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and Indian corn,* ground beans, and sweet potatoes; and so abundant are the corn crops, that, although it is only cultivated in patches, and that by the natives alone turning up the surface with their hoes, a great quantity has been purchased during the present year, for exportation to the Mauritius. It is now generally allowed, that the herbage in the immediate vicinity of the coast is not so favorable to cattle as that which grows at a short distance inland; still they fatten, but greatly improve by a removal to a distance of even three or four miles.

for grazing purposes; especially the rearing of sheep, a description of farming which in all probability will eventually succeed far better than in any part of the Cape Colony, where the cold winter-rains are so often fatal, while the converse obtains here, the rainy season commencing in October, and ending about February or March, which are the warmest months.

found to be very durable in buildings; and so low is the general level of the land to the foot of the surrounding hills, that during the spring-tides a great part on the north side is overflowed. Near the sea coast, and upon the slopes of all the hills which face the bay, the woods are comparatively thick and tangled; but on gaining the first or second ridge, they only occur in ornamental clumps, large tracts of open ground intervening, and affording every facility for immediate tillage. By a little attention to draining, the whole of the flats which margin the bay may be available for agricultural purposes; and so rich is the alluvium in A fair trial has not been given to sheep; they some of these places, that a very productive gar- have only been flocked near the coast, an experiden has lately been laid out by Mr. Collis, in a ment which has in consequence failed. The spot still surrounded by reeds, and formerly en- grasses are there far too rank, and the soil too tirely occupied by them. With the exception of humid, for rearing them to advantage; but there Mr. Collis's house, constructed of reeds and mud, can be little doubt of a vary different result, should there was not a single dwelling of the European the dry, elevated, and sufficiently watered downs, fashion in the whole settlement on my first ar- which commence about fifteen or twenty miles rival; and to a stranger, unacqainted with the from the coast, and occupy a considerable tract localities, the whole had a most wild and deserted of the interior, be selected for the purpose. The appearance. On account of the frequent threats grass in all these districts is shorter and richer of Dingarn to send down and reclaim his run-than that on the lower grounds near the sea, and aways, the open country was considered as un- in every respect they appear to be well adapted safe, and every village and hut carefully concealed among the woods with so much ingenuity and labor, that in threading the narrow and winding avenues leading to some of these jungle fastnesses, I have often fancied I was approaching the dismal abode of some desperate buccanier. Although widely scattered, the native population in the immediate vicinity may be estimated at 2500, among whom about thirty Europeans and a few Hottentots are residing. In this heterogeneous community, a singular transposition to the general order has taken place; the natives, although but barely raised above the lowest scale of civilization, subsist by agriculture, while the Europeans, with but few exceptions, live entirely by hunting. But, in drawing this contrast, which is merely curious and incidental, I must not be understood to infer, that it is for the daily supply of food that the hunter is thus actively employed: far otherwise is the fact; his usual game is the elephant and the buffalo; and, by disposing of the tooth of the one, and the hide of the other, he obtains a sufficient fund for his present exigences; and, were but an equitable scale of prices established for the colonial goods he may require, it would, with common prudence and industry, very soon place him in comparatively comfortable circumstances. Hip popotami are still numerous, and the hides, until lately, were an article of export; but, from some cause, they have lost their value, and the huge animal is now only shot for the sake of the meat, which is often eaten, both fresh and salted, as well as for the fat, which makes an excellent substitute for oil, and burns well and without smell, in open lamps, but it is of too solid a nature to run in the ordinary way.

Of the natural productions, there are doubtless many which might be turned to good account.From the bark of the mimosa, a good tanning liquid may be produced; its gum, when properly cleansed, is esteemed as an article of commerce. Some of the woods, particularly the umtabóta, which has the color and fragrance of cedar, would bear a beautiful polish. The castor-oil tree, and the indigo plant, are indigenous, and, by proper cultivation and care, it is probable that the latter may be brought to the perfection which is necessary for producing the dye. Almost all the shrubs bear a flower at some season of the year; the creepers are particularly beautiful, and I know no part of the world where the parterre may be embellished with a greater profusion of beautiful indigenous, but generally scentless, flowers, than in this favored spot. Small single pinks and tulips are very common, as also geraniums, and many very beautiful lilies; but the small white bellshaped flowers which grow upon a shrub, from' five to eight feet high, not unlike a myrtle, are by far the most fragrant, and would be an acquisition to any green-house or garden. Although so much farther north, the climate is not hotter than at Cape Town, which can only be accounted for by the absence of sands, and the thick mantle of grass which covers every part which is not occupied by timber. Having unfortunately lost the use of my thermometer, I am unable to speak from observation, but I have no hesitation in saying, both from

