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I have been officially notified by James de Fremery, Esq., Consul of the Netherlands, of the intention of his Government to hold an International Exhibition at Amsterdam during t present year, and inviting the participation of this State therein. Great efforts are being mad

to insure its success. This Exhibition offers a rare opportunity to bring to notice the resource and advantages of California. The leading countries of Europe have already taken measur to have their several industries represented therein. The great usefulness of these International Exhibitions has so frequently been demonstrated that it seems unnecessary to call special atte tion to them.

The State should avail itself of this opportunity to impress the advantages for settlement, t agricultural and industrial pursuits, etc., upon the multitudes that will visit this Exhibition and who will carry their acquired knowledge and impressions to every nook and corner Europe.

I have been informed that articles representing the resources of California, with specimens her minerals, would be donated for this purpose if the expenses incident to their care an transportation were provided by the State.





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