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[blocks in formation]

Passports, to Cubans, 187
Peonage, 68

Philippine Commission -
First, 101, 113, 152
Second, 113, 143, 153
Philippine Islands —

title of Spain to, I
title of U. S. to, 10
description of, II
part of U. S., 27, 144

insurrection in, 51, 58, 129, 161-166
Tagals, 58

value of Constitution in, 98
neglected by Congress, 118
administration of local affairs, 124
bill for government of, 126
friars in the, 142

their relation to trade, 159
reasons for alienating, 158

protectorate over, 148

neutralization of, 155

Plebiscite, 59, 148

Political franchises, 70

Religious institutions, 133, 140
Russia, 43, 186

Salisbury, Lord, 60

Samoa, 155, 157

Self-government, capacity for, 153

Settlement, title by, 5

Seward, Mr., 60

Slavery, II, 33, 35, 37, 65, 70, 92
Spain, title to Philippines, I
title to Sulu Islands, 10

commercial privileges in Philippines,

Spanish residents in islands, 20, 60, 184
law, 135, 183

"State," 39, 174, 187

States, union of, 24

States of the Union, status and powers,

13, 39, 42, 49, 97
admission of, 8, 28, 32

cession of territory, 147
Story, Justice, 24, 36, 92, 94, 156
Subjects, 64, 183

Suffrage, 49, 55, 71, 73
Sulu Islands, 10, 67, 146

Tagals, 58

Taney, Chief Justice, 5, 8, 40, 123
Tariffs, 90

(See Commerce, Taxation)

Taylor, President, 116

questions, 7, 8, 28, 32, 105, 107, 148, Taxation, federal, 36, 49, 84-87

[blocks in formation]

106-121, 144

abroad, 25, 111, 176

status of, 15, 39, 53

power of Congress over, 122
"popular sovereignty" in, 70
administration of, 83, 88, 124
Texas, 6, 9

Treaty, construction of, 16-19
subordinate to Constitution, 17
of annexation, 5-7, 59, 148
ratification of, 22

the making of a, 13, 147

distinguished from British Crown, 13, Treaty of Paris, 3, 10, 16, 17, 22, 132

31, 99, 110, 120, 124, 128, 147

Protectorate, 10, 26, 46, 148, 175

Article I, 173, 174, 189

Article IV, 18

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Page 20, last line, for Cogordon read Cogordan. Page 45, line 3, for is not in line with read is in line with.

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