A good supply of fish may be obtained from the bay, but both boats and nets are wanting to render this more than precarious at present, although the natives, with a little encouragement, might be induced to catch them very regularly; I have sometimes been supplied in this way. The soil, in general, is a light sandy loam, not favorable for large timber, but vielding excellent crops of Kafir | village.

* The ear is beat out with sticks, upon a smooth thrashing-floor of earth, smeared over with manure; one of them is generally seen near every town or"

personal experience and the opinion of those who have lived long in the country, that it is equally as cool, and certainly as salubrious, as the finest parts of the Cape Colony.

more powerful than the Zoolus. Charka usually headed his army, but at the period of his death they were engaged on a distant expedition against a powerful chief named Sotchangan. ruling a It is remarkable, that the same disease, called country to the north-west of DelaGoa Bay, which the horse sickness, so prevalent at Albany, and in proved unsuccessful. At this time, 1829, two of other parts of the colony, is equally destructive to his own brothers, Dingarn and Umthlangan, conhorses here. It is said to be an affection of the spired against his life, assisted by Satai, a princilungs, and attacks them only during the hottest pal domestic of great influence. Diverting his season; in March and April this year, it was un-attention by driving from his presence some men usually fatal, carrying off nearly all the horses who had been exhibiting some feathers for sale, within a few weeks. With the exception of one he received an assegai wound in the back from bit by a snake in Kafirland, two swept away in one of this treacherous party, who were anxiously the Umcamas, and one shot in crossing another watching the favorable opportunity. He immeriver, but one horse remains to me; the rest hav-diately rose and attempted to throw off his ingooing died of this disorder, for which no remedies bo (skin mantle,) but fell in the act. His last have as yet been applied with success.

the hand of his brother, who, notwithstanding, permitted Satai to escape with impunity. Until very lately he was residing at his own village, on the Umthlatusi; but has recently been killed by order of Dingarn. These two unnatural brothers are said to have drunk, on the spot, the gall of the chief they had conspired to assassinate! The sovereignty is hereditary in the nearest male relative: a brother of Dingarn, still living, is the presumptive heir.

words were, "What have I done to you?-chilThat the rank pasturage in the neighborhood dren of my father!" Although Dingarn was preof the bay, and the fogs which occasionally rest sent and consenting, it is not believed that he took upon the flats in that vicinity, may be regarded as an active part in the murderous deed. Charka is secondary causes in producing these diseases in generally allowed to have been illegitimate, and horses, I have little doubt; and there is much to prior to his death had nominated Dingarn as his favor the opinion, which is now becoming more successor; but it appears that it was the object general, that if these spots were avoided, and the of Satai to set this aside in favor of Umthlangan, higher table-lands selected for their grazing ground the younger brother. The plot was soon disco during the period of attack-which, though vary-vered, and Umthlangan murdered, it is said, by ing in degree, is said to be annual-they would not suffer to the extent they now do, and probably might escape altogether. The introduction of mules, and a good breed of Spanish asses, would be very desirable, as they would not only be better adapted for carrying burdens, and the general purposes of travelling, in this country, than horses, but, in all probability, from their hardy nature, would escape the sickness which has been alluded In closing these few remarks, I should not omit the opinion of a party of Dutch farmers, who were on their return to the colony about the time I was travelling towards this settlement. They had heard much of the soil and capabilities of Port Natal for agricultural purposes, and, resolving to decide for themselves on the accuracy of these reports, they formed a large party, and, with ten or twelve wagons, proceeded at once to this place. After advancing towards the Tugăla, and thoroughly examining the whole district, they not only acknowledged that the accounts they had heard had not been exaggerated, but set out on their return for their several families, with a full determination to locate them in this neighborhood-a resolution which the sudden breaking out of the Kafir war has alone prevented them from executing.


