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that we quoted you the price of two dola
shipment. We expected that you would then
price quoted, but your order was not received
for our letter was written. In the meantime the
sold all the stock we had, and we could no longer
dollars a case. Two dollars and twenty-five cents i
can do today, and the indications are that there will
ther advance within the next thirty days We now have a
stock on hand; we strongly advise you to place your order a
for as many cases as you can dispose of within the next ninety
We regret the necessity for billing you at a higher rate, b
so you know. our prices are controlled by the market and it is ofte
the case that we cannot deliver goods one month at prices quoted the
month previous. We wish we could do this but the laws of supply
and demand are beyond our control. For instance, we are this month
selling Yarmouth at an advance of seventy-five cents a case over the
price of March.

We trust this explanation is entirely eatisfactory to you and that you will conclude to send us an order for at least fifty more

Shorthand; Typewriting; Speed shorthand; Key-speed ...

International Correspondence Schools

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