 214
syphilis of, 151
Treatment, external, 225
internal, 225

of chancroidal bubo, 309

of chancroids with phimosis, 309
of complications of chancroid, 309
of hereditary syphilis, 265

of nervous syphilis, 262

of rectal stricture in syphilis, 260
of rectum in syphilis, 261
of syphilis, 221

during pregnancy, 265
"expectant," 225
"interrupted," 225
of the bones, 259

of the ear, 264

of the nose, 257

of the skin, 250

systemic, 225

time for beginning, 223
required for, 224
"tonic," 225

of syphilitic alopecia, 255

epididymitis, 261

iritis, 263

lesions, 250

of viscera in syphilis, 260

Tribadism, 334

Tripper, 340

Tripper faden, 413

Tubercles, syphilitic, 110

Tubercular syphiloderm, 110
diagnosis, 115

ulcerative syphiloderm, 113

Tuberculous urethritis, 348

Tunnelled sounds and catheters, 537

derm, 113

Ulcer-chancre, 32

Umbilicated papule, 33

Unrecognized gonorrhoea, 352

Unreiner Fluss, 340

Urethral calibre, 547

chancres, 36
curve, 524
fever, 571

folliculitis, 474

hygiene, 371

instruments, lubrication of, 532
Urethrectomy, 568

| Urethritis, acute, 338

causes other than gonorrhoeal,

etiology, 339

treatment, general considera-
tions, 368

of different forms, 368

chronic, 402

diagnosis, 408

etiology, 402

infectiousness of, 409

localization of lesions, 411

pathology, 407

prognosis, 440

symptoms, 405

treatment, 424
urine in, 412

complications, 442
diagnostic table, 365
endoscope in, 417

hygiene, 371, 402, 425
infectious, 340

in women, 517

non-infectious, 348, 359, 365
pathology, 360

posterior acute, 397

diagnosis, 399
etiology, 397

symptoms, 397
treatment, 400
syphilitic, 347
tuberculosa, 348
urine in, 412

shreds, color-test for, 415
two-glass method, 413

Urethrometer, 535

Otis's, 535

Urethrotome, Civiale's, 559

Maisonneuve's, 561

Otis's, 561


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