The remainder of this chapter I shall now devote to such meinoranda relating to the history, military organization, and customs, &c. of the Zoolus, as I have been enabled to collect, but on which, from the loss of my previous journal, I am prevented from enlarging; being unwilling to write from memory more than is absolutely necessary.

History. The immediate ancestors of Dingarn in the supreme authority are Jama, Senzanakona, Charka. The latter was brought up with Tingăswao, king of the Umtetwa, who is reported to have been a man of great sagacity, and to have originated some parts of the military system, which Charka subsequently brought to such perfection. The Umtetwa at that period were a people far

Titles of the King.-Byate. (No signification yet ascertained.)

Baba-(Father) used in reply, as "Yeărbo Ba. ba," "Yes, Father." The same term is also used by inferiors of all ranks to them above them. The noble elephant;

Thou who art for ever;

Thou who art as high as the heavens;
Thou who begettest the men ;

The black one;

Thou who art the bird who eats other birds; Thou who art as high as the mountains; Thou who art the peace maker, &c. Military organization.-The whole kingdom may be considered as a camp, and every male belongs to one or other of the following orders :Umpagati Veterans. Isimporthlo & Izinseezwa

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Younger soldiers.

Amabootu Lads who have not served in war. The two former are distinguished by rings on their heads, the others do not shave the hair.

Throughout the country there are ekanda, or barrack towns, in which a certain number of each class are formed into a regiment, from six hundred to about one thousand strong, and where they are obliged to assemble during half the year, principally for the practice of dancing, which is considered as a military exercise. In the whole country there are said to be from fourteen to sixteen large ekandas, and several of a smaller size; and it is

supposed, but I cannot speak from personal observation, that they can bring fifty thousand men into the field. Each regiment is commanded by from two to ten principal officers, that are called Indoonas, of which one is considered as the commandant; and these are assisted by an inferior class who have charge of the different sections, and attend principally to the distribution of provisions, and the shields, &c.

During the reign of Charka, no soldier was permitted to marry until he had distinguished himself in war. At present this regulation has undergone a considerable modification; but still in all cases the king's consent must be obtained, and this is seldom given but to the Umpagate. It is no unusual thing on any great occasion for the king to issue an order for a whole regiment to marry; and, strange as such a degree would sound to European ears, it would be a happy circumstance if such sweeping orders were more frequent, as, unfortunately, there is no limit to those who are excluded from this indulgence in the number of the concubines they may choose to take. This is done upon principle; and I have heard it gravely asserted as one of the wisest enactments for rendering a soldier efficient, by keeping them thus aloof from family attachments, and unshackled by domestic attractions! I naturally refrain from entering further into detail, having only glanced at the surface of this painful subject, which is so interwoven with their habits and character, that it is likely to present a formidable obstacle to religious improvement. The example of both Charka and Dingarn has tended greatly to uphold this baneful system, neither of whom was ever legally married according to the customs of the country.

Unkunginglove, which is the present seat of government, and by far the largest town in the kingdom, is strictly an ekanda, officered by about twenty Indoonas, including Umthella and Tambooza, who, being the two national councillors and head Indoonas, are superior to all others. By far the greater portion of the soldiers composing this regiment (about nine hundred strong) are chiefs of smaller towns, bearing the appellation of Indoona or Umnumzana (head of a village); and it is evidently with a political view of state surveillance, that the most influential of these are formed into this description of body-guard, and that all in rotation are obliged to appear and reside for some time in the capital, where they become not only hostages for the good conduct of those dependent upon them, but are thereby prevented from plotting any scheme for the subversion of the existing government. It may be unnecessary to add, that the king has spies in all directions-an office which is here held in no ill repute; and, consequently, it is difficult to obtain information on many subjects, as the most trival conversation is often reported to him. Considerable authority is delegated to the principal Indoona of each ekanda, as well to inflict punishment as to reward; and he is always entrusted with a supply of brass armlets and collars for the decoration of those whom he considers deserving of such distinctions.

Laws. During the reign of Charka every principal Indoona had the power of life and death; but this has since been greatly curtailed, Dingarn,

on his accession, restricting it to three individuals only-Umthella, Tambooza, and Eoto (the Indoona of Congella).

In a country where there is no written language, a stranger during a short residence, can obtain but a very cursory acquaintance with laws and sanctioned only by custom and traditionary record; I shall therefore prefer offering a blank upon this subject to advancing what may hereafter prove to be erroneous information, and content myself with merely stating what crimes are capitally punishedAdultery. Witchcraft.

Speaking evil of the King.

The houses of malefactors are always taking down; and the sticks by which they are beaten to death, and the dress they wore, are thrown away, and never allowed to be used afterwards.

Customs apparently of Jewish Origin.—1. Circumcision. This rite, which is now obsolete, obtained until Charka's reign. He allowed it to go into desuetude in his own person, and his example has been followed by the whole nation.

2. It is the usual custom, though not absolutely obligatory, for the younger brother to marry the widow of his deceased brother.

3. On any apprehension of infection, one of the egeerkha (or doctors) passes through the town, bearing a bunch of small boughs or herbs, followed by a person bearing a large bowl of water, into which the boughs are frequently dipped as he goes along, and the door and entrance of every house sprinkled. This took place during my first stay at Uukunginglove, in consequence of several of the people who had assembled at the dances having, on their return home, been attacked with sickness. Both the hut which I inhabited, and that of my interpreter, were included, and even the ground about the gateway of the town was subject to this mysterious cleansing.

4. The Festival of the First Fruits.-This eus tom is not peculiar to the Zoolus, but obtains among all the neighboring nations, and appears now to be perpetuated for a double purpose-to prevent improvidence in commencing upon the first corn crops too early, and to afford an opportunity for assembling and reviewing the nation preparatory to war. The first ripe corn is partaken of by the king, before one of his subjects dares, under heavy penalties, to taste it. Much ceremony is observed, and the annual dances are then commenced, during the continuance of which the greater part of the nation assemble at the capital. 5. A propitiatory Offering to the Spirit of the King's immediate Ancestor.-No altar, prayer, or ceremony of any kind, is observed; the bullock is killed within the cattlefold, contrary to the ordinary practice, and the flesh is cooked and partaken of in that very spot-an observance peculiar to such occasions.

Connected with this subject, I would merely remark, as a singular coincidence, that the proper name of Ham is not uncommon among the Zoolus. On hearing it called once or twice, I made some inquiry, and was told that it was generally given to those who had a fierce countenance and a voracious appetite; or in other words, who were "hyena-men," as they were not inaptly designated,

Marriage.-A remarkable distinction is made by these classifying people in the designation even of their women,

sequently, his life would be less liable to be cut short by the ambition of his successor, or the intrigues of his subjects. The latter object, coanected with an evident desire to imitate his ta lented but inhuman brother, seems to be the sole inducement with Dingarn to perpetuate this deeti-parture from the better practice of his forefathers. His frequent boast, "I am but a boy-I am too young to marry," although at this present moment about forty years of age, when taken in connexion with the example of his predecessors, can have no other rational meaning.

In connexion with this subject, there is a trage

An unmarried woman is called an Intōmebi. A married woman, but without children, Umfáz. A married woman, with children, Eneena. It is not regarded as a matter either of quette or of delicacy from which side the first proposal of marriage may proceed-the overture is as often made by the women as the men, In the former case, the pseudo bride, accompanied by another unmarried woman, proceeds to the residence of her elect, some married women follow-dy too dark to be probed. Neither Charka nor ing them at a distance. Should the proposal be Dingarn ever allowed that they had any children, accepted, the matrons come up and commence and it would be instant death to any subject who singing; there are no words to the song, but it is should make such an assertion! My inquiries on merely a melody of sounds. On the next day a this particular were always met with evasion or beast is slaughtered, and the bride and bridegroom, constrained silence—a kind of inquisitorial blight with their friends, partake of the feast. It is at once palsied the tongue, which until that instant strictly required that every part of the flesh should had been communicative and loquacious. What be eaten; after which, the ceremony called In- could this mean? Two facts, painfully notorious, găăziso, or washing with beads, takes place. The will sufficiently explain. On one occasion, pernewly-married couple, with their friends, being haps from some faint expectation of its being assembled, a calabash of water and a basket of spared, an infant was presented to Charka-the beads are brought. The beads are first put into "hyena-man" instantly seized his own child by the calabash, and it is then presented to the bride, the heels, and, with one blow, deprived it of that who pours a little of the water first upon the life, which with such a father it could have been hands of her husband, and then upon those of her no privilege to enjoy. This horrid deed was only friends, who extend them for the purpose. She surpassed by the immediate murder of the agothen consigns the calabash to her partner, who, nised mother, whose eyes closed with the vivid in his turns, pours some of the water first upon impressions of the scene she had beheld. her hands, and then upon those of his friends, until it is exhausted, when he returns it to her. The bride then throws the beads at his feet, which any of the party but himself are at liberty to pick up and possess-in fact, it becomes a sort of scramble. This, as I am informed by a native, (for I have never witnessed it,) finishes the ceremonies on such occasions-subordinate, however, to the all-important consideration of cattle; for until that is duly arranged, the consent of all parties is held in abeyance.

The usual sum demanded is from four to six cows, according to the circumstances of the parties, though, in the case of chiefs' daughters, from twenty to fifty, or one hundred head, are not unfrequent; not, indeed, by way of dower, but as a present to the father or nearest relative of the lady, and partaking too much of the character of a commercial barter. For the acquisition of this species of property Dingarn has a great propensity, often discarding a concubine, and obliging some wealthy subject to marry her for the sake of the herd of cattle which he must receive on the


Among the Kafir tribes, the marriage ceremonies are much more significant. When all are assembled, a broom, a bowl, and a grinding-stone are presented to the bride, and some assegais and an axe to the bridegroom, as indicatory of their different occupations, while both are exhorted by the elders of the place to industry and good conduct.

Both Jama and Senzanakona were married, but Charka, in order to support his military system, broke through this rule, partly, it is supposed, by way of example to his subjects, and partly under an idea, that, as long as he continued unmarried, he would not be regarded as a veteran, and, con

Dress and personal Appearance, Little can be said on the first particular, with respect to the men, whose undress, with the exception of a few dangling strips of fur suspended from the waist, is but too notorious. Many of the younger women wear merely a fringe belt, made of the fibres of a root; but a short skin petticoat, reaching nearly to the bend of the knee, is the usual costume. Both men and women shave their heads close, the former leaving only sufficient to attach the issigōko, or ring, and the latter, a small tuft, called embeeti, on the crown, which is carefully colored with red ochre; but neither are worn untill the individual has arrived at the age of maturity, prior to which the head of the young men are not shaved. Strange to say, the will of the king is as necessary for the adoption of either of these badges as in any other of his despotic acts, a whole regiment being sometimes ordered at once to adopt the ring.

That there is some tradition associated with this peculiar costume, I have little doubt, but could never obtain a further reply to my frequent inquiries on the subject, than that it was an ancient custom, which, I believe, originated with this nation, though it has been adopted by many others. The method of putting it on is thus described :A piece of rush cut, and smoothed to the proper size and length, is closely twisted round with sinew, and formed into a circle by uniting the ends; with sinew it is then sewn to the roots of the hair, which in every other part, even within the circle, is entirely removed, and the ring thus closely fitted on the scalp, and blackened over with the black wax of a honeycomb, is completed.

Being composed of several tribes and conquered nations, a great difference of complexion is per ceptible among the Zoolus; some few are nearly


appeared in this journal; to have substitued the native word, might have appeared like affectation; with respect to the other two, they were easily dispensed with altogether.

ployed by way of salutation among almost every nation differing in language, it may not be out of As there is a peculiarity in the expressions emplace to give here the precise terms used by the Zoolus, with a literal translation.

as light a copper color as the bushmen on the borders of the colony, but a dark chocolate is the prevaling shade, though others, especially from the neighborhood of De la Gua Bay are jet black. Dingarn himself is nearly so. the men are of the middle size, light, active, and The generality of well-proportioned, they are excellent walkers, and will almost compete with the Syces of India in running. Although far from cleanly, crawling into their houses upon their bare knees, and accustomed to tread about with unconcern in all the filth of the cattle-fold, both men and women are fond of bathing, for which purpose they generally repair to the nearest stream once a day, and after first smearing themselves over with blue clay, if it can be procured, by way of soap, return greatly em- Description of various implements and other articles bellished by the operation.






I have seen you.

Debona wǎna, I see you.

I agree.

used by the Zoolus.

The war dress consists of a thick, full kilt, composed of cats' tails, descending nearly to the knee, cured down the middle, and ornamented at one the shoulders and upper part of the body are deco-end with leopards' fur, it reaches from the ground The shield is made of ox hide, with a stick serated with the long hair of ox tails, and the head is protected by an otter skin cap; the whole has a very martial appearance. The common tails worn at other times, a few in front, and some longer and more widely apart behind, are strips of wild cat and monkey skins, and worn with the fur outside.

Language. Although the Kafir and the Zoolu languages are very similar, there are not only many words in the latter which are not found in the former, but the signification of the same word frequently differs in both. In the Zoolu, the clicks are far less frequent, and from this, and other peculiarities, it is considered by those competent to judge, as at least a purer language than the Kafir, if not that from which it was originally derived.

There can be no doubt that it is spoken over a considerable tract of the interior country, not only by the tribes acknowledging Umselekaz to the north-west, but by a people under a chief named Sopūza, nearly due north of Unkuginglove, inhabiting a country about the parallel of De la Goa Bay, and also throughout the territory of another powerful chief further north, called Sotchangan, so that it may be considered as universal between the 31st and 36th degrees of south latitude, and, with the exception of a small territory bordering De la Goa Bay, from the sea coast to the 29th degree of longitude.

While on this subject, it may be as well to remark, that notwithstanding it has been hitherto the habit of all writers on this part of Africa to employ the following terms, caross, kraal, and assegai, as respectively indicating a skin cloak, a native village, as also a cattle fold, and a dart or spear, not one of them have any signification in any of the native languages now spoken, and are generally believed to have been a corruption of Dutch and Hottentot, but it will only be necessary to give the Zoolu terms which exactly correspond with the Kafir, in order to show the absurdity of perpetuating such an innovation. Ingoobo any garment, either cloak or petticoat. a village.


Issibaia a cattle fold.
Umkonto a dart or spear.

Had not the term assegai already become so familiar even to an English ear, it would not have

to about the mouth of a moderate sized person; in windy and in wet weather they are almost use. less, and, in the latter case, are frequently rolled up when on a march. The Zoolus prefer attacking in open ground, contrary to the practice of the Kafirs, and seldom throw, but stab with their short taken when going to war; but arms are seldom borne in their own country, excepting when on a spears, of which a bundle of five or six are usually hunting expedition, or making a journey, and then a single umkonto, with one or two straight sticks, is all they require. The shields of every regiment are as nearly as possible of the same color, and by this they are often distinguished: thus the white and the black Clomanthleen; white is the with the black skin of the bearers; such are the shields of the Unkünginglove men, favorite color, and has a good effect, contrasted

Musical Instruments,

and softens the sound produced by striking the
string with a short stick.
The calabash attached to the bow, increases

blown like a child's penny trumpet, though at a
distance the sound is not unpleasant; the same
A common reed pipe perforated by keys, and
simple instrument I have also seen used for a simi-
lar purpose by the natives of Tahiti and other

islands in the south seas.

is produced by blowing across the smaller end, as
children do into the pipe of a key. The shrill
A goat or sheep's leg bone, from which a sound
notes of some of the wind instruments employed
in the band of the late Dey of Algiers, have often
grated my ears, but the sudden jar produced by
this far surpassed any thing of the kind I ever
endured. So much has already been effected by
the surprise of a galvanic shock, that it may be a
question how far a beneficial result may not, in
some extreme cases, be produced through a dif-
ferent organ, by means of this instrument of oral
troduced, and as invariably sent me to the oppo-
torture. In every great dance it was always in-
site side of the ring. My memoranda of the
names of these instruments have been lost, but I
this head, the profession will sustain it without
doubt not, from the above description, which I
much regret,
believe contains nearly all that can be said upon